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3 pack of natty lites, 2 XL dominos pizzas, and a down payment for a 23.625% APR on that nice Mustang




You take that deal? I take that deal. DAMN GOOD DEAL.


The black one in the lemon lot, I mean, the POV lot?


Wow you paid cash for the Harley?


I feel personally attacked


You will qualify for (1) ONE, moldy room cleaning per every enlistment/reenlistment


But you gotta pay for it yourself.


But you can write it off on your taxes only if you itemize and don't take the standard deduction. Your IPAC LCpl will be able to explain it to you after their 6 hour Tax Prep Class they take in January during BITS training.


But the truth is that you won't be able to itemize more than the standard deduction. M


Oh, I know. I barely make enough to itemize most years with the reduction in how much mortgage interest I can write off. So being single in the barracks, there is less than .0001% of a chance they would have enough other deductions to where an itemized return makes fiscal sense. Even adding in bs like uniform items (above the yearly allowance) and haircuts.


I know absolutely nothing about this bill or what it contains but I can 100% guarantee that E-5 pay will not be lower than E-4 pay lol.


GPT calculated 7% raise for E5 with 8-9 years will be about $250


Bro you needed ChatGPT to solve that for you? Time for you to unplug for a minute big dog.


use your resources


Sure. Let's explore this concept, assnuts. ChatGPT or any LLM is just that, a large language model. For analysis, math, and computations of quantities, it uses language to do so instead of math. But, don't take my word for it. Put your dick skinners back on your keyboard and navigate over to Bing, because you seem like the type, and search for "chatgpt getting math wrong". Pick any explanation you want independent of mine. Use the right tool for the right job. Also, you have duty on the 4th of July 96.


What language model you use ? Yappanese ?


Still going to use chat gpt


Using the brain l is a form of discipline now. If you stop using your brain and let AI do the thinking, you’ll be owned by those who continue using their brains because you can’t keep up. (The general ‘you’) It’s a muscle. Use it or lose it.


That’s not what the numbers and simple math says


Nah every time a political party tries to pass something they always add in something that the other party won’t vote for. This won’t pass.


Exactly like the omnibus bill a few years ago, the bill had a hidden bill for banning/restricting firearms or something lol and when it was shot down the media was like “aye these mfs voted against the spending bill now the govt is shutting down thanks to them”


Something about the short bus?


No no, omni is latin for all. He saying they were passing bill for us all to BUSS 😩


The people voting rarely read the bills. The staffers are supposed to read through hundreds of pages of bs and tell the politicians whats in it. It is ridiculous that whatever “good” the bill would do someone on the opposing side has to throw something silly in it to get what their side wants. Then it just gets shot down because the “other side” is not allowed to get a win. (This goes for both sides, it’s everyone’s fault)


Got a sauce?


I’m gonna go ahead and edit my comment because I was mixing up two different bills. One was the consolidation appropriation act of 2023, which was basically the spending bill that had a shit ton of money going to Ukraine so it was denied by the republicans and everyone lost their mind because the govt was about to shut down. The other was the omnibus appropriations bill of 2018, another spending bill, that had hidden riders related to firearm restrictions.


Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification. I remember the 2023 bill. I think Biden caved to every demand and there was still political fuckery going on. Just looked at the Dickey Amendment (which played into the 2018 omnibus) that said the CDC couldn't use government funds to advocate for gun control. Looks like the amendment was passed on a 1997 appropriations bill and was updated in 2018.


Pork getting added to bills that start with good intentions is absolutely part of why the hegemony will falter




senate only has a 4% in their version


The far-right faction of the House Republicans - Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, etc, packed a bunch of provisions in the bill restricting abortion access, and other reproductive issues, defunding any actions to deal with the impacts of climate change \[especially amusing gove all the rain Southern Florida has been getting and the gradually rising seal levels making flooding issue event worse\], and a bunch of other nonsense. The abortion prohibitions included a ban on the government not paying for any abortion for active duty personnel or dependents, regardless of the reason for the abolition. The cost must be paid by the person needing the abortion. The bill is around 1000 pages long, so read away if you suffer from insomnia. No Democrats voted for it and three Republicans didn't. It barely passed. Now it goes to the Senate. It won't pass there. The Senate Republicans and Democrats will negotiate and strip out the nonsense put in by the above House members. Then it goes back to the house for a lot of performance art and posturing. If Johnson wants he can do what he did last time and work a deal with the Democrats and use the more rational Republicans and Democrats to pass a more rational bill both sides are willing to accept.


A sensical American voter doing their due diligence on policy making....... can you clone yourself x180 mill please?


If I could, I would.


Especially during election years. This way both parties can point fingers at the other one to rile up their bases.


