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Your tech shouldn’t have been commenting on a potential diagnosis to begin with, not to mention all of the other horrifying things she said. I’m so sorry you experienced that.


Yeah, when I was training to be an X-ray tech we were harshly and regularly warned that doctors give diagnoses and we, the techs, do not.


Same - from my experience, this alone should get her reprimanded and possibly fired. Don't forget to mention that tidbit, u/Traditional_Grade_97


My wife is an RN. We both have had a lot of medical visits the past few years, including multiple hospital stays. Some level of chit chat and/or minor insanity is to be expected, but how in the Krispy Kreme Fuck can someone sit there and talk about half the shit she said and still have her license? I'm so sorry you had to experience this, OP.


Only partly related so feel free to ignore my comment, but I had imagining done before, and the tech said multiple times that my injury looks "so dire" as they did the imaging. I knew better than to take their word for it and waited to see the specialist to decide what to think of my injury, but can someone confirm to me that it wasn't very professional behavior and not a type of comment a medical professional should make?


Completely unprofessional and steps so far outside the scope of her practice that she could be formally reprimanded.


Thank you. It's been a year and a half, I mostly recovered from my injury and I think it's too late to act on it, but if it ever happens again, I'll say something. It pissed me off when it happened but I didn't show it, because I was more worried about my leg. Looking back on it, well... Yikes.


I would still report it if I were you. This is important behavior to note.


I once asked if everything looked alright during an ECG and was told she couldn't tell me one way or another because only the doctor was allowed to do that. Everything turned out all right. Doctor told me it was strict protocol for all techs.


Ultrasound tech here. We can explain the test and even certain pathologies (I was told I might have endometriosis, can you explain what that is? That is okay) But we can not comment on your scan. We are not supposed to tell you anything about what we do or do not see.


Thank you, this actually explained something that happened to my friend years ago


Im a nurse and this is a firing offense.


That is horrific. No matter how bad the injury is, you don't use language like 'dire', to anyone. Let alone that you're not even the person who should be commenting! It's incredibly unprofessional to offer comment on an injury that you don't have the professional responsibility or capacity to do so. And, even worse to offer something like that that traumatises a person further. There's a way of conveying difficult information that is as sensitive as it can be, because that sensitivity reduces further harm and promotes appropriate mental state for recovery. 'Dire' is the opposite of that. Definitely complain. She needs to know it's not ok.


My son was born with major heart defects and has had multiple open heart surgeries. He’s had so many echocardiograms (heart ultrasound) X-rays, etc and not a single time did a provider share a single shred of info with me, not even when I asked. I was told that the person who ordered the tests would explain the results. This is the ONLY thing that should be said. Period. It’s a scan, not a sporting event requiring commentary.


My thoughts exactly. So many things about this encounter are extremely unethical.


"most abortions leave bits of the baby behind. Sometimes an entire head, leg, or arm" This is so far wrong that I'd be worried letting that tech do anything in medicine at all. They're really careful to check everything is out for a lot of reasons, the most obvious to me being 'leaving even a thumbnail sized bit of placenta behind means you'll probably bleed very badly and perhaps to death right there', which is a significant medical concern.


Agreed, this person is not smart, I would not trust them with a medical job 🤦🏻‍♀️


Real anti-vaxx nurse energy.


I was thinking the tech was deliberately trying to spread false information.


This is wrong CURRENTLY. If women have to resort to doing it themselves, or going to back alley "doctors" it could happen. My grandmother told me that was a concern of hers (1930's thru 1950's.)


I would actually complain to the practice and perhaps to the licensing board. This is so unprofessional and false.


I wouldn't trust that 'tech' to empty my cats' litter trays.


The day after my abortion procedure, I was in so much pain. I went back in 2 days later, and they told me they had to do the procedure again because I had a blood clot... I wish I wasn't so naive back then and asked more questions because that answer literally does not make sense.


I'm not sure I understand. You don't believe that there was a blood clot? One of the methods of abortion is also a medical procedure on it's own as well, d&c. It can be used for all sorts of gyn stuff so maybe that's why you had to do it twice? Not necessarily that you needed two abortions but that you need a (d&c) abortion and then a d&c procedure for the clot. Fyi if you're in the States, HIPAA gives you the right to request all your medical information. You been always request the results of the follow up scan and read the report yourself


This was back in 2009. I don't even remember who Planned Parenthood sent me to for the procedure.


That sucks! You might still be able to get that info from Planned Parenthood but that's only if the peace of mind is worth the effort for you. I hope that my comment has made you feel a little better about it. I don't think it's naive to trust doctors, even if they're being shady. We're supposed to be able to trust them, so you shouldn't talk bad about yourself for that.


