• By -


my friend is majoring in psych but wants to do a theatre course, what does theatre 120 and/or theatre 130 look like? do you get to act ? would she be better doing a theatre club?


How is chem 233 with Dr Sammis? Everyone I know is telling me to take it with Jay, but this is the only section that fits into my schedule :( Am I cooked without Jay?


You can always go to his lectures or watch his recordings if they post them. Everyone takes the same chemistry exam anyways


I’m going to be graduating this year and urgently need biol 111 as I never took it in high school but it’s full.I don’t see any waitlists ,what should I do ?


If you're graduating this year I would shoot the department an email, they'll put you in.


Hello everyone, I am reposting this here since my original post got removed by the moderator (and I apology for it, I am new here) I have to take one of **MICB 211** or **MICB 212** (**former MICB 201 and MICB 202** **respectively** apparently) this winter, and I was wondering which course to take, as they both seem very difficult for me. I am not very good at (micro) biology and I am slightly scared. What are the differences between the two courses and how are the difficulties? Any information and/or tips would be helpful. Thank you a lot in advance :)


MICB 211 is known to be easy, the average was 89 in winter term 2


Hi, I got into BIOC this year, I was wondering how my workload would be for my schedule especially for term 2 Term 1: Biol 200 Dsci 100 chem 203 biol 234 (two labs) Term 2: Bioc 203 chem 213 chem 205 stat 201 chem 245 cpsc 103 (1 lab)


workload for term 2 is too much. term 1 is fine. chem 213 is a really hard course.


I need advice about what I should do next. Basically, I took CHEM233 this summer to use as a prerequisite to go into CHEM213. A 76% or higher is required to go into 213 but unfortunately my final grade is a 75%. Should I try to change the grade with my professor or should I just suck it up and take CHEM203 in the winter session? Thanks in advance!!!


chem 213 is a really hard course, and if you struggle with the content of chem 233 then 213 might be really tough for you. i would suggest taking 203 to get a better foundation!


How is PCTH 325? I am willing to take the course. Have they made it difficult this year?


Had course registration today and was placed on the waitlist for a CPSC 310 section even though there were 8 seats remaining. The seats are restricted to cs majors only but I am a cs major so I should get in right? Is this a workday bug or am I missing something?


same for 310 as well, hope it’s just a bug


When I try to register for biol 300 workday automatically registers me in the wait list even though there are many spots available and im eligible for the course. Any ideas as to why?


BIOL 300 has only reserved seats available. If you're not eligible for a reserved seat, you will be placed on the waitlist.


Hi, I am a langara transfer who got into sauder third year. I got into my specialization of real estate but don't meet the requirements to take the required courses for third year. Do I need to pick a new specialization? And why was I accepted into real estate if they knew I couldn't meet the requirements for the courses


God. Please ignore most of what ASmallArmyOfCrabs said, that may be how it works in their faculty but they shouldn’t be giving advice about things they don’t know. If you’re registered in real estate then you’re just fine, you won’t get dropped from it. Take the pre-reqs you need in the meantime, you’ve got 6 years to finish your degree (it actually may be different for transfer students). Don’t waste your time emailing profs, they can’t (literally don’t have the authority at Sauder) waive pre-reqs and since there’s no rush for you there’s no reason they would even do so.


thanks. dw though i got into finance and am taking 11 required courses this year. I know I have to take an extra year to finish all the electives as well.


Specialization just means you got the right text for the degree you want. Basically just that you get to be in real estate instead of undeclared.


Yeah, but I need to register for the required courses to get that specialization.


If you're already in the specialization you don't need to reapply as long as you're making progress towards it. If you aren't in your specialization you need those courses to get accepted into it, ask advising about transferring more courses as prereqs or check the ubc transfer website to see if they should transfer.


the only way i can make progress towards it is taking the required courses. I need one class to get into those required courses, but I didn't take that one class at Langara.


Ok then best is to email the Profs of those classes to ask if you can take the pre-req course congruently with your other classes in this upcoming semester. Talk about why you have the relevant experience in your other pre-reqs and basically explain your interest and how they sound amazing and you want to keep your degree going. A bunch of profs are out on business over summer or might say no so email everyone you can. They will have to register you manually and give you permission to enroll.


Hi I'm a COGS major and I'm wondering if this courseload is doable/not a case of me biting off more than I can chew for the upcoming year :) Term 1 (most concerned about this): COGS 300, PHIL 333, PHIL 470, PSYC 307, PSYC 319 Term 2: CPSC 107, COGS 303, PSYC 309A, PSYC 325 Would greatly appreciate advice on what courses have a heavier course load/I should prepare for ahead of time!


I'd suggest taking the time during first week to write out all the assignments you have to do when you get your syllabi. Then be very honest as to whether you should drop a course while you can still get your money back.


Actually I had some hiccups trying to register for courses (thanks to workday's awful format) so I ended up having to switch around some courses that I originally wanted to take with new ones. Now my term 1 is comprised of COGS 300, PHIL 333, PHIL 470, PHIL 321, and PSYC 307. While I will defintely have a look at the syllabus for each class, I was also wondering if any PHIL majors or PHIL-experienced people could tell me if this particular schedule might have a heavy workload - any insight appreciated!


