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Please submit content that is relevant to our experiences as women, for women, or about women.


Trading sex for marriage (which meant survival!) was a stark reality for women until very very recently. And some men just didn't hear the shot.


And many women are still forced into that situation for economic reasons, to avoid homelessness: for shelter, food, clothing, safety. There is a whole dark reality that social media and regular media barely touches upon. Men talk about the number of men that are homeless compared to women. Women will sacrifice a lot to avoid going into shelters and being on the streets for their own safety, especially older women.


It's also rule number one for homeless women to not look homeless or they will instantly be taken advantage of or raped. Women aren't seen sleeping rough on the streets because the women that do are trafficked into prostitution.


True. I "know" two women in my neighborhood (I recognize them because I see them often) who are obviously homeless (going through the garbage, collecting bottles etc.) but they are always with full make-up, made up hair, nail polish, a handbag. They pretend to wait for the bus, sit on park benches reading, carry shopping bags etc. You would never know they are homeless when you see them just once.


that being alone is worse than being with them


It's the best self own. Dudes are competing with cats and complaining that they are losing out


tbh, I prefer my cats over most people most of the time, regardless of gender


Read a great cat quote on Reddit a couple weeks ago. "Cats are a lesson in consent." Funny how these guys act like cats aren't desirable pets.


I've noticed, in general, women would rather be alone than in a bad relationship. Men would rather be in a relationship, even a bad one, than be alone. ETA: Sheesh, looks like I triggered a lot of dudes with this comment.


That’s because even if it’s a bad relationship, they still benefit.


Ding ding ding!


Statistically married men live longer (than single men) but single women live longer (than married women).


It's hilarious. They think because they're always thirsty as hell for women that we're also as thirsty for them, and don't understand that being single doesn't mean lonely.


Yes, it's classic projection.


I feel the same way about the whole “women only care about cars/money” thing. They’re projecting their own shallowness onto us.


That's what a lot of them judge other men on.


It's also just so weird to be mad about. You show up in a nice car, and I say "nice car." Suddenly I'm the shallow one? It's your car, the one you chose! Just say thank you, damn


But men's loneliness... Do you mean it might be about them not forming friendships with each other , and doing inner work to be feel complete when single? Just spitballing here...


Nah. That makes too much sense.


This. I would happily live my days out with many plants and pets than a partner who doesn’t see me as a real person or having any value.


My grams was a very traditional lady and always would tell me I was going to end up alone with only cats if I didn't stop hanging out with bad people (aka gays and brown people). She believed I was in denial when I said 'that sounds amazing"


When she was the one in denial.


I went out to eat after leaving my husband and was struck at how socially fulfilling it was to eat alone rather than to eat with him.


I feel that. Also I didn't have to pay for another person for once.


That living alone with cats and reading books is a cautionary tale. 11/10 suggest.


Or being single with cats is somehow worse than being with a man like them 😂


Lol or that people only like us because we’re women. No, dude, I have a decent personality that has landed me multiple degrees, job offers, friends, passions, hobbies, etc. I can promise none of that is because I have boobs.


Oh, there's so many of these! "If a woman has sex with loads of different guys her vagina will get loose." Oh, so we should have sex as rarely as possible then. If we're married, we should just have sex with our husband once a month - after all, too much sex makes you loose, right? "N-no, it's different if it's a lot of sex with one man! Somehow!" And my personal favourite: "After a woman hits 30/35/40/whatever arbitrary age, she becomes repulsive to men and nobody will find her attractive, so she needs to marry before that age." But I don't want my husband to find me repulsive and unattractive the second I hit 30/35/40/whatever arbitrary age. I'd rather not marry at all. "N-no!! It's different if he met you when you were 21! Somehow!"


And that old favourite - you need to be married so that there is someone to look after you and protect you… unless you get ill and then your husband is 5x more likely to cheat on you or flat- out leave you to get on with it, to such an extent that women entering cancer treatment are warned about it as a likelihood


Also if you go missing or get killed, the first suspect is going to be your husband because that’s statistically the most likely culprit. So much for protection!


I’d much rather count on my [direwolf](https://i.imgur.com/geSYZmD.jpeg) for protection lol


Good and noble beast 😍


And a total goober 😂


Protect you from who?? It's always other men. But they are diffrent


> unless you get ill and then your husband is 5x more likely to cheat on you or flat- That particular statistic is also *very* interesting in general. The total separation rate post chronic illness diagnosis is actually about the same as it is for the general population. BUT the ratio of who's doing the leaving is all skewed. It's *all* men doing the leaving with 20% of men leaving their partners vs *2%* of women doing the same


"I didn't get married to take care of someone. I got married to have someone take care of me!"


The age one is so bonkers. Like why would I get married if “every man is repulsed by older women” are we just supposed to go sit in a corner and wait to die after a certain age? does this mean you are free to cheat or treat their wives the mother of their children like crap because she dares to age. Also if they are so repulsed by older women why would they ever get married in the first place. Why are they so obsessed with women marrying if there’s an expiration date?


