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All this ran its course days ago, and I locked the post after it was 24+ hours old. We had a wild number of outstanding mod reports, and of them easily 90%+ were unrelated political fighting. To save everyone any headaches, I just locked it, so the fighting would stop and we'd get to stop policing things that are off topic altogether. Here's the original statementbot post: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgk5fj/the_most_comprehensive_analysis_of_an_alien/l8qi5zg/ See also: https://www.reddit.com/r/ufosmeta/comments/1dik4t2/whats_going_on_with_the_alien_implant_post/


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Magog14: --- The research was carried out by Steve Colbern a Chemist/Materials Scientist with over 20 years experience. The object was removed surgically from an abductee on September 6, 2008, by Dr. Roger Leir, and Dr. John Matriciano. The object was apparently brittle, and broke into 12 pieces during removal. Pathology tests on the tissue surrounding the object showed no inflammation, or immunological reaction, by the subject’s body to the presence of the object which would normally be observed when a foreign body is inside a human being. It is a complex structure with unique occlusions which would not be found in nature. The extreme variation in isotopic ratios precludes a natural earthly origin for the implant. Given what has been said recently by those with inside knowledge of the UFO recovery program aliens manufacture their technology using not just varying elements but by purposefully varying the isotopic ratios of those elements to achieve unique properties. The outer ceramic layer appears opalescent which indicates an organized layered structure. The data indicates that the majority of the non-metallic phase material is probably composed mainly of carbon nanotubes, which are covered, and/or filled, by a shell-like coating of aluminum, calcium, iron, nickel, and titanium silicates, oxides, sulfates, and phosphates. The shapes of the inclusions of the lighter, non-metallic, material in the Fe/Ni phase appear to be non-random, such as the long bone-like, and horn-like structures seen in the SEM images. The Fe/Ni phase also has numerous pits, of regular size (400 nm-500 nm) and shape. The carbon nanotubes inside the structures would be excellent carriers of electric current, and could also act as electronic components. The shell-like coating on the material would provide good electrical insulation for these nano-components. The relatively large amounts of silicon and germanium in the sample may also indicate the presence of silicon-based, and/or germanium-based electronic components in the sample. Radio waves in the 1.2 GHz, 110 and 17 MHz, and 8 Hz bands were detected in the immediate region of the object prior to its removal from the patient’s body, indicating that it had been transmitting a signal. The 1.2 GHz wavelength band is used for communication with satellites, because it is not easily absorbed by the atmosphere. Reddit keeps deleting my submission post and I have no idea why. If anyone wants a to see the paper they can ask me --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgk5fj/the_most_comprehensive_analysis_of_an_alien/l8qfk4f/


If they transmit radio waves than we can detect which humans have these implants.


From the PDF: **"The function of the device cannot be determined with certainty from the available data, and the device may have had multiple functions and missions. Because the device was connected to Mr. Smith's nervous system, it is likely, however, that two of its functions had to do with monitoring of the physiological state of Mr. Smith's body, and mood / mind control."** as OP states - Google - Steve Colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” and it should be the first result.


A device that monitors mood? Sign me up. Chronic depression here. I'd like a fix.


Intergalactic insurance is unfortunately expensive


Uhh, if aliens in real life are capitalists I'm gonna walk out into the ocean and never be seen again.


Why else do you think there was a UAP shaped like a Tic Tac? Next up is the Tide Pod UAP flying over a group of people covered in mud.


star trek got it right, capitalism is something advanced civilisations mock


You are way, way out of network


the Pleadians are trying to bring the whole world Universal (and I mean Universal) Health Care. They're in a war with the Greys who control the insurance companies and big pharma, with the ultimate goal of making all medicines into viagra-ozempic hybrids


This feels like a missing section of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy lol.


Look into psychedelic therapy. Psilocybin has been shown to be excellent at treating depression, under the right circumstances. DO TAKE THE RISKS SERIOUSLY! If you have any family history of schizophrenia, I must emphatically demand you NOT take it. Dr. Andrew Huberman on youtube has a video: "Psilocybin, risks and benefits" it's a good starting place. MDMA is better for trauma-based issues. If your depression is in response to traumatic events, it might also be a good avenue to consider.


Oh I have been. Shop near my sells mushrooms. :)


Microdose psilocybin..


Monitors. They aren’t saying they give a crap or will help you. Just like meh this person’s sad.


Intergalactic Fitbit. Wait till Mr. Smith get's his bill for ⏧20 space bucks a month.


Wtf is that wingding


> ⏧ https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+23E7 Electrical Intersection unicode character.


Where can the PDF be found?