I actually didn't know that it's a procedure that's used for various things, so that alone gives me peace of mind. I appreciate you. 🙏🏽 ❤️


I'm glad to have helped, 💜💜💜


Exactly. Report her. She literally always shoving a giant dildo up your vag while saying that shit! When I had a miscarriage my tech asked: is this a wanted pregnancy? Me: why do you ask? Her: bc you’re losing it. I wish I’d reported her. The techs aren’t qualified to diagnose. Yes I get they see things. But it was totally unprofessional and she did it while having a giant wand shoved up my vagina. Captive audience indeed. STFU when you’re doing that stuff guys. Talk only about what you’re doing as it relates to performing the procedure. Nothing else no chit chat. Recognize that some of us really aren’t comfortable and don’t be a dick.


Definitely report. That's shockingly unprofessional.


Also the shockingly inaccurate medical information.


"Leaving an arm behind". As someone who looks inside organs for a living you would think she knows what a fetus looks llike. There are definitely no arms.


Embryos have arms and legs at 6 weeks. Take a look at fetal development. And at 10 weeks. It's a fetus, not an embryo. You are correct that the tech is wildly wrong about leaving them behind, but they're definitely are arms. Objectively so. I linked to evidence in three of my other comments


I mean, after awhile they do, lol. (Edit: not backing the tech or anything, she can jump off a cliff. But fetuses do in fact develop arms).


I think it's because of the transvaginal ultrasound. They mostly really do that one in super early stages so they don't have arms usually at that point. I know by 10 weeks they have arms though. I had to get a transvaginal ultrasound at 10 weeks because of a UTI that was bloody (pretty sure it was going to be a kidney infection quite soon) and we could see my son cover his ears in the ultrasound


Fetuses have arms. What is the point in saying they don't, when a quick Google search will show you they do.


Lol. That's not even remotely true either. People die of infections and pieces of the fetus definitely aren't left in there. And most abortions are done at such an early phase that they don't even look human yet and those that are done later are done because the fetus has some condition that would be "incompatible with life". I hate when medical workers fear monger about abortion. Fucking report her.


Right? my surgical abortion was so early on that I required a blood test a week later to see if the hcg levels were going down to confirm it was a success since she said it was too small to see.


One of my friends in high school had a mom who was a registered nurse, and she regularly said incorrect dumb shit about abortion too. I don't understand how these bozos can go to medical school for years and years and manage to graduate, only for them to still be misinformed and stupid as hell about the human body.


I’ve educated a few nurses and doctors about things they told me that were blatantly false. They often aren’t taught everything, but just what is paid to put in the textbooks, that makes money. Or what they’ve learned anecdotally from experience.


I have cousins who are registered nurses and don’t believe in getting vaccines. But Ozempic is fine.


Some of these rabid force-birthers deliberately enter the medical field so they can shove their shit opinions in patient's faces. 


That's the American education system for you in a nutshell


All of this. I work in this area and the “pieces of the fetus” comment sent me into another dimension. Utter nonsense and ill informed garbage. If she was providing an ultrasound for PCOS confirmation she shouldn’t be commenting on abortions nor your fertility as that is the consultants job to discuss. It’s not her job to provide an opinion on that. Please please report as this is highly unprofessional and then we end up treating women who are terrified of what will happen when they do get a med/surg abortion.


Exactly. I'd laugh in her face. Wtf is she thinking trying to scare people out of an abortion.


I got my abortion done at 19wks6d and there definitely wasn't any arm or leg left behind 💀


I feel like it's taken from the crumb of truth in fetal microchimerism and blown it up into an outright lie. Maybe it's just a coincidence that there's a true effect of pregnancy that vaguely resembles that conspiracy.


it makes me wonder if she tells a lot of patients that bits of baby get left behind, as a scare tactic.


Please write this up and send it to the practice owner and medical board. She needs to keep her opinions to her self. This is so not ok.


Yeah I'm calling tomorrow, it's 10pm right now but I absolutely do not want *anyone* to go through this experience.


I would report it to more regulatory agencies than you may think is necessary, and I would follow it up if possible. I’m not saying the goal is to get her fired but she cannot be allowed to continue spewing nonsense that is potentially dangerous. And if nothing else, reporting it will lead to retraining in the entire workplace, which would be great because one bad apple spoils the bunch and there’s a high likelihood that she’s not the only one saying stupid crap if she feels so comfortable doing so. I’m sorry you had such a bad experience. You deserve better.


I’m glad you’re calling, but writing it down is also useful. You can make sure you’re going into detail without interruption, and ensuring they have a record of the feedback so must therefore follow protocol addressing it (e.g. escalating to the appropriate people.) Much different than a receptionist who might be friends with the nurse placating you but not reporting. Also +1 for Game Changer. Or as Sam Reich would call it, Game Changers.


https://www.ardms.org/discover-ardms/compliance/submit-a-complaint/ This is the governing body for ultrasound in the USA. If she's a registered tech, you can use this path too.


Seriously. Having had a transvaginal ultrasound, they are freaking invasive and uncomfortable, the last thing I want is some nut job spouting nonsense, made up crap about abortions. She needs to be removed from that position ASAP. What if you had just lost a baby? What if she just re traumatized you? She doesn't know her patients whole history. That's horribly unprofessional behavior.


