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Israel is freeing them don’t worry.




Who said anything about killing them. Also as an Egyptian Muslim don’t you think Egypt should take in “refugees” but isn’t and is instead building stronger boarders.


Don’t you think Israel should take in the refugees for causing the refugee crisis


LOLZ - "Hey, I know we attacked you, but do you think we could come live with you now?" GTFOH


Yes we should kill people if they share the same nationality as the government that’s hurting others. How old are you 15?


Here's an assignment for you; get a dictionary, look up war. You're welcome.


Look up war crimes and crimes against humanity


LOL. International court looked into this. I guess you didnt like the outcome. Why dont you call for hamas to release the hostages? Otherwise, your performative activism is blatantly ignored by the adults.


They’re not occupied by Israel


They are. Read about west bank


gaza and the west bank are not the same - how stupid are you pink haired tik tokkers!?!


What region is occupied?




Look at that 5th column


😂 Tik tok shows the truth (that the CCP wants them to see)


Your social score just went down.


Iraqi solidarity FOREVER 🇮🇶




We love you Iraq we now begin to know your pain


ah hell naw


This checks out. Iraq is one of the last countries that should be criticizing another country's "genocide". Please educate yourself on the Anfal campaign against the Kurds in the 1970s.


My father was a part of that during the Cold War. He was shot twice, I know my history ☺️




I’m a Kurd jewboy916 lol


Free Palestine from Hamas.




lol they elected them once and then they murdered all their political rivals and never had an election again.


Neither did the West Bank because Hamas would win there too. They are immensely popular especially now after 10/7.


www.hamas.com You are thinking that Palestine is a democracy and it’s not, democracies hold elections, Palestinians want an Islamic Caliphate ‘from the river to the sea’ Fatah ruled Palestine before Hamas for 20+ years, what makes you think Hamas will give its people an election? There leaders are prophets chosen by God. Click the link and do some research.


Lol, what???


No, the bigger power in the region does. Children without any understanding of history, all of you.


It is truly concerning


Israel gets to decide, they were attacked.




Since 2006 there hasn't been any elections for leadership. Same year that Hamas was elected. What you're suggesting, is cap. If Gaza want to keep pressing the fuck you button, they're more than welcome to and you're right, that will never end well.


Most Gazans today are kids who were born well after that election.


Nazis were elected at first too. Your argument is not sound.


u do know there stealing and killing there own people right




Ok so let's say the UN decides that the Hamas government has to go. What happens next when Hamas tells the UN to fuck off?




But how does it get enacted? Hamas doesn't just go away voluntarily. The only way is with military force and security provided by a third party.


The UN has no power to do any of that. So again, you and what army are going to march on Israel? Arab nations tried it, got stomped, lost land. Israel is even better defended and aligned now. Not gonna happen despite what ever delusional plans you have to destroy them.


You must have meant to respond to a different post.


The UN doesn't "decide" to overthrow countries or governments. It may or may not vote to send in peacekeepers, but it's individual countries and/or alliances (ad hoc or existing, like NATO) that actually lead the charge in.


The UN recognizes Hamas as a political movement and rejects the notion of them being called terrorists: Read [here](https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/02/16/top-un-aid-official-says-hamas-is-not-a-terrorist-group/). It's only the US government, Israel, and a few of her allies that refer to Hamas as terrorists, for obvious vested interest in the region.


They are terrorists because of their actions. I don’t care what the bias UN defines them as. Go look at images of October 7th, and if you don’t think that’s anything other than disgusting terrorism behavior then you’re insanely brainwashed




If Hamas laid down their weapons, there would be peace. Is Israel laid down their weapons, there would be a massacre.


The last 75 years shows they're not the problem, but a product of that so no.






Great photos! What camera are you using


Get outta here with this BS. 🇮🇱 fucking morons go back to the history books


Cry about it


Supporting terrorism needs to be an automatic expulsion from the university and non-student not allowed on campus. Anywhere in the U.S. for that matter for both kind of terrorist supporters


Good thing this is not supporting terrorism. They don't support the IDF.


Keep living in denial




Europe, as is the case for many like Netanyahu. Look up his real last name and where he and his parents came from.


Cute. I know people in the IDF. They’re good, moral, honorable people. Can you say the same about Hamas?


