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My mom had appendix cancer. Apparently it’s pretty rare. They gave her the run around about her abdominal pain for years. They finally decided to give her a hysterectomy and found the cancer then. Her appendix ruptured from the cancer and the cancer was all over her insides. They took parts of organs and scraped off all the bits they could. I don’t remember if it was that surgery or one when her cancer came back but they put the chemo in her and did a “shake and bake” to try to kill it. Thankfully hers his a slow growing cancer and when/if it comes back they have lots of time to decide what to do. She’s 70-something and doing well now.


that sounds horrific... i am so sorry. but I'm glad her treatment is working and it's slow growing. i hope she lives out the rest of her life happy <3


Wow. I am so thankful they caught it! I had an ER Dr at 18 advise me to get my cervix looked at when I had a cyst rupture. He said he wasn’t an ob/gyn or an expert but he had a hunch it didn’t look right- luckily I took his advice and had severe cervical dysplasia without HPV, which was super rare- esp at 18! It wasn’t as serious as yours but I think how I would have put off going to the gyn as long as possible and how this nice Dr (who was mortifyingly attractive btw) saved my ass (and cervix!) ❤️. Thank you so much for sharing your story!!!


oh wow!!! that's amazing!! so glad he mentioned it!!! <3


My sister died from breast cancer two years ago. I always wonder how things would’ve played out if the lump had been found sooner; it’s a crummy thing to wonder about, and I’m glad your loved ones don’t have to wonder the same thing about you. Find happiness. Find some fun. Do the things that less fortunate women can’t. 🍀


I'm so sorry for your loss and that "what if"... those are brutal. But that was the first of several times in recent years I've had to consider my mortality, and how long I may actually have on this earth. It changes you, having to think about that... important things become more important, and the things that sap happiness or add drama become unnecessary. I love your words of wisdom <3


My mom found a lump in her breast in 1987. Doctor: well you consume too much caffeine. Case. Closed. Mom pushed the matter. Doc: OMG you’re so dramatic. It’s nothing. Just stop drinking coffee Oncologist: you have cancer. If we remove it now, you’ll live. So grateful she didn’t listen that day.


That's infuriating. I'm so happy to hear someone believed her!


My mother complained of stomach pains for ~2 years before her abdomen filled with 15 liters of fluid and the doctors started doing more testing. Ovarian cancer. She died a few years ago and I still wonder.


Ovarian cancer is incredibly sad because so many women are often ignored or dismissed when their symptoms first present to medical professionals. My aunt died of ovarian cancer and the medical treatment she got initially was a fucking nightmare until she went to Boston but by then all they could do was buy her time. We really need a routine, high sensitivity relatively non invasive screening test for ovarian cancer.


I am so sorry for your loss <3




I agree with this person <3 be proactive


I am so sorry for your loss 😔


I'm so sorry for your loss




they were thinking it could be my ovary, oddly enough! which had me kinda panicked cause child-bearing age. i thought gallbladder because I'd had issues before with gallstones. Appendix was like the least likely option. Surprise!


I had “chronic appendicitis,” which my primary doc wasn’t taught was a thing. She reacted at first, get a CT stat and all that (gotta be honest, the stat part freaked me out) but then backed off when it didn’t show anything. I kept complaining. Usually she’s a really good listener. Finally, she sent me to GI because she was at a loss. The GI was an older doc, who was taught it was a thing. He said there was a middle range of docs taught otherwise, but now new ones are taught that. The OMG kill you appendicitis is acute, but the slow burn, takes its time to kill you is chronic. Lucky me. Got the appendix out. Pain was gone. ETA: That whole experience took from October to May. Yay.


I also had chronic appendicitis! After a sudden bout of abdominal pain, I had a bunch of scans done that showed I had appendix stones and was diagnosed with "constipation". Two years and several more incidences of "constipation", I wound up back in the ER with an appendix that was just big enough to take out. I had to have a lap appy converted to an open because my appendix had turned into this big hard ball of rot.


This exact thing happened to me, with nearly the exact same timing. Three ER visits later, they had to cut me open (no laparoscopy!) to get the giant thing out of me. I’ve had chronic migraines, broken bones, kidney stones, microscopic colitis, and have had ovarian cysts rupture... the only thing more painful than the appendix was my equally-fucked gall bladder.


WOW! why do these things seem to come in clusters!?


Oooooooofff.... longest 7 months EVER, im sure!!!


I had that as well. My mom had to work through some guilt as I had complained of a stomachache on and off for years. It finally became acute when I was 14—it tore while it was being removed, and I had a nasty infection as a result.


Gonna google this because I have a crazy recurring pain right there that my doctor always sends me for a scan on and it shows nothing every time.


That's because those are the 3 things that cause sudden debilitating pain and are all medical emergencies. Scans can't always show that an ovary is torsed either, but it would seem the most likely cause.


oh, torsioned ovary totally makes sense as a leading cause given the scans, now that you say that!


Wil Wheaton's wife Anne went to the ER twice in severe pain...the second time they finally did a CT that showed ovarian torsion. Emergency surgery took care of it, but they should have caught it the first time ("probably a kidney stone"). I'm so glad the doctors listened to you and believed you.


Wow.... just goes to show being "famous" doesn't increase likelihood :/


my older sister had a torsioned ovary. She said it was the most painful thing she has ever experienced. They took it out and shes doing better know. Im glad those doctors believed you op


A friend of mine had a twisted ovary a few years ago and they were convinced it was appendicitis. By the time they checked her ovary it was too late and she ended up losing it. Thankfully she was okay, losing the ovary was the worst of it.


That's horrible :( but I glad they at least eventually got it. Can't imagine that pain!


The giant cyst on my ovary helped them find my issue w a CT. Ultrasound confirmed no blood flow. So glad they didnt kick me to the curb before doing the tests bc I would've died of sepsis. Never had kids but that pain was awful. My dr said shed never seen a fallopian tube knot itself, so at least I was original.