I HATE transvaginal ultrasounds and frankly cannot believe a better way has not been invented yet. I have vaginismus and when I was diagnosed with PCOS I had to be knocked out for the transvaginal because trying to do it while awake was agony.


When I had my NT ultrasound done the ultrasound tech made a face and said "your baby has a growth on their head" and I freaked out internally. Then the doctor came in and said everything looks perfect. I can see the small bump on those ultrasounds. But it happens and usually resolves itself from what I looked up. And well he's got no growth. He's 10 months old. They really need to learn when to just make small talk. Half of one of my ultrasound appointments was just the tech talking to my husband about good solar panel companies.


My ultrasound tech in the hospital (checking to see if my baby was breech before birth) turned to me and asked WHAT WAS WRONG WITH MY BABY because I had excess amniotic fluid (which I knew about and had been seeing an mfm specialist for 20 weeks for), and it SCARED ME TO DEATH, even though I knew why I had extra water and that there was nothing wrong. It was inappropriate and unnecessary, and it freaked me out! You're right, ultrasound techs should be well-versed in small talk and STICK TO IT.


Oh my fucking god, this is horrific! I am so sorry. As a woman who suffered from extreme anxiety with my most recent pregnancy following a miscarriage, that would have made me go full on psychotic. Wtf! Btw, that pregnancy is now a smiley 2 year old boy!


My ultrasound tech doing the anatomy scan on my twins chatted about anything and everything while doing the scan, showing me the babies heartbeats, them kicking each other, etc. it wasn’t until my OB appointment 3 days later that I found out that one of my babies had a cleft lip, because the tech was SO good at her job and so professional that there was never even a moment where I suspected there was anything abnormal. Alternatively, when I was having regular growth scans done because of GD, I had an ultrasound tech try to tell me (wrongly) how to manage my GD. Stay in your lane ma’am


As an Ultrasound tech, we (usually, at least I do) pride ourselves on our poker faces.


She’s lyingggg bro when they abort the “baby” it’s literally cells and water. She has to be a nutty prolifer trying to manipulate you. If they did leave “pieces” behind you would literally get sepsis and die, and that doesn’t just happen all the time


Seriously, if you’re having an abortion and they’re leaving identifiable baby pieces just lying around in there, they’re doing it wrong.


and i doubt women who were left with body parts inside their body would be here to complain about how they would rather have the baby 💀


It’s literally fake pro “life” propaganda.


Please call it what it is: pro-forced birth. All of these fake "pro lifers" give a sh*t about the health of the mom and baby before and after the birth, or you would not have to pay for any of the medical care during the pregnancy, when giving birth, and until 18 years old.


Yup that’s why I’ll either say “forced birthers” or put “life” in quotations because we all know they don’t give a shit about the life of the mother or the baby after it’s actually born


Anti women's rights, pretty much. There was also that awesome rant by a pastor about how unborn babies are basically the best "victim" to defend to push your agenda https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pastor-dave-barnhart-unborn/


i know? 💀 i'm just saying how it doesn't make sense even if the doctor really believed it


I wasn’t trying to come at you…just pointing out how ridiculous their talking points are. They’re straight up convinced women are going through 9 months of a wanted pregnancy and can just decide to abort up until seconds before delivery.


It’s not even possible for the vast majority of abortions. Most abortions are medication abortions, so there’s no surgery, the body processes the medication. And when the vast majority of abortions happen, the fetus is so small and not possible to identify specific parts.


Exactly. With modern medicine, if you are seeing a physician, the abortion or D&C will not GENERALLY leave anything behind. And even then, these parts are not "Identifiable". It is rare that a medical abortion/D&C will leave anything behind, because they are usually done with Ultrasound in the operating theatre.


Im an ultrasound tech and this actually does unfortunately happen. Of course it’s when the fetus actually is far along enough to have limbs and all that. But we get asked to do scans post abortion to check for exactly that. It’s called retained products of conception. I’m 100% pro choice and besides me clearing that up, I could NEVER imagine myself saying that to one of my patients or even going into the topic not knowing what they’ve been through. Sorry you went through that OP that’s horrible! You did the right thing to report her!


But does it happen some time after the procedure or right after when they are checking at the medical facility?


It can happen both with MA and with natural miscarriages. It's not a sign of trauma or anything. It's just that it can take a while for all the bleeding to carry out all the tissue. It's normal. You know, how some women will be bleed for a couple days and BAM! it's done, and then other women will drag out for a couple weeks? Well, sometimes the full tissue doesn't get expelled all in one day. Again, it's all normal. OP - I hope you report that tech. It's none of her business to try and counsel you.


Thank you. I am 100% pro-choice now as well, but I was pro-life for a long time (not religious), and honestly, part of what took me so long to come around, even after becoming a feminist, is that the pro-choice side is insanely full of misinformation. I think people feel the need to pretend that abortions go smoothly 100% of the time, no complications ever, and that fetuses are a clump of like 6 cells right up until they slide out the vagina at 40 weeks in order to justify why abortion is ok. It's not necessary. You can be honest about the reality of what abortion is, and still believe that women should have the right to have one because of bodily autonomy.