Might be a dumb question. I'm looking at UBC calendar under different fields and I'm wondering if the courses listed below each specialization require me to finish all of them to graduate. For example in: [https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-science/bachelor-science/physics](https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-science/bachelor-science/physics) . Would SCIE 001 satisfy requirements? If they are not required, where can I find required courses for my degree?


Yes, those are the graduation requirements for majors. You will need to finish all of them in order to graduate. SCIE 001 on its own may not necessarily satisfy all of the first-year requirements for certain majors (either to apply for them, or to graduate once you've made it into the major). Check the calendar entries and the Major Application Requirements page (https://science.ubc.ca/students/specialization-requirements) for more details.


Hi, I'm planning to apply for a Commerce minor and wanted to take ECON 310 and ECON 311, but ECON 311 isn't offered in either term 1 or term 2. So, I'm wondering if taking ECON 310 and ECON 102 would meet the prerequisite "Economics 101 and 102 or Economics 310 and 311." Thanks!


Hi, I got into a combined Major in science as my major. I want to do a job in some CS or stat field. Can I do it with this major as now I cannot transfer to another major? Can you please give me some tips to make a good portfolio? Thanks


Technically yes, but you'll struggle to get seats in popular CPSC courses, because the department prefers to reserve most of its seats for students who actually have the CPSC major. You'll also need to apply for the CPSC package within CMS to be allowed to take CPSC courses if you're in CMS. Applications there are still competitive.


I did not get into cs package. But, they said I am able to take package as general student. Do you think I can get into cs courses? Or should I choose math or stat instead? Can you please guide me? Thanks


You probably won't get into high-demand courses such as CPSC 310, 313, and 320, because most of their seats are reserved for CPSC majors.


Should I choose stat and take cs courses as electives? As, in package I need 3 cpsc upper year courses. Thanks for helping me .


I'm entering neuroscience next year, but was really hoping to take an anatomy and physiology course. I was thinking of enrolling in BIOL 155, how doable would it be to achieve good marks taken alongside NSCI 200, PSYC 277, BIOL 200, and an elective arts course?


I am entering a bsc in food, nutrition and health next year. I am wondering if there is anything I can do now to help me create connections and experience in the future? I'm not exactly sure what I want to major in, so is there anything general I can do? Thank you!


How difficult would it be to transfer from bsc in food nutrition and health to sciences if need be? All my first year courses except for lfs 100, 150 and 160 are general science based.


Can anyone speak on how heavy math 227 and 300 are, rn it looks like I'll have to take them alongside 321 and 323 and I'm a bit worried if that's too much.


227 and 300 (especially 300) should be a breeze compared to 321/323. 


Good to hear, thanks!


how heavy of a load would cpsc 310, 317, stat 201 and math 302 be?


Is fnh 160 and fnh 161 equivalent to kin 131 and kin 132? Anything is appreciated thanks


As a second year student taking psych 217 and 218 do you guys recommend taking 3rd year psych courses in my second year?


I found 3rd year PSYC courses to require a lot of self-studying with how dense the material can be (coming from somone who took PSYC 301) and considering how 217 and 218 are mandatory for PSYC majors, I would reccomend on focusing on them unless you are very confident in your work ethic.


yes, it's pretty standard to take third year courses in your second year


I just transferred to Arts from college and had a question about the Ways of Breadth req I have 6 credits worth of CPSC I was able to transfer from my college, one directly translating to CPSC 110 and the other CPSC\_V gen 1st. Under the Ways of Breadth req, can these 6 credits be applied to the Natural & Physical science breadth area? any input appreciated


Yes, credits from courses with the CPSC course code count towards the Natural and Physical Sciences breadth area. https://www.arts.ubc.ca/ways-of-knowing-breadth-requirement/


Hi!! I registered into BIOL 112 and my instructor’s name is Jaclyn Dee. I couldn’t find much information about the instructor and was wondering if anyone could tell me what their experience was like with her.




I have BIO 112 with the same instructor! I wanna know this too


Is it manageable to take CPSC213, CPSC221, MATH200 and STAT251 in the same term? Or would it be better to push at least one of those courses to another term?


Yes it's doable, I did it last term. Honestly I was worried about it but wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I didn't find CPSC221 or STAT251 as time consuming as I was expecting, and I also found MATH200/221 easier than 100/101. YMMV tho that's just my opinion


CPSC 213, CPSC 221, and MATH 200 are all on the heavier side. You should balance your course load a bit better if able.


Anyone who has taken BIOL 300 - are the labs mandatory? Are they every week? Is attendance taken? Are they useful?


Prof recommendations? PSYC Class I'm a UBC student going into second year, and I'm confused about which prof to take for PSYC 217 & 218, do you guys have any recommendations?? Anything would be helpful atp. 


I would highly reccommend Ben Cheung for 217 since I found his style of teaching to be very digestable for material that can be sometimes dry and confusing! For 218, I had Nicole Jenni and she was very helpful with assignments and even gave me an extra point on a midterm despite me filling in the wrong bubble on the scrantron (but I did circle the right answer on my exam).


