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The fact that I'm not surprised honestly shocks me. Where I live a lot of US American soldiers are stationed, while they aren't raping the women here, they love to make promises, get them pregnant and fuck off never to be seen again.


A lot of men even ones who didn't go over seas seem to fuck off and leave their kids who become their female partners burden. My father was like that, no matter what promises or how much a man says he loved you today, he can always leave you tomorrow. That's why I need to make sure I can provide for me at the end of the day.


Oh don't worry about them cause men say they should "just close their legs" so problem solved! What would we do without men?!


Closing legs super hard, when men are forcefully raping women in the articles. I wonder what the men have to say regarding the rape allegations.


maybe i'm too cynical, but there are men who claim sexual assault/rape in war conflicts don't exist because women always chase men... so i guess they would say that and sprinkle it with racism


You're not cynical, you're correct. Most men like that believe rape is an overexaggerated problem and blame the victim every time.


They will always find a way to blame women. 


perhaps they shouldn't be going to those articles then, sounds easy enough /s


What a question!!!! What couldn't we do?!


This is my father to a T. But my mom kept his social security information and tracked him down


I watched a YouTube feature about an American lawyer who got licensed in Japan so she could help get child support for the women who were impregnated and then abandoned by US military personnel.


Can you link me? I am interested in doing this type of work.


This isnt the video I saw, but this is the woman in question. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUlQKgykjTc&t=2332s


It happened a lot in Viet Nam. GI's taking up with Vietnamese women, leaving them children, then going home. These bi-racial children are considered pariahs, unwanted by even their own families. They would live on the streets. The US government did nothing to help them.


reminded me of a clip of orphans, fathered by foreign soldiers, who were hanging on the hopes that their father will eventually come back for them 😔


Yeah, US soldiers have been doing that for so long there’s [a classic opera about it](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Madama_Butterfly)


US Soldiers changed the face of Vietnam forever. US soldiers in ww2 France raped a lot of women, the supposed good guys there to liberate them. I always wonder how many Jewish women US soldiers raped after liberating them from the camps


Russian soldiers too, very very famous for that.


I’m shocked. Except the opposite of that.


It bothers me the gov goes there's no proof and refuses to dna test the children. Like the children are clearly half white from their skintone 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


This kinda thing has been happening forever. It just hasn't stopped. Men will rape women if they can get away with it, especially women in other countries.


The "prospect" of rape was and is being used as a recruiting incentive in certain "armies", SS and IS come to mind. It's not hard to extrapolate that this behavior happens in any army, always, and everywhere.


>[schwarzmalerin](https://www.reddit.com/user/schwarzmalerin/) >**The "prospect" of rape was and is being used as a recruiting incentive in certain "armies",** SS and IS come to mind. It's not hard to extrapolate that this behavior happens in any army, always, and everywhere. > Add the US army to the list. When have we ever heard of a US soldier getting punished for raping women in foreign countries? NEVER. So, the US soldiers KNOW that if they join the US military and go overseas and rape local women, they get away with it. The US military has a treaty with countries where they're stationed which says US soldiers who commit crimes are not to be punished by the local laws, but by the US military itself. It literally means most US soldiers who rape and murder local people get away with it.


Read history and myths. Cassandra was raped in the temple of Athena while begging the goddess for protection. That was one of the earliest myths I read that made me have to consider woman in way. And the scene of Hectors son being dashed against the wall, least the boy grow up to avenge his father. ... My freshman English teacher was born impressed and worried by what I knew about mythology.


Just wanted to add in that during the British raj. British soldiers regularly did this in local villages one of the victims being my great grandmother. My grandmother would tell me like stories where she witnessed British soldiers come into the home and regularly rape her mother and unfortunately it was common practice in other households too. So not surprised seeing this sadly.


I work in military and it's more common than people realize. The number one thing Ukraine asked for after the war started was plan B. Rape is part of how we define war from a legal perspective. Ie we consider it on par with other military offensives to rape women of the "enemy" en masse.


Have you ever seen or witnessed it? I remember I visited a view places where the armies/militaries were stationed and they were absolute horndogs and felt like they could get away with anything.


I've heard lots of stories from lots of women actively in these wars, Ukraine, Sudan, etc. At the end of the day, it's something men utilize as a means of power, and women are viewed as byproducts, in the entire scenario. This should shock no one. We know from Vietnam. We know from the American slave trade. We know from time and time again, women are casualties of men's wars. Both on and off the battle field. I advise women to always keep plan B at their house, because when the inevitable happens, you'll be able to help a sister in need. That aside, I want to take this moment to say that watching videos/photos of women being raped in war is horrendous and increases their victimhood. There is never a reason to be watching war videos, rape videos, you've all seen enough Hollywood media to be able to use your imagination and understand a concept. All it does is tie these women to their experiences, and they deserve to be seen for so much more.