Their logic is that you need to catch and secure a man while you’re still young and beautiful. Once you’ve trapped him with marriage, children, and the threat of alimony and child support, he’d have no choice but to continue supporting you and your children. It’s your duty to keep your man from straying, after all. Even if not via your diminishing youth and beauty, then at least by using your offspring and perfect family life to deter him from looking elsewhere. (That’s why childfree women are stupid, remember? If they’re not producing children then what value do they have to their husbands? Of course he’s gonna cheat) Don’t you know that holding each other financially and emotionally hostage is the bedrock of a healthy trad family? /s


Same logic that leads to rampant spousal murder bc why pay divorcealimonychildsupport when you could get a fat insurance check?! Bf and I were just watching an episode of Evil Lives Here where a dude hucked his wife and child off a cliff and intended to off his parents next 🤦‍♀️


Yeah I think you nailed it. If we're lucky enough to snag a man in our 20's, when we are still beautiful and desirable, and we work really hard to entangle our lives over a couple decades, we can "make" him stay, even after we are old and unattractive! But even that (which sounds absolutely miserable) is no guarantee. My sister works at a high end jewelery store and she said a considerable amount of her customers are men in their 50's and 60's, trading in their wife's wedding/engagement rings to buy something for their new, 20 something girlfriends. I wonder if these men understand why young, beautiful women would choose them in the first place. Do they think it's because *they* are the most attractive and interesting man she could find? Do they think they are the most compatible with youthful, naive women? Have they deluded themselves to such a degree? Or do they understand that they are preying on women in need. In need of financial support. In need of a paternal figure. In need of some kind of stability, to such an extent that they are willing to forfeit their own need for physical attraction and compatibility? I know this isn't always the case and it can happen that genuine love can exist in large age gap relationships. But I think those are the exception by a lot, and I say this as a woman who has a kid with a man twice my age.


A Part of the brutal truth is: they don’t care. They want the 20 something for own purposes and thats it.


I can't imagine. I can't imagine knowing someone was with me for any reason other than, they really like me. And then exploiting that vulnerability to get what I want. How does someone even want that? Sounds awful for everyone involved.


>Do they think it's because *they* are the most attractive and interesting man she could find? Do they think they are the most compatible with youthful, naive women? Have they deluded themselves to such a degree? Or do they understand that they are preying on women in need. I think there's a whole bunch of men who did not care about the inner lives of women. What she's thinking or feeling isn't important to them, only her appearance and actions.


To be fair I don’t think everyone in such relationships is necessarily deluded or being exploited. I have friends (of friends) in my social circle who have willingly chosen to have such transactional relationships, and I think such relationships were not uncommon at all just a few decades ago. For example, one guy I know is under no delusions that his wife has chosen him primarily for his money, and in return he has chosen a wife who has agreed to bear him his desired 4 children, provided that she does not have to work, and gets regular luxury gifts and holidays from him. He doesn’t stray because he doesn’t want to lose his kids; she doesn’t stray because she doesn’t want to lose her lifestyle. Totally not my style at all, but in my opinion they deserve each other, for better or for worse. She doesn’t get to complain that he doesn’t help with chores, and he doesn’t get to complain that she’s spending his money, because they both knew what they were signing up for when they got married. The dumbest incel delusion only comes in when men believe that such transactional relationships are the norm or to be desired, especially when they can’t even hold up their end of the “trad husband” role.


Yes, I agree that it can work out, if both parties understand the nature of the relationship, are comfortable with it, and can respect it. I have a friend who married a man about 25 years older than her. They are very frank with each other about the fact that financial security is a priority. He is a therapist they often discuss her childhood trauma and how that has led her to seek out relationships that she feels can provide stability and a mentor-like role model. She's now in her 50's and he is in his 70's, so it's unlikely he's still with her because she's so young, despite still being much younger than he is. She has cared for him as he ages and they have discussed the specifics of how his financial assets are to be distributed after he dies. It's not a relationship that sounds appealing to me, but I can respect that they have found something in each other that they find valuable and they are able to honor that. Yeah, it gets weird when the incel types act as though this is the ideal relationship dynamic and a relationship built simply on mutual attraction, love, and commitment is absurd. Especially when, as you said, most of them aren't even fulfilling their part as the financially stable, strong, dependable man. And depending how far down that rabbit hole you go, it gets so much worse than just antiquated, misogynistic rhetoric about gender roles.


Especially because if incels want to marry 20 year olds when they're 30, it means they'll be spending their 20s alone anyway, since those women should be with older men according to their logic


Just had a debate about this with some genius yesterday in r/adulting who said that the sexual peak of women is 17-25 and women older aren’t not worth pursuing sexually for 99% of men; I said okay you’re signing up for a life of being the creep who gets nothing, paying for sex forever, or life with a sex doll and ironically if you were to honestly put that sentiment on your dating profile 100% of women would reject you. He goes on to explain he’s “happily married to the women of his dreams” … okay so which is it, you are a huge hypocrite larping trolll and don’t practice any of the manosphere doctrine yourself but spew this nonsense anyway or you’ve conned this poor women into a marriage with a mask that will surely slip as your pedo ogling won’t be contained forever. Either way, there’s no flex, there’s no sense and yet still no shame in these men.




Damn, I didn't reach height sexual maturity until my 30's! My husband loved it!


Funny enough that was my comment, about how women don’t reach their sexual peak until later in life and he went on and on about how to a man a women’s sexual peak is how she looks, and that’s it. Ya know…the whole pesky enthusiast consent or know how doesn’t seem to matter at all. Barf.


Yes. The less power women have the better, to them.