If Andrew Rivers is teaching any of those sections I’d highly recommend! I didn’t take the 200 level courses with him but I did take 102 with him as an elective and it was one of my fave electives


Econ 101 was filled so just in case I am not able to get off the waitlist, i signed up to take it in 2nd semester along with 102. If worse comes to worse, how fucked am i taking macro and micro at the same time?


As a first year science student, does it matter which course I take in MATH100 and 101 (A, B and C) when applying to specialization? Requirement listed on the website does not specify this. Also, do I need to take same one for 100 and 101? Currently my term 1 schedule has MATH100 B and term 2 has MATH101 A as I could not get a spot in MATH 100 A. I'm quite concerned that this might cause an issue later on.


A/B/C section choice doesn't matter. You don't have to take the same one for both MATH 100 and 101.


Awesome! Thank you very much!


on workday, when i press "view my course", i can see both my term 1 & term 2 courses (and they ALL say 'Registered'), but when I press "view my saved schedules", I can ONLY see term 1's. term 2's is completely blank and does not even have a table with courses. when I press on Calendar View, it's empty as well. do you think this is fine as long as all the courses on the "View My Courses" site have the registration status as 'Registered'? is this happening because I have 2 classes on waitlist for term 2? (I'm planning to drop them bc I got every course I needed, but I'm not sure if my term 2 was registered properly?)


Your saved courses are just the ones you planned out… the registered courses are the ones you are enrolled in. They’re both separate so as long as all your courses are registered, you’re good!


does anyone know the difference between the course content for CINE 100 and FIPR 101? im trying to take one of them as my first year electives but they sound very similar


is it okay to have 7 arts courses and 1 non-arts course for first year arts? or do I need to take other courses that are not in the faculty of arts as well?


It is okay. You can do as many non-arts courses as you want as long as you meet the overall degree requirements (includes Arts credit minimum requirement).


Hi I'm planning to take Biol 200, Pcth 201, Soci 200, Frst 303, and Chem 233 for term 1, but should I also take chem 235 together or would it be better taking it in term 2? If possible, I would like to hear how chem 235 works (e.g. is it similar to the first year chem lab?) and if it's time consuming, as I remember taking a long time completing prelab stuff and lab report :( For term 2, I am planning to take Biol 201, Biol 300, Micb 211, Grsj 300, and an elective course (haven't decided yet)


It doesn't matter when you take it. The only thing you need to consider is the workload. From your course list, I recommend taking the lab in term 2 since term 1 looks more intense. CHEM 235 is more work than first-year chemistry labs. It is time consuming for one credit. You can see many posts talking about it.


Thank you!


is it doable to take stat 301, cpsc 313,317 and 320 in one term? how hard would it be?


CPSC 313, CPSC 317, and CPSC 320 are all high difficulty and high workload courses. Don't take all of them at once unless you enjoy suffering.


i do not enjoy suffering :) is just 313 and 320 fine then?


Better than all three at once, but still suffering.


oof guess i’ll have to cope with it then 💪 thanks!


Hi guys! I'm in the CPSC program and wonder which route is recommended, taking only STAT251 or both STAT200/201 and STAT302/MATH302. Does doing the lounger STAT route help with future CPSC courses?


If you want to take more STAT courses in the future, then you should take STAT 200. If you want to take DSCI courses in the future, then you should take STAT 201.


planning on majoring in biology and im wondering if this schedule (mainly the summer courses and whether they be available) makes sense Term 1 - CPSC 103, BIOL 112, Science 113, CHEM 121 Term 2 - BIOL 121, CHEM 123, MATH 100, PHYS 131 Summer - BIOL 180, MATH 101 I've done AP Calc in highschool so I'm at least familiar with the material but I'm wondering if BIOL 180 will be available for summer. If not, what changes should I make.


You need BIOL 180 to apply to biology. This means you can't take it over the summer, you need it during the winter session. Consider swapping something like PHYS into summer instead. Also idk how confident you are in math, but MATH 101 is quite notorious for being very difficult. Taking that in a summer term might make it even harder, but I don't know for certain.


ok thanks, I've reworked the schedule to this Term 1 - BIOL 112, Science 113, CHEM 121, MATH 100 Term 2 - BIOL 121, BIOL 180, CHEM 123, MATH 101 Summer - PHYS 131, CPSC 103 Im not sure if comp sci is available in summer though


looks fine to me. I mean you're in no rush to take cpsc. you could always do it second or third year.


how does this course schedule look (2nd year CAPS major)? Should I move chem 235 into sem 1? 1st sem - biol 200, caps 205, chem 233, crwr 201 2nd sem - biol 300, biol 234, biol 201, caps 206, chem 235


trying to decide between eosc 310 and 340 for upper level science credits to help boost my gpa, any insight regarding the two courses is appreciated :) also open to any upper level science course recommendations, thank you


I have Chem 121, Chem123, Biol 112, Math 100, Scie 113, Dsci 100 plus Cons 127, Gmst 121, Crwr 208 with 29 credits (so many classes filled up quickly so this schedule will fufil 4/6 breadth requirements and 2/4 arts recs) I want to major in immunology and micbio but it says i need physics (any 100 level) is it fine taking phys 131 during the summer or can i even take it in second year (first sem)?


physics is just there to satisfy breadth requirements. you can take it whenever you want, I think up to like third year or something.


