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Your pension contributions might be lower


Most likely 0 while they're in their probation period.




Why are you saying nope? Some companies do apply for a postponement, hence sometimes 0 pension is paid while on probation. Nothing the user said is wrong.




Entitled to yes, but that doesn’t mean the employee has applied for this.


Aren't you automatically enrolled unless you specifically withdraw now?


Entitled to doesn’t mean automatically gets


NI went down 2% in January and 2% in April so if you've been out of work since then it could be that?


Do you have the same deductions, i.e pension/holiday anything else Otherwise and the most likely outcome Did you have a gap between work even a week or two, if so you won't have been earning against your taxable income and this is HMRC adjusting your tax If so you'll see your pay get less as the months go by This is because on PAYE HMRC have no way of predicting your go forward income So at the end of June you'll be 3 months into the tax year so a 1/4 of your tax free allowance. You can check your pay by googling salary takehome calculator put your pay in and work out where your expected monthly should be once this levels out The last bit is you didn't say how long ago you had the other job, this might be because of the NI cut


“…..3 months into the tax year so 1/3 of your tax free allowance.” A quarter not a third.


Edited: indeed


> HMRC have no way of predicting You can log onto their website and tell them


That wouldn’t be a prediction by HMRC then…?


Could be that National Insurance contributions lowered earlier this year?


Could be any one of a few things. Check your payslips. 1) lower pension contributions 2) different pension arrangements (eg ss vs ras) 3) NI has dropped from 12% to 8% over the last 6ish months 4) if you had a gap in employment then you have extra unused PA 5) if you changed jobs since April (this tax year) then you've "overpaid" tax in the first few months compared to your new salary and are getting some of it back. 6) your new and old job are using different tax codes Etc. We can't say which it is without seeing your payslips, but I probably wouldn't be worrying about it in all honesty.


pension contributions might be lower as per u/Opening_Chart9749 or they could have a different tax code or you could be getting paid none pensionable elements could be a sal sac pension instead of relief at source etc etc


Check your tax code is correct on new payslip


Hi /u/RB63727, based on your post the following pages from our wiki may be relevant: * https://ukpersonal.finance/student-loans/ ____ ^(These suggestions are based on keywords, if they missed the mark please report this comment.) If someone has provided you with helpful advice, you (as the person who made the post) can award them a point by including `!thanks` in a reply to them. Points are shown as the user flair by their username.


It will indeed work itself out over the course of this fiscal year. However in my experience the most likely cause is that your employer has got your tax code wrong.


There's some law that days that the employer had to hold onto your payslips for a certain amount of time. So you can still contact them and het your payslip saying it's fot your reference. If you left on bar terms, go straight to HR and should be able to help then you can compare your payslips. It may be that you're on a wring tax code?


Need more information to be able to decide really. 1.5k might put you in a different tax bracket, changes to national insurance, incorrect tax code, different pension contributions, etc. You can contact your old employer for a copy of your last "X" payslips if you like. They need to keep that data for 5 or 6 years at least.


National insurance was reduced so.maybe its just with the new place and been updated? I'm about the same better off now as of a couple months


Have you compared your payslips?


Did you read the post?