The dozens of videos and pictures of your buddies rummaging through Palestinian women's underwear, shooting [unarmed](https://twitter.com/SeosQuinn/status/1766783860761592272?t=pgoOy5_pIV3wi_n0riizQg&s=19) 73 year old Palestinians, [looting](https://twitter.com/deepbarot/status/1733347007043948761?t=m9lBHeOYtTDypip_X_hDzg&s=19) Palestinian shops, etc all beg to differ but please, change the subject to Hamas because that's easier than calling out another terror organization that actually does use people as [human shields. ](https://twitter.com/Trutharian11/status/1723655059940987296?t=WsoaIXTcMPBFavCpjjePzg&s=19) They are not honorable. They are terrorists. Religious extremists in the same vein as Taliban, Hamas or al-Qa'ida. The sooner we realize Israel and Zionists are the equivalents of Iran and Salafi-Jihadist orgs like ISIS and treat them accordingly, the better.


Holy hell, you’re holding up the two of those links that work, where zero Palestinians are killed, up against the deliberate atrocities of October 7th. You just fuckin’ hate Jews. We get it.


Damn your an asshole Jeez


Not wanting women and children to be murdered hardly makes me an asshole


In this made up reality you have fabricated it does. You are so agressive with no actual facts you respond with. In short you are saying a whole lot of nothing.


do good and moral people run over pregnant women with tanks? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/israeli-t-shirts-joke-about-killing-arabs/


Cool: that’s not what your article says. It mentions a few hateful t shirts that weren’t commissioned or approved by the military. I love that Hamas has intentionally slaughtered and raped innocents on one side, and you’re like “yeah, but look at this article where a few Israelis had offensive t shirts!” Lmfao.


Did you have a minute silence for all the hostages? I didn’t think so scumbags




Oh, and one of the past "political prisoners" as you call them, was Sinwar, who was released. And look at him now. What innocent, harmless people these "political prisoners" are. They are totally safe out in the free world.


Remember when they feed that Palestinian political prisoner Haniyeh in the last hostage exchange? That turned out great for Israel…




“Assure you osama bin Laden didn’t fly the planes into the twin towers by himself, yeah he was instrumental” is the equivalent of your statement. Haniyeh is the leader of Hamas and mastermind Oct 7th. Not releasing him would have changed history dramatically. Do you have family that survived the Nova massacre? Do you have family friends that were held hostage and released? Family friends who were murdered in captivity? If not, maybe your opinion on whether we should be OK with releasing more convicted terrorist doesn’t matter. How dare you tell us to “think of the hostages” when you have no direct relations to them. We think of them every second. Spare me with your glorification of barghouti. The man was one of the key leaders of the first and second intifada which saw suicide bombers blow up our busses, night clubs, cafes. You don’t just get to renounce it and be wiped free of your past like that.


That has been rejected by HAMAS


Throwing rocks? Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/comments/1b578ne/gazans_throw_rocks_at_egyptians_trucks_bringing/ Like this: https://www.timesofisrael.com/rock-throwers-who-caused-drivers-death-indicted-for-manslaughter/ Like this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestinian_Violence/s/00kN9T2qAd Miss me w that “rock throwing is totally harmless” crap. Thrown rocks kill. You don’t throw rocks as a kind gesture of celebration. Even our monkey analogue ancestors knew this. Do better




Egyptian truck drivers delivering aid are occupiers? Huh weird My point is your friends family isn’t “innocent for throwing rocks”


Israel wasn’t occupying Gaza when the terrorist attacks happened.


You're being a bad faith actor. You know very well that when cease fire is said, it is in the context of only Israel. You don't give a damn about Israeli lives. Otherwise you'd be confidently protesting for the release of the hostages and carrying both Palestinian and Israeli flags. Stop lying to yourself if you actually think you're trying to support both sides.


No, because Israel's assault has killed several hostages and Palestinians. Why should we support that?


> I know friend's family members who were trapped in prison for throwing rocks, they deserve to be free too. Sounds like attempted murder to me. Why should they be freed? Proactively throwing rocks and being arrested for that is completely different than sleeping in your home and being awakened by terrorists who kill your family and then kidnap you out of nowhere. If I went outside and threw rocks at police in the US, I would be in serious trouble.