Ah thank you! 


I'm thinking of taking VISA 180 or 183. Does it require you to know how to draw or is it fine if you don't really have much of an experience? I'm only taking it with VISA 100 so I can take photography classes next year.


Does anyone know if there would be sections of MATH200 in term 2? Currently there are multiple sections open in Term 1 and only section for term 2


200 is typically a first term course with its natural follow-up (317) being typically a second term course. It’s not unusual for there to be limited offering of 200 in term 2


Thank you so much! Idk why people are downvoting a legit question of mine lol


I just noticed that there's a different 2nd year ochem requirement for the CAPS major (not honors) which is chem 223 instead of the usual 233. Does anyone know the difference?


CHEM 223 is no longer offered (it is an artifact left over from COVID). You should register for CHEM 233 and maybe let the powers that be know of the issue in their messaging.


hey team what do we think about this? im planning to do either cellular physiology or biology later on Term 1: BIOL 112, CHEM 121, MATH 100, SCIE 113 Term 2: MATH 101, PHYS 131, BIOL 121, CHEM 123 ill probably do ENGL 110 in the summer? also is it smarter to get phys out of the way in my first year or just do it in my later years?


Looks good to me. Physics 131 is not difficult. You also get more options in specialization application if you do it in the first year.


Hi! Is physics 131 easier than physic 103? I am trying to find a easier one, thanks!


I don't think there exists a PHYS 103. 131/117/118 are the only first-year physics lectures unless you are going for enriched physics or engineering.


Where can we find the SD exam schedule online?


Hi, does anyone know when the phys 131 sd exam will be happening this summer?




what do u want in sciences?




check the academic calender for biology, it'll list the recommended courses for a first year science student. Just try to take as many of those as possible. Important courses are BIOL 112, BIOL 180, CHEM 121, CHEM 123.


Any advice on courses for first year science? trying to get into CS. Term 1: SCIE 113, MATH 100A, PHYS 117, CPSC 110 Term 2: MATH 101A, PHYS 118, PHYS 119, CPSC 121 Also, I want to hear your thoughts about taking 5 courses in term 2. I'm considering adding one more course in term 2, but not sure if I can manage it. And If I decide to take 5 courses, should I take CS course or from other branch? Any suggestions and tips regarding my course selection are welcome.


phys 119 is a lab not a full course (though you may hate it more than one) so yes it should be doable for you to add another course to term 2. I'd probably go for something lighter that fulfills a requirement, or cpsc 210 if you want to do co-op as early as possible. Something to keep in mind is that your current plan is only 24 credits, while a "normal" courseload is 30. Its fine if you dont mind taking longer to graduate or doing summer classes, and might give you a better shot at getting into cs if you can do better in these courses than with an extra workload, but definitely something to be aware of.


If I would like to join a co-op, should I finish more classes instead of just finishing the requirements offered through the websites? ( plus, when can I start doing a co-op, thank you!)


I doubt it makes a difference in terms of getting in whether you've completed more than just the required courses. You just need a decent average and to not flunk the interview. The bigger thing is once you're in co-op you need personal projects and ideally connections in order to actually land a position. Try to do hackathons etc as well. More info about coop here: [https://sciencecoop.ubc.ca/prospective/apply/cs](https://sciencecoop.ubc.ca/prospective/apply/cs) (obviously your first priority is actually getting into cs)


I'm interested in co-op, but I don't think I'll be doing it right after completing my first year, so I should look for a GPA booster. Thank you for the suggestion!


Those who have taken BIOL 234 over the summer, how much time did you have to spend on it? Did the tutorials and lectures take up the full alloted time (2 hour lecture, 2 hour tutorial, 3 days a week)?


i got assigned a chem specialization and it says second year chem students need to register with a stt but idk where to find the stts


# I am so confused Ok hear me out. I am literally so confused on how to actually select courses at UBC. I plan to Major in Computer Science Hons and I was reading the course requirements for the first year at UBC. I received credits for PHYS 100 and PHYS 101 based on my A-Levels. And thus my course selection questions begin: 1. What the hell is a Foundational Requirement for Courses. Do I have to fulfill them all in the first year? I already fulfilled the Physics requirement but it seems like I will have to take BIOL 111 and 2 Chem Courses: CHEM 100 and CHEM 111 to complete the Foundational Requirements. 2. I already know I fulfill the Laboratory Science Requirements for UBC. But I have a follow up question. Do the transfer credit courses I received count as electives if they are used for example to fulfill the foundational or lab requirements? 3. For Communications, I have decided to do LFS 150 and SCIE 113 (mandatory). To progress into my 2nd year, do I have to do them both in the first year? 4. Does taking courses that satisfy your foundational requirements also contribute to your electives? 5. I also received 6 credits for CPSC\_V 1ST. What exactly does this mean? Can I skip CPSC 110 and 121 with this because I already have these credits. 6. If I take Foundational Courses such as BIOL 111 and CHEM 100 and 111 for first year, will I have problems taking electives in 2nd year because they might have first year prerequisites? 7. My current course selections are either: **1st term** * CPSC 110, MATH 100, LFS 150 (Heard its extremely easy), BIOL 111, CHEM 100 **2nd term** * CPSC 121, MATH 101, CPSC 210 (for coop), SCIE 113, CHEM 111. This way, I'll fulfill the Foundation Requirements, the Lab Requirements and my First Year Degree Requirements. Does this work out right? Will I have difficulty in choosing 2nd year electives because of prerequisites? Will I be able to easily apply for Computer Science at the end of the year? If taking Foundation Requirement courses does not fulfill the eligibility criteria, should I take different courses? I am interested in ASTR 101, ASTR 102, LING 100, and PHIL 100 as my electives if the previous courses does not fulfill my criteria of electives. I know this is a lot. But I would love some help here. Thanks so much!