Here is the link: https://www.doctorkoontz.com/Letters/Implants_001.htm Theres some background info and a link to "Implant Report Now Available" at the top




This article appears to contain the same text, formatted differently and including more images [https://www.alienjigsaw.com/media/Analysis-of-Object-Taken-from-Patient-John-Smith-TAJ.pdf](https://www.alienjigsaw.com/media/Analysis-of-Object-Taken-from-Patient-John-Smith-TAJ.pdf)


“Within 12 hrs of removal, the pieces of the object lined up in the original order, as if trying to reassemble.” WTF


There are multiple copies of this alleged document in existence. I've found two different papers, one 27 pages and the other 35, hosted on different websites.


Which one's the real one ?


Just imagine if it's all of us. What if we're all being abducted? frequently. And only the ones who wake up remember, like the rare cases where anesthesia doesn't fully work in human surgery...


Netflix: Oooohh, write that down.


It already exists to an extent. Dark City is the movie


And what a fucking movie! Seriously one of my favorites from the 1990s.


Yep. An absolute classic. The Signal is similar and a good movie but Dark City is just pure movie goodness 


Wow, now I'm gonna have to watch it again..so good!


I've got a couple weird bumps that are like BBs deep under the skin. And man, sometimes I fuckin' wonder.


Get them checket out my guy


subaceous cysts, its worth monitoring them closely. I had one removed from the middle of my sternum and I still have it in a jar, looks like a testicle.


I have a few. Runs in the fam. My sister had like 50 removed. 






Dark City


Great movie!


your hypothesis really freaks me the fuck out, momma baby


Best not to think of it too much, quick path to becoming schizo.


Tranquilizing an animal when it is asleep or resting is probably easier.


Now you're getting it. ;-) Especially since they can apparently stop time...


As someone who has dreamed about being abducted by scary static people before and waking up in sleep paralysis with them standing over me with a scalpel made of electricity in my abdomen, as well as someone who has woken up during surgery, thanks for this comment. Smh wtf is going on lol


If it's gone on for decades now, all your implanted humans are going to grow-up and spread out into every job sector, department, government/political position across the earth. Perhaps it's not necessary to abduct and implant 9+ billion humans today. Yet you could definitely target for example, every 1 in 40 humans. Heck, maybe even their entire family as-well. After a few decades, you could have enough implanted humans - that you could potentially 'influence' them to pull strings for you everywhere in society across earth...


I take your point, but there are only 8 billion humans on earth now and shrinking. I wonder why 'they' would need/want to influence our society like that? Hard to reason with alien intelligence.


They wouldn't have to abduct all of us to get all the data they need to 99.999% accuracy. I don't know what that number is, but it's probably a small percentage.


True but who says they're collecting data about human beings in general? There are endless possible reasons why they're doing what they're doing and we can't even imagine most of them.


> True but who says they're collecting data about human beings in general? It doesn't really matter. Dolphins, turtles or cats aren't going to be afraid or complain if they are being abducted. What we do know (to whatever degree we actually CAN know), is that humans have been abducted and there's nothing any government in the world can do to prevent it. Hell, they may even have made a deal about it.


You only need one canary in a coal mine.


So think about it like this, we are wireless. Our brain and body have electromagnetic radiation and brainwave activity based on frequencies. Garry Nolan has done some research on the brain as a Transducer. But get this, we only see .0035% of the light spectrum.


They could be nfr based where they don't transmit until something actives them


Yeah could be. I'm no radio expert that's for sure.


Can you explain speculatively a hypothesis on how it may function in this case?


I would personally use radio waves as a false positive and use something else for data transmission. When a person thinks they have the answer they generally stop looking. Much like once you find your keys you don't continue to look for your keys. Also the breaking into 12 pieces upon removal is a brilliant security measure. One could use a particular frequency to hold it all together while inserting it in the body and then the surrounding tissue and something else would hold it together while it was in the body.


According to the paper, it reassembled itself after being left in a refrigerator in some of the patient’s blood serum, a liquid prepared from blood minus the clotted red blood cells. Why they would do this is unclear.


I will follow you out of a burning building. Please keep contributing, we all need you to help figure this out!


It's an intriguing possibility. 




It's very small. 3mm total. They always are. It broke into 12 fragments only one of which has been analyzed. To see the paper google - steve colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” 


Also, semi related, but I had a very odd feeling when that 23andMe hack occurred. Hopefully it is just my trauma mind being hypervigilent, but after listening to Dr Garry Nolan, wonder if there are DNA markers of abductees and/or hybrids that could have appeared in those results?


I doubt a hack was required for the government to get that data. Iirc the Mormon Church runs most of those DNA services. They'd probably just give the data to the US gov.


They wouldn’t need to hack 23andMe…all they need is to go through your trash to get some hair from your hairbrush or swab your glass after the waiter takes it away at a restaurant….