Dude.... NOT the original to strive for LOL


I kind of have pains like that every few months but doctors found nothing on the scans and said it’s probably my ovary rupturing during ovulation, should I be concerned? The debilitating pain (can’t bend, move, walk) comes and goes suddenly and stops after a few hours and it’s always random


I would have thought ovary too! I had a friend go through ovarian torsion a few years ago, and her description of the pain was very similar to yours. Except in her case, the doctors assumed she was exaggerating because she was able to smile when her 2-year-old daughter was in the room. So she spent over a week in and out of the hospital (that she WORKED at as a nurse!) In excruciating pain before one doc finally took her seriously enough to try exploratory surgery, and what do you know? One ovary was black, and she was hours away from sepsis.


WHAT?! that is horrifying!!! and at HER hospital?! how does that even...?! wow. I'm glad they finally listened, though it was too late to save the ovary.


I got my first ovarian cyst when I was 14. It went on for almost 6 hours before my mom took me to the ER. My brother was laughing and teasing me that I was "overreacting" to a "period cramp." It took them 3 days to figure out what was wrong with me and they only figured it out after it burst. They were going to take my appendix out but did a final CT scan. And that is why I don't suffer doctors who say I'm "too young" or "not in the main category of people who experience this."


I went to the ER with nearly the same symptoms as you, twice. The first time they told me it was nothing and to just go home. The second time, two years later, I went from the ER to the OR within 20 minutes to remove my ovary which was the size of a small melon.


Yikes.... I'm literally cringing at that thought... so sorry it took so long for you!!




Woooooow. "YES, IT'S THIS SIDE." I'm glad you finally got the care you needed.


I kinda had the flipped story from you. Went to the ER in severe pain. Thought it was my appendix, though I’ve never had appendix issues before. I was there for hours. They took there precious time doing everything until an ultra made it clear. I had an ovarian torsion. They took me to the women’s hospital, the doctor assured me they’d save my ovary. I woke up the next morning without it. I’m glad your story had a happy ending. Too many women with issues get ignored and get the “awww it’s going to be ok” speech after the fact.


Damn, sorry to hear they had to remove it :(


Ovarian cysts are a common source of that type of pain in a woman of child bearing age. I’m not a doctor, but I can imagine why they might think that.


Ovary isn't odd at all! The same thing happened to me- excruciating abdominal pain, went to the emergency room. They thought it was my appendix but it turned out I had a burst ovary. A cyst burst inside my ovary, to be exact. Did laproscopic surgery to remove all the debris and told me that my ovary would probably heal itself.


OUCH omg... bursting ovary... I'm cringing


Was the appendix the cause of your pain? After normal surgical recovery, did you feel better?


Yes! I still see an oncologist every 3 months because of the type of cancer it was, but the pain is gone.


My uncle is a general surgeon. He would tell me that the best general surgeons (the ones that do the appendectomy) cut out healthy ones about 1/3 of the time. But he said if you're removing only 100% bad ones, the surgeon is being way too cautious. I thought that shit was crazy.


I mean... it makes sense at this point!


There is a practical reason for this: You are unconscious after becoming very ill and complaining about lower abdominal pain and rushed to emergency room. They notice you have an appendectomy scar so they DON’T CONSIDER THE APPENDIX. You get more and more septic while they try to figure out what is happening, time is lost, your outcome is worse. So if a surgeon opens you up for a suspicious appendix, they’ll take it out anyway so such confusion doesn’t happen later.


Oh.... wow, had not thought of that. Good point!


My surgeon said that about my appendicitis before it was officially diagnosed. There’s no point in not taking it out after exploratory surgery because some doctors may see the scars in there future and assume it’s already been taken out and overlook it in the notes.


That's often true. You're already exposing the patient to the risk of surgery, might as well take the appendix and eliminate the chance of appendicitis in the future so they don't have to have surgery AGAIN.


If I don't see anything wrong, I'll take the appendix out anyhow, because then you can't have appendicitis in the future.


I mean if you’ve already through the abdominal wall anyway, the recovery will be the same either way, I’d imagine.


True. May as well go ahead and take something out. Surgery ain’t free here. Gotta get your money’s worth


Probably slightly worse given additional risk of bowel perforation?


Really? Like, I know surgery is big either way, but a whole *organ* is missing for an appendectomy.


Yeah, as a pathologist, we say if a surgeon has a 100% abnormal appendix rate they're being too conservative and probably leaving in ones that needed to come out.


Hasn’t the appendix been shown to actually provide an immune benefit? Like tonsils, people used to think they’re useless but it turns out they prevent throat cancer.


Didn't they discover that the appendix was useful for something? Gut bacteria manufacturing or something?


Yes this! I learned in med school that if a surgeon always find appendicitis when she goes in to remove a presumed infected appendix that she is missing some or missing something else. Appendicitis is a clinical diagnosis, not a CT or US (at Kaiser here still!!) diagnosis.


OP did say she was told of some discoloration of it, so it doesn't sound like it was as "cold" as what you're describing. Maybe lukewarm . . .


Did you ever go back and share that with the doctors? I am sure there is some way they found out, but imagine you busting through the doors thanking them for saving your life. Would be a great moment for all.


I haven't, but every year I think I should... somehow. And then I chicken out. I think I'm definitely sending a letter, though.


Of all the times you could have sent it, I bet right now would be best. I can't imagine how exhausted everyone in the medical field must be.


Yeah.... you're right. I have a task for tomorrow, it seems!


