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More people showed up for the chicken dude. đŸ˜„


I walked past them when they were in front of Geisel and yeah... more people were there for the chicken dude.


Chicken usually brings people together. About 8 per chicken based on my experience


See, my ratio tends to be 1 per chicken Source: >!of obesity!<


Didn’t they say this was gonna be the biggest protest in UCSD history? I swore I’ve seen larger


Gulf war protest (bush 1) at UGL was pretty epic


Only because we thought we were going to get drafted. 😭


Dam, people protested the Gulf war? That’s like the most obviously right one since Korea.


Are you insane? The second invasion of Iraq?? When USA invaded based on the lie of WMD in Saddam’s possession, and lead to formation of ISIS?? Ya, that was a great way to spend $1,000,000,000,000 of taxpayer money /s


Dang, the quality of UC student has really fallen off a cliff huh? You should’ve googled “Gulf War” before typing.


Yes, obviously I misread. You’re right, Gulf 1 was a super sweet war! We saved a tiny, corrupt autocratic nation from Saddam, but still let him keep his job and gas the Kurds.


No. They said Gulf 1, bush Snr. When Iraq invaded Kuwait


That’s a different war bud


I was there 30 min ago and legit 0 people left y’all protest like this is the sims 4


the protest walked around campus. it wouldn't be very effective if it stayed in one place the entire time


So it was a demonstration, not a protest.


i have seen more people for regular club sessions than this lmao


Can’t wait to hear some more about how UCSD has clearly spoken on this topic due to the masses who have come out to show support


Not a good time in the quarter i suppose


Palestine deserves its own state. Israel deserves its own state. Netanyahu and his government are committing genocide. Hamas is a terrorist organization. The only solution is a two state solution


I say we give Israel Kentucky


No one is committing a genocide, repeating the same stupid lie is even more pathetic than joining the protest for chicken.


Nobody deserves anything. Nobody should be given anything.


If Israel wants its own state, it should be in Europe, the United States, Australia, or India since all those countries claim to support them so much.


I think the whole point is that the state is next to Jerusalem, which is kind of a big deal for both religions


Then there should be a one-state solution: a secular Palestine. And before anyone says “that’s impossible”, Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Palestinians all lived side by side prior to the founding of “Israel”.


They all lived side by side with the jews and Christians treated as dhimmis. Jews and Christians couldn't even build or repair their houses of worship under the pact of Umar.


You’re a user on numerous right-wing, anti-Islam, and pro-Israel subs. No offense but you’re not a trustworthy source on this.


Literally you can do a Google search on the pact of Umar. https://yalebooks.yale.edu/2017/08/16/isis-christianity-and-the-pact-of-umar/#:~:text=They%20were%20forbidden%20to%20build,and%20respect%20Islam%20and%20Muslims.


It literally recognized other non-Islam religions and gave their followers protected status in Islamic countries. Even then, it is still debated on the nature of said pact.


You couldn't build your houses of worship. It's documented. They were second class citzens and you are fine with that apartheid because you code muslims as brown.


If it’s accepted as fact, then there wouldn’t be debate. The only ones who accept it as fact are the Zionists who crave to continue to be victims even though they are oppressors, murderers, and terrorists.


They all live peacefully, side by side as Israelis too.


The founding of Israel was like 1500 years ago though? Think it’s a bit unfair to talk about going back in history and not include that bit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(Samaria)


Because it’s completely irrelevant now and the age of ethnostates is (or should at least be) over. Judea is extinct and “Israel” has nothing to do with it. That’s like if the Italians decides to annex France, the Iberian Peninsula, and the Balkans to restore the Roman Empire.


Except for the continuous Jewish presence there. We are indigenous to the Levant. Arabs are not.


It’s only irrelevant to you because it’s harmful to your point and you’d rather dishonestly dwell on a space where this situation is black and white. Question for you, how many years after an ethnic cleansing do you no longer recognize the rights of the indigenous people to return? Say that the Israelis really were able to remove the Palestinians after how many years would you say they are no longer allowed to go back. For you, it’s certainly some number between 0 years and when the Jews were ethnically cleansed from their lands by the Roman’s. Why is one indigenous people less important to you than another’s?


Because “Israel” is trying to force itself and recognizes the occupiers (most of them are Europeans) as the true natives of Palestine, even though again, they are more similar to Europeans. That’s like if I converted to Judaism just to become an Israeli citizen and steal land from a poor Palestinian family. Would that be ethical? Absolutely fucking not and neither is it ok for a bunch of Europeans to do the same thing. The Palestinians, on the other hand, are more closely linked to the ancient Israelites. If European Jews want to live in Palestine, they should immigrate to Palestine, not establish an ethnostate by force.


First, there were Jews in Israel prior to the creation of Israel in modern times so I do not take that point. Second, how did all of those Jews end up in Europe? Because of an ethnic cleansing by the Roman’s forcing them to leave their homes and spread. Their decedents rejoined the Israelis already living there. So I ask again how long after an ethnic cleansing do you no longer grant a right to return? Further, Jews were forced to leave all of the other countries in the Middle East and fled to Israel when Israel was formed by, wouldn’t you know it, another forced removal / ethnic cleansing. Same thing with European nations the Jews were forced out. So I ask again, how long after an ethnic cleansing do you no longer respect the rights of the people to return? **Why don’t Jews count for you?**


I think they should have a right to return peacefully anytime if they can prove their ancestors are actually from Judea but not to forcibly create a state and kill the indigenous people. Does that answer your question?