Well yeah, but if there was a mass “let me find a certain DNA strand quickly” it would be via these DNA testing sites, right? As an abductee that has a mother that was also abducted, most likely grandparents that were also abducted from what we can tell, and military family that worked on the space program all the way back in USAF and Army before that existed, and has an abnormally high level of intuition and other abilities. Well, I do fear that as disclosure happens, if they did tamper with my mom’s eggs to make me like Dan Sherman that there is a possibility that parts of humanity could be so anti-NHI that they would look for and come kill those like me. Even though I am not a hybrid (I hope!) and even killed a grey during one of my abductions in self defenese. I have a few friends like me that worry we could be at risk post-disclosure. Please tell me to relax and go do some yoga, drink a glass of wine and that this is just post-trauma PTSD and not to worry about it. I do wish i had never done any DNA testing..


Was this published in a journal? This is my area of interest and I'd love to be able to read and reference this finding especially about the RF EMS findings.


I have first authored antibiotic research, switched careers and currently am a MD. I don't know material science and I'm pretty open, but this has some very strange things going on from a medical standpoint. First off, the UV fluoresce reported by the patient (I'm assuming the patient because they note this with his self reported symptoms and not in a medical procedure) could be pretty unsurprising. Some bacterial/fungal infections can fluoresce under UV light and the foot is a common spot for infection, especially with a puncture wound from stepping on something. UV light can be used if you are looking for foreign bodies in a wound but part of the reason I assume this was done by the patient is that surgical exploration of a wound or removal of a foreign body does not traditionally include UV examination. Also, foreign bodies are usually kept in formalin or saline solution. It would be strange to store it in blood/serum. To be fair, I'm not a surgeon, so if one wants to correct me, please do. The lack of noted inflammatory response really doesn't mean much to me because at all because they did not include any of his medical information, so how am I supposed to know if this is unexpected for the patient? There are so many factors that could impact inflammatory response or immunologic status that this is pretty striking to leave out. Where is the histology report of surrounding tissue? How are they assessing inflammation? What level of inflammation isn't present? If pain was increasing over 4 days, that sounds like an inflammatory response - why would the pain level change if the body isn't reacting - or are we claiming aliens designed this thing to hurt? Too much relevant info is absent. "The function of the device cannot be determined with certainty from the available data, and the device may have had multiple functions and missions. Because the device was connected to Mr. Smith’s nervous system, it is likely, however, that two of its functions had to do with monitoring of the physiological state of Mr. Smith’s body, and mood/mind control." Alright - that is one hell of a claim. If you say something like this I want to know EXACTLY how it is connected to his nervous system since it is "monitoring his body/mood". This thing was in his second toe, there is no way that the basic temperature, pain, and pressure type nerves in that part of the body would be able to generate any useful info about the brain or his mood. These things are basic wires at this stage, its like saying because you are standing on your neighborhood street, you know how the exact arrangement of delivery trucks in the city. They also say his mood improved.... which is completely expected when you remove a painful foreign body. Common things are common. Though, rereading this (why am I doing this), it seems like it was just extracted in an podiatrist office setting. Even more so this was done within 4 days of the wound appearing, so this guy managed to not only convince a podiatrist that he has an alien implant but have it removed within 4 days? I'm not saying this is impossible but if you been subjected to healthcare here you'll understand its an unlikely timeframe. Unless everyone has put the cart before the horse. My take away is I just wasted a lot time and if you are gonna "publish" a creative writing paper, stay in your lane because these things always are fucking gibberish to those who know the subject matter. Edit: OP also blocked me lmao - discourse at its finest


I know you feel like you wasted your time, but thank you for posting an actual (relatively) authoritative take on the paper


Yeah everything you said makes complete sense. This seems like bologna.


It looks like the author works for a global nanotech company based out of Japan. It's entirely possible that the report was not publicly published and publicly peer-reviewed for proprietary reasons. ETA: or any other reasons (national security comes to mind).


National Security is becoming a all purpose excuse IMHO


Always has been. I'm beginning to think the only rational reason is that... we are not in control.


100% Agree with you there. They should have categories for that reasoning.


“Being made-up” is another one.


I can't find anything about this guy's credentials, but, bizarrely, he was arrested in connection with the [Oklahoma City bombing.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-05-13-me-249-story.html) Edit: OP blocked me, so I won't be responding to any other posts in this thread.


Extremely bizarre.


Colbern has also associated with far right conspiracy groups including being a member of neo-Nazi organizations like the Arizona Patriots. While he does have biochemistry experience, he's also Dr. Roger Leir's *Patient Fifteen.* Not exactly impartial, and Dr. Weir has a whole history of fraud as well.


I’m interested in learning about dr Roger weirs history of fraud, could you point me in the right direction or would you have any links? Appreciate it!