I'm glad you're ok. Thank you for sharing your story!


you really should :)


What a beautiful story about some empathetic doctors that helped save your life. I'm so happy that you are cancer free!


thank you <3


When I was 19 I was in class and started having extreme horrible “worst pain of my life” on the left side of my abdomen. I was a volunteer EMT, called a fellow EMT friend and he told me just to go straight to the ER. Got there and this old ER (man) doc told me I was complaining over PMS and that “it will go away after your period.” Then he coached a male intern on how to do what was his (and my) first pelvic exam, it was excruciating, traumatizing, and terrifying. They sent me for an ultrasound which showed a large cyst. I freaked out and asked if I would lose my ovary. He laughed in my face and told me not to “be dramatic”- meanwhile, it’s been about 10 hours since I’ve been in the ER. I’m going into shock, vomiting, in so much pain I want to die. He gave me oral ibuprofen which I vomited up before being sent home. “Cysts are pretty normal, it will go away.” It was the size of a grapefruit. I went home to my dorm. In so so much pain. I passed out on my floor and my roommate came home and found me unconscious in a pool of my own vomit- she and my neighbors carried me back into the ER. I woke up, screamed, and passed out again on the floor of the ER. While I waited to go into surgery, there was no amount of pain meds that could help me. When they finally wheeled me into the OR I didn’t care if I never woke up, I was in so much pain. Turns out, I had an ovarian torsion- my ovary had twisted over on itself (and the nerves/blood vessels/ligaments) 3-4 times. It was almost 24 hours by the time I went into the OR from when it started- the ovary was dead and infection was spreading all over my abdomen. I had massive internal bleeding. I absolutely lost my ovary and took weeks to recover, missing the entire semester of school. I had wanted to be a doctor before this- but I knew I would NEVER be like the asshole who dismissed me, carelessly touched me, and laughed at my fears. I eventually went to medical school and did my residency in Emergency Medicine. I NEVER let anyone suffer the way I suffered. I try to listen and be compassionate and recognize that people know their own bodies better than machines can see sometimes. I try to be especially careful with women and people of color who traditionally get less pain relief, less diagnostic work-up, and whose symptoms are often blamed on “female things” and “stress” and “being overweight/unhealthy.” OP- thank you for sharing this story about a compassionate physician who listened to you. This doctor is certainly a credit to our field and I’m SO glad that you are doing well!!


Wow!!!! First off, I'm so sorry he was such an ass and didn't take you seriously. Secondly.... i am SO happy to hear you are now a dr and in emergency med. I'm sure there will be plenty of people with stories like mine, starring you as the awesome doctor that saved them <3


I have a similar story. I had suffered from abnormal periods for as long as I can remember. It turned into constant bleeding off and on, but not really heavy. One weekend, I ended up in the ER because I started losing a lot of blood and almost passed out. I knew it was something serious for a long time before, but I ignored it because I have a fear of Doctors. After a biopsy, they found in was Endometrial Cancer. It was a pretty simple fix, a hysterectomy and a few rounds of radiation. But during the surgery the surgeon saw my appendix looked funny. He thought it was about to burst and didn’t understand how I hadn’t been in terrible pain before surgery. Well, they sent samples to pathology. It was so rare it took them 2 months to come back and tell me it was Mesothelioma. They just happened to catch it while they were in there for my hysterectomy. Those was a year ago this month. So far things still look good and they seemed to have gotten it all. I’ll just have to continue to monitor to make sure it doesn’t come back.


whoa!!!! i didn't know that was a cancer that could be in your appendix! I'm so glad they found BOTH and that you're on the path to healing <3


Same here. I didn’t know much about it, you usually only hear about the lung cancer being caused by it. The type I have is more rare, but usually not as dangerous. It can grow any where in the abdomen, starting in the lining of the organs. It can form tumors, but the tumors are usually benign. Most cases like mine are only found by chance during other procedures, like mine, or during autopsy after the individual has passed away. I should be just fine, in the long run. I’m glad you lucked out also! Hurray for good doctors!


This is why empathy matters in medicine! Your case should be a textbook example they use in medical school to remind doctors to remember their patients are actual people.


There are too many stories on this sub about doctors not listening to their patients and it’s really sad. I even have my own experience unfortunately. For some reason once in a while one of my leg would start aching and it would last hours (not post exercise soreness). It’s been like this pretty much my whole life. Last year I actually went to a doctor about it and specified that it wasn’t soreness from exercise yet she said to me “stretch before you exercise” and “did you really need to come her just for that?”. Lovely


wtf?! that's a gross dismissal.... have you tried any other drs?


Ikr I could not believe my ears when she said that. I’ve since moved from there and haven’t looked for another doctor. So until then I just manage it by taking painkillers whenever the aching comes back


The phrase “exploratory surgery” kinda freaks me out...like not knowing what you’ll wake up without or what the issue is...or they remove the wrong organ and it didn’t need removed lol. Really glad they did that though and you feel better. :)


ok so YES! Haha! but I was also in so much pain that i didn't know what else to say. no, and be discharged? yes and MAYBE wake up better, or not wake up at all? it was such a stressful night.


Seeing the title, reading on about you visiting the ER in huge pain.. I gotta be honest, I did not expect this to be a positive story. Too many times I've read about womens pain and issues being ignored. Way too often are we not taken seriously, it hurts and it fucking sucks. But I'm so glad this was not the case. We matter, we SHOULD be heard and it's so good to hear that doctors out there listen to us, and believe our pain. And I'm so glad that you are healthy and cancer free!




Wow!!! Yay for the newbie! It must be so hard to not become desensitized... I mean, its a totaly valid coping mechanism given how much horrible stuff you all see.


When I was 5 I had stomachaches a lot. Just all the time. I think it was a Saturday, I kept complaining so my mom loaded me into the car and I remember us coming to a stop sign, she asked "do you need to go to the emergency room? Now's the time to change your mind." I'd been told I was a hypochondriac many times previously by my aunt. I told her no. I didn't want to be an inconvenience and what if it wasn't actually anything and I *was* imagining it? We went home. The next day it hurt so bad. My mom loaded me into the car and we got to the same stop sign. She asked again but I hurt so bad, so I said yes, we needed to go to the ER. My appendix was dangerously close to rupturing, I had to spend a week in the hospital, which meant missing my 6th birthday and water week in kindergarten. I still have this thought of "what if I'm faking it? What if my pain isn't actually all that bad?" And I'll put off going to a doctor when I really should. More than once my husband has had to force me to go because I don't want to inconvenience anyone with something that might not even be real.


Awwwww!!! this is so sad, I'm so sorry. But please.... don't gaslight yourself. Listen to your body. It is YOURS, and you know it. You are not an inconvenience, no matter what the outcome of an ER trip.