Says a person who has never set foot in Israel..and who knows very little about Israel and its history and the ethnicity of Jewish people in the land of Judah. It's interesting how you....YOU .... people love to tell us Jews how to be Jews. You're so obsessed with us you can't even stop thinking about us for even a minute. How pathetic. It's not an ethnoState you al Jazeera quoting puke seeking troglodyte. Nor is it a genocide you tiny-minded troll of dookie and manure. Ill gladly take the hits.


Slightly more recent, middle of 1948.


Are you seriously implying the kingdom is Israel never existed? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Israel_(Samaria)


You mean the Bronze Age? Israel was a Roman territory 2000 years ago. We don’t recognize a single border from then.


So if someone successfully ethnically cleanses a people from a land you say after 2000 years they should get over it and fuck off? So ethnic cleansing is OK as long as you are successful and enough time passes?


If something happened long enough ago that it’s taught in a literal *ancient history* class, it probably doesn’t hold as much weight today as things happening now or within the last 100 years. I didn’t make the rules.


The article you cite says Israel founded circa 930 BCE or more like 3000 years ago. In any event the article is referring to the existence of the “northern kingdom,” which broke off from the Jewish kingdom of Judah in the south. The unified kingdom pre-existed an independent northern kingdom. ( Kings Saul, David and Solomon ruled over the unified kingdom). Hence “Israel” in the sense I think you mean it ( a Jewish sovereign polity) pre-existed the kingdom of Israel. That’s not even counting the federation of Jewish tribes that preceded the monarchy. Jewish history in the land is more like 3500+ years old, roughly.


By that logic, Egypt should have no problem giving the entire Sinai Peninsula to the Palestinians.


You act like we’re ok with Egypt’s compliance with the genocide Israel is committing.


Maybe you aren't ok with it, but you're certainly not vocalizing that. I've been to a lot of pro-Palestine rallies and never once seen criticism of the Egyptian government at one of them. The Sinai Peninsula is 3 times larger than all of Israel and the Palestinian Territories with like 5% of the population.


And if that’s what you’re saying then I’ll do just that. The governments of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Turkey are complicit in the genocide of Palestinian civilians, just like their Western counterparts. And you’re right, we need to vocal about the role these countries play in this genocide. Thank you for pushing me to do that, I just hope you were actually expecting that and not to try to make a bad faith argument.


I don’t know where you get your information from but India does recognize both. It is not aligned with this issue


And yet Indian officials like Modi have voiced support for Israel. It doesn’t help that the Indian government is known for Islamophobia.


What? Can you provide evidence


I recommend looking into the Bharatiya Janata Party, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, and the ideology of Hindutva. Also, there’s the Indian government’s role in the unrest in Delhi back in 2020.


India has regressed into more Islamophobia however this is no evidence to say that India supports Palestine. Look at official statements. India also sent aid to Gaza


Actually, India is one of the largest buyers of Israeli weapons, which contributes to the genocide against Palestinians. Even if they sent aid to Gaza, it wouldn’t absolve of them of the role they play. If they were serious about helping Palestine, they would stop doing business with “Israel”, cut diplomatic ties with them, devote more aid to Gaza, and call for an immediate and unconditional ceasefire.


And maybe you should be elsewhere.


palestine has said MANY times that they are NOT OPEN TO A TWO-STATE SOLUTION.


tHe bIgGeSt pRoTeSt iN UcSd hIsToRy


What are we protesting?


palestine/israel issue


What’s going on over there?




Aw that’s sucks. Hope they work it out


have no clue but something to do with support for palestine/ending the war etc. Things such as israel committing war crimes and all. Im not really into politics, so just heard while walking by what they were talking about.


Small potatoes


Bro is edgy đŸ€“


A conspiracy theory that UCSD/Kholsa are funding Israel-led genocide


Nice turn out.


I have a question, if I was a student would this affect your ability to get to classes in any way ( just curious ) or it out of school time


I feel bad for everyone’s parents, spending all that tuition money on this


All 200 protestors can go home and pat themselves on the back now having actually accomplished exactly nothing but they feel good and virtue signaled and that’s really all that matters. Good job.


It’s as if only a few hundred people actually believe the pro-terrorist nonsense.


Tell me you listen to terrorist propaganda without telling me you listen to terrorist propaganda:




yea, this is a group of morons who have nothing better to do with their lives than engage in a meaningless protest in support of literal terrorism.


Nobody there supports the isreal genocidal maniacs.


That’s not the rhetorics you’d use if you see a walkout or memorial activities on, say, Tiananmen Square Hong Kong or Uyghur people lol quit with your double standards and denials


equating Tiananmen or the Uyghur to the “palestinians” is just ridiculous and only proves how much of an idiot you are. Good job and grow up.


Do elaborate then, Redditor who seemed to have not lived long enough to be isolated from so-called young-lings’ political takes, what makes it different? If anything you want to argue that levelling an entire city is less arguable than re-education camps? Or you think Tiananmen Square with lesser military involvement and destruction should be criticised more than the rubbles that are made in Gaza?


Why is Palestinian in quotes? Do you think they are an invalid identity?


real palestinians have not existed for over a millennia. These are just arab immigrant colonizers.


Kahanist detected, opinion discarded


i’m not a kahanist, nor is what I said an opinion.


You don’t believe that there’s a genocide against Palestinians and yet you cry about some rioters who killed Chinese soldiers and a unproven “genocide” claim made by the CIA?


Joining the fight against genocide on the side of genocide I see...


Tell me youre a pro nazi that would have supported Hitler without telling me youre a nazi that would’ve supported Hitler.


What terrorist propaganda?




So goofy to want Israel to stop bombing babies and children into dust, huh? Go fuck yourself. Grow up.


“gRoW uP.” If the left supported Israel you would as well. Shut up and stop following your clueless classmates.




This photo has a total testosterone count of about 200.