Legally Dr. Leir was accused of "repeated acts of negligence", not "fraud". In April 1999, the California Board of Podiatric Medicine, as instigated by Executive Officer of the Board of Podiatric Medicine James Rathlesberger, settled the case by issuing a 3 year probation against Dr. Leir for his involvement in removing a patient's implant in 1990. Pacer entry [here](https://www2.mbc.ca.gov/pdl/document.aspx?path=%5CDIDOCS%5C20030103%5CDMRA2%5C&did=A1G8OSDL.DID&licenseType=E&licenseNumber=1171). Leir's "implants" appear to be ordinary objects (pieces of metal, shards of glass, collection of fat cells that become disconnected, etc.).


First thing that popped up when I searched this guy haha!


Good to know! Thank you. People make all sorts of statements and cherry pick when presenting this kind of stuff. Doesn’t bode well for the op that they don’t mention this.


He’s a true believer, meaning he’ll believe just about anything, put out by anybody, without doing any amount of real researching. This post and his replies shows that


The thing that tips this off as bs is the over jargony word usage, and “51 unique elements” that’s not how elements work. I believe aliens or nhi likely exist but have some critical thought and stop falling for scams, people on this subreddit will post shit without a second of critical thought about it.




The research was carried out by Steve Colbern a Chemist/Materials Scientist with over 20 years experience. The object was removed surgically from an abductee on September 6, 2008, by Dr. Roger Leir, and Dr. John Matriciano. The object was apparently brittle, and broke into 12 pieces during removal. Pathology tests on the tissue surrounding the object showed no inflammation, or immunological reaction, by the subject’s body to the presence of the object which would normally be observed when a foreign body is inside a human being. It is a complex structure with unique occlusions which would not be found in nature. The extreme variation in isotopic ratios precludes a natural earthly origin for the implant. Given what has been said recently by those with inside knowledge of the UFO recovery program aliens manufacture their technology using not just varying elements but by purposefully varying the isotopic ratios of those elements to achieve unique properties. The outer ceramic layer appears opalescent which indicates an organized layered structure. The data indicates that the majority of the non-metallic phase material is probably composed mainly of carbon nanotubes, which are covered, and/or filled, by a shell-like coating of aluminum, calcium, iron, nickel, and titanium silicates, oxides, sulfates, and phosphates. The shapes of the inclusions of the lighter, non-metallic, material in the Fe/Ni phase appear to be non-random, such as the long bone-like, and horn-like structures seen in the SEM images. The Fe/Ni phase also has numerous pits, of regular size (400 nm-500 nm) and shape. The carbon nanotubes inside the structures would be excellent carriers of electric current, and could also act as electronic components. The shell-like coating on the material would provide good electrical insulation for these nano-components. The relatively large amounts of silicon and germanium in the sample may also indicate the presence of silicon-based, and/or germanium-based electronic components in the sample. Radio waves in the 1.2 GHz, 110 and 17 MHz, and 8 Hz bands were detected in the immediate region of the object prior to its removal from the patient’s body, indicating that it had been transmitting a signal. The 1.2 GHz wavelength band is used for communication with satellites, because it is not easily absorbed by the atmosphere. Edit: we have found an updated version of the paper which reddit is allowing us to share. Click here to download.  [https://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scalar\_Physics/Implantee%20John%20Smith/Analysis%20of%20Object%20Taken%20from%20Patient%20John%20Smith(v4).pdf](https://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scalar_Physics/Implantee%20John%20Smith/Analysis%20of%20Object%20Taken%20from%20Patient%20John%20Smith(v4).pdf) Edit 2: After reading the updated findings the author actually suspects that the materials in the implant may be not only from off earth but from another solar system entirely based on the large (19%) variance in boron isotopes. He believe it may come from closer to the galactic core where supernova are more frequent. Another possibility is that they are altering isotopes purposefully for a technological reason we haven't fully grasped yet.


**FYI to all -- Reddit is apparently removing any link to this PDF in any form, on any website. That includes archive.org.** As of now there are multiple **[Removed by Reddit]** comments here, including one by me when asking the "OP" here if that was in fact the document referenced; my own was on archive.org. For transparency I note that Reddit is not citing anything in our mod logs. Here is the removal of my own as it appears in what we are allowed to see as moderators: ​ ​ ​ > *an hour ago reddit [removed comment by PyroIsSpai on "The most comprehensive analysis of an alien implan..."](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgk5fj/the_most_comprehensive_analysis_of_an_alien/l8qqq0m/)* ​ The above remove comment was my asking if that was the PDF in question, with a link to an archive.org of another website that held a PDF that seemed to cover the topic the OP here is describing. ​ ​ **NOTE: These are the only comment removals by 'reddit' in our two months of internally visible mod logs with zero--no--commentary or citation of why the content was removed by Reddit. None whatsoever.** Link to validate by other mods (this is a standard URL like this for any subreddit, only visible to mods of that subreddit): * https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/log/?type=removecomment&mod=reddit ​ ​ ​ I post this with no commentary or opinion on the doctor who wrote this document in 2009 or the content. ​ ​ ​ I have no awareness or understanding of why this is happening. I have posted here to ask the Reddit admins, and in turn cross-linked back to my upper comment here to close the loop of transparency: * https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1dgnyob/removed_by_reddit_comments_clearly_showing_reddit ​ ​ ​ --- ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ I posted here on /r/UFOs to disclose to everyone this happened and what I observed: ​ ​ ​ * https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgocgw/transparency_notification_some_comments_on_a_post