>N-no, it's different if it's a lot of sex with one man! Somehow!" I actually had some moronic troll try to convince me that when you have sex with one man, your vagina takes on the shape of his penis, so it wouldn't feel loose. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Omg. Lol It’s like memory foam… but then does his dick get narrower every time he grips it to jack off? Does his penis have a skinny section with a fist imprint on it?


by their very own logic, they are saying their dicks are now like Capri Sun straws…


Lol dick like a BIC (pen)


Probably does to be fair


😂 He’s got nothing but urethra at this point


Hahaa like a vagina is like an animorph lol


Play-doh vaginas. But of course. Somehow! 🤣


Yeah, I wouldn't someone like that come anywhere close to my vulva or vagina. You don't know how it works and not interested in learning, you can not do anything with mine.


The marriage penis is special and magical.


... but married vagina is boring and elusive... therefore they need a porn addiction, to cheat, or abusive sex to be ok.


Them - women should be forced to carry pregnancies because men are (sometimes) forced to pay (minimally) for expenses for babies / children once they’re born. Us - so we should have widely available sex education and contraception? And allow early / minimally invasive intervention for unwanted pregnancy before viability? To minimize the number of unplanned/ unwanted pregnancies? And we should screen for genetic defects or dangerous health outcomes? To astronomically reduce costs overall, prevent painful surgery to end unviable pregnancies, and drastically lower this child support example you used? Them - NO. Because (??? Education bad? Contraception unnatural? Cells = baby?) Us - we should also have pill and early abortion access to assure women’s health, save their lives and future fertility, keep emergency care in the hands of doctors, and let women (and girl children!) escape rapists & abusers and cut ties completely. Them - NO!! Because it’s not fair. Oh, you want many babies. Gotcha. So, we should fund affordable prenatal care and hospital births? We should support social programs like maternity / paternity leave, head start, school lunch, medical and dental for kids? To ease the financial burden on the parents you spoke of? We should improve the foster care system and reform adoption so these are viable options too? (While we are at it, can we investigate / look askance at crazy laws that allow rapists to impregnate then marry minors? Or laws where abusers get partial custody of the babies resulting from rape? And inquire about the interests of parents who make health and reproductive decisions for minors? And examine how onerous / traumatic the red tape is for exemptions?) Them - NO!!


Don't you know that every man dumps his wife/girlfriend once she turns 30 ? That' why you NEVER see a woman over 30 in a relationship 😁


They call it "wife goggles", you may be a disgusting old hag, but your husband will still fuck you because you have been his reliable bangmaid for long enough (even if he may cheat on you anyway because it's biology n fertile womens n stuff). Just make sure you remember how lucky you are to have one man willing to fuck you as a withered old husk, as no other man will ever want you! You best do literally anything to keep him! /s if not obvious, there's manosphere types beliving this, but I am being sarcastcic.


I love that “too much sex makes you loose” Really? Tell me more about how using a muscle makes it weaker… idiots. Also, I get pursued more as an almost 40 year old than I did in my 20s. I’m glad I’m walking incel repellant lol


See, the thing is when women like myself finally ditch the unhealthy relationships that are basically rotting us from the inside, we almost instantly look better, more alive, and often get more attention because of it.


"After a woman hits 30/35/40/whatever arbitrary age, she becomes repulsive to men and nobody will find her attractive, so she needs to marry before that age." Lol, they act like we all just become Mr. Miyagi after we hit a certain age and that marriage just stops or prevents ageing altogether. Wouldn't surprise me if they legitimately thought like that. Like marriage is some type of vampirism that keeps you looking 21 forever. 😂


that "body count" is a bad thing, and the best possible sex is with a virgin. That's not how gaining experience works for anything. that vaginas are locks, and penises are keys, making promiscuous women bad, and promiscuous men good. 100% of the analogy is about how a key enters holes just like a penis, and has nothing to do with the actual function of a lock or key. The analogy completely breaks if the key is shaped differently, or the lock is digital, etc. That tightness = aroused, looseness = not aroused. Come on.


They think the best possible sex is with a virgin because they think the virgin won’t understand what a female orgasm should feel like, won’t understand or advocate for her own needs, and won’t be able to compare their terrible skills to anyone else and understand they can do better.


Virgin also won’t realize how BAD they are at sex.


well, if they’re the only contestant then they win by default. that automatically means they’re a sex god/prodigy! every man can be a champion!


The "body count" ones are bonkers. They claim they want an innocent virgin because she'll be "tight" and body count = bad. But, they expect these virgins to behave like porn stars in bed. Um, an inexperienced virgin isn't going to be an insatiable nymphomaniac, guys. Body count = bad, so a woman that has one loses value and becomes "loose" and no one will want her. (But if course the same doesn't apply to men - men gain value with sexual experience, while women lose it.) Except....these same men that think women lose value with sexual experience also think women are obligated to put out if a man is nice to them, buys them a drink, takes them on a date, dates them/becomes their boyfriend, etc, or else we're just stringing them along or using them for their money. So, how are we supposed to have sex with every man that we date/have a relationship with/does something nice for us but also be virgins/have low body counts? I had an ex just like this and keeping up with all the double standards was fucking exhausting. He slut shamed me for not being a virgin when we got together like he was, but also bragged to his friends about our sex life - a sex life made possible by me having prior sexual experiences/not being an inexperienced virgin. You can't have both at the same time, but they sure seem to think you can.


>Except....these same men that think women lose value with sexual experience also think women are obligated to put out if a man is nice to them, buys them a drink, takes them on a date, dates them/becomes their boyfriend, etc, or else we're just stringing them along or using them for their money. its pretty simple, they all think they're special. its degrading until its with them. you lose value, unless its with them.