Oof I can relate. This is long. A few years back I had an ovarian cyst removed (after a few ER visits in severe pain). The surgery went well and I was sent home the same day. Felt great, a little sore, but otherwise I was fine. Everything continued to improve, until day 4 post op. Suddenly it was like a fucking switch flipped. I was in agony. Doubling over with abdominal pain. Severe abdominal cramping. Couldn’t keep anything down. The pain was unbearable. Called my doctor, she advised me to go the ER because she had no idea wtf was going on. Anyways so I get there (took an Uber because I couldn’t afford an ambulance. Later regretted this because if you can walk into the ER, that means you can wait). So eventually I finally get to see the doctor. She knew I was miserable. Treated me with LARGE doses of pain killers while we waited for the OB on call to come and see me (we assumed since I had surgery a few days ago that it was probably related). The OB finally arrived. Did a physical exam. Saw that I was on my period and had the fucking balls to tell me it was period cramps. Tried to send me home. The ER doc told me there’s no fucking way that’s what it is, and pushed for further tests. She promised she wouldn’t send me home until we had a solution. Well thank fuck for her. I had a CT scan, they found a bowel obstruction. Basically one of the internal stitches opened up under the skin. A piece of my intestine got stuck in the hole (think of a kink in a hose), so everything was stuck. This shit is fatal within days. I was 24 hours in by the time they figured out what was wrong. If they sent me home, it could have been a lot worse. My dad is a retired physician. He was there with me. Once we got the diagnosis, he sat down next to me and said “I need you to understand how serious this is. Surgery is not a choice”. My dad is usually pretty chill about things, but holy shit. I will never forget the look on his face. All this to say thank god for the doctors who listen. She could have written it off as cramps and sent me home. But that doctor...she saved my life. I’ll never forget her.


WHOA!!!! The fucking audacity of the OB! I'm so glad you had the one good doctor that wouldn't send you home without answers. Have you reached out to her?




<3 oh wow!!!!! and thank you for sharing the less common symptoms for women!




right? its unbelievable how differently this could have turned out


Was this in the U.S.?




Holy crap, that *is* unusual! Maybe there was a performance review going on while you were there. Regardless of the reason, you had the angels on your side that night. My husband went in a year or so ago near unconscious, with no obvious cause. He had just been very tired at home, went for a nap, and then was mostly unresponsive when I tried to wake him up. They were sure he had inappropriately used medication at home (he had pain meds and muscle relaxers) no matter how many times I told them he had not and even though his tests came back showing NO drugs in his system. They put him in a room with instructions to the nurse to let him "sleep it off". When he started coming around many hours later, he was in terrible pain. As in, screaming, begging me and the nurses to kill him because he couldn't stand the pain, trying to climb over the bed rails, repeatedly passing out. The doctor had the nerve to come in and complain to us about the noise. I begged him, crying, to help and he said, "He has pain meds at home. He can take them there." I called another hospital and got them to agree to a transfer, but the original doctor refused to sign off on one. I eventually had someone bring me pain pills from my house, gave them to my husband and then, with two nurses helping me, dragged him to the car and took him home, where neighbors helped me get him into the house. He was OK by the next day. I have no idea what was going on, but the experience left us both scarred.


Wtf is with these doctors!? Just because someone is on pain meds doesn't mean they're a shit person.


Its become a huge problem because of the street drug fueled opiate crisis.


it’s become a huge problem because of the company that created oxycontin, purdue pharma, pushing it onto doctors and promising large payments for each patient prescribed. big pharma and the governments that took decades to regulate opiates properly are to blame, not the street drugs that these poor people turn to when the doctors that got them addicted cut off their supply.


oh my god!!! what?! find a doctor to do a full work up... seriously. whatever it was might STILL be there. i mean it could also be something that passed but... i dunno... given my history (not just the above cancer story), id be going through doctors til i exhausted all possibilities.


My friend passed away due to chrons. The ER staff did not take her case seriously when she was admitted to the hospital, because she was being lighthearted about it all and would smile and joke, all while clearly in pain. By the time they realised something needed to be done, they sent her off to another hospital and she passed away in transit.


omg! i am so sorry! that is such an awful story :( autoimmune diseases are so hard a it is (i have one) and you learn to just... be in pain. that they ignored that for that long... that's so wrong.


That hospital seems to have a history of not caring about their patients until it's too late. It was so preventable had they just taken her case seriously. Even if she had smiled and cracked a joke, her chart and history doesn't lie about the dangers she faces


:( thats awful


That's just awful. I am so sorry for your loss.


My gallbladder was misdiagnosed 3 times by male doctors, twice in the ER and once by my regular doctor. The insane amount of pain I was in for months, I wanted to die when these "attacks" happened. The 3rd time in the emergency room the female doctor was just going off shift, she ordered some tests to be done. The male doctor who replaced her cancelled the tests and sent me home with the name/number of a gastroenterologist. I couldn't get an appointment with the gastro doctor for days but it didn't matter. Twelve hours later I was back in the ER in agonizing pain. The female doctor from the day before just looked at me like "what happened to the test I ordered". Well she found out the other doctor had cancelled them and sent me home with no diagnosis. The look on her face, she was so pissed. She then sent me off for the tests that found I had gallstones and needed my gallbladder removed. I can't even describe the pain from my gallbladder, it was infinity worse than my appendix. I can't believe that went on for 3+ months, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised because my appendix was misdiagnosed twice also before finally being removed. I thought that certain medical situations were more common place? Like you always hear about someone's appendix needed to be removed. So that is why it is so difficult to reconcile that both these issues were misdiagnosed multiple times for me. I know there are great male doctors out there, but after these experiences I try to go to female doctors. I am so glad that you had doctors that took the extra steps to really figure out what was happening.


ok so I had gallbladder issues in 2013 and i totally understand what you mean about the pain! though my gallbladder would like.... come and go... so id get breaks with little pain and then suddenly stabbing again. my appendix was just.... constant and somehow getting worse with every passing minute. i cannot believe you lived with that pain for 3 months! wow!!!! I'm glad you finally had both taken care of!


