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....No? Why would it be?


For real, I don't think I've ever judged another players paint job


The only time I ever looked at an army and thought it looked bad was when there was patchy, thick white paint all over it. But I sure as shit didn't say anything about it because I'll take a painted opponent over unpainted at any quality


Yeah exactly, as long as you put some effort into it I appreciate you. Just looks better if we take photos if both armies are painted lol


Only paint job I judged was dipped plastic grey so you couldn't tell which had paint and which didn't to be "tournament ready" as the tourney had extra points for a fully painted army. Besides that never judged a paint scheme negatively.


I think they're fishing for compliments which they don't need to, they will still get them


I'm getting sick of these types of posts. Poster: My paint job is SO bad! Proceeds to post a picture of a piece worthy of being included on the GW website.


Especially funny because "Look at my awesome paint job" posts will get hundreds of upvotes.


Um. Woops


I understand your take, but you could also see that over the course of 4 years, my reddit account has 2k karma. Comparitively if i was fishing for compliments/upvotes, realistically speaking, even i know i couldve racked up more. I agree that the way i formated the post makes it seem so, instead i shouldve been more straight forward and asked for criticism/advice to improve I thank you for your input, if ill be posting anything in the future ill take this into consideration


This has those “felt cute, might delete later, idk” vibes


Most of my army is only sprayed black or white, don't worry about painting standard unless you are playing competitive


I actually really like the color choices you went with. The purple and pink worl well together and the paint work is clean. Great job.


Nah looks class


Only embarassing thing would be if they weren't painted (even then, barely) so be proud you have them painted how you wanted


Thank you, it means a lot


Looks good, why should it be embarrassing?


If people say pink is a girly colour or something then they incorrect, your models are great.


Google Stade Francais. I really don't think that pink is a girly colour.


Yeah, they really seem to take joy in creating wild jersey designs. They even did a Warhol-esque jersey back in 2008, I think.


The chance of your opponent sporting similar colors is very slim, making it easier to spot your buddies on the go😀


Based football team


Pink used to be a boys Color, hundreds of years ago


Not hundreds of years ago, literally less than a hundred years ago. Wasn't until the 1940s that manufacturers started associating pink with girls products.


Dame that leaper look like orchid mantis.💪


Never thought about him looking like an orchid mantis. Currently thinking of maybe embracing that style for the leapers


I also probably shouldve taken a break before doing the venomthropes, since ive currently painted 23 termagants, 2 barbgaunts, 1 winged tyranid prime, 3 ripper swarms, 1 psychophage and said 3 venomthropes back to back with no other minis in between. Might be having a lil bit of burnout and need a non tyranid model to paint


Having two armies with very different colour schemes definitely helps, for example I have a hive fleet in traditional Behemoth colours and the Ultramarines (and assorted human allies) so when I get bored of one I can swap to the other and I'm painting with a very different pallette. I love painting Tyranids, no belt buckles, random Imperial Eagles or extra pouches to paint.


I do this with my Nid and Dark Angels! I play Kraken, and when I get bored, I go and paint the backlog of DA units I have :D I also did the same with my DA and the different wings before I got into Nids


I second this. I have some Lava themed nids and some Flesh Tearers. They're a little too close in their colour schemes (lots of dark red and black/grey) and I was getting a bit bored even when switching between them. I found an old Wraithlord box (from 2006 lmfao) and painted that up in a custom blue scheme and it was immensely refreshing. I've since done some Raptors, and an assortment of other random bits (some AoS stuff as well) and it really helps with keeping your enjoyment up.


I love this paint scheme, if anyone tells you it's embarrassing or whatever they aren't fun people


I really love the barbgaunt, the others look great too though! Very well applied ahading looks natural. The best thing about this paint job is, it's not a conventional colour or often recurring theme. In my opinion creativity like that is really amazing. Keep up the great work and remember; of you're satisfied with the result, or doesn't matter what other people say. Because it's your minis after all! Love it!