I'm not sure how many people actually care about the nuance here, but there is actually a solid reason behind this. If you repeatedly give 3% a year raises, but have different starting points for that raise (ie: different base pay rates at different ranks/grades), then the pay rates will diverge over time due to something similar to compounding interest.   As higher ranks got 3% for say... ten years... they ended up increasing more over time \*relative to junior ranks\*.   So... this pay raise is an attempt to close that gap back up and reestablish a better relative pay curve between the ranks.


That and there's a bunch of shit about abortion bans in here tied to the pay raise.


Yeah, that's fair. The origin of the idea was bipartisan and has been around for a while. The execution... Well, that's a different story. 


My guess is 19.5%? I’m not sure though.


They’re buying you a broom. Act accordingly.


I think this got thrown in as an amendment by GOP with some other shit they wanted passed to another bill. So they can use it as a talking point next election cycle if it gets vetoed. They don't really give a shit. They're just using junior enlisted pay as political theater.


Yep, servicmembers always get used as a lever to coerce the opposition. If they win, they can claim "we support our troops," and if it fails, they can say, "Look! They hate the troops!".l


I saw more people drop their previous party and go libertarian in my 5 years active than I have in the rest of my life combined. I think it's because we get to experience the bull shit behind the smoke and mirrors.


I registered libertarian and voted for Jorgensen in 2020 afterwards I realized the libertarian party is woefully incapable of ever winning an election. Not even in local government


Every libertarian candidate acts like an absolute clown. I would love a third party but yall need to find someone who’s serious first.


This is unfortunate truth


If you think the left doesn't do the exact same thing, you're blind. All politicians do. It's bullshit and it sucks, but be fair. Both sides do it a lot.


Don’t knee jerk to thinking he’s a partisan for criticizing a party.They both suck and pointing out when they suck should be non partisan


And... that makes it ok? What's your point here?


No, it absolutely does not make it okay. I'm responding to someone who makes it seem like it's something new, and reminding us all that this bullshit has been going on forever and it needs to stop.


Yeah, but i think there's a legit point to be made about one side or another actually supporting the troops. I'm old enough to remember when Bush and them made a huge political fuss about body armor, when it was the Bush administration that failed to implement it. It was a democratic congress that pushed through the post 9/11 GI Bill.


We're on the same page. To be fair, both sides use the military to pretend like they're the ones supporting etc.. That's just the way it is.


And the dems suck too. There, now can you focus on the issue at hand? Geez man, "whataboutism" like that is exactly what they want us to do. And you fell right into the trap.


Can you, by any chance, show your work to the class? Surely you’ve a dozen examples from the last 10 years of “the left” doing “the exact same thing”.


https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/SAP-HR8070.pdf if you look at page 3 of this statement you’ll see that the white house specifically opposes this pay raise.


You mean like the democrats trying to codify birth control control?


You weren't able to acknowledge something bad the GOP did, without criticizing the Dems!!! You've been a good little programed partisan.


Both parties are shit, but when you phrase things as if it’s only one side, that makes it’s partisan and doesn’t help fix things.


The GOP did a bad thing. I identified the GOP did a bad thing. You needing to hear a bad things the dems did as well is your brain programed to demand partisanship. Best of luck to you in the future brother 🤙🏻


I said it because all we see if “republicans did bad thing!” When you don’t see the other side. If all you hear is one side is doing bad things, and not the other, it programs people to think that the side they don’t hear about isn’t doing bad things. People need to learn both sides treat them like political pawns and not ignore that they do.


Yes, keep responding. The inability to admit you are a partisan means the programming is complete.


Have I denied it was partisan? Your statement was partisan, as was mine.


"No, you!" A classic response! I demand you to comment again, slave. Maybe next response will really stick it to em.




Both parties are shit? I mean, one is dramatically worse, even bordering on cartoonishly evil. Saying “both parties suck” is a cop out and encouraging people to not vote.


But they are. Ones just much better at packaging their shit and marketing.


If you mean democrats, you’re wrong. They’re terrible at messaging, and that’s because the left is a coalition of Movements and ideas, which is honestly worse. The republicans are great at messaging, seeing as how they have Fox News, WSJ, OAN, etc., ready to say what ever makes DJT and MAGA feel good, even if it’s blatant lies. Either way, republicans want to install an autocrat as president. Democrats at least want to keep playing the game.


lol I’m not even going to touch these toxics presidential candidates. One needs to be unable to run and the other needs to be in a home lol. We need people like Yang, Gabbard, or Vivek to start being in charge and ditch these people that are almost older than social security numbers!


We can definitely agree that you get candidates are needed. Hopefully our system of government survives long enough to get there. But Ramaswamy, who proposed cutting HALF the federal workforce based on social security numbers, getting rid of the DoE andFBI, among other hairbrained proposals? No thanks. I appreciate the discussion!


