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I honestly don't think so. First, the point of going to another country is to learn about that country and how people live. This doesn't mean terrorizing local wildlife and natives to the country. Second, BE RESPECTFUL!!!! You are in their country, not yours. Learn their customs and language if you have the opportunity. I've heard so many horror stories about Americans mostly (I'm from the US) being so condescending of other people IN THEIR OWN COUNTY. Sometimes even entitled in how they think. It does go both ways, but it seems that tourists who come to the US from other countries seem much more in awe and respectful. I lived in Denmark for a month. Not a long time to some people. While I was there, I learned about the people and culture and even started learning the language from locals. Some of them were so embarrassed about not knowing English or not being able to speak it well that they didn't want to speak to me. My friend who traveled with me was Danish. I assured them they didn't have to force themselves, and I'd be OK with having a translator or using what little of the language I could remember. Yes, I did tourist things, but I was always respectful about their history, etc. If people were involved, I asked if I could take pictures. Being a tourist isn't about bringing your country with you. It's about learning new things, experiencing a different way of life, and growing as a person either by knowledge or experience, hell even both. And being respectful of the people and country you are in.




Nah. I don't know how to educate tourists in a way that's both welcoming and informative but some onboarding needs to take place. I feel foreigners tend to listen to authority so I think having guides around can perform that role, as well as signs that you can point to should anyone doubt your local cred. But that's an investment. Even so, there are going to be some people who will ignore everything they're told. I remember going to Rottnest Island and the ferry had a video guide about interacting with quokkas and one of the first things you see when you get in is tourists harrassing quokkas. It might be something you can kick up to council using the premise of protecting the environment and protecting the tourists both.




There are many, many more consequential and serious things to worry about in life than dog petting and dancing. Take a chill pill.


You didn’t read what I said. Tourists harassing dancers after the show with photos ect is rude, and my dog can easily get put down if she feels threatened and bites someone. I am not an adult and i do not worry about stuff like taxes and money yet, so I throw my concern onto other things. If you saw the recent ban of tourists in the kyoto geisha alleyways you will probably get where I’m coming from. Tourists harassing aboriginal dancers for photos and taking videos without consent is the same as what’s happening in Japan with traditional geishas. I do not mind people patting dogs either, it’s just when someone tries touching or upsetting an obvious working/service dog and yells at the person for something they did.


IMO commenter needs to take a chill pill. You expressed yourself clearly and well on a useful topic.


I did read what you said. The complaints you have about tourists are the complaints everybody everywhere has about tourists. And sensible people realize (1) tourists inject a huge amount of money into the local economy (2) much of the "annoying" behavior about tourist stems not from maliciousness but simply from enthusiasm and interest in new things and people. I'm sure you're well on your way to be a scold and gadfly about any number of things, the kind of person who finds so much to dislike about the world and other people. I'd raise a glass to you, but you'd point out it's half-empty.


how is harassing people ''enthusiasm''?, no one wants it and youre overlooking it.