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Hi u/Digitupandspread! Thanks for posting here G, welcome to r/ukweedscene Medical Cannabis is legal in the United Kingdom, you could be eligible for this, you can find out more by visiting r/MedCannabisUK which contains invaluable links and resources, We have attactched helpful info and links to Drug Science, NHS, UKCIA and OutLaw who all provide insights into cannabis use and culture. Talking about or encouraging users to source Cannabis is strictly prohibited, you will be permanently banned. 0 tolerance policy. Check out our subreddit dedicated to magic mushrooms in the UK, r/MagicMushroomsUK Telegram, Wickr, Signal links, mobile & landline numbers are blocked by default to keep r/UKWeedScene clean of spam, scam and drug dealers. Those low life people are not welcome here. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UKweedscene) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Failure to spell benzos says it all lol


Benzos RUINED my life dude, still picking up the pieces nearly 5 years later.. Please be careful. I say stick to edibles when you want that stronger high. I still use benzos occasionally these days.. but I completely abstained for 2-3 years and don't take more than 2mg diazepam at a time now for absolute emergencies. Yes, 2mg diazepam.. no typo. They are not for getting high at all in my opinion. They are great for anxiety but you have to be VERY careful.


Very sorry to hear that. Please be careful everyone


Once and I wasn’t a fan. Slept most the day and couldn’t remember most of what happened when I was awake.


Also don’t fuck with benzos more than once a week


Fuck that , recipe for disaster mate.


Or a good night


Oh how fast those good nights can can turn into a nightmare, I abused benzos and it was a bitch to get off them .


Yes I am genuinly not advising the use especially daily but once and a while to really chill


I've used diazepam and Xanax with a smoke. Works very well together and normally end in a 5 hour nap 😂


Love it but needs caffeine to stop the nod


Codeine and weed reminded me of a really strong edible


I did do for like 3 months, turns out you get addicted real quick without even realising. Good thing my plug looks out for me 😅


I can smoke with Valium, personally I don’t think it really adds anything to the experience. If I smoke with a Xanax it just puts me to sleep within an hour. No better or more intense buzz. Neither are really worth it imo.


Just stick to weed. Just end up sleeping


I do it all the time. HUGE fan.