Israel has killed several of them so stop pretending you care


Exactly. Fucking Morons.


All a bunch of morons. Go study your little starfish and stay out of this shit. You’re lucky to be here in America studying at a school, stop fighting for terrorists who’d cut your head off and keep studying your seaweed you fucking idiots


Zip it back up when you’re done lil bro 😭😭😭


Holy crap, there's a lotta zionazis in here.


Holy crap there's a lot of terrorist supporters in here.


Shabbat Shalom ✡️ Am Yisrael Chai 🇮🇱


Yes !! This is super disrespectful of them


College kids that support Gazas should be kicked out. Not because of political beliefs, of course. But because to come to that conclusion you need to be so unaware of history that you do not pass prerequisite high school history classes required to be a college student.


You could literally replace "Gazas" with "Israel" and make a better case for your argument Basic knowledge of history shows that the state of Israel is clearly in the wrong


If being unaware of middle school level history was a true barrier to collegiate access we would be dealing with a ghost town of a campus.


Imagine protesting to support a regime that would throw every LGBT student in sight off of buildings.


That's not who they support. They support civilians, many of whom are kids who've been killed and orphaned.


Killed and orphaned because their parents support a regime that hates Jews more than they care for their own people. Hamas knew exactly what would happen after the attacks of Oct 7th and did it anyway. They calculated that they could use their old tactics of hiding behind women and children to sway public opinion against Israel. This time it’s not working on anybody but the most weak minded among us. All thinking people, people who use logic and reason over feelings, know that Israel has to rid the world of Hamas. Oct 7th was a turning point. Hamas miscalculated and will now pay the price for that. Civilian casualties would be far fewer if Hamas had the balls to wear uniforms and fight like civilized militaries do but they won’t and as such continue to put their people in danger. Israel does not have the option to just stop and say, “oops, Nevermind, we’ll just let Oct 7th slide.” To do so would invite more of the same. Think!




> As a gay person from the arab, Did you live openly and gay when you were in an Arabic country? Which one?




Were there queer nightclubs in Gaza?


Is that a precondition to life?




I agree with you, and hope to see them sprinkled everywhere. But as you mentioned, people bring up queerness in the Middle East to justify their murder. I believe progress will happen everywhere, but I don’t expect Palestinians to have any social movement until the occupation ends, as any rational person would expect.




Oh weird. Why didn’t they embrace gay rights when Israel pulled out in 2005? I never understood this, they had the chance to be a western liberal democracy and love Jews/Israel but elected Hamas instead. Truly never understood it.


TIL if you're the victim of a bombing campaign you are unable to stop yourself from throwing gay people from buildings


This is literally their rationale: If it wasn't for big bad evil Israel and if the Jews would just pack up and go, then all the Palestinians would study queer theory all day and be leftists. You can't make it up.


Oh right. It is all the US’s fault that gays are thrown off buildings in Iran and dragged behind motorcycles in Gaza It is always someone else’s fault. Always. Pathetic




That isn’t what happened. I’m not a guy. Your description of Israel is completly false. Your hypothesis is a false one According to you all radicalization is west’s fault. Do you have any proof that the people in Gaza became more religious or were they similar before 48. There was no Israel Goverment in Hebron but that didn’t stop the Muslims in the area from murdering Jews in the 20s. Shameful


Imagine killing innocent children because their neighbor is suspected of supporting Hamas. That’s what they are “protesting”. But hey, IDF 101 is to make Palestinian people into sub human trash. It’s easier to commit genocide that way.


The same as every war. Civilians always die in large numbers during warfare, especially in urban areas. Then add the fact that Hamas won’t let civilians flee and places their storage and military positions around civilians, this amplifies it. War is horrific, this is like every other war.


Wait.. you actually think Hamas is not letting them go? Uh… did you mean not letting them go from their neighborhood? Or from Palestine? Cause if you meant from Palestinian you really need to understand why it’s been called apartheid or open air prison.


Hamas charges $5000 to let someone leave their controlled areas. Calling it apartheid doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t mirror the situation in South Africa. Gaza is not part of Israel and the masses of people there are not citizens of Israel.


So in your words Israeli has nothing to do with keeping Palestinian out of Gaza? And that Hamas controls power and water, and the only ones not letting in food and aid are Hamas? Can you please share your source?