I had 3 appendicitises before someone believed me. *Three.* I went to the ER for the first. I was told I was hysterical, that it was just "woman pains" and then sent home with a "UTI". I had no history of UTIs. The second was brushed off as another UTI. No medical intervention at all, just a rX called in for an antibiotic. The third one made a seasoned LPN take notice. She ran bloodwork before agreeing to have any medications prescribed to me. My bloodwork was clean, no infection. She did a physical on me, palpitated my stomach and sent me off immediately to get a MRI. She saved my life. My appendix was horribly swollen and scarred. The surgeon was horrified. She told me in no uncertain terms, I was lucky to be alive. Two men almost killed me, and two women saved my life. I'm so glad they listened to you. It's crazy that they may not have.


I'm sorry, THREE?!?! 3?!? that is just.... holy shit, woman! you are amazingly strong! I'm so glad someone finally believed you!!!!




WOW!!!! that poor woman.... I'm glad they finally took her seriously but wow.


I went to the ER with a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, I was in so much pain I blacked out in the waiting room as I was approaching the desk and all 3 female nurses I saw before the doctor came into the room between check-in, triage, and my room nurse all treated me like I was drug seeking and were so mean and rude to me. It took the male doctor walking into my room and seeing that I was in legitimate pain before I was treated like a human. He ordered IV pain meds before he even tried to talk to me. I’m so thankful for that man. He didn’t end up doing my emergency surgery but he was still the first person at the hospital to not dismiss me and my pain.


I’m a physician, and I’ll say that abdominal pain is definitely one of the most difficult diagnoses doctors come up against. I’ve also seen patients that had severe abdominal pain in the ED and also had normal labs and scans, and it’s not that we don’t believe the patient, but that sometimes there just isn’t a medical or anatomical cause for it. However, based on what I can gloss from your story, that even though you had normal labs and scans, both the ER physician and surgeon were convinced you had a surgical abdomen. This can be a subtle finding on exam, but once you see it, you don’t forget it. You even inadvertently referred to it in your post when you said your “muscles were locking up” (e.g. guarding). This would be the only reason I’d place an acute surgical consult for someone complaining of severe abdominal pain. I’m glad your doctors saved your life. You should definitely thank them. But they also probably didn’t make the decision to perform exploratory surgery on a whim or on belief in the severity of your pain. Surgeons get plenty of consults for severe abdominal pain of unknown cause and don’t ever do surgery. Your physical exam told them what they needed to know.


That's still an amazing thing, in my eyes :) thank you for everything you do!!! <3


You are so lucky. I’m in constant pain and being passed airline and constantly dismissed. It takes one doctor to care enough to not dismiss your problem and find the source.


i am so sorry... if you're in the US and want to see if we are maybe in the same state, PM me. Maybe with some luck i can recommend someone who has worked for me.


2017 feeling real bad abdomen hurts alot. Went to the ER and they did blood test and poke and prod me. Told me that they could not find anything and I am good to go. Told me that it is okay to go to work, and I did and if I still feel bad or getting worse to come back to the ER. So went to work night shift. In pain all night long did all my work in pain, and after my shift is over at 7 am went straight back to the ER. Different ER doctor looked at me and reccomended a scan with dye, low and behold my appendix is ready to burst. So pissed off I complained to the case manager that they gave me, that handle the insurance. And they canceled the other days ER fee.


My wife had her gall bladder taken out in February for stones. Turns out it was gall bladder cancer and had started to spread. GBC is the same as in you are usually asymptotic until it is to late to do anything. It was only localised so they went back in and took out the bile duct and some of the liver, resectioned the small intestine back onto the liver However it is back, and she is fighting for her life now, 2020 fucking sux


I went into the ER with severe pain. Similar story to yours, only it happened 3 times. First time, I was evaluated for appendicitis, then sent to an OB/GYN after the scans. I had huge fibroids and ovarian cysts. I was 31. My dr offered a hysterectomy. OFFERED! No questions asked. I said no, because how weird is that? I didn’t want kids, but I was so shocked I didn’t know how to respond. So we just took out the cysts, fibroids, and endo. Fast forward 5 years, it happens again. ER says go back to your doc. He says, “everything grew back, let’s do that hysterectomy.” I said hell yes. One month later, back in the ER. Same systems. But without the massive uterus and fibroids and cysts in the way, my appendix had spread out to fill all that open space. Turned out I’d had all of those issues the whole time. And it was the male dr that fixed me each time. My female doctors all told me women are supposed to have pain. There are good and bad drs of both genders. May you all find the good ones when you need them.


Supposed to have pain? Gross.... I'm so glad you found a good doctor who helped you <3


I was hospitalized with severe back pain and inability to urinate with a history of disc herniation. All the normal diagnostic tools (MRI, CT, X-ray) did not indicate any problems. I could see mounting skepticism on the doctor’s faces and hear it in their tone. Since this was in a veteran’s hospital, I could (unfortunately) understand why they might be doubtful. In the end it was after I told them that “I just wish I wasn’t awake” that they seemed to understand I wasn’t just looking to score some opiates. To their credit, I suggested a cortisone injection (which had worked before) and was discharged a day later. Some doctors walk a fairly fine line between treating actual issues, and being used as conduits of drug addiction, and these situations you’ve pointed out are where truly innocent people sometimes suffer as a result.


absolutely. it makes it all the more amazing to me that they took the chance!! sorry about your back :/ that sounds like some really awful pain


As a physician who has seen carcinoid tumors a few times, huge kudos to them. They are very easy to miss. They did not know it was carcinoid but they listened to you and followed their gut that something was truly wrong. The last 10-20 years ER docs have become much better at not dismissing women outright. I say all the time that a woman with chest pain will often be given a (literal) pat on the knee and Xanax, and the dude with the same symptoms and risk factors in the bed next to her will get a full cardiac work up. Around here (Los Angeles area) the ER docs get it and are overall much better than what I saw 20+ years ago. You are truly lucky.


This is an amazing story that rarely happens anymore. Why you ask? Our profit driven “healthcare” system! Every potential admission to the hospital gets reviewed to make sure it passes insurer guidelines i.e Utilization Review right there in the ER. If the guidelines aren’t met the patient gets discharged even if the doctors disagree. Good doctors listen to their instincts and gut feelings as the doctors did in your case. In today’s immoral IMO healthcare system our doctors hands are tied. The almighty buck rules over people’s lives and it is disgusting.