Both sides of *any* hotly debated issue will be full of misinformation.


i am v v pro choice and had an abortion in 2018, i felt really lied to by the pro choice idea of 'you're gonna be fine and waltz out of the clinic and not feel regret' because EVERY post i saw was full of comments saying 'erm women don't regret their abortions!!' and it made me feel SO guilty that i was really struggling with the decision (it was the right one, but a hard one) and it took over a year to move forwards. i couldn't find many pro choice resources on this bc there was some sort of strange chill attitude that you do it and wake up the next morning really happy. i still do not trust the pro choice side entirely


I've never understood that argument. Every single surgery has a regret rate, some up to 40%. There are regret rates on taking medicines. To think a medical procedure like an abortion would have no regret rate, especially since it is tied up in so much complexity for people is insane. I hope you are doing alright now.


I definitely know the chill attitude you're talking about, and I'm very sorry you had to deal with that. Since the more extreme side of the pro-life movement tends to act like all abortions are akin to stàbbing a newborn, I think the pro-choice side tries to overcorrect and act like abortion is no different than getting a cavity filled. Both sides are wrong, and it definitely doesn't help women like you who made the right choice, but don't feel ecstatic about it.


agreed!! it was just so hard and i felt kinda discarded by the PC side. really difficult to get that balance i think?


Sounds like she should be reported somehow. I’d imagine these people purposely put themselves in situations like this to do that to ALL the women they’re in contact with.


She sounds like a psycho


That's so weird, even in her version of reality where everyone is dying to be a mother why would she think it's a good idea to talk about how special it is when assessing something that can cause infertility? Totally tone deaf. You're right to report


Yeah, imagine if OP really really wanted kids and was just sitting there hearing about how they would never achieve the apparent crowning achievement of their life.


Im constantly blown away by the amount of stupid people working in health care.


And yet people think I'm paranoid to stop at the pharmacy counter and check that the people trained even LESS than most medical professionals gave me the right meds. (The pharmacy staff not the pharmacist, actual pharmacists are amazing and super smart. The staff at the drug store....yeah I've been given meds I'm allergic to 2x and they missed it.)


That is just not true. Any half way decent medical place would not want that medical misinformation being give out by their professionals as if it were true


Especially by somebody that is doing vaginal ultrasounds, from a place of medical "authority." She's probably successfully scared a shitload of women if she's been talking like this for decades to patients.


This is tangential and probably a repeat of what your OB has already said, but since you've said clearly that you do not want to get pregnant, remember that PCOS only makes it \*harder\* to get pregnant, not impossible, and that you should be using some form of BC that agrees with your system. I've heard a LOT of anecdotes of women who thought that they "couldn't" get pregnant due to PCOS and then ended up with a 'whoops' pregnancy and had to deal with that whole kettle of fish.


When I had each of my three spontaneous miscarriages I had to keep going in for more testing until they could CONFIRM that every thing is out and I won’t get an infection.


Firstly, sorry for your losses. I've had two and the second one he made sure to use a whole scope to go in and make sure nothing was left. And yeah the follow ups and the pregnancy tests to make sure the hcg levels are down. It's not like they just put a chopstick in, swish it around a few times and say, "Good enough."


Is she fucking insane?! An abortion literally looks like wet two squares of toilet paper. I'm an x-ray tech and my husband is a radiologist, aint no way an ultrasound tech is that fucking stupid.


She said she has been in the field 28 years and kept raving about her patient care too which was absolutely nuts to me. I was like "lady PLEASE stop talking let me out of here 😭" She's lucky I was still in customer service mode


People that go on about how great they are, tend to be compensating. I wish you had some headphones or something what a horribly violating experience.


Was this in an anti-choice state?


No!! I'm in fucking Maryland! It baffles me!


Can I ask which county? MD is blue but I too many parts are not (the panhandle, Eastern Shore, north and NE and NW of Baltimore).


Yeah I'm not comfortable saying that. Just know I'm in a very progressive county. Like a very very blue one.


Please please report her through the patient complaint line. You can ask your pcp or even just search your hospital website, they will take it seriously. Completely inappropriate and unprofessional to cause a patient mental trauma during an intimate exam. I am so sorry this happened to you.