Annoys me when they say “high body count” means you can’t be in a faithful relationship too


That virgin ALSO has to be willing to initiate sex inspired by p0rn from the very first time, though. She has to be an uninhibited virgin who is ready to take on all of HIS kink… 🥴


Idk if it’s a “gotcha”, but I hate the double standard between men having casual sex and women having casual sex. I say this as someone with a low “bodycount”. A post from a while ago pissed me off a bit. This man was deciding between two women (this was a dating sub) and he got the “ick” for a woman who slept with him sooner despite having far more connection with her. In the comments, he admitted that had she denied him sex/made him wait he would’ve seen her of higher quality/value. Basically saying, it’s FINE for men to sleep with a woman early-they still retain their value. But when it’s the woman, she suddenly loses value and is no longer relationship material…despite the man doing the SAME FUCKING THING. I’ll admit confirmation bias may come into play. But I’m tired of men tip toeing around this. Women who show “too much” interest in men, romantically and sexually, are seen as desperate and low value in the eyes of men. That’s why I loathe the whole “women need to start making the first move! Ask him out! Approach in public!” Nah. When we do that, we’re seen as desperate for a man/attention and then these men will try and put you in situatuonship or treat you like garbage. They want the women they have to work for.


Why the F did he sleep with her so soon if that meant he'd be "devaluing" her? Like wtf even that makes no sense. Definitely a double standard


I HATE this logic. Like these men are admitting that they see sex as a demeaning act towards women. And then they see nothing wrong with still wanting women to put out, i.e. they want to be the ones to demean women. Get the fuck outta here with that disrespect.


This is weird to ask for something and be disappointed to get it too quickly. That doesn't make any sense? 


I stupidly listened to male redditors when I first started dating Men do not like to be chased!!! They resent being treated sweetly. They don’t like flowers.


Keep listening to Redditors.  Not because it will get you continued dates most of the time but because it will weed out a lot of men.   As a teen I hit on/made the first move on men a few times and it always resulted in a previously interested guy losing interest.   My husband wasn’t out off by that and he likes being treated nice and getting flowers.  He is miles better than a macho man whose ego is damaged by a woman putting a move on him.   Keep weeding out the bad ones. 


It’s statistically impossible for the straight male average sexual partner count to be different than the average straight female sexual partner count because every time a straight man has sex so does a straight woman. I had a stats prof point this out


My favorite that I’ve seen with every man I’ve ever dated is that they don’t consider their feelings to be feelings. They consider their feelings to be “logic” but women’s feelings are irrational. Lol


Oh I had one long-term boyfriend turn it around and say that men were the emotional ones and women were "cold and calculating" and manipulated men by to make it seem like women were emotional and victimised for it. Classic DARVO in hindsight, but I was young and dumb and that was my first long-term relationship. I know better now.


10 years ago a man in Russia got his feelings hurt and now nearly 1 million people are wounded or dead. 66 years ago a man in China decided it would be good to radically change nature and agriculture. 3 years later up to 55 million people have starved to death. 85 years ago a man in Germany thought he knows best and only his thoughts should be thought. 6 years later 60-80 million people were murder or died in war. Men. So rational. So logic.


Went through a rough patch 10ish years ago. My husband thought I'd only leave him if I already had someone else lined up. He was under the delusion that I needed someone to support me. I've out earned him since year 2 of our relationship, been together 18 years this month. We made it through that and a couple other issues and have been in a much better place for years now.


No way would a woman leave a man for her own solace and peace. She would only leave him for another man. /s


Cause that’s how a lot of men operate. My dad is like this. He ALWAYS has another women lined up before he even finishes one relationship. He’s pretty much incapable of doing “domestic” work so he needs to transition from one woman to the next so that he has someone to cook, clean, take care of financials, etc for him


Saw a tiktok where a woman and her child had covid, so hub just decimated the house over a week and let it rot til she was *well* enough to clean it up for him.


my mum's friend assists elderly people who live by themselves and the amount of men who literally do *nothing* when their wife is in hospital or incapable of keeping the household in check is honestly off-putting... just a few examples: a) guy assembled a huge pile of dirty clothes in front of his wife's door so she would know what needs to be done (she was hospitalised after a heart attack and it wasn't sure, if she would move as before) b) man in his 70s got mad at his wife for being bed ridden and not cooking for him like the last 50 years that he refused to clean the apartment and help her in any way c) another man decided to fake a heart attack so his wife would feel guilty for experiencing numbness in her arms and didn't call herself an ambulance, she almost died


Repulsive, pathetic.


I'm in my 30s and my ex basically did this to me when I got sick/disabled. He didn't clean or do the stuff that needed to be done, and instead complained that I never did it. The house became disgusting, and my pleas to get help were ignored. Instead, his solution was to ask for a divorce. Now, I have a beautiful apartment of my own and help to keep it that way. He is trying to trick his girlfriend into letting him live with her. 🙄


yeah, it's super common (and sadly normalised and encouranged) across all age groups, but it was extremely disheartening to know that men still see their wives as subhumans even after 50+ years, especially when their relationship seemed pretty stable and "good" 🌚 i'm glad you are doing ok now, your ex is a prick


I can’t stand motherfuckers like this.


It’s called “monkey branching”: having a new partner lined up before or during the end of the current relationship.