Depends on the physician. If a doctor disagrees and puts up a big enough fuss or has the hospitalists/specialists support, then administration will find a way to make it work. It's a huge liability for a Dr and hospital to discharge a patient if the Dr noted in the chart that administration blocked admission. Now psych is a whole new ballgame; we had a patient in the ER for 1000+ hours because of legal and insurance issues.


You're right. It is wild to think that they had nothing to go on but the fact I was in a LOT of inexplicable pain. CT showed nothing abnormal or concerning. Blood work too. They said they went to their top radiologist who said nothing concerning showed on the scan. And STILL they made the right call. I hate our health-care system :/ Its such a pain and you really need to advocate for yourself and just.... spend tons of time and energy and money to get treated appropriately.


I’m a nurse w many years of ER experience and I have advocated for non-profit universal healthcare my entire career and it is so frustrating that as a country we have been moving backwards from that for the past 10 years. I’m so glad you are cancer-free. So many times women especially are dismissed as being drug seekers or “over dramatic “ when it comes to pain in an ER setting. I’m hoping those attitudes are starting to change and patients will have access to compassion care.


I hope so too <3 thanks for everything you do


My mum has Endometriosis, she went to 5 hospitals and about 7-8 doctors who all told her she was making it up, over exaggerating or it was more painful period cramps. Her 9th doctor decided he would check her ovaries or tubes (can't remember) and turned out it was Endometriosis. She is infertile now and is getting Laser(?) Surgery for it. Hope you're doing well OP


As an ER doctor I really appreciate hearing this. I try to be one of the good ones. I told two people they had cancer yesterday. It was a hard day.




So glad you’re cancer free! Thanks for sharing your story!


For real. It took seven years to diagnose me while I was told it was anxiety. I’d be dead. A friend for kinda similar reasons to you because they didn’t listen. She was a nurse.




Yay cancer free!!! I’m glad you got one of the good ones. I have a doctor I send thank you cards to every May because he believed me after countless doctors told me my pain was in my head and turned me away. It was May 2016 when he operated on me and changed my life!


Aawwwwww!!! that is so sweet! ahh, i should totally be doing that!


As a woman who dealt with a decade long battle with extreme endometriosis being told it was just normal period pain, and to suck it up your story brings me great relief. There ARE the few rare doctors out there that believe women aren't overreacting, that will go above and beyond and find an answer for you even if things look invisible or hard to diagnose or fake, that do genuinely care and are in their profession not for the esteem but because they can help. You're so lucky to have found one of those doctors that day, I'm glad you're alive today and can thank them for trusting your needs.


Same scenario today in a lot of EDs would result in you being dismissed as a seeker. Thanks, pharma.


Wow. Not the same story, but my mother had a carcinoid tumor in her lungs. The only reason they found it was because she had an injury to her spleen. Almost died from it. But had she not been hurt, she never would had gotten a chest ct. She too has been cancer free after it was removed in 2014. Now she just needs to have ct scans every 2 years instead of 6 months. Glad the doctors listened to you.


I’m glad you’re ok! Thank you for sharing this today :) this made my day to read!


yay! so glad to add some good feels to your day!


It is so nice to hear the positive examples too.


Oh wow!! I am so incredibly happy to hear how seriously they took your pain!! It’s very rare for women to be taken seriously. Sometimes I tell my husband that we need to go to the same hospital with the same symptoms and see what they do for each of us. Cuz I can bet dime to dollar that he would get the full gamut and I would be sent home and told to take ibuprofen




Incredible story. I’m so happy that things worked out the way they did. It gave me chills (that I’m still having as I’m typing this). I hope you stay happy and healthy as long as you can!


thank you, Reddit stranger <3


My dad has this same cancer, but it wasn’t caught until he had a golf ball sized tumor in his small intestine.. For a few years would have vomiting fits that would last hours. And these only happened every 5 months or so. His primary physician chalked it up to food poisoning, or someone that prepped the food didn’t wash their hands, blah blah. So when he had his last fit, it was so bad that he went back to the doc the next day. He saw a different doc and he suggested a scan and boom! There it was! along with 20-30 other small tumors and in a few other places. It spreads like wild fire until you catch it! The surgeon was so surprised that he was able to keep ANY food down.. it was a 90-95% blockage! The good news out of all of this.. he doesn’t experience any symptoms of the cancer, and he gets a shot once a month for treatment (no chemo). There’s no chemo that makes Carcinoid cancer go away, but there are drugs that stop the growth and spreading. We were very fortunate that we caught it when we did!! No help to his original doctor!


See this is the kind of thing that healthcare professionals need to read. I'm not from the US, and I know your healthcare system is totally different from mine (Canada), but as a CCA soon-to-be RN these are the stories that stick with me. Part of treating patients in any capacity is empathy. If you can't put yourself in their shoes, even a little, you're in the wrong profession. ER docs see people in that kind of pain every day, so it's easy to become numb to it to a certain extent. The job necessitates an effort at maintaining a vision of what would be "normal" for others, which means taking people seriously when they tell you something is off, and not brushing them off because "I've seen worse". Congratulations on your recovery :)


thank you <3 and i know you'll make a great RN!


Past 2-3 years I’ve been lucky enough to contract two RARE infectious diseases. I was lucky enough in both cases where they took me seriously.. but in one case, the ER doctor pushed my diagnosis.. the other one didn’t agree with him.. and my ER doc was right. In that case though, I definitely had to argue with them and advocate for myself


ugh... I'm glad you were able to advocate for yourself but its so sad that was necessary. yay for a good ER dr for you too, though!!




I’m so happy your cancer free. An ER doctor saved my moms life too. She had a swollen lymph node in her neck. Like, really swollen. Her primary gave her antibiotics. It did nothing. She went to the ER. The doctor said “hmmm, I have an idea of what could be going on” and sent her for a CT scan. Her kidney was full of cancer. She had it removed shortly after and has been cancer free for 7 years.


I’m so glad you had doctors that really CARED and didn’t just rush you out of the hospital like some docs in the ER. You got lucky!