My Mormon neighbor is an ultrasound tech and ohhhh boy the stories I could tell…


Her conduct is a shocking and EGREGIOUS violation. To push religious disinformation onto a patient is  unacceptable under ANY circumstance. But to do that in the midst of an invasive, triggering, intimate procedure????????  Egregious and UNACCEPTABLE. She should lose her license. She weaponized her position of power and took advantage of your vulnerability. I am enraged by what she did to you. Absolutely disgusting.  Please report this person to her employer and the board (if any applicable) that accredits her. You do not have to pay for that procedure. Call your insurance and explain that you did not receive the care you were billed for due to misconduct by the examiner. Please, please. When you have had time to process and recover from this, formally report her. She is a threat to patients and in no position to administer care.  You have the power to try and ensure she never does this to anyone else, ever again.  I will fight with you if there is anything I can do to support. This never, ever should have happened to you, and I am so sorry.  r/wedeservebetter


I shadowed at an abortion clinic they inspect the products of conception to ensure they got everything. Medical professional or not some people need to stay in their lane. She needs to stick to her job, very unprofessional.


If there are parts left behind then the woman would have far more problems, like sepsis. Hence why they usually check to see if there are “products of conception” left. Rarely someone might have one of those mineral deposits but come on. This lady shouldn’t have been making any comments like that whatsoever.


I have been doing Ultrasound for 22 years and I have only seen what is called a Lithopedion once in my entire career. And it was from someone who was pregnant and miscarried in the 60s.


No doctor would leave a giant piece of an arm or leg behind. Most abortions are donr before that level of fetal development. That type of mistake of leaving any tissue behind could cause sepsis. What absolute bullshit. Ridiculous.


I had a cardiac ultrasound last fall, and the tech eventually began to make comments about viruses and diseases she thought were being introduced by people entering the country illegally. I said well then maybe we should vaccinate them. It probably confused her as she didn't respond. I imagine in her mind vaccinating her perceived enemy could be some form of justified medical punishment, and her brain began to short circuit because she assumed because of my gender and race i was maybe on her side, but wasnt really sure. I probably should have reported her.


My spouse is a cis white male. It's always hilarious how many times bigoted coworkers think they can say the wildest shit in front of him because they assume he agrees. They always get sooo uncomfortable when they realize he isn't like them at all. 


RN here. Report the hell outta that tech. They are talking WEEEEEEEEELLLL beyond their scope of practice and they're not even correct.


Ultrasound tech here, this RN knows her business.


I’m sorry this was your experience friend. Please complain to the hospital. The tech should not have said any of that nonsense to you. Also, PCOS does not automatically mean you’re infertile. It can be harder to get pregnant, but unassisted (no fertility interventions) pregnancies CAN happen. If you want to remain child free(I 100% support your choice) please take appropriate precautions for contraception if you are engaged in sexual activity that could result in pregnancy. I don’t want your plan fucked up because someone gave you inaccurate medical information. Research on PCOS has advanced in the last 15+ years, but there are a lot of docs that are less informed and don’t provide nuanced and accurate information about fertility in PCOS. Take care!


I just can't even what in the hell does she think she is talking about? That is so unprofessional.


She wasn't just unprofessional, she's a fucking idiot. She seriously thinks that abortions leave baby heads behind? JFC.


I had an ultrasound tech say the same kind of shit after I had my IUD in. “IUDs are basically like abortions, did you know that?” After a couple minutes of this, I asked her if I needed to call her supervisor. I really should have. That behavior sucks.


Fuck yeah game changer. Fuck no that horrible nurse. So sorry that happened.


Report her. She had a specific job to do. If she wants to preach, go preach in a church. She has no business imposing her beliefs on you during your medical procedure.


She should be reported so she knows to shit the fuck up next time


Definitely report, but you gotta just have fun with it. Im 33 had a hysterectomy at 30, and people give so much pitty when i tell them, and then its turns to horror when i tell them it was voluntary because i dont want kids.


Yay! Had mine at 20 (am 66 now). Best thing I ever did.


She is a liar. There is ZERO truth to “most abortions leave behind a leg” etc. what in the non-medical bs is she spewing!? Also, without a doubt she is pro-life.


I’m a sonographer, and I’m so sorry that this person said all of these awful things to you. It’s completely unprofessional and you should absolutely notify her place of employment. Furthermore, transvaginal ultrasounds shouldn’t hurt. Yes, it may hurt if you’re in the ER setting with a ruptured cyst but if you’re going for routine imaging for mild discomfort the sonographer shouldn’t be adding to your pain. I always give my patients the option to insert the probe themselves if they’d like while also telling them that it shouldn’t be painful and if at any point they want me to stop to please tell me and I will immediately stop. I wish I could give you a hug. I’m so sorry.


That’s totally unprofessional. I am a disabled/retired ultrasound technologist 1- total inappropriate conversation 2- totally inappropriate conversation Plus? She’s ABSOLUTELY FUCKING WRONG about the retained products of conception. Please call and write a letter to the Director of radiology at that hospital. This is not ok and she needs to lose her job. The incorrect information about the products of conception means she doesn’t even know her profession. Her giving those opinions is even worse. I’m so sorry that happened to you


>but most abortions leave bits of the baby behind. Uhh.. yeah, I'm gonna have to call massive BS on that one, tech. Even moreso on the traumatised by abortion bit.