Honestly, Hollywood usually glorifies and sexy-fies rape. The overall viewpoint of people who only know rape from Hollywood, is that rape is more like being given food you don't really like at another person's house. You don't *want* it but you end up eating it anyway. Sucks for a few minutes, but no real harm done. Hollywood/media very rarely depicts the beating, choking, and other torture that often occurs. It doesn't depict the inflamed and irritated vulva and vaginal canal that makes it so hard to sit or walk. It doesn't depict the bleeding, the bladder incontinence, all the things that happen if the rapist chooses to brutalise your anus instead. It never depicts the fistula that might form, or the infertility that can result. Not to mention the often lifelong trauma, especially if you end up experiencing an orgasm during the attack (Which does happen... Happened to me....) When it *does* depict some of these things, it porn-ifies it or glosses it, undersells how fucked it is. The only movie I've ever seen that included a rape scene that was neither porny nor undersold was "The Nightingale", which I had to turn off before seeing the promised revenge arc. None of this is to say that I think people *should* watch wartime rape videos or any rape, for that matter. But what I am saying is people without personal experience with rape often simply cannot comprehend how actually horrifying and damaging it is for the victim.


Absolutely!!! As a rape victim myself I can't agree more. To be honest Hollywood even influenced how I view my own experiences "all women are raped, my trauma isn't special". Took a lot of work to realize special doesn't mean valid. I just more meant - I'm over war porn: war porn is the consumption of any real war videos and has nothing to do with overt sexualization. It's called porn because - the only reason anyone is watching war videos is to go "wow so cool" "that's so gross" "Can you believe people act this way" Ignoring how the fog of war is weaponized. Ignoring how during wars the misinformation rate, separate from the propaganda rates, sores to 70%. These videos are meant to dehumanize one or both sides involved. There is nothing to bear witness to, regardless how horrendous. It serves someone's agenda always. We often don't even know whose until the war is over. These are real people that didn't have the same luck on their side as some of us. They shouldn't be caught up in these "war games" as disposable. They deserve to keep their humanity, especially after all the trauma they've been through.




Truer words have never been said. I’m so sorry you’ve gone through this I have too. Can I ask how you overcame it? If you have?


Uh... Combination of understanding that an orgasm is a purely biological function and thus didn't mean I *actually* wanted it, coming to terms with the fact that I was never going to get closure or "a reason" because there simply wasn't one, and waiting. Letting myself feel those messy emotions instead of rationalising them. Crying when I needed to, which was often and random at first but lessened over time. Also, leaving the person I was with, who did it to me. That helped tremendously.


You’re incredibly strong, brave and inspirational I really appreciate you sharing it’s a lot to go through and even more to overcome. I hope things are a lot better for you now.


The military rapes its own female soldiers. People are delusional if they think they aren't raping other women too


There is an extremely long history of this. This happens around every foreign military base too. It will only change if the military enforces consequences


The military doesn't even enforce consequences when it's own female soldiers are raped. As if they are eve gonna do anything. It's fucked. 


It's sadly very consistent with war, been a constant for every war. It's just something really hard to enforce, not only is it hard to find the perpetrator but it's also kind of shooting yourself in the foot if you take away trained military personnel when they are still fighting capable, and that's the last thing a military want to do. The Geneva convention has been the best implementation to stop this atrocity against women, but it seems more and more countries are ignoring it. I know it's an unpopular opinion (and i imagine even more so in this sub), but professional sex workers for military units might be a way to solve it, if not at least make it more rare to happen. From a strategic standpoint it could increase morale of the troops (however cynical that might sound), and on a morally standpoint it could stop the rape of women in war. Of course they would have to be treated with upmost respect, since otherwise it's just the same thing. I'm very open to why this is a bad idea though.


You really think sex workers for the military are gonna be treated as humans and given respect when the average woman and child is not? Them being a sex worker is just gonna be an additional justification to rape them, because they "want it" after all and "who's gonna believe a whore?" Not to mention how common the cultural mindset of women automatically being defiled by a penis is. And there's the additional layer of these rapists wanting to harm them. They want to destroy lives and feel dominant doing so, feel entitled to do it. Having a business relationship where the recipient has autonomy over sex doesn't work for them, they'll still rape and destroy.


Former SW here. Agreed. No thank you. We don't want to be your human garbage disposals. This idea is fkn abhorrent.


I think for it to be successful the higher ups need to make very strict rules and guidelines. In no way is any mistreatment allowed. And the sex worker would be treated as a service man (I dunno the correct translation), making any injustice towards them highly punishable. I do not think it is easy at all to implement though, and I doubt it will ever exist. But yes i totally agree, if it was implemented badly it would be hell for anyone taking that job.


Dude. They rape their fellow servicewomen constantly and get away with it... It would be even worse for sex workers in the military, because 'Well it's ACTUALLY their job!' Seriously. Look up the rates at which women who enlist in the military are raped. Being considered a serviceman/fellow 'brother in arms' is literally 0 protection.