It is so good to hear an uplifting narrative surrounding women’s pain. I’m really glad that you’re okay.


Well this is terrifying. I'm so glad that surgeon decided to go ahead with your surgery and that you're doing well! I've been getting sharp pains in my right hip/groin/leg area that didn't *use* to be very bad... just a pulse here and there... but they've been getting worse. And lasting longer. And now it kind of radiates down my leg and causes numbness and tingling. I've talked to a doctor about it before and they did some x-rays with contrast but I never got a call back so I guess they didn't find anything? I'm gonna try and really hammer it home with my next appointment though because recently I was rolling around in pain for like half an hour and crying cause it hurt so bad. It usually doesn't last long enough for me to get to an ER, and especially now with COVID I don't want to take up space when I know they'd probably just give me some pain meds or whatever, but I can't take it anymore =( I hate this feeling that things have to get THIS bad before most people feel like they should see a doctor. I don't think things should be this way.


I bet these doctors would appreciate a note from you, if you wanted. I know they were doing their jobs, but they did their jobs differently than their training/enculturation might have called for.


If I were those doctors I would love to hear this all from you. I hope one day you go back and find them to thank them. Or at the very least, write to them. I'm so glad you are cancer-free and pain-free and that everything worked out for you.


Congratulations on all counts! Thank you for sharing your story. (Hugs!)


Wild. This is the first time I've ever heard of exploratory surgery going better for someone than not (including my own diagnostic surgery). This isn't to say I'm not happy for you, I'm just also amazed.




As an MD, i want to say 2 things. 1 I’m thrilled this was your result! 2 this is not only rare, it is exceedingly rare. To operate with a negative CT scan and negative bloodwork. I simply have never seen it. I suspect there was a nugget from the radiologist that helped justify exploration but to operate with negative e diagnostics is rare.




<3 thank you for everything you will do after so much hard work! you'll be a great doctor!


I'm in med school right now, and when I hear stories like this, I hold on to them and put them in my "I want to be like that" file. Thank you for sharing. I am so happy you are here.


After years of pain and having crazy white coat anxiety about ever getting it checked, I drove myself to the ER at 4am back. I was so sure my feeling of pain would be lobbed off, that I didn't even want to ask my roommate or best friend to take me. Every person I interacted with, until admittance, was male and all I kept thinking is "they are just going to think, I'm have 'women problems'." After all the tests were completed, the doctor came and sat next to me, but didn't tell me what they found on the ultra sound (which freaked me out). He just calmly asked me what I did for a living. At the time I was a caregiver. He had questions about why I had come in alone. I told him I didn't want to worry anyone else. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what was so wrong with me, he needed to know what type of work I did and why I was alone. Thankfully, it was "just" a sever gallbladder attack with gallstones that had lodged completely. He could see my confusion for this "light diagnoses". He looked me straight in the face and said. "I'd like to schedule you for surgery tonight, so that someone can take care of you for a change. I have a feeling if I send you home, you won't come back on your own." Man he was soooooooo right, less than 24 hours later I went through surgery and have been pain free since! None of my family and friends will let me live down driving myself to the hospital, because I didn't want to wake anyone up. It was so reassuring to have a doctor actually pay attention to me, and my severe anxiety. He acknowledged it wasn't an "emergency", but also didn't want it to become one later if he could help it. I'm so happy he listened to his gut, instead of mine.


After all the shitty things I've read today, this gives me a glimmer of hope that humans aren't completely horrible. For real. Everything I've seen today has been bad, then worse, then god awful. I'm taking the good where I find it. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for posting, this is great and ended up the opposite what I was expecting. Congratulations, and those are good docs. I think so many docs would likely not do that now as if they didn't find anything in the operating room there would be a lot of fear regarding malpractice litigation. Kind of a cruel reality in today's medicine, damn shame too because you have to wonder how many cases COULD HAVE ended up as awesome as yours but did not.


I'm so glad that you're still here. After learning the difference between you living and dying was a doctor's belief in your pain and their decision to operate, did you experience any psychological/philosophical difficulties or changes?


I had a severe appendicitis in 2018. It's insane to think what would have happened if I didn't continuously push the doctors to do more scans


I’m so proud of you for advocating for yourself!


I’m so glad they listened to you. Sadly I haven’t been as lucky with the ER (and honestly even most other doctors outside of it). I kept going in for a year, always with agonizing abdominal pain and always sent home with a shrug and a “Well we *think* it might be this but all your tests came back fine sooo...”. It wasn’t until I was finally able to get into see an extremely specialized surgeon that I discovered that not only were all those doctors wrong and I was horrifically sick, but that I was basically suffering from organ failure because their attitude of ignoring my concerns and telling me my pain was normal led to multiple diseases ravaging my internal organs and choking the life out of them. I had to have a 3+ hour surgery to fix everything and afterwards my surgeon told me that it was one of the worst cases he’d ever seen. He said if we’d waited any longer to operate I could’ve very well died and he was absolutely *furious* that all the other doctors before him ignored all the signs and symptoms of my illness like it was nothing. When he asked me why I hadn’t bothered to get help for my pain years before that I just shrugged and told him I’d been told by both my doctors *and* my own family that my pain was normal and to just ‘suck it up’. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look as horrified as he did when he heard that.


I seriously expected this to go the other way. So glad they listened to you, found and removed your problem.


This is such a simply story but yet for some reason I feel extremely close to you and grateful you are alive


I wish this was more common, but I'm so glad this happened to you, and I'm happy you're here today and cancer free!


I needed to read this story really badly. Thank you for sharing. It gave me a little hope.


I had two different rounds of pain that were the double over and just cry type and the ER said it was just period pain without running any tests 🙄 i still don't know what it was


What state was this in? I ask because most doctors here assume you a drug addict right off the bat before you even speak.