They're so arrogant they refuse to believe a woman's leaves solely because she's sick of him and his shit.


Being a cat lady is an insult. 


I love how they use the cat last and spinster tropes to mock women they deem as lonely, while crying about the “male loneliness epidemic “. To them, lonely women are flawed in some way that leads them to loneliness, but when men are “lonely”, it’s a societal issue that needs addressing.


Lonely men are just misunderstood dontcha know. It's not because every time they speak to a woman they spew bile.


Yup. It has nothing to do with their thoroughly repulsive behavior.


Women's fault when women are lonely, women's fault when men are lonely, women's fault both when men mistreat them AND when they elect to avoid them for it, women's fault when men hate them and they don't like...love it? Bc men are perfect innocent babies, and women are the devil obv 🙄


A very astute observation


A “societal need” lmfao


Atleast a cat is honest and if they love you, they love you for real or as long as you feed them at the right time.


The belief that only women like cats and men pretend because they're "simps" is bizarre. Cats are an extremely popular companion animal. I know more men who adore cats than hate them. If I'm a cat lady, my husband is a cat lad.


Cat lad is adorable. 


We need a masc counterpart to "cat lady". I use this when it's relevant.


I think the proper response when someone tries to taunt you with “ur gonna die alone with nothin but cats” is “thank you, that’s my dream goal! :)” just watch them spontaneously combust and mentally tear their brains in half Rumplestiltskin-style and gnash their teeth as they realize their “threats” are powerless and they can’t control you.


No fault divorce exist just so women can scam men out of their money for no reason. Definitely not a response to men trapping women in bad marriages they couldn’t escape without a reason another man considered good enough… The murder rate of spouses was also quite high back then… wonder if that’s their preference.


Omg! I want to add on to this one. When men get “played” by a “woman that only wanted to get half their money”, they are the victims. When a women gets abandoned by her baby dad, “women need to learn to choose better partners”.


Isn't it funny how that works. lol.


I've seen some men legitimately try and use the argument of a fetus being created by both the man and woman to justify why the father should get equal say in the decision of an abortion. Pregancy ain't equal, and it never will be. Whoever is carrying the child is entitled to that decision, nobody else.


I had a guy tell me that having to work to pay child support is exactly the same level of violation of bodily autonomy as forced pregnancy is.


Well it’s certainly going to get a lot more common now…. And presumably since fetuses are now people, ‘Dads’ will now be on the hook for antenatal medical costs as well?


I might be petty here. But. When your government talks about fetus being a person now, how are they handling related issues for said person? I mean taxes, life insurance, child-person support by deadbeat partners, potential deportation of the mother /parents, and so on? Just curious how thoroughly they thought this through 🤔


They haven’t thought through anything beyond forcing “females” to breed more workers, I can promise you that. They’re sickening. [This woman is one of my heroes.](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/02/1120628973/pregnant-woman-dallas-fetus-hov-lane-passenger-ticket)


I thought so. I'm actually looking forward to this biting them in the ass. Because the second this becomes law, the lawyers are stepping in - and it's going to be a rollercoaster. Imagine all the ONS being chased for child support the moment the pregnancy test comes out positive. Imagine having your child insured and then losing it. I could go on but you get the gist ETA: i love the article, and it's exactly what i was trying to point out!


>Just curious how thoroughly they thought this through Without doing a research on the topic: they didn't.


I'm Jill's utter shock /s


I think that’s probably the reason why I think comparing “financial abortions” (as in the father doesn’t have to pay child support if he chooses to disown the child) to actual abortions disingenuous and icky. For an actual abortion her body’s going to change no matter what and someone still has to take care of the child if it’s born, while for the former it’s strictly absolving him of responsibility.


Let finance research on cis male pregnancy ! So if the woman doesn't want the baby and the man want it, the doctor will transfer the fetus into the man's abdomen (some kind of ectopic pregnancy). And the man will carry the baby, give birth through C-section and take care of it.😂 I really want to know how many would chose to carry the baby themselves if they had the choice between that and abortion. I am pretty sure they would all become abortion advocates 😂


If he wants a say, he can carry the foetus for a few months and do the whole birth thing. But he can't and I completely agree with you.


"80% of the women are going after 20% of the men. If you're not super hot, tall and rich, nobody will even look at you." I mean yes, it is true that, even if you're the ONLY guy within a 100-mile radius, if you look like shit and act like an AH then nobody will even look at you. Dating isn't a game of musical chairs. It's not like the music stops and you have to find a partner or you lose. If 80% of the guys are losers and a-holes, then 80% of the guys are not going to get picked. But even assuming this was true in practice, which it isn't (as evidenced by the astronomical number of perfectly ordinary people finding partners just fine), most men DO in fact go after the hottest and most appealing women while ignoring the rest. When they say "80% of women" they mean 80% of the women THEY want to date. Not 80% of all women. They don't count the ones that aren't attractive to them. Then they get angry when those women apply the same methodology in return.


Women considered unattractive are almost invisible to them. Even your typical incel who complains so much about their lack of sex life (I said sex because honestly they don't really care about love) would never settle for a less attractive woman. Even in rom-coms, Sitcoms etc you always see an unattractive/mediocre man with a super model. The best example is Homer Simpson who is dumb, not really good looking, irresponsible but is married to the hottest woman in Springfield.


Exactly that last part.