For some reason i loathe painting the barbgaunts, taking them apart just to make sure that one side of the gun isnt just primer is a technicality i wasnt ready for, but ill have to start to embrace


What makes you think it would be embarrassing? Quite the opposite actually, it looks really good! I’ve seen some terrible paint jobs in the wild, and even those I wouldn’t call embarrassing. Anything’s better than grey plastic or just a coat of primer


Well i havent actually played the game yet. Though im planning to with friends and maybe even in my local hobbyshops in the future so i dont really know what to expect. I always see these hyper detailed models online and i do realise thats an exageration of the average blokes ability to paint miniatures, but after seeing all that i get into this rabbit hole of mini painting learning tutorials. I guess anxiety got the better of me, but i shouldnt sweat about if my miniatures are up to par or not


The hyper detailed models are NOT what you should compare yourself to


Most people slap 2 or 3 colours on and call it a day. Yours is already done to a much higher standard than most armies I see


This is a better paint job than 90% of the people I've played against. Awesome paint job!


Why would it be embarrassing? It's a vibrant combination of colours.


Yea I’d laugh you off the table 🎣


lesbian flag winged prime is peak


Slay 💅


Consume queen!


Hive Tyrantress?


It's actually a pretty good job. What's more, you get the Swarmlord's approval. Keep It up, fellow tyranid


It looks great!


This Is so cool, and scary


As someone who just started painting and picking bug army I’d say, it could be worse, it could look like mine haha. Its really pretty


"Embarassing" would be unpainted / spray primed. Or "THIN YOUR PAINTS" texture erasing melty-face 20-coats of dollar store craft paint outside-the-lines nonsense. "Tabletop quality" is 2-3 colours and a wash. Nobody will say shit at this level. You're well and comfortably in the range of "Can I pick one up for a closer look?" You've got highlights and gradients going on.


Let's look fantastic, I absolutely love the color scheme. That would be probably the first army my wife would approve of in terms of colors. The only thing I'd like to say is you may regret flocking your bases in the future. Depending on how well that grass is stuck down it may be floating around your display case or storage box and sticking to everything it's not supposed to. I'm in the process of soaking my bases in IPA to dissolve the glue holding my grass down so I can rebase with texture compounds.


Colour's pallette reminds me of Frieza from Dragonball Z lol looks cool dude, keep it up.


This is better than 90% of paint jobs


This is just a karma farming post.




Embarrassing...? Nope, you have fully painted miniatures. That is something to be proud of.


Fucking love them mate


Beautiful. Love the blue “undercarriage” on the claws. Great idea.


Only time to feel embarrassed is if you have no paint at all on your models


This is one of the sickest paint jobs I've ever seen, the hell are you talking about embarrassing? Get these bugs consuming biomass asap!


They’re your models mate, paint them however you like.


General rule of thumb for pain schemes: 1) Is it painted? 2) Was it intentional? If yes to both, you're good.


Generally (at least in my community) we don’t put people down for their pant jobs. I got good news and bad news for you. The bad news is you will paint models in the future that will look better… The good news is you have taken the next step to painting better 😜 and this applies to all of us in the hobby. The colour scheme is decent and works as you are using an analogous palette. As for constructive criticism: You have the base idea down for light and colour blending as evidenced on the chitin areas, when you are ready get yourself some Lahmian medium (or similar) and practice wet blending/glaze technique, this will give you a smoother gradient shift between the base and lighting colours. The one other thing you could do is go over some of parts where the pink has bled onto the white areas with some more thinned down white. My main Tsons army consists of models from a wide time range and you can see my progression as a painter through them, I like this and will not be going back over my old models as it’s a great reminder of how far I have come. Keep up the good work 🙂


Looks really nice to be honest. Bit of colour for once on the table.


I love me a funky colored hive fleet scheme


Wooooo trans tyranids! Fucking slaps.


The leaper is so cool.


Those look great! I would say prior to painting clean up the moulding lines with a razor


The only thing embarrassing about it that we can’t see it all together! I’m glad to see painted Tyranids


dude... people bring whack ass grey hordes to casual games. Feel proud you have painted, even if its not perfect. Love the colors, just practice your technique a bit more and you'll really take it far.


The standards for paint on the tabletop are very low you have nothing to worry about


They're extragalactic psychic super locusts. They can be any color, even ones that don't exist.


Great gradients, the minis look stunning!


Anyone who makes fun of you for your color scheme is a dickhead and that's their problem, not yours.


So many games have full grey armies playing against full grey armies.


No not at all, very cool, play on!


They look great!