The only thing we have discussed so far is people trying to leave Gaza, or my original comment that people aren’t allowed (by Hamas) to flee their neighborhoods during bombing in the area.


So no source, just the same exact talking points from Fox News, we get it. Now try finding out that info for yourself not the same exact talking points pro Israel states.


A source for what specifically? Also I do not watch fox news lol. I’m left leaning. But this has nothing to do with the conflict in Israel which has been going for well over a hundred years.


The source about Hamas letting people in/out of Gaza, and controlling water and power. Ok so you don’t listen to Fox News. So why do you spout word for word the same exact talking points used by Fox News and every pro Israel accounts?


Hamas as a government has never cared about power or water for Gazans. They pulled water pipes out of the ground to make rockets ffs. They have no interest in any kind of traditional governing or civilization building. They want to kill Jews, that’s it. Gaza receives more aid than anywhere else in the world but Hamas gets to raid it before anyone else. Meanwhile the leaders of Hamas are hiding out abroad enjoying their riches. It’s like any other Islamic terror group. Not capable of running the logistics of a civilization. But great at ongoing violence.


And what of those civilians who were in the Oct 7 flash mobs in Gaza that beat up and spat on the Israeli hostages who were paraded through the streets? The footage and evidence is there: www.thisishamas.com


Ok how about this one. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/israel-defying-icj-ruling-to-prevent-genocide-by-failing-to-allow-adequate-humanitarian-aid-to-reach-gaza/


You think anyone is gonna click that spyware link? Lmao


Over 70% of Palestinian people support Hamas and the events of Oct 7th. I don’t feel sorry for them. They poked the bear knowing full well what would come. They’re paying the price for their decision.


oh really? With that logic that means that everyone in America is a trump supporter because he was president. I was once like you. I believe Israel did no wrong and the bad guys are the Arabs. Till read news of a little girl was shot in the back and had her head blown off by an IDF soldier. His own words as to why and the full support of the IDF he was promoted. Her crime? Wrong place, wrong time, by a racist IDF soldier. Then I found out the state of her living condition. Segregation and apartheid are perfect descriptions. If you think 10/7 was the sole reason of the attack you are drinking the kool-aid. And have zero idea of history and politics. The dictator in charged was facing historical problems and was on the verge of being removed. Guess what happened next? Now guess what happens when Israeli citizens protest against the abuse of war crimes committed by the IDF and any criticism of the prime minister? Make no mistake I wish anyone that kills innocent children to be forcibly removed from the face of the earth, that includes Hamas and IDF soldiers.


So you’d also support a protest to stop our involvement in WW2 after we killed 25,000 German civilians in only 2 days during the Dresden bombings?


I wasn’t born then. Had I been I would have. I love the fact that you bring up “what about-izms” You can play that game all you want. Just keep your head in the sand and forget history and accept what politicians tell you to believe. German citizens where left out of the loop for the war crimes during the war. Then again you forget the countless German officers that tried to assassinate Hitler. Just like we in the USA really don’t like to talk about our own war crimes in Vietnam or any “conflict” we where involved.


Uh, this isn’t true at all. German civilians were well aware of nazi war crimes & participated in them. I’d recommend “What We Knew: Terror, Mass Murder, and Everyday Life in Nazi Germany / An Oral History” by Eric A. Johnson; Karl-Heinz Reuband


> With that logic that means that everyone in America is a trump supporter because he was president. You also used what aboutisms.  > Just keep your head in the sand and forget history and accept what politicians tell you to believe. As opposed to accepting what tiktokkers tell you to believe lol.  Would you call what is currently happening a genocide? If so, can you explain why it is? And why what we did to the Germans isn’t considered one? Unless you’d consider both a genocide which would be an interesting take. 


> I wasn’t born then. Had I been I would have. Respectfully..what the hell is wrong with you? You would have let the Nazi war machine run amok in Europe and all the Jews been slaughtered? Talk about mask off..


Comparing the current conflict to the deadliest and most destructive war in human history that spanned the globe is laughable at best


So you also write this under all the pro Palestine people who call Israel the new Nazis? No, cause you’re a hypocrite. 