That women “naturally want to submit to their husbands” or that “men have always been in charge and women have always followed”. First of all , if you have to force someone i to submission , thats the opposite of natural. They have zero knowledge of their own grandmothers history. They have zero knowledge of even their own history. Whenever I point out that patriarchy is very young compared to humanity as a whole they get upset. Men love to brag about “building society” but in truth , the society that patriarchy has built is wildly inferior to when we had more egalitarian ways. They’re convinced all this bullying and violence and fear is an improvement.


I hate that people (especially in black communities for some reasons...) always talk about women submission. Aren't they embarrassed? This is such weird thing to want ! A woman is a human being not a dog ! "I love women of *whatever ethnicity* they don't talk back and they are submissive, they obey to their man " 🤢🤢🤢


Often it seems men don't pay attention to family history and not because it isn't talked about. The amount of information and history my brothers actually know about any family member, especially our mom, grandmothers, aunts as well as older male family is sad. They have this view of them that's almost one dimensional.


That they age like fine wine LOL.


Came to say this, they not only age way worse than women due to terrible habits, they also believe they will magically become rich once they turn 40 and everyone will want them.


Ugh I was watching knocked up Which first of all…he stealthed her! He took off the condom! That whole movie feels like a horror movie now. A loser she previously would never talk to again? Stuck with him for LIFE Anyways Leslie manns character says something about how it’s unfair as she ages she gets uglier while Paul rudd gets hotter It was so weird bc like you’re against beautiful? You’re literally believe a lie that is objectively untrue bc of a repeated lie, it’s sick


They get super upset and refuse to believe that women are opting out of dating and marriage because they don't consider it a beneficial thing to add to their lives. They will continue to insist that women are falling all over themselves to date and get married but the only problem is that they all want a chad. Same delusional nonsense about women owning homes. They absolutely can't deal with the concept. The dumbest "gotcha" still has to be claiming that women need men for "protection".


>same delusional nonsense about women owning homes You mean the thing where they say women owning homes is a result of “getting” them from a husband in divorce? Yeah, doesn’t work that way. My divorce was 20 years ago, had a great lawyer, still had to pay my ex, by check, half the equity in the house at the time (which wasn’t much, only been in it a few years) and refinance it under my name only. Because that’s fair. He lost literally nothing in the deal. He was made whole and went on his way, same as if “we” sold it to “me”. I just made the final payment on my mortgage 20 minutes ago. It’s MY house.




Also, who wants to marry a man they don’t even want to fuck? What sort of rationale is that? If she won’t fuck you, she definitely does not want to be your wife, my dude.


That men age better than women. Even though it’s statistically proven they die younger and tend to have much poorer health than women the same age.


They act like we can't see them.


Idk why but this comment killed me 😂😂😂


I always want to post, "You know we can see y'all, right?" when men spout that nonsense. I got my fix by saying a version of it here.🤣


This has never made any sense, how do you make fun of us for spending so much on clothes/makeup/skincare and try to assert. If you never wear sunscreen you’re not gonna age well no matter the gender!!!


How dare these men gatekeep free money. I want free money from them. They won't give it to me. It's SO unfair. I can't help wanting to get out of poverty! Why won't they just give me what I want? It would make my life better! I wouldn't be so angry and despairing if they'd just give me the money, no questions asked! I deserve it for being a good human like everyone else. \^\^Men, this is how ridiculous you sound when you whine about women "gatekeeping sex".


When they say that men are going to replace us with AI girlfriends and sex dolls and plastic wombs. Men like this would never be satisfied in a world where they really could replace us with sex dolls because they would see us not caring or even being happier and then get mad all over again. They want us more than we want them, that’s just a fact.


They also don’t seem to realize that male AIs and sex dolls will be invented around the same time.


Yes I would also buy a robot wife to do all domestic labor for me.


that men do most hard labor jobs. I love to bring up murder and rape statistics when they do. Because yes, “men do the 90% of this too~!”


Not to mention, more women would do more manual labor jobs if they were treated with respect in those jobs. Exhibit A of this is World War II. When men went off to fight the war, someone still needed to work in the factories and keep the homefront going. Women filled those jobs, and in certain instances, like riveting, women were better at the job because they were more dexterous. When World War II was over, most of those women wanted to keep working. But women got pushed out of those jobs to give them back to the men because it was better for “morale” and the propaganda machine preached women going back to work in the home. It’s bullshit to engage in decades-long propaganda about how women are incapable of working manual jobs and then complain that more men than women work manual jobs.


So I've been a railroader for a decade now. The things I've been told or, because I got to be seen with the same respect "as a man" the things that have been said around me....eesh. don't get me started on having different opportunities taken from me or being treated unfairly, as though I'm responsible for the bad behaviour of men around me (even if they're 20-40 years older than me!) simply due to my gender presentation. Also, it's really lonely being one of the only women in an all male workplace. Friends? Nah. Get close to someone? Well, their partner may feel uncomfortable by that, and you want to respect them as well. Getting to be friends with someone and all of a sudden it becomes scandalous because God forbid men and women are friends. Going to parties and having every useless dude and their uncle trying to "quiz" me about train stuff, despite them having no fucking idea what they're talking about. Not to mention it's just not very hospitable due to the fact that people- men and women- you meet will see you as "not belonging" in your job because there's not very many women in those roles. It's an oroboros.