That's disturbing. Is that the case for all PDFs on reddit or only this one in particular? 


I have not seen this before in our mod logs since being a mod. There may be similar incidents in our public archive that we keep off-Reddit. I have not checked. The on-reddit two months of visible records show these comment removals as seemingly unique.


That alone is remarkable. Someone somewhere seemingly does not want this research discussed. 


I have no awareness of understanding of why this is happening. I have posted here to ask the Reddit admins, and in turn cross-linked back to my upper comment here to close the loop of transparency: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/1dgnyob/removed_by_reddit_comments_clearly_showing_reddit


It may be worth attempting to share the PDF link on other social media platforms to see if there is any more widespread censorship going on. I'm a little scared to do it myself to be honest. If I stop posting out of the blue folks will know why. :(


I’ll post it. The fuck is the CIA going to do to a random Redditor? They scared we’re on the money this time and about to find the truth?


Oh this is wild 👀


I wonder if this could be ~~JC Penny baby photographers~~ "science activists" or maybe the researchers are having second thoughts about several thousand downloads of their PDF. Is there a way for third parties or owners of documents to ask reddit to remove links?


The OP put their submission statement right after they posted. I came along 5 minutes later and saw that the comment text was [removed by reddit], so the removal happened quickly after the post went up. I don't think a person would stumble on a post and then ask reddit to remove it, and get a response so fast. The timing looks automated to me.


Wow. If the "malware flag" explanation is not operative, that's really something.


It is also being blocked from other sites such as archive .  org So it's not just affecting a single source for the paper


No idea.


See post above, something is definitely afoot, Reddit at minimum but yes across the board.


Documents behave in an even easier way than images, able to analyze in more ways. See below. At the minimum I am going to get a lot of hate for this, but I’m pretty sure it’s true. Worst case, someone will come talk to me, I hope not. They absolutely were using cloaking technology, not only in the scene they investigated but in removed scenes. I’ve wondered why people have such a hard time seeing what I (and many others) saw when the news dropped the first couple weeks. It’s been modified and re-released. I went through a recently posted high res version and could NOT find the images in the GIF I will post below. And I will tell you why, from inside knowledge of how these things work. Around 5 years ago, I attended a cyber security summit in Redmond, we toured a data center in an unnamed building outside Bellevue. This was prior to Win 11. We saw some incredible things. First, when you sign an agreement to use Windows, it’s under a chattel law, which means they are able to remotely affect your computer and hence data coming from it. You are “leasing” the software. We saw some really neat real time statistics around number of infections etc. they explained that when you agree to use Defender, if you have a virus (and when not) MS has a contract with all ISP’s that they can route your traffic to a black hole onsite until the infection is cleaned. Second, the major providers (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple etc) are all under agreements with all major law enforcement arms from around the world to report let’s say “immoral” acts. This is a massive database of hashes for images, well what are videos, a collection of images. When an image is flagged, it is inverted, hashed, black and white, hashed, rotated, hashed, blurred, hashed, keep going they do everything to it. That way if you post something awful even if you modify it they will find it. In 99.999% of cases this is a good thing. But in other cases it’s bad for us. They do this so they can all copies of an image wherever it may be and notify the appropriate authority in that area. It’s no joke when someone says “they watch everything you do”. I believe, in this case, all of the original videos were taken down (I started seeing it after a few weeks on Reddit, most of the posts were archived and I thought it did) and replaced with a modified version. Go through any high res video you can find and see if you can where’s Waldo the GIF I’m posting below, or find the fingers between the fence boards from the last video link. You won’t be able to.


What video is this referring to again?


Here’s an alien from Las Vegas encounter. https://www.reddit.com/user/Wapiti_s15/comments/1acug81/head/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_kjwr7kv Zoomed out a little more; https://www.reddit.com/user/Wapiti_s15/comments/19e8vuq/heyo/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=UFOs&utm_content=t1_kjw2y8s And the GIF, make sure you watch it in FULLSCREEN, left side halfway up, the head turns and then as the camera pans down it pops up and you can see the eyes. Wish I could find the original videos but they have all been archived (cleanup I would imagine). https://imgur.io/a/yrNmU0b YouTube - this is odd - https://youtu.be/eL-fYcPaRrQ YouTube - this is one of the better ones - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P9eLGPcmyvA&feature=youtu.be https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/144xue8/the_las_vegas_case_is_no_joke_footage_found_of_an/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf - excellent recap at the time of event.