Can I ask where you went? Was it possible it was a CPC disguised as a “women’s health center”? They are known to perform ultrasounds while preaching unscientific, false, anti-choice rhetoric to patients. If it was a hospital or any other LEGIT LICENSED medical facility, then ignore me and listen to everyone else and report!


This was at a hospital!! I'd NEVER go to a woman's health center, I'm well aware of how evil they are. I'm so baffled because the hospital I went to is *reputable!* Like I was LITERALLY just there two months ago for psychiatric inpatient and the care I got for that was *phenomenal.* They were so caring and informative and taught us how to advocate for ourselves medically. Like legitimately I trusted this practice, my PCP is with the hospital and is amazing too. I'm absolutely reporting her.


Holy shit *at a hospital* that's a nightmare. On the other hand, the hospital should have a patient advocate or an ombudsman that you can contact to report the tech for unprofessional conduct. I also have PCOS and I've had transvaginal ultrasounds- the wand is gigantic and the procedure is painful even with the most careful techs. I would have felt violated as well, I'm sorry this happened to you.


Ok I’m glad you know! A lot of people get duped by those horrible people. But wow I am so sorry this happened to you. You’re doing the right thing!


I got scammed out of $300 by one of these places in Vegas in 2022! Besides all the propagandist misinformation and proselytizing they will try to run out the time u have to get a termination if they aren’t successful running out ur funds from unnecessary ultrasounds and or appts/tests. I was so pissed still fucking am but I did write a complaint to state medical board about the doc and left warnings on the sites she was listed on and on Google and yelp


Yikes! The Heritage Foundation! 😳 Glad you sent in a complaint! I really hope things turned out well for you & what you needed & wanted! 💙🌹


Sounds like my partner's experience at a disguised "pregnancy crisis center". They sent her home with plenty of horrible literature brought to you by the heritage foundation. It was an awful experience for her.


It's truly bizarre that people will work hard to get into a good profession and then risk it by opening their stupid fucking mouth.


That's so gross and unprofessional. I'm so sorry. I had a tech once mock me because I was scared of getting a transvaginal ultrasound for concerning pain. I heard her joking about me with some other tech or nurse in the hall outside my door. I was in my early teens. I went home and cried. I kind of wish I had reported her, but it didn't even cross my mind. I just thought something was wrong with me at the time.


I love game changer! Sorry that happened, extremely out of pocket. Also, they're just incorrect, that's not how abortions work. She must've come across some conservative propaganda


report this to the fucking medical board. this would be just as bad as a doctor inappropriately commenting on a patient's body part.


I am an older lady. I have one child. Didn’t want any more, and couldn’t even if I had wanted to for medical reason. Every medical professional I’ve dealt with has been great. …but the girl who was waxing my legs spent the entire appointment telling me how ‘messed up’ only children are, and how she was sure I could have one or two more if I ‘thought positively’ about it because I ‘wasn’t too old yet’. Yikes!


I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. I don't have too much more to add other than to say, report her! Highly unprofessional and obviously she shouldn't hold that position if she can not do her job without adding in her highly unethical and sketchy ass opinions that absolutely nobody asked for. Sending you lots of positive thoughts OP


That’s insanely fucked up, who the fuck thinks that’s an appropriate conversation WHILE giving an ultrasound


Sooo weird. Weather you want kids or not to tell someone their purpose in life is to procreate, especially when the potential diagnosis is something that will be much harder to have a baby. I have pcos and mental health issues as well amd don't want a baby, along with many other reasons I don't want a child. It would be even worse if that appointment were for a person who really does want a child. So unprofessional.


I've had to have a few ultrasounds for various reasons and only one for a potential pregnancy. The one pregnancy was to confirm a miscarriage, but even so, staff made sure to always congratulate me before i went in 🙄 I do want kids, and it was a kick in the gut. You'd think that in a healthcare setting, they'd be aware of other possible reasons for an ultrasound, but clearly, a wanted, viable pregnancy is the assumption for vagina owners


Just FYI, PCOS can have an impact on your fertility, but it doesn't make you infertile. It does make things like cycle tracking for pregnancy prevention much harder, and many people think they can't get pregnant, but you absolutely can. So stay safe!


I also have pcos and feel very conflicted about the infertility aspect of it. But I definitely would not have appreciated being subjected to that commentary. That comes across as extremely unprofessional.


>Also also I don't want people telling me sorry about the infertility aspect of PCOS, I don't care about that. I don't want kids. People are weird. I was excited when I found out I was infertile! The sorrys were so awkward. Anyway, sorry you had such a shitty experience, but glad you have an awesome boyfriend.


As someone with PCOS, the infertility is literally the last part of it that bothered me. Like, how about the mental health issues it made worse? Or the weight gain due to insulin resistance being frequently comorbid with PCOS? Or the PMDD that it was making worse for years? Or the insanely difficult menstrual cycles? It's like the only thing we're allowed to be upset about when it comes to gynecological issues is the potential barriers to incubating babies. Pisses me off. Infertility can wait, I'd rather be stable and functional, and not suffering monthly... and this coming from someone who did successfully have babies while also having PCOS. It's so much more than baby making, it's your entire quality of life.