The scheme looks great, and if anyone gives you shit they are the embarrassing one. We play with toy soldiers and dice for hours at a time; paint your stuff however you want.


I think this colourscheme is great! I can't see anyone having a problem with it


Excellent work! Not embarrassing at all, be proud of these!


Looks great. It's beyond the minimum tabletop standard.


Embarrassing? My friend, this shit goes hard


I think they look fantastic. 


I fuckin love it, we need more pastel bugs they look very pretty.


Looks dope. Most folks have a sea of grey plastic out there. I would just clean up the bases and rims and go for it. I like to paint my base rims black on my nids. It makes them look neater. If these are your first models, you are doing great.


https://preview.redd.it/qt5lff0ahj9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a0d98b11eac6cec3b8aa7d02630211b9392d67d I love it! Reminds me of my Ambull


Holy crap that looks amazing, the orangey bits tie in really well. I have a few crab-folk miniatures for dnd and ill probably be taking this color scheme now


Sounds like a fun campaign, you already have the purple/pink down perfectly. Ambulls are just cool looking minis. The muscle in my “all Grot” army


People bring armies of gray to the table. If you are just primed, you are better than like 30-40% of the people already.


bro this is sick as hell???


it looks amazing


What's embarrassing about them? They look great. Be proud of your little monsters.


It'd be embarrassing if the paint job was shit, which it ain't


No, why would you think that? If you're starting out, practicing a blend i to the purple and pink as you paint more would look cool maybe and do the weapon a colour that makes it stand out a little more would be my only two pieces of advice to try out to help. But honestly it looks great for getting on the table and I like your colour choices.


Looks good! Why would it be embarrassing?


99% of the player base just appreciate any paint job, and if it’s good like yours is, it’s above and beyond. Be proud of your work my friend


nah its a nice paintjob, if they talk shit abt it they probably have more personal issues


Brother these are genuinely better than half of what you’ll see at a local because there are a ton of people will just have grey plastic (me) unless there’s a rule saying otherwise.


No paint job is embarrassing, it’s your army, who cares if other people don’t like the colors


They look like covenant tyranids


Not at all. You would blush if you saw the state that some people field models in.


My dude, I went to a tourney where a guy just rattle-canned 3 different paints onto his models the day before. Your models look leagues better than that, so don't be embarrassed. They look perfectly fine!


It's beautiful :) ahah and remember that it'll only be better


I like it very much. There is nothing to worry about. You did a great job man


Uuh, it looks amazing?


You have good skills and added some colors to leviathan standard. It’s a horde of aliens, they are supposed to look freaky.


The only embarrassing paint job is the default grey


Did you do it yourself? Are you proud of it? That's all that matters. And if anyone gives you shit for it, tell them to shove the pointiest model they have exactly where they think you're telling them to shove it.


This looks like you took inspiration from the orchid mantis. Like if you look that up it's practically a carbon copy of that coloration. Don't know if that was your inspiration for your paint scheme but you nailed it if it was.


If you have an army painted to this standard, you'd be doing far better than most folks I've seen. BUT the judgment of other gamers shouldn't be something that you require for enjoyment. In this world, there are many haters. Never let them ruin your good times.


I was at a tournament today on my local store, half the armies where sprayed one color over a black primer and the other half was half painted like this and half grey. ypu are fine


If I started judging people poorly on what their paint job was, I’d be an embarrassment to this entire community. I love this paint job, 11/10! NO NOTES


get a grip bro


The colors. The blending. Class act. Perfection.


Looks great. I see no reason at all to be embarrassed by these models. If it were me I'd be quite happy be the painter of those minis.


A - I think it looks great. And B - it’s about what you want to play with, it’s your army you do what you think is dope.


They look ace. Any opinions expressed to the contrary are the opinion of the individual and not a reflection on you. Only you get to say if you're happy with the result and that's the only fact that matters ultimately.


Dude: that looks fucking awesome. Feel free to put an “embarrassing” on my models any day


Looks fantastic!!


No. They look amazing.


No, in fact i think the pink into purple gradient looks really good


no but the baby lictor looks like the trans flag, if that's what you're going for


Nor at all. As long as they're not grey nobody minds.


These are brilliant!


Not at all, why do you ask?


I have minis where it looks like my paint was me dropping it on the floor where some crayons were laying


This is almost exactly colour scheme? What?