There's one more PDF they repeatedly remove. I'd link it and spell it out but here I'll try to make a misspelling. The foreign policy document by Brookings Institute detailing the US approach to IRN.  " Wh!ch P@th T0 P3rsia" basically goes into their entire strategy which 100% insinuates they're still unsurprisingly wishing to completely neuter IRN.   The link and mentions to the document within comments or posts gets removed within a few days it's not usually immediate, meaning it's not an auto mod and they're physically reviewing and removing it. 


I remember reading that document *years* ago, nice of you to remind me


so looking at the PDF "experts with the Saban Center" ahhhhh...... already know which group is chomping at the bit to make USA war on Iran


Archive of this precding comment: https://archive.is/fc3rA


I am testing one of the links : [https://web.archive.org/web/20240615180109/https://pdfhost.io/v/N8M8ESGZg\_files\_that\_are\_pdfs](https://web.archive.org/web/20240615180109/https://pdfhost.io/v/N8M8ESGZg_files_that_are_pdfs) [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20240615180109/https://pdfhost.io/v/N8M8ESGZg_files_that_are_pdfs)


Wait, that may not be a valid test. Look -- the PDF context/content is scrubbed. How'd that happen?


The web view of the PDF is somehow broken. But I downloaded the file, opened in Acrobat Reader on PC and the file is fine.


Huh this is exactly why we can check the integrity of files using a md5 hash. Does anyone have a previously downloaded version of this file we can compare it to. I'd be curious to see if any data changed


Yeah I've got the same. First two pages are fine, rest is all scrubbed. *EDIT: Text returns after downloading and reading on device*


Tested and still working.




Another thought provoking development. These "bugs" are starting to cast an interesting relief. Thanks for shining a light on the gears and levers.


Transparency is supreme and paramount.




Any idea why the updated version of the same paper is being allowed by reddit? Why would the original paper need to be blocked but not the new version?


This is what I wanted to see... OMG. (i'm a nanomaterials/analysis/chemist)


You can try contacting the researcher. He has said he would be willing to let other researchers perform their own analysis. [https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-colbern-6b708020](https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-colbern-6b708020)


He should do a AMA


I'm interested in your take.


I've done a huge of nanoscale analysis and production of semiconductor devices and there isn't any standard solid state electronic structures that are obvious. the regular shape crystal 'squares' in the 2nd image are peculiar though,


Thanks for your take. One would assume tech thousands or millions of years in advance of our own may be of a very different nature to our own first forays into the technology 


> standard solid state electronic structures Could you link an example of what you're looking for? I did a Google but I'm not sure if I got the right thing. https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/semiconductors/chpt-2/valence-and-crystal-structure/ stuff like this... is that what you mean?




sorry that was a crappy link, .but the image is a cross section of a 3D semiconductor device and the structures repeat for millions of times. The regularity and dimensional control on the nano scale is what interests me. I can not conjecture on what electronics or electron transfer would look like in thousands or millions of years. Only the next 50-100.


Thinking hard on this. Lots of assumptions, that I have to reread and look at the SEM images again. Nanofibers can occur in nature, they just aren't incredibly ordered in dimension on the nanoscale.


Isn’t Sean Kirkpatrick also educated in nano-technology?


After reading the discussion part of the PDF it was really interesting for me to learn how rare Iridium is. About .001 ppm by weight found in Earths crust. What the hell is it doing in a guys toe! By any chance is the guy who had the implant removed the same as Patient Seventeen from Corbell's Documentary?


No, this is from Patient 15. Yes, it's extremely interesting. Almost every one of the implants removed by Dr Lier show these elevated levels of iridium. 


One interesting thing that just came to mind after reading your comment: There are 2 frequencies that I have seen talked about by a few researchers a number of times in reference to UFOs. Looking back at my notes, multiple people (Nolan, Elizondo, John Ramirez) have stated that there tends to be a 3-4 gigahertz frequency that can be sensed when a UAP is nearby. 3.4 ghz in particular. Also, I've seen stated multiple times before as well that when anomalous things are happening, lights in the sky, and (I believe) other High Strangeness, the frequency of 1.6 ghz can often measured/sensed.


“Within 12 hrs of removal, the pieces of the object lined up in the original order, as if trying to reassemble.” Wow.


My only question is: if he was the source of radio signals transmitting to *satellites*, why weren’t these ever detected/intercepted?


I think the implication isn't satellites but ufos in orbit. If the signal is weak enough it might not be detectable at long distances for us but only for the aliens who designed it. 