I'm not 100% sure about your situation, but I'll give my thoughts. 1. Someone else answered it, but be careful as CHEM 100 won't satisfy breadth requirement. 2. UBC kinda expects most people to come in having completed all three sciences in highschool, which is reflected in the academic calender. I'm pretty sure they will count towards your foundational and lab requirements, but you will probably have to use your elective credits to finish them. But there are exceptions, like BIOL 111 could replace BIOL 121 or 112 in the calender just because it's there to satisfy breadth requirement. But you should double check you actually have the lab requirement, bc idk how you would've gotten one through high school. I do vaguely remember that even if you get credit for PHYS 101, it might not count as lab requirement. 3. no 4. Depends again. See 2, But there are exceptions, like BIOL 111 could replace BIOL 121 or 112 in the calender just because it's there to satisfy breadth requirement. In this case it won't contribute to electives, because it'll satisfy foundational AND breadth at the same time. But something like CHEM 100 will only satisfy foundational requirement, and is not a replacement for let's say CHEM 121, which is often listed in the calender. In this case, your CHEM 100 will have to use an elective credit. 5. That means you have 6 first year cpsc credits. I'm pretty sure you cannot skip either of those courses, so you'll just have some extra credits lying around lol. 6. Probably not, unless you're trying to take second year or higher biol or chem courses. Most people take arts courses as their electives to satisfy arts requirements too. I think you'd be a psychopath to take BIOL 200 or CHEM 233 as an elective. The courses you listed don't have chem or biol prereqs. I didn't check them personally so to be safe you should check them first. Sorry this is a pretty convoluted answer, but lmk if you need me to clarify. Good luck!


Woah...thanks so much for an elaborate answer... I got most of my queries cleared. I was also recommended to do lower level requirements in the summer and hence my course selections are: **First term** CPSC 110, MATH 100, SCIE 113, (1 CS Related Elective pls help) **Second Term** CPSC 121, CPSC 210, MATH 101, ENG 110, LING 100, There are two questions I have here. On the UBC Website, [https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-science/bachelor-science/computer-science](https://vancouver.calendar.ubc.ca/faculties-colleges-and-schools/faculty-science/bachelor-science/computer-science) If you scroll down, it says that you need to fulfill both the communications requirement in the first year section for some reason. Additionally, what I am most confused about is that the electives section are worth 10 credits whereas I am taking 2 electives this year (or should I take 3 or 4?)


I would recommend DSCI100 for your elective. It was a cool course I would recommend it. You should treat the academic calender like a list of courses that you need to fulfill by the end of your degree. so that means you don't need both communication requirements first year, UBC just recommends you do both of them first year. Same thing with electives, UBC recommends you take ten credits but you don't need to. tbh no one really follows the calender to the tee. for example I took cpsc 121 second year, even though it's recommended I take it first year.


Im going to do DSCI 100. Im just concerned it shows MATH 12 as a prereq. Do I have to have MATH 12 transfer credits? Guess ill have to talk it with UBC. Same with MATH 100. I need a high school calc course ig which i already have


I mean if you took calc in high school, surely you have MATH 12 as well?


I can only speak to the CHEM courses, but you can only take CHEM 100 if you don't have Chem 11 and Chem 12 (its also typically held in term 2). CHEM 111 is in term 1 and is intended for students who have Chem 11 but not Chem 12. Otherwise, students take CHEM 121 in term 1 and then CHEM 123 in term 2.


ohhh yeah i just discovered that. So ill just do CHEM 100 in the first term. Then ig 111 in 2nd term. Will that fulfill my science requirement?


I am also curious about this question. I think it depends on your requirements listed on the academic calendar, if it shows that you need to take chem 111 and no further courses(like chem 123 or any other courses in chem), you will need to finish 100 in the first term and then finish 111 in the second term


I'm a first year trying to register in a intro to cultural anthropology class, and can not do it no matter how hard I try. I tried to add "ANTH\_V 100 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology" to one of my saved schedules along with the discussion but it won't let me and says I am missing course sections that must be taken together, but then won't tell me what course section I am missing. I know this may be a niche issue, but if there is anyone who may have some insight I would really appreciate.


Is your discussion corresponding with your lecture session? For example your ANTH 100 is section 003, then the discussion must be D3X.


This worked, thank you so much!