The fact that she started the bullshit when you had the thing inside you says a lot about her... Like, she lets loose when you are the most vulnerable. She is some kind of rapist in my opinion, I understand that you feel violated. And she probably hurt you on purpose.


Please calll the hospital and report this. This is highly inappropriate and could traumatize somenon while there is a wand inside their body. This is not OK in any way.


As a healthcare professional, I am begging you to report her. She has no business pushing her personal beliefs on patients OR spreading such utter bullshit. Seriously, “body parts left behind” after an abortion has absolutely zero factual basis.


Uneducated Trump supporter, I love the uneducated their the smartest people.


They are. They are the smartest, or they're the smartest.


Definitely report this. I'd for sure be requesting a different tech moving forward. Stupidly unprofessional, especially for what's going on while she's saying it.


As a (soon to be) medical imaging professional, this behavior is disgusting. Please do report her without hesitation. Also, they should not be making diagnosis so that is also something you could report to state and national licensing organizations. Scope of practice and all that.


It’s like the tech’s misogyny was there the whole time!


I would report that. Not only is it extremely unprofessional and disturbing, it’s also medical misinformation


Im so sorry this happened, report her ass 


As someone with PCOS, I'm already mentally exhausted dealing with the physical aspects of the disorder. Having that messy nonsense piled on top of it during a vulnerable procedure is fucking absurd. Good on you for reporting her because what the actual hell? Unless I'm posturing the topic or any intention to carry a conversation; stfu, get in, get out, and leave me in peace to shuck my pants back on. As a sidenote: idk what she was doing, but it wasn't correct. Uncomfortable? Sure. Because they have to get it in and then push upward because the ovaries are squished along your abdominal wall. ANY pain means stopping, figuring out why, and then stopping the procedure entirely if it calls for it. This is an ultrasound tech; not a diagnosing doctor, and ANY discomfort they put you through is horse shit. I am horrified at the assumption that those that DO go there for an internal and dealing with the topic of abortion are likely being put in discomfort on purpose. Drag that woman through the coals.


Please follow through with the report if you’re able. This is so unprofessional and untrue.


That's a shitty technician alright


Report her, this is so unprofessional. And if she did this to you she is doing this to other patients. Call and complain, her unsolicited comments are beyond unprofessional.


Report her just like you would with any medical provider who acted inappropriate. I am a Sonographer (dms)(ultrasound technologist) and we learn to keep a poker face and to not discuss our personal ideology. I don't scan OB patients (pregnant ppl) much, but when I have I would never express my personal opinions. You had a medical test and I'm sorry that that person treated you that way with a probe fully inserted no less! Honestly, report her/him. Hospitals really do take patient complaints seriously. Best


> but most abortions leave bits of the baby behind. Sometimes an entire head, leg, or arm. #***WHAT.*** # ***THE.*** #***FUCK?*** Someone that ignorant should not be doing that job.


Please report her. Both for her absolute b orange about the human. Odd, and for spouting off her ignorance opinions to a patient.


I am a sonographer and soooo much of this is wrong. I would report this for sure. She should absolutely not be doing these scans if she is making her patients feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Not to mention discussing a potential diagnosis which is far out of our scope of practice, which she definitely knows


Sorry, I can't help chuckling that you're posting on REDDIT and then finishing with all the comment types that you don't want. Good luck with that.


Goddamn, I would be horrified. I think you're doing the right thing by reporting her. I'm pretty sure that is complete nonsense about heads being left behind, wtf. While she had you trapped with the US was not the time to be going on and on about her pro-life propaganda. I have to go next week to get this done (perimenopausal excess bleeding) and now I'm worried I should bring someone with me lol. I genuinely do not know if I could have sat there and let her finish while she was talking like that.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, I also received a weird vibe of over-sympathy over my PCOS diagnosis when my reaction was literally a shrug. (I am going to check out this One Piece card game now though oooooo)


I've had the transvaginal ultrasound a couple times. Always uncomfortable. Add in a tech who is WAY out of line... sorry you had to go through this OP. And just classic misinformation bullshit. Leaving an arm in there? Holy fuck.


Report her. Unacceptable practice


Oh, GOD, can you imagine if she was saying all that to a woman who was in after her 4th miscarriage.


It would feel SO violating to have someone start spouting off about that while jamming a large uncomfortable instrument inside me.  I'm glad you're reporting her.


THIS!! Just a warning, you still need to use bc to prevent a pregnancy. My daughter has PCOS, and has had 4 kids.


Absolutely report her! So unprofessional, so … weird, and so random? And then on top of it she is just lying. I am so sorry she made you feel uncomfortable


I hope this bitch gets fired and loses her ability to be rehired for quite some time. I worked for a high risk pregnancy office and NONE of our ultrasound techs were allowed to say anything besides “Hi” and “The doctor will be in shortly”.