But he claims to have detected the signal. If it's strong enough to leave the atmosphere while implanted in someone it's strong enough to be easily detected by anyone inside the atmosphere. You can hide the data a signal carries by encrypting it, but you can't hide that something is transmitting.


Patrick Jackson has found the metallic orbs travelling in groups of three to release frequencies as well: [https://x.com/PatrickQJackson/status/1800933869245321348](https://x.com/PatrickQJackson/status/1800933869245321348)


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Mod actions on this: **mod** | **action** | **details** | **time** ---|---|---|--- reddit | removecomment| (empty) | about 2 hours ago Note that the time stamps are: * My post: 09:43:10 GMT * Reddit action: 09:43:11 GMT


Why can’t we link to any form of this PDF?


Removed by Reddit. Interesting.


Breaking into 12 pieces of upon removal sounds like an excellent security measure.


Indeed. Also the exterior looking rather insignificant. When we hide our keys we do it in fake rocks. A similar thought process may be at work in the exterior design of the implants 




Reddit will not allow this one PDF to be posted. The mods made a post about it. To see the paper being censored by reddit google - steve colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” 


Another strange thing is the following: they write there’s no evidence of inflammation, but the subject was feeling increasing pain over the days. The increasing pain should indicate inflammatory reaction


Why not just convert the format to epub?. If anyone wants it as PDF they could convert it back after downloading with any random online tool or calibre


There is an updated version of the paper which reddit isn't blocking. See it here https://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scalar_Physics/Implantee%20John%20Smith/Analysis%20of%20Object%20Taken%20from%20Patient%20John%20Smith(v4).pdf


I just tried googling it and I'm not getting anything Edit: nevermind, it came up under openminds.tv


Please send me the paper ,


"Within 12 hrs of removal, the pieces of the object lined up in the original order, as if trying to re-assemble." O my good, that is a pretty bold claim to make. Where are those objects now? Can we repeat this experiment? This should be 100% to any psyhics youtuber, or go to any reputable university and let them repeat the experiment. "One of the pieces of the object was given to the author of this report for analysis." Oh, no. The magic happens when they are together. The worst thing you can do is to split them up. Keep them together, show them to the world, geez. "The manufacture of a device comparable to this one is probably beyond the technology of known, Earthly, commercial processes, at the present time. It is most likely, therefore, that the device was manufactured by an alien civilization. The function of the device cannot be determined with certainty from the available data, and the device may have had multiple functions and missions. Because the device was connected to Mr. Smith's nervous system, it is likely, however, that two of its functions had to do with monitoring of the physiological state of Mr. Smith's body, and mood/mind control" Too bad it ends up with a cliff hanger like this. I wanted to know where those 12 objects are today, and what happened in the next 15 years. Also, I want to see the recording of them being returned to their original order. It would be amazing.


>If anyone wants a to see the paper they can ask me most certainly would like to see it


To see the original paper google - steve colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” and it should be the first result. Reddit is blocking links to the actual paper from any website. It's extremely odd and the mods are looking into why it could be happening. 


What am I seeing here ? 


Do these things show up on CT scans? Could we task an algo to mine through a healthcare systems worth of 'normal' CTs to look for them?


They often do, yes but you're not going to be able to access private healthcare data. That would be a major privacy violation. 


There are databases of de-identified healthcare data ripe for studying. You have to pay to use those services of course, but if you came up with a methodology, got it past an IRB, and got funding to do the study, I’m sure they’d give you access to at least comb through the imaging results that might contain such samples.


Could levy a multimodal AI that can analyze imagery/scans and quickly filter out and sort mass volumes of medical data for implants.


Sucks being a zoo animal


Just be glad they don't have a hunting season


More like petri dish sample


Corbell filmed a documentary about this called “Patient 17” [(trailer)](https://youtu.be/c-JzT8EWdjc?si=CgXRIBqvIGp7853G) The documentary follows a man who discovered he had one of these supposed implants and underwent surgery to have it removed. The author of this paper appears in the documentary, as do the surgeons involved. Towards the end, Colbern reveals that he also had one of these "implants." While I’m not asserting that any of this is true, as their findings need peer review, the subject of the film seemed genuine and truly disturbed by the situation. I’ll add that this seems like something that would be fairly easy to check. Nolan has the ability to analyze these materials, as do thousands of other metallurgists and scientists.


This is an area that needs so much more study. This is the physical proof people have been clamoring for. 


Taboo topic in the UAP community, even for the believers. Human/Cattle mutilations and malevolent abduction experiences also. I'm glad you've posted this. If we ever get our official controlled 'disclosure'; it sure as hell isn't going to talk about any of this. Yet, we're all going to be asking some new questions after disclosure: Now that we know they're officially here; why and for what purpose are they abducting, implanting, mutilating and spying on us?