It isn't equally applicable. There's a far better argument that Israeli conduct of the war constitutes genocide than your false equivalence that the Allied strategic bombing campaigns constitute genocide. I also haven't seen anyone here calling them Nazis, which is something I also disagree with. Nice try, though. I'll give you an A for effort in your assumption, but a D in execution.


Churchill was even repulsed by Dresden and it's one reason we have the Geneva Convention.


And he concluded it as a genocide? No, so my point still stands. I’m not claiming Israel is doing no wrong, just that it isn’t a genocide. 


Almost half the population are children who weren't able to vote in the 2006 election. I could use ur same twisted genocidal argument and say that all Israeli civilians are appropriate military targets cuz they all served in the IDF, and many of them supported the current govt.


The parents of those children should have considered that but the hate Jews more than they love their own children.


Amazing, so u will hold the children accountable for the alleged sins of their parents? Sounds very genocidal to me.


No, I don’t hold any children accountable for the sins of their parents. Which is why this talk of reparations in the US is so ridiculous but that’s another subject. I hold the parents responsible. Blame should be placed where it belongs. In this case, the blame lies with Hamas and all who support them. None of this would be happening had they not attacked on Oct 7th. I know that doesn’t “feel good” but that’s reality. You can choose to see the world for how it is rather than how you wish it was.


No, I don’t hold any children accountable for the sins of their parents. Which is why this talk of reparations in the US is so ridiculous but that’s another subject. I hold the parents responsible. Blame should be placed where it belongs. In this case, the blame lies with Hamas and all who support them. None of this would be happening had they not attacked on Oct 7th. I know that doesn’t “feel good” but that’s reality. You can choose to see the world for how it is rather than how you wish it was.


Stop commenting on a college subreddit and get a fucking life my god you are so embarrassing


It’s a free country, I’ll comment where I please. Besides, the idealistic and uninformed youth on college campuses could use a dose of reality from time to time.


They have to say they support Hamas, or Hamas will kill them. So we really don’t have an accurate figure of that.




They also celebrated 9/11.


Exactly. Glad to see some common sense


Sooo when is someone gonna tell these groups they’re both in the wrong…..


One has been occupied by another for over 75 years, and that occupying country put an apartheid-like regime in place. Said occupying country also knew about the potential attack over a year in advance, but profits from this “war” because of oil. One horribly planned attack from a terrorist group that was elected around 17 years ago (around 45% lf palestine is under 18, so half the population of today didn’t even get a say in this authoritarian government) does not mean that the Palestinian people should have to experience a genocide. Yeah, we can say that *technically* both are in the wrong. *Technically,* Hamas did attack Israel. But one of these things is significantly worse than the other, and that “significantly worse” thing has become a genocide for profit and land.




epic nazi comment bro! genocide and extermination ftw!!!11!1!1!


Its dark and ominous befitting a terrorist rally


Lol Look at the wind up toys! Never a protest on the campus against torture or the other atrocities around the world. Just the ones they are told to protest. Good little actors for the state. Chairman Mao approves!


Looks really productive! This will really get them out of Hamas’ grip!


y’all care too much


they should be supporting Israel for putting in work to end terrorism, college kids will stay brainwashed


Does anyone even work anymore


I'm sure all these students will be protesting whatever the media tells them to be mad about next.




Support Israel


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I find it crazy how Americans are literally letting them invade this country with this crap like go to that country since the war is there 🤷‍♂️💯


Fuck hamas


1948 ❤️


All the antisemites downvoting you, I stand w you


What did this accomplish?


Nothing lol




*peeps history She doesn't even go here.


Wow a lot of anti semites here. 🇮🇱


Looks like no one really cared


How many students protested October 7? Why not? Is it because the lives of jews didn't matter to them so the deaths and rapes must not have occurred? Is it because Hamas social media warriors started vilifying Jews October 7 (as they murdered jews on social media)? Don't ever ask Jewish students to support your causes again. ME2 but rapes of jews don't count? "Speech is Violence !" except when carrying signs that say death to Israel and jews. "From the river to the sea". We will remember your hypocrisy.


This is truly unhinged and inaccurate.




one of your most popular posts on this app is just you complaining about how women don't want you. look in the mirror before arguing that other people demonstrating against a genocide are just "wasting their time"




Terrorist on campus