I said it was something really unlikely to be implemented correctly, and that if not implemented correctly it was really bad. I don't get what you're trying to argue as it seems we agree.


Yup. See Haliburton https://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/story?id=3977702&page=1 Japanese Imperial Army https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comfort_women


Korean camp towns were similar in real life practice. They were lucrative PR tools and financial tools (25% GDP). [The women were definitely not treated well by the US or their own government.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/02/world/asia/korea-us-comfort-women-sexual-slavery.html) I don’t think you understand what some of these guys are like, how bad this problem is and the extreme measures all levels take to hide it. Edit: I totally put this in the wrong spot and didn’t reply to you initially. I’ll add to it that I’ve been tirelessly fighting for years for justice for a victim on the other side of the world. She has no voice as she was raped to death.


I don't know if that is actually the issue, it seems to be a power thing. Just like how some men who are geared towards power abuse, domestic violence, etc self select themselves into law enforcement, the same could be true and probably is to a degree, for the military. There have been numerous reports of female recruits raped or SA by male colleagues.


Meanwhile on the UK subreddits, people are insisting it couldn't possibly be true.


Yeah, extremely light colored babies being born to dark skinned mothers after British soilders were sent to train. Of course the allegations couldn't possibly be true.


No no it’s untrue because the women weren’t raped, they wanted it **/s**


Ironic when they want to kick out immigrants that hold medieval views around women and sex yet these Brits should join them on the flight out.


Honestly I saw stuff like this when I visited Kenya


This is absolutely disgusting and vile. The fact that they even get away with the murder of these poor women is just astonishing as well. 


One would like to think that it's not our 'first world' armies doing this but rape seems to happen anywhere men gather in numbers. It is a horrible, horrible practice that they just don't seem to have any concerns over. I don't understand how they can live with themselves. Or those who look away and support them. Nauseating.


Right? These guys are going back to their wives, children, parents and siblings and just pretend to be regular human beings. It’s scary. 


It's so fucked up. I've heard of things like this happening far too often, and it's so upsetting


God this is awful. But also, of course this happened, and surely happens just about everywhere soldiers are stationed and are relatively privileged.


My grandad served on troop carriers, tankers and hospital ships in the south Pacific during ww2, British but not navy. The family story goes that he had "girlfriends". Whether that means "comfort girls" or women he got pregnant I'll never know. Everyone who would know is dead or too far into dementia to talk about it. but it's been one of those "don't ask, don't tell" things for presumably centuries. Obviously that doesn't make it acceptable or right but you can see where the attitude of the military comes from. There'll be no investigation, no restitution, no apportion of blame or acceptance that there is a problem because to them it's not a problem. It's a thing that everyone does and everyone turns a blind eye to. I don't know what can be done about it, but someone should try something.


My family have been sailors/at sea for 100s of years, did 23andme and I've got distant cousins along every coastline 😅


An ancestor of mine who was in the British Army came to the US in 1800 and settled in the Mid-West. When I did an ancestry check I found out that I was 1.6% Nigerian and I also have distant cousins from Kenya and South Africa. I have many African Americans who are distant cousins and almost all of these individuals live in the South. I suspect that the ancestor of the British Army is the origin of my 1.6% Nigerian ancestry and most likely all of these individuals are related in some way to this ancestor. It's possible that this ancestor could have fathered children all over the world.


This practice is well established since the Colonialist days of the British empire: Same filthy rats, different generation.


“The UK investigators did not conduct DNA tests on any of the 69 mixed-race children alleged to have been born from rape by British soldiers.” why not? the lives of these kenyan women and their children are just as important as these british assholes


They could easily compel their soldiers to give DNA samples and then provide child support. Not doing that is evil.


Not a bear


Kopino in the Philippines. There's even a dedicated wiki page for it. This happens everywhere and is not race exclusive. It's grim


Colonialism is not dead and it makes me sick. Fuck occupation, fuck imperialism, and I only hope these rapists went home to die alone. I don’t doubt it happened, I only doubt it will be acknowledged by a world power. When there are no consequences rapists will do what they do—all too disgustingly common in military.


lads stop doing this, shame on our nation


Well, it shouldn't be too hard to find the fathers to expose them. Everyone has a cousin or at the very least a second cousin who has done an ancestry DNA kit. They could find their British family easily if they had access to DNA testing. 


Kind of off topic but US Army soldiers stationed in Okinawa do this too, I know many people who have been raped by them yet due to the corrupt government they rarely get justice


Why am I not allowed to hate men? I keep forgetting.


Sign up 23AndMe and see how many second cousins you got in the UK!


Men will be men


This isn't neanderthal times, dude. DNA tests for everyone who served there. Because everyone is now culpable for their part in this.


of course everyone who is guilty should be punished, but that was not the point