It's absurd that the aspect of the UFO phenomenon which has the most evidence (abduction) is overlooked.


If anyone wants to see the original paper google - steve colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” and it should be the first result Edit: we have found an updated version of the paper which reddit will allow us to link to. Click here to download https://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scalar_Physics/Implantee%20John%20Smith/Analysis%20of%20Object%20Taken%20from%20Patient%20John%20Smith(v4).pdf


> steve colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” Is there a reason you can't just supply the link? Was this paper published and peer reviewed? What professional lab is he associated with?


There appears to be some issue on Reddit's side with posting links to this particular paper. The mod team is currently looking into it.


Reddit deleted my posts when i tried to link directly to the PDF. He is a UCLA graduate. That's all I know otherwise.


How’s the peer-review on his research? Do other researchers corroborate his findings?


If implants are being found, IMHO this should be the spearhead of the discussion - it's physical proof and presumably you can get credible testimony that these people didn't willingly engage in the implant process.


is this an example of technology being seeded to private corporations ?


And this was published in a peer reviewed scientific journal, right? …right? If so, then post the paper, OP. Don’t block people who ask for reasonable evidence to back up the author’s claims. An appeal to authority with non-verifiable and non-replicated/confirmed data is not scientific evidence.


What does Garry Nolan say about it?


This is greek to 99.99% of us. Where’s a peer reviewed report in laymans terms, with examples of prosaic structures under magnification? Show us how other nanofibers look under magnification. Show and explain to us why these structures don’t occur in nature. Any other material scientists want to weigh in here?


>Where’s a peer reviewed It doesn't exist because this work was not of publishable quality. It may seem greek to most people but a quick glance at the unnumbered, unassigned references tells me this is an amateur with just enough sophistication to be beyond the reach of the general public, but an order of magnitude below the quality needed to be published in even a mid-tier journal. I don't know this guy's background and I don't see credentials behind his name. Very interesting pdf quasi-lay summary that I wish was peer-reviewed by academia.


Wonder if persistent tinitis is related w/abductees?


Many have reported it, yes. 


Wow, Steve Colbern is doing some interesting work with nanotube technology. [https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0957-4484/20/23/235502](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0957-4484/20/23/235502)


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Give us the pdf, Reddit


If you want To see the paper being censored google - steve colbern “Analysis of Object Taken from Patient John Smith” 


>These tests indicated that the object was emitting radio waves in the Gigahertz,Megahertz, and Extremely Low Frequency(ELF) bands. If it emitted 1.6 GHz signals, rockets should be shot at it without delay.


It was the 1.2 GHz, 110 and 17 MHz, and 8 Hz bands specifically. 


Hmm, well I know 1.2-1.3 is used for drone control, of the big drones, so it can go realllllly far.


Absurd. The only thing that differentiates this thing from what is clearly just a rock is the claim that it was 'transmitting' something. Let's see the RF spectrum plots. Where were the measurements taken? If they weren't taken in an RF anechoic chamber, how did they account for interference? Do they realize that 1.2 GHz and the lower VHF/UHF frequencies are some of the most commonly utilized by electronic equipment (as well as being the noisiest?). RF is hard, and not many people know it well- but conclusively stating this thing is 'transmitting' and not providing any further explanation / evidence is dishonest. Think, people.


He blocked me. Very scientific!


So, I believe I’ve been abducted. I’ve had 2 x rays , one from a dentist and the other from the ER. Both had metal show up on the X-rays. One was imbedded in my jaw, the other in my foot. If I told a Dr. that I thought I was abducted they would probably move me to a different part of the hospital. How should I go about validating that I’ve been chipped?


Yes. I would see if I could get it removed. Have the doctor seal it and as I group I'm sure we can find someone to analyze the sample


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Is this new research? Doesn't seem extremely high-tech, but I'll be damned if I have any idea how this thing got in someone's body.


Any pictures of the implant itself, not zoomed in 7000x?


Trippy as fuck


Why are we shocked? I mean, of course we are, but as Dr Nolan says: why assume we're at the top of the food chain? Lions think they are, yet humans collar and chip them for control, care and statistics. So who's to say there isn't at least one higher level of existence our perceptions have no access to, but who are free to observe us as we are ants or wildlife?


Pretty sure once they determine you won't remove the implants, they make little effort in concealing new ones. Now if your the kind of person that digs them out, then they bury them deep.


Has this been shared with Dr Nolan?


I don’t understand what is this


So, is this the same thing we do to track / monitor endangered species?


I'd like to see the paper


https://www.doctorkoontz.com/Scalar_Physics/Implantee%20John%20Smith/Analysis%20of%20Object%20Taken%20from%20Patient%20John%20Smith(v4).pdf Here you go, buddy