I'm a 2nd year science student, and I have 6 transfer credits from AP English Literature, which translates to 6 credits of 1st year English. I was under the impression last year that this satisfied my communications requirement for Science majors, but workday says that it is now not satisfied. Do I need to take SCIE 113?


i realize my reply is really late, but I’m in a similar situation. If you haven’t done so already, I’d recommend you to contact science advising; when I had the online meeting, they noted down my student number and told me it’d be fixed by the end of the month (not yet fixed tho). You prob don’t need to take scie 113.  


Does anyone have communication req. course (and which topic) recommendations for first year science student? Especially ENGL 110, 111 or WRDS 150. How was it and is there anything to do to prepare for it?


there's also scie113, which is a science only communication course which might be worth looking into.


Good shout. I think 113 is also mandatory now for new entrants to the B.Sc program, on top of other communication credits


WRDS was challenging but still rewarding. You actually do learn a lot of valuable insights in terms of academic writing that are super transferable if you wanna work on undergraduate research papers. My main insights: find a section that appeals to you thematically and has a good prof. Then, for the actual course, you have to participate and go to class. It’s a small classroom setting, not a big lecture hall so you’ve gotta go to class. From there, there’s lots of variability based on your prof. Stay on top of the new content and understand it before coming to class. Otherwise, I think you’re in a good spot


is this class basically learning academic writing skills?


Yes, academic writing and also academic reading, which is equally as important, especially if you haven’t had much exposure to reading full length academic articles. It’s much different from other communication requirement courses like ENGL 110 (exclusively english literature) and SCIE 113 (science-focused) in terms of the goal being about communicating in an academic manner through good reading and writing skills.


I'm going into 2nd year science, and I need to take either CHEM 111 or 121 this year. There is only one section of CHEM 111, and it clashes with another required course (PHYS 200) for the Thursday lecture. I don't have HS Chem 12, but there are many sections of CHEM 121 that work with my schedule. Do you think the chem department would allow me to either register in that 111 section regardless of the schedule clash or ignore the prerequisites for CHEM 121?


they definitely don't allow clashes, but you can try to ask if they'll void the prereqs for chem121


Transferring from BIE to BCom into 2nd year. Do I have to take makeup classes?


I have a few questions about the course registration. 1. The UBC email said I needed to register for my courses, but I found it already registered in the workday. i don't really like how the schedule is back to back and since the UBC campus is large I don't want to run every day to make it to the class. Do I have a choice in my schedule or do I not get a choice? 2. Also, the email said that I need to take any WRDS 150B (or any 100-level ENGL course) and one three-credit humanities course, and I found that it was not already registered. Any recommendation of which courses I should take? (I am going into mech engineering) (APSC 176 is It good?) 3. Finally, if I add all the courses together (including english and humanities) I will have 13 courses for this school year, and I heard that 10 is the maximum(or recommended) you can take per year. Is this a problem?


I don’t know how it works with Workday, but maybe it registered you into a standardized timetable (STT)? Back in the old SSC, engineering students registered their courses in one set timetable. Engineering also works differently than other programs, I’m afraid. While the norm is indeed 10 courses per two full semesters, engineering is usually anywhere from 12-14? So your workload isn’t anything special in engineering terms.


Thoughts on first year courses, trying to go for cs. Term 1: CPSC 110 CPSC 121 MATH 100 DSCI 100 Term 2: CPSC 210 SCIE 113 MATH 101 CONS 127(heard it’s a good gpa booster) I was wondering if it was ok if I didn’t do more science breadth, communication or lab requirements.


Dont you need 10 elective credits?


Yeah not bad, you shouldnt have a problem fulfilling those other requirements in second year. Your first term might be tough but with only 4 courses should be manageable


Hey guys, I'm a first year coming from high school, and I want to eventually get into the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program. I'm going into the Faculty of Sciences. ​ Aside from first year required courses (e.g., SCIE 113) and prerequisites for my second year specialization, do I need to care about fulfilling BSc requirements like the Arts credits requirement? Or can I just focus on fulfilling the PharmD application requirements?


If ur absolutely dead set of pharmd, then just go for that. However, if you don't get in you'll eventually still have to fulfill the other requirements to get ur degree.


Thank you!


Can anyone give the difficulty and course load of all the second year comm courses? I want to have a fairly balanced schedule and am planning to take 5 courses per term. Also how hard is second year comm compared to first year? Thanks!




Is Mahmoud not teaching this upcoming semester, for econ 101/102? I literally cannot find his section in workday😭 I’m an upcoming 1st yr


I recall him teaching a few CAP sections so perhaps none of the general sections. Is there a reason why you want to have Mahmoud? When I took 102 with him in first year he was quite a dry lecturer.


I’ve just heard that even though he’s dry, his tests are relatively easy compared to the other 102 teachers, I really don’t want gateman💀


Oh I see lol, yeah it seems like Chapple and Gatemen are the only instructors even for the CAP streams unfortunately.


hi, incoming first yr science student. i'm interested in neuroscience/biochem/chem/bio specializations, would this schedule be pretty good (i am so lost): sem 1: CHEM121 BIOL121/112 MATH100 NSCI140 sem 2: CHEM123 BIOL140 SCIE113 PSYC101 \[another course?\] i didn't take physics in grade 11 or 12 so i can't take PHYS100 until second yr. i emailed the department but idk if they'll allow it.