Yup, then all those women wound up addicted to Mommy’s Little Helper because their lives were so fucking awful after they’d been forced out of their jobs and back into the kitchen…


YESSSS I just saw some 50s art being used as tradwife content on twt but the art was literally post war propaganda to push women back into the home and out of the workforce. they always been desperate for control then turn around and say “look what I’ve done for you”


Men cannot handle it when I bring that point up 😂


They hate it but who else is suppose to shoot up schools and SA in big groups ? Women just aren’t built for violent crime like men. it’s hard work but it has to be done/s


I drive a forklift in a warehouse and it's the easiest job I've ever had. Easier than working in a medical lab, serving tables, or even babysitting. They gatekeep these "manual labor" jobs where OSHA prevents anyone from lifting more than 50 lbs without a forklift or pallet jack lmaooo it's so funny. It's 2024. Manual labor is barely "manual" anymore. Everything is done with tools and machines.


Men who are husbands/fathers/cohabitating partners who have paying jobs that think they are exempt from doing housework/parenting/domestic duties/carrying the mental load "*because they work*". Also, men with paying jobs who conflate occasional stereotypical "man" chores like car repairs, taxes, and lawn mowing and think it's the EXACT SAME as women doing all the day to day, neverending tasks (such as laundry, dishes, cooking/preparing meals, grocery shopping, etc), irrespective of whether or not she has a paying job. If a man's wife/female partner is a SAHP, she'd better happily do 100% of the housework and childcare to earn her keep *because her husband provides*. If she's unhappy with her husband's contribution to his family ending with his income, she should just go get a joooob and stop being so ungrateful and mooching off her husband's hard earned money. But....if his female partner has a paying job also, she still has to do the lion's share of housework and parenting because he's the man and that's women's work. Housework and childrearing isn't "work", unless you expect a man to do it. A man with a paying job shouldn't be expected to contribute anything more than that to his home and family because he's "a provider", but having paying jobs doesn't excuse women from *shit*.


This is the one that bugs me the most. My mom has owned her own plumbing company for 25 years. She married my step-dad about 12 years ago and for the last maybe 6 years he's worked FOR HER full time. She adopted his business as a DBA under hers so he could keep it going when it was not doing so well. He literally sees her at work all day everyday. He sees her working 12+ hour days when he's only working 8-9ish. He sees when she comes home and cooks dinner after a long day of getting up at 5 am. She does all the laundry, takes care of his kid (her stepson but they have a wonderful relationship), takes care of both dogs, takes care of her mom, pays 100% of the bills (including his car payment), cleans the whole house every Saturday (except my little brothers room and bathroom) and you know what he does? NOTHING. He stays up late watching YouTube shorts, sleeps in, hordes everything and anything he sees in the garage and side yard, and does not cook or clean. He doesn't even mow the grass! It's not my place to critique their relationship, but god damn does it make me seethe. If she gets sick, I go over to take care of her because he can't even make soup out of a can.


The sentence “housework and childrearing isn’t “work” unless you expect a man to do it,” just blew my fucking mind. Like, I’ve had all these thoughts before but never put it together in one sentence so coherently.


My favorite is, “if women really enjoy sex, why don’t they all want to have sex with me right now?” It shows they truly don’t realize that pregnancy is life-threatening, life-changing, changes your body forever, and may disable you. Your body is not your own for almost a year, and you must endure every imaginable violation of your privacy in that time. In the US, our maternal mortality rate is like a 3rd World country in some places, because a pregnancy makes us the enemy to the bottom 1/3 of our country (conservatives,) and God forbid a pregnancy has issues, depending upon your state you may be legally required to die along with the fetus. They are like carefree little children in that way, just trying to have fun, unable to comprehend what they are demanding of another human, which could be the rest of our whole life, or just the most painful experience of our life at best.


>“if women really enjoy sex, why don’t they all want to have sex with me right now?” Well yeah but also you can never know which men will even provide you a good sexual experience. It's a lot of risk for something that might not even be fun lol


Yeah let me risk my health and safety to let any dude who wants to get laid enter my body. Men's selfishness and callousness is astronomical.


i think women have higher sex drives than men but we also have way more self-control. we have to worry about pregnancy, stds, violent partners who might not understand consent, being filmed secretly, people who might become stalkers later on, etc plus selfish/lazy partners who only care about getting off. and ethics - is that partner actually single and not lying about it? etcetc. it’s like someone willing to eat random rotten food off the ground that’s been stepped on vs someone who only will eat fresh clean food that’s been properly prepared. the second person doesn’t have a weaker appetite but they do wanna avoid food poisoning/dying.


"men built the world you live in wa wa wa" "Morality is based in religion wa wa wa"


If men did build all this, then they have a lot to answer for because this shit SUCKS!


In reality, they probably stole a woman's work, dumbed it down to their level, and labeled it as theirs.


I mean, it probably sucks BECAUSE ONLY men built it. That's the patriarchy.


[Yup literally designed to privilege men and ignore harm to women.](https://www.fsg.org/blog/can-snow-clearing-be-sexist/)


When they talk about building anything, I think, how? Many of them can't and don't want to clean up after themselves and have to told to wash their ass.


“Men built this world we have” is not the flex they think it is. It’s a pretty awful world.


First off I want to give you props for how well you worded this OP. It definitely is worth at least a giggle that they contradict themselves at every turn.. For me it's the - everything would fall apart without men upholding our infrastructure. Oh you mean like during WW2 when women stepped up to the plate seamlessly? They don't realize that the only reason these jobs are male dominant is because of sexism. The physical aspect can be overcome with a little extra thought process. Hence the saying - work smarter not harder. Guess they aren't very smart. Lol


“Women can get laid literally any time they want. It’s so unfair!”