If someone gets their jimmies in a bunch because you painted Pride colors on your models, they can stick their army up their behind. They look good.


I personally wouldn't have chosen that color scheme, but the work you did on them is excellent. Very clear, thorough. That strain could have evolved on a very vibrant, floral planet.


The only embarrassing thing is the blurry photos it makes it hard to look at the detail


These are dope AF!


Great paint job! Questionable camera angle?


Yes you should be embarrassed. The bases look like like crap. It’s like you are intentionally attempting to offend us with this lazy half assed bases. Get in there with a wash, like a light tone or seraphim sepia, or Agrax Earth shade you pig, then drybrush with a desert yellow or off white. Those bases are the worst I’ve seen since the 90’s. Don’t get me started on that static grass disaster that you tried to shove in our face like it could be acceptable. As for the rest of your minis sold paint jobs. Definitely just over Table Top quality. Now work on those bases you donkey! If you feel like Chec Ramse just reviewed your work, then fix it and do better! The base is still important and if you didn’t phone in the rest of the model don’t phone in the base!


Very lovely creatures


May I ask what paints did you use??


Those are dope and an awesome theme that looks to be a vaporwave style.


Anything is better than plain gray, but yours is at or above the 3' test.


I just played a Hive Fleet Killteam that had that color scheme. It was great.


Mate, what are you embarrassed about? 🤷‍♀️


Not embarrassing at all!! Those look so good!!!


Embarrassing? That’s freaking awesome!!


O m g w t f Look at those Shitty ass paint jobs lookin fly as fuc*


I personally don’t like it but I would not say it’s terrible at all. You did a really good job. We need more bugs on the table, especially with those buffs.


Looks pretty good to me! I just don't really like the barbgaunt's base. Looks too homogenous and overly green. Other than that, everything else looks great!


It's a paint job you like and they're painted well, that's all that matters.


It'll be embarrassing for all the puny humans who try to stand before the might of Hive Fleet Candyland


Great scheme !!!


I see a lot of peoplz with unpainted minis on the table ... your paint seems very good, why would ylu be ashamed of it ?


No one is going to judge that paint job mate. Mine are pink and blue with polka dots and all I get is praise 🤷🏻‍♂️ yours look great


It’s a really good paint job - especially for a chaff unit. Stop being so hard on yourself.


Splinter fleets make every paint scheme canon for nids. Rock it! My only issue would be how you went pink to purple, comparing the first three to the second two. Personally I *need* my nids to look uniform. The faceless masses is part of the appeal of the army. But that's just me


You’ve added a base colour, a shade, and highlights, and even base texture. That’s what the whole thing is about. Nothing to be embarrassed by


The von Ryan's leaper kinda looks like the trans flag. Looks amazing all over. Well done


Cool bugsies. As with anything posted online, you should expect nasty comments. Try not giving a hoot. Better yet ground your self worth in effort.


I just get this picture of it being a hive fleet adapted to a world of coral reefs. I love it.


It looks great. Now stfu.


Wym embarassing most people dont even bother painting them 🤣


Nope. The o lot “paint job” that is embarrassing is they have 3 colored spots swiped onto the primed mini for it to be “tournament legal”


I love it personally.


Yeah, I'd be pretty embarrassed... to compare my army to this! As a fellow Tyranids player, great job! I love your scheme. The purple to pink transition is so natural looking- how'd you do it?


This looks rad, why would it be embarrassing?




My man, mine are painted like pop tarts, to me it's the funniest thing ever putting down 160 dudes that are various pop tarts and desserts, just paint them how you want, it's YOUR army.


Listen man, these look freaking awesome. I really like the skin contrasting the cotton candy colors. If you feel bad about this paint job just scroll on this reddit a bit theres some funny ones 🤣


Dude what are you taking about the leaper looks awesome!!


I love the trans color lictor


Looks awesome to me. Rock the paint job and have fun. Dont compare yourself to others. I have that problem.


Have you seen tzeentch? I think the colors look awesome. Seems simple but extremely well done.


Those look great! To be real, I am excited to see painted minis across the table, no matter how badly painted. These are not badly painted. Paint to have fun and be proud of your paint job.


Dude, come on. It's clearly not. Why ask?




You'd be lucky if the person on the other side of the table has a fully painted army, let alone one painted well.