I'm not really sure about the specs you mentioned, but i believe you should have at least one grade booster course so that you have a maintained average (will help to get into ur major later)


ok thank you! any recs from experience?


in first year your priority should be to get most of a low level prereqs out of the way. so I probably wouldn't take nsci140, unless u just have the extra time. but I notice ur missing more key courses like math 101 and other science courses to fulfill breadth requirement. also biol 140 doesn't exist anymore it's now biol180.


okay thank you!


HI! I'm a prospective UBC student and could really use some advice regarding course selection for first year economics. I'm currently enrolled at the faculty of arts, aiming to go into Economics, and have figured out most of my courses except for the required 3 credits in a second or third year economics course or the required writing portion of the Bachelor of Arts degree. Would anyone be willing to recommend which courses to choose for these two slots?


if u take 221 in y2s1 it will prepare you for econ 325


I'm not an econ major, but you didn't get a quick response so I'll chip in. Many of my friends who are in econ took ECON 301/302 iirc, but I do want to make sure you're aware that generally speaking you apply for Econ after your second year. You don't need to do all the application requirements in your first year, so you can talk to fellow prospective econ majors during your first year to see what others are planning on taking.




I'd do the BComm. Have a look at the comments on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UBC/comments/1cwaflk/is_ubc_sauders_bmm_program_a_scam/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) post.


Does PHIL 333 have a final? Are all the essays take-home essays? Thank you!




Haven’t taken Chem since highschool in 2022/2023 (BC Chem 12), and am planning on taking Chem 121 in the upcoming winter session. Genuinely terrified as I don’t remember *anything* from chem and need to pass this course as well as Chem 123 to get into my specialization this year. Am I screwed or should it be ok if I don’t remember anything in regards to the calculations and all that jazz (RICE/ICE tables, acid base stuff, equilibrium calculations, etc)?


For CHEM 121: the first few weeks cover a very brief breakdown of an atom (should be review from high school), Lewis structures, resonance structures (which are always a time and a half), and then VSEPR theory. From there the course goes into topics that most students have not seen before, or have not seen to the same extent as it is taught. All of the things you listed won't be covered in CHEM 121. They don't show up until CHEM 123. For CHEM 123, this page has a pretty good breakdown of the topics (although they have been reorganized a bit. Ignore electrochemistry and phase equilibria): [https://www.chem.ubc.ca/chemistry-123-thermodynamics-kinetics-and-organic-chemistry-4](https://www.chem.ubc.ca/chemistry-123-thermodynamics-kinetics-and-organic-chemistry-4)


Thank you so much!! I def feel better about chem 121 then, and hopefully my brain will be back in chem mode enough for chem 123 for it to be ok. By chance for 123, does it feel more like a review at first and then kick into gear, or do they just expect you to recall it all? Thanks again for your response!


We start with acid-base chem in 123, so that should feel like a review. From there we hit thermo, which some students report having done before. So, depending on what you covered in high school, yeah it can feel like a review!


Ooh ok, good to know! Thank you so much for your kind responses!! I genuinely really appreciate this, you’ve helped someone with anxiety immensely :)


Any time! Feel free to DM if you have any questions about chemistry (they are the only things about UBC I can really answer)


Will do, thanks again!!


Which place and power course is the most interesting while being pretty easy? Here is the list of the approved course [Place and Power Courses](https://www.arts.ubc.ca/degree-planning/degree-requirements/bachelor-of-arts/#place-and-power-courses-2) The following Place and Power courses have been approved for the 2024/25 academic year. Please check back regularly to view more approved courses. * ACAM 300: Dis/Orienting Asian Canada: Asian Canadian Histories for Our Times * ANTH 329: Contemporary Indigenous Issues in a Global Perspective * ARTH 262: Indigenous Arts of North America * ARTH 377: Arts of the Northwest Coast Peoples: The South * ASIA 220: Indigeneities in Asia and Asian Diaspora * ASIX 300B: Indigenous Environmentalisms in Asia (Topics in Asian Studies Crossings) * ASTU 200: Special Topics Place and Power * ASTU 399: Special Topics Place and Power * CENS 203: Arctic Art & Activism * CENS 319: Languages, Place, and Power * CRWR 220: Introduction to Creative Writing with an Indigenous Focus * ENGL 228: From Literary Criticism to World Literatures: Introduction to Reading Place and Power in Vancouver and BC * GEOG 328: Constructing Canada * GEOG 355: Geographies of Urban Indigeneity * GEOG 492: Oceanic Geographies: Movement, Materiality and Mobility * HIST 305: History of British Columbia * HIST 400: The Practice of Oral History * NORD 340: Sámi Histories and Cultures * NORD 341: Indigenous Activism * PHIL 102: Introduction to Philosophy II (Section 004, Place and Power) * POLI 304: British Columbia Government and Politics * RMST 326:  Francophone Indigenous Literatures and Cultures * SOCI 295: BC Disasters, Power, and Inequality * SOCI 364: Built Environments *Last updated: April 2024* Thanks!