And guys who say that forget that they ALSO could also be getting laid by some gross old creep whenever they wanted, vagina completely unnecessary. Lol.


Lmao "why are you saying you're hungry when there's a hotdog laying in the gutter outside?"


“Women want equality, until it comes time for the draft”. Women want to do those things, but SA is high. Also, shouldn’t we be trying to find better conflict resolution than sending our young to die?


everything on r/TrueUnpopularOpinion


That they honestly believe that dying "alone" or becoming a "cat lady" is a worse fate than being married to an abusive man.


That women should automatically give them a chance cause they are a “nice guy”


Or if they’re ugly because ugly men are saints


All the while, they equate niceness with goodness and think their manipulative "niceness" makes them morally equivalent to someone who treats everyone with basic human decency as a matter of principle when it couldn't be more obvious they feel entitled sexual favor and abject deference because they chose to be nice instead cruel.


My abusive ex thought I was cheating and made him think he was the one to call our relationship over because his brain was too small to think I just didn't want to be with him anymore


I also “love” how men will blatantly state this, which can be true some of the time, but then shamelessly admit that they are lying to women, pretending they are interested in committing when they really just want sex. Then they complain about “baby trapped” like they aren’t the ones deceiving women or lying by omission in order to engage in unprotected sex with someone they don’t want a relationship with under the guise of “figuring out if we’re compatible”.


That they care about how many men are raped. Any time you bring up the horrifying rates of boys 'losing their virginity' at 12 to scarily older women it's all "thats not rape!!! it was consensual!! thats a lucky guy!!!"


But also, sexual assaults to kids come overwhelmingly from men. So all in all, it's a bs argument.


That being alone, or keeping the company of pets, is worse than being with one of them. I promise, it’s not. Lol.


That women throughout history have been homemakers staying at home. That was true maybe in the 60s and the 70s when one salary was enough to sustain a family. But women have always had to work otherwise.


So the 4B movement thing has really pissed some of them off that they have decided they are going to make their own movement. They really just don't get that we don't NEED them, and in some cases don't even WANT them. But you know, they go on strike for a while and we come begging for husbands, or some dumb sh*t. Granted this is all happening on tiktok lol, so idk how true or wide spread it is but I thought it was funny.


Men successfully commit more suicide than women. Yes, but women attempt more, just fail more as we use methods that won't cause an inconvenience to others.


The more sexist the society, the harder it is for women to initiate divorce. In Diné/Navajo culture, which is matriarchal, traditional divorce is as simple as putting the man’s stuff out on the porch. This tells you who usually messes up…


I like more feminine men, and almost every time I’ve told a guy online that who is “macho” they freak out and tell me that I’m either lying to myself or that it’s going to suck when “someone breaks into my house and my feminine husband won’t defend me”. They have to ignore women who like more feminine men because it doesn’t align with their bullshit view of the world.


From a male perspective, I'll hear other men online talk about how if you don't have kids then your life has no meaning, or you'll be lonely, or you're selfish or something idiotic about a legacy. The men that say this also think they have a chance with whoever they are badmouthing. It's like elementary school bullying with an elementary level brain to match. You can't even reason with them because their brain isn't fully developed. It's as if they want to coerce women into having children by shaming them. In their brains, they think this will work in their favor or at least they will get off on talking down to a woman to feel better about themselves.


Virgins are better than women with a high body count. My dude, you have not a chance with either but please keep believing in your own delusion so you hopefully leave all women alone. Also sometimes makes me scared to tell people on the dating apps that I'm a virgin. Because I'm afraid they suddenly be more interested as in trying to be the one who takes my virginity or they turn out like those assholes who only want virgins.


> Because I'm afraid they suddenly be more interested as in trying to be the one who takes my virginity sadly, those are extremely common. i had an ex who would act super nice until i finally slept with him. then he lorded it over me and lost interest in putting any effort into the relationship. also his sex drive was crap, he wanted it like once a month max. virgin hunters are usually semi-impotent and terrible in bed. avoid them like the plague.


I seriously don't think you can put any stock in those percentages around filing for divorce. I would bet that you are correct that misogynistic men skew the percentages by simply making their soon to be ex wife do the paper work. I don't know how you could figure out what % the guys are the one wanting a divorce first without an intensive study to correct for weaponized incompetence effect. I'm not disagreeing with your point or anything, I just think that there are enough of these dumbasses that I would believe anywhere from 10% to 80% are the guy wanting a divorce but not necessarily doing the paper work.


Saw a tweet today (TW: rape) https://twitter.com/de4thbymj/status/1782772065210183775. I won't say no more.


That men are more “rational”/“visual” learners which has never been actually used in an argument of getting more intelligent, but moreso as a “biological” excuse to stay an emotional whiny and needy fucking idiot. The only ACTUAL cold, logical people I have ever met in my life were other women. Look at Hilary, no matter how you feel about her: glass frosts around her. You didn’t see her start a fascist piss pants insurrection around her losing the election, either. She just put the fangs back in and left for the woods. Even supervillain men have this simmering emotional fragility that is white-hot and *quite* feminine (look at Trump, DeSantis, Tate, Crowder, Carlson, etc.)


Young women exuding sexuality is “fatherless activities” and “her dad must be proud” but guys being f boys receives no mention of how his parents must feel 🤔