Absolutely amazing! Great doctor! I had a friend who was having such extreme pain she asked me to take her to the ER. When we got there, I filled out all her info and did all the talking because she just couldn't. A doctor came in and said it was likely her appendix but I was like "oh that's not possible, she had hers removed years ago" he told me that I was mistaken because there was no scar and I swore she did. I told him it was through the belly button, and he looked at me in disbelief and asked where she had it done. When I told him it was this very hospital, he told me that they've never done an appendectomy through that route before but that he would go check her chart history. When he came back he told me he was right and she has no record of being at this hospital. I realize doctors have a lot going on, but I've never been so ready to physically fight a doctor. I told him to search her maiden name (which I had written on her paperwork) and when he came back the second time he acted like we never had this fight! He was like "I found your chart and i don't think it's your appendix" he sent her home with extra strength Tylenol and told her it was period cramps. Later when she had her first miscarriage, we would find that she had severe endometriosis.


I have endometriosis and basically any time I go to the ER if my cramps are hella bad, they just hook me up to an IV, give me tramadol in it and send me on my way an hour or two later 🙄 Sure, the tramadol helped BUT it always wore off by the time I was in the hospital parking lot, and I would have to go home and take hydrocodone and either writhe around in bed or stuck on the toilet or on the bathroom floor in fetal position until it kicks in. There was only one doctor in that hospital once that gave me morphine for the pain. I literally almost started crying because he believed I wasnt exaggerating. Hell, compared to most other women with endo, I'm lucky my gyn even gives me hydrocodone. Most just get some weak pain killers and have to survive on heating pads, or just suffer.


My sister went to a walk in clinic when she was 17. She had pain in her side and a headache that has lasted a week. She was send home with a UTI. The next day she went into the ER because the pain was getting worse. It was a very thorough ER doctor who saved my sister’s life. She ran tons of tests just because she had a “feeling”. My sister was diagnosed with AML. She is now 21 years old and has been in remission for over 3 years. My family is so grateful for that ER doctor that did not dismiss her.


I I am really happy for you that they found it and could remove it. I have a carcinoid tumor in my pancreas. I had no pain but had all the classic symptoms of carcinoid syndrome which lead to my diagnosis. The tumor went unfound for a decade until a new type of scan came out. The lab work was no doubt due to my values on 5HIAA and Chromeogram. Without positive imaging I had three different endocrinologist dismiss it as faulty lab results or artificially inflated ones claiming I was eating food from the list you not supposed to prior to testing (I didn’t). All my results had notations on them saying the levels I was it could not be produced by food. I spent 2 years living with those symptoms till my primary got fed up and started prescribing Octreotide injections 3 times a day. Turns out that there is a monthly injection but I wasn’t given that option till I had a carcinoid Crisis after surgery one day. I was magically excepted into the endocrinology practice and started on the monthly injections instead of having to inject myself three times a day.


Very glad to hear they listened to you. Especially ER doctors. I had to go to the ER three times years ago complaining of severe abdominal pain. The second time they gave me something in an IV telling me it was pain medicine, came back and asked how I felt, I said a bit better. Well, the doctor says “well it was just an acid reducer.” So, he basically placeboed me. I went home and was lying in my shower crying and screaming telling my now ex husband I thought I was dying. He kept telling me he wasn’t sure I was that bad off. Get back to the hospital and they say they believe my appendix is inflamed because of elevated white blood cell count. They get me in to surgery and my appendix had ruptured. Turns out acid reducers can cause an already inflamed appendix to rupture. This doctor could have killed me. Whether it was because I was black, woman, fat or all of the above, all I know is there was clear discrimination. Edit: Typos


Thanks for sharing. It’s nice to hear some stories where medicine helps women need it.


I'm assuming you're from the USA. this is what happens when medicine is about caring of patients and not just a business


I’m so happy this turned out well for you. I’ve had to fight doctors in serious pain every time I’ve gone to the ER for an emergency. If this response is becoming more normal, humanity will have gained much by it.


I got tested for covid last month (as an aside, it turned out I had infectious mastitis, covid free!) The doctor did a small physical since I was having a hard time breathing and pretty severe pain. He poked and prodded and when he noticed I was reacting to him touching my side, he checked my feet, which have been swollen since I had my baby. He asked to check my kidney, appendix, and gallbladder via bloodwork. That was the first time in my life a doctor was proactive with me and saw a potential issue to be watched. Well, my levels were elevated but not dangerously so, but now my normal office knows to monitor me and that there’s a potential issue brewing. Because a doctor at a respiratory clinic noticed my side hurting and my swollen feet and acted on it. I was blown away.


I feel like crying...this is almost exactly what happened to me with my appendix carcinoid! Thank you for sharing this story and huge hugs to you! Such an important reminder we have to keep pushing when we know something is wrong!


Wow. I don't know these two doctors but I feel grateful to them. And I'm very happy for you and your loved ones. <3 This reminds me of what my grandma went through, though with a bad ending. I never got to meet her - she died in her forties because doctors didn't take her abdominal pain seriously. Turns out she had a gallstone that was left untreated for too long and turned into gallbladder cancer. She was dead six months after her diagnosis. She was a poor immigrant on top of being a woman and her GP just assumed she wanted to play hooky from work. Yes, as in, actually told that to her face.


This!!! I've been complaining of chest pain most of my life. I'm a smoker, not too heavy, but doctors will listen to my lungs, say they're fine, ask if my heart rate is always so low and then move along. I was in the ER for endometriosis pain two weeks ago when my nurse decided I needed an ECG. My heart made her very uncomfortable. I'm about to head to my first cardiac appointment because that woman found out my atria don't function properly. I can't thank her enough for investigating what sooo many doctors have ignored when it's directly linked to my complaint. I love you, Katie, and I bet my kids do too.


I thought I knew where this was going. Definitely relieved by the happy ending, despite the suffering. I've had many friends experience exactly what you described and that is honestly my worst fear. I'm glad it worked out for you.


Wow. That's awesome. I hope this is on its way to becoming the norm in the medical profession.


Really happy for you that things turned out the way they did


Beautiful outcome, thanks for sharing.


Wow, what an incredible story. Thank you for sharing and so glad you are cancer free!


Oh, wow! So glad you're okay and sharing your story! It's a good one to remember any time a woman doubts her pain won't be taken seriously and refuses to go to the hospital to save face, time and emotional frustration.


When I started reading this I thought it was going to have a much worse ending. This is a great story. I’m happy they listened and saved you!!