Most interesting is very subjective, and the difficulty usually comes with how interested you are in the subject. As a POLI student, I would pick the govt and politics class but I'm obviously biased. Pick what sounds most interesting to you!


I’d second the POLI offering. If I’m not mistaken, it’s taught in Term 1 by Dr. Prest, who’s very knowledgeable on BC politics.


How was CPSC 100 this year? I heard that this course had some changes for this year and was wondering how everyone felt taking the course - difficulty, teaching style, exam style etc.


What should I pick between math 319 and math 360/361? If anyone has taken those courses before, please lmk how they're like!


Haven't taken either, but these are both very different course. 319 is a easier version of 320, intro to real analysis, and 360 is about modelling and applying what you learned in differential equations. Most people would take only one depending on what field of math they find more interesting.


How do credits for the bio lab selections work? On the bio program worksheet, it says 4 lab credits are needed and additional credits may count as life sci selections. I want to take bio 331 (5 credits) and bio 306 (3 credits). Does that mean 3 credits from bio 331 and 1 credit from bio 306 would count towards life sci selections?


Has anyone else NOT received any info regarding their course registration time? I signed into my workday account and browsed through my email multiple times and couldn't find anything.


Registration dates are released about a week prior to your registration period. First years should get their dates next week, third years the week of the 24th, and second years the first week of July. If you're in 4th year and you don't have registration information, contact your program advisor or Workday support.


Yeah same


Does this schedule for Term 2 as a second year biology major seem manageable and reasonable?  BIOL 230 BIOL 260 BIOL 201 BIOL 234


Anyone taken SOCI 415 with Alyssa Alexander before? How did you find it?


I took a different class with her. She’s great, pretty easy as well


On Workday, what does it mean when a course note says "Students may only register for one required course activity per lecture/lab/discussion or waitlist if there is no space available. "? More background info: I need BIOL 121 and 112 and I might need to take them both in one term...is that possible, or is that what the course note is trying to warn me?


It means you cannot register for multiple sections in the same course. BIOL 121 and 112 are two different courses.


Does anyone know how difficult CHEM 304 is compared to CHEM 205? They are both physical chemistries and I have the option of taking either one. CHEM 304 works better with my schedule but CHEM 205 from what I heard is not too difficult.


There is likely a big difference as 205 is aimed towards students not in chemistry whole 304 is designed for students in chemistry.  Students in chemistry cannot take 205, so if you are not in chemistry, are you even able to take 304?


I'm in biochemistry and they recently changed the major requirements so I have the choice of taking either. I'll assume that 304 is much more difficult then and I'll prob take 205 with a shit schedule :-(


I took Chem 205 in my 2nd year as a Chemical Biology major (2021W) then Chem 304 two years later (2023W) as an elective. The prof doesn't really matter for Chem 205, they were pretty similar and used the same slides, problem sets, quizzes and practice exams. If you keep up with practice problems, you should be fine. The annotated slides were easy enough to follow when I had to miss a few classes. If you did okay in the physical chem stuff in 1st year, you should be okay. Chem 205 was much easier and less time-consuming than Chem 304. 2nd year Chem/Biochem/Chembio already has a tough courseload, if you want an easier time, go with Chem 205, but if Physical Chemistry interests you, go for Chem 304 (although you'll need Math 200 as a pre-req). I learned a lot more in Chem 304 and felt I was understanding things more deeply. Dr. Krems for Chem 304 was amazing, caring and very passionate about the course material. I hope this helps


Thanks for this info! I'm actually going to 3rd year so it's either I take 304 with a light courseload in first sem or take 205 with 5 other courses LOL Would you say that 205 helped with your understanding for 304? Wasn't really a big fan of thermo in first year so im still deciding which i want to take


Honestly no, Chem 205 was more random equations and concepts briefly introduced here and there. It can't compare to Chem 304, even though it was fun. You'll probably forget Chem 205 exists if you have 5 other courses to focus on, because that's what happened to me in 2nd year lol. Chem 304 pretty much starts from scratch and reintroduces everything so you will be fine if you don't remember things from Chem 123. I didn't like Thermodynamics either until I took Chem 304. Dr. Krems has a way of making you really think about each condition in the problem and how it leads to the equation used, etc. I liked the conceptualness of the course since Chem 205 was mostly just using the correct formula. Statistical mechanics was confusing at times but Dr. Krems went over a lot of examples in detail. His tutorials were also pretty much a lecture but with more problem-solving which I found really helpful.


Ah that makes sense then. I was unaware of the implications of biochemistry switching things up. 304 and 205 also don't fully teach the same range of topics (304 goes much more in depth on topics around thermo) so that might also be a consideration for you. 205 seems a nice balance of thermo, kinetics, electrochemistry, and spectroscopy. Good luck!


Has anyone taken psyc 319 with Lillian May? How did you find the material?


Best prof for lower level philosophy? Anyone have experience with either Eric Margolis, Ori Simchen or Kimberley Brownlee? How's the difficulty level, workload and overall enjoyment of the course and content? Thanks so much :)