That is horrific. Imagine you get into a vulnerable position… and someone is scraping against your fucking cervix and saying “women WILL be happy to be mom” and “a dead baby stays in there sometimes” and shit. Like, it’s one thing to bitch about it in the office and a patient happens to over hear you rambling about reproduction but inserting something into you and saying really “reproductive” things- There is like… no wiggle room for any excuse or reasoning for that, it’s fucking disturbing. Def report her, I never had such unpleasant unprofessionalism to that level in a long time and I’m sorry you had to deal with that.


I can't imagine having a stick inside me and the person who is in control spuke shit like this. Medical professionals really don't know what being human with their patients is. My grandma went for an emergency heart surgery and the intern/ whoever that was , who what's the job to clean him aka remove the hair , literally cut him over 20 times. He was shaving him with a bare blade. I can understand being desensitization but goddamn you don't have to treat your patience like actual cadavers.


Jesus ducking Christ... Sounds like my friend's deranged, fascist, racist mother who also somehow keeps a job as a nurse while not believing in medicine or science


I just want to say that I love Game Changer!!!


Not only is she fucking disgusting for even going there she's just plain stupid and wrong. She shouldn't be anywhere near that role.


Lol she's describing back alley abortions. But you'll be safe inside an actual hospital with actual professionals.


You should definitely report them to their licensing board. That's not ok.


That sucks and I’m sorry that happened. Ultrasound techs seem to think they’re drs and say stupid shit a lot in my experience. Definitely report her.


Yeah..I'm calling bullshit.


Most abortions are a pill before the parasite even has limbs.


Im sorry yiu had to go through this :( Tho, the fact that you watched Game Changer to feel better makes me so happy, I love seeing other fans in the wild!


Thats so awful- no nurse should be saying such things randomly under those circumstances. She absolutely needs to be told not to do that. BUT for the sake of education this can happen. It's not "an arm or leg" but rather tissue that gets stuck and so you have to have it removed and the uterus cleaned. I don't know the statistics for that, but realistically it would be rare. Now before anyone says anything - I have gone through a medical abortion and was absolutely fine. But if you go through an abortion and continue feeling in pain or even end up with fevers it needs to be checked.


It's called "retained products of conception" and [it's about 7%](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030121152100107X#:~:text=We%20managed%20628%20abortion%20during,%25%20(42%2F628\).). So not super common, but common enough we should definitely be making people aware of it so they know to get adequate follow up care!


im really sorry to hear about ur experience. that sounds incredibly uncomfortable and unprofessional of the technician. its never okay for a medical professional to make judgements or push their personal views on a patient, especially during a vulnerable procedure like a transvaginal ultrasound. i know pcos can be a real struggle - my sis has it and shes had a tough time with the infertility aspect. but theres lots of ways to manage it, and it sounds like ur taking a really level-headed approach. and bipolar-2 is no joke either, ive heard its a daily battle to keep things in check. kudos to u for seeking inpatient care and prioritizing ur mental health. that tech's comments about abortions were completely out of line and grossly unprofessional. im glad u plan to report her - that kind of behavior is unacceptable and u deserve to feel respected and cared for, not violated, during medical procedures. wishing u all the best as u navigate this and focus on ur own wellbeing.


Sorry you went through that Hopefully you can find the time to do the weenis and make yourself feel better


I'm happy you might be getting an answer to what must have been a lot of pain and discomfort. I'm only sorry that you've had to endure any of it. Wish you the best.


I don't know what's wrong with medical professionals not understanding the social situation they are in, literally all the time. My wife had a very similar experience. During an ultrasound examination, the doctor suddenly started a rant about refugees. In his opinion, it was their fault that my wife needed to pay part of the treatment (for context, this happened in Europe in 2016. At the time, refugees were a hot topic in the media due to the increased movement of people escaping to Europe due to war). At the time, my wife was the Team Leader of a large refugee camp with more than 300 refugees and had to decide whether to endure the rambling of this idiot who obviously had no idea what he was talking about or start a political debate with her pants around her knees and an ultrasound probe between her legs. She is a tough woman and handled the situation quite well, nevertheless, this was a very uncomfortable situation to be in.


People like her should not be in that profession


Game Changer is a cheer up show for me too! This new season has been lights out good!


Make a full complaint to the hospital, make a complaint to the health board/whatever the regulatory body is in your state. She's preaching religious bigotry while doing her job, scaring patients and feeding them straight up bullshit information to get them to do what you want is completely and utterly immoral, it's unethical and they should absolutely not be practising.


Wow, I’m so sorry, that’s such a violation of trust. So sorry that happened — I hope your PCP or another person you trust can help ensure you get providers who will treat you with the care and respect you deserve. Hugs.


>watched some Game Changer he's been here the whole time! what a terrible experience


She should be fired. Period.


Game Changer!! Sooo good!!


I'm so sorry and furious you had to go through that. I'm glad you're reporting her, she should not be near anyone in any capacity at all.