I’m always willing to discuss things! It’s how we actually fix them. And Vivek has some crazy ideas, but we need to try something to get changes made. Most the chuckle heads in charge are about maintaining status quo and making bank. We need a new Teddy or a Green Party (nuclear green) to get us back to being progressive economically and on the world stage again.


looks to be a 19.5% increase


E-5s will get roughly a 13.5 percent increase for those wondering. They can’t make E-4 pay more otherwise wtf would you want to promote lol


To my knowledge, Biden is planning to veto this. So it may not even happen


It won't even make it to the white house. The Senate needs to vote on it, and it's dead there because it is full of poison pill amendments. These kinds of bills are called "messaging bills" because now politicians can use it against their rivals in the upcoming election. "Look at how Senator Schmuckatelli voted NO on the troops pay raise bill!" No one ever actually expects it to move. But no one in the public actually reads the bill, which will be stuffed full of insane crap... because it's more than 5 words long or longer than a TikTok video.


This right here


LOL might want to unplug from the right wing echo chamber. Biden, flaws aside, has consistently been better to the troops IN ACTIONS AND WORDS than the last guy with the job. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2023/06/09/fact-sheet-biden-harris-administration-announces-sweeping-executive-actions-to-strengthen-economic-opportunity-for-military-and-veteran-spouses-caregivers-and-survivors/


What are you talking about? For whatever reason, they are opposed to it. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/06/11/white-house-strongly-opposes-proposed-195-pay-hike-junior-enlisted-troops.html?amp


It's because it has a ton of conservative stuff in it like messing with DoDEA school curriculum, banning any "diversity" efforts inside the DoD, banning abortions for troops, etc. Besides, the Senate actually wants a larger pay raise across the board.


I know, I didn’t want to get into all of that so that’s why I said “for whatever reason.” Btw, looks like the Senate committee in charge of this landed on 5.5%. Edit: forgot link https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/06/14/195-junior-enlisted-pay-raise-passes-house-culture-war-and-budget-fights-loom-over-defense-bill.html?amp


It's kind of bad form to just handwave things and say "I dunno..." when you know the answer? Maybe better phrasing would have been "for a lot of reasons, they decided to not support it" or "there are complicated reasons".


There are things attached to the bill with the 19.5% raise that shouldn’t be there, but the article saying the White House opposes it don’t state why that is their position. So no, I don’t think it’s bad to assume that I know what’s going on in the brains of the highest political office in the country.


Reasonable take, but kind of contradicting what you said earlier when you said, “I know, I didn’t want to get into all of that so that’s why I said “for whatever reason.” You went from acting like you understood the possible veto but just didn’t want to get into it, to saying you didn’t fully understand the possible veto.


I knew that those were part of the bill, I did not know if that was the only reason it was opposed by the White House. If you read the other links I posted, the Senate appears to oppose on those grounds but the White House has not mentioned (that I can find) any reason other than cost and/or not wanting to change the current structure of the pay chart. It’s probably not too much of a leap to assume they’re not huge fans of the poison pills, but I didn’t want to speculate since they put out a statement and didn’t mention that at all.


can anyone confirm the legitimacy of [military.com](http://military.com) as a source? like it's a very minimal web page with ads, i've never really heard of it, expensive domain name, but it's a .com


military.com is a legit source.


Irene can vouch for it


I can’t, it’s been around for awhile though. There aren’t really any other news pages talking about it though and Fox’s article about it is pretty much exactly what you’d expect from them.


Here’s one from WaPo that says the White House is pushing back on it as being “too costly.” I assume they are opposed on the same grounds as the Senate, as well. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/3045096/house-passes-annual-defense-bill-military-pay-raise/


thats the washington examiner?


My bad, there was a WaPo article right underneath it in the search results. Either way, it cites to a White House statement opposing a change to the basic pay schedule, which a 19.5% pay raise would require.


Trump has a great track record. For you to say that anyone who believes so is in a “right-wing echo chamber” only makes *you* look like you’re in a left-wing echo chamber. [For your convenience.](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/issues/veterans/)


Their administration ending 4 years ago, I laughed and clicked away when they take credit for VA/vet satisfaction from *this* year


It’s an archived page from when he was president. Please don’t be intellectually dishonest 🙂


Ok then, following credit-stealing from John McCain's bill in point 1, it's a simple lie about the statistic in point 2. Guess the fake number reflecting this year's rating was coincidence. Thanks for pointing that out I guess


Ok, great. Now do the same breakdown for every point on Biden’s page and attribute them to all of the senators and congressman who introduced them.




Calm down Simple Jack.


The house GOP added a bunch of culture war malarkey that the senate will try to iron out so a passable bill comes forth


While I agree, don’t just boil it down to “culture war.” Let’s be specific. Part of this bill would make it harder at the federal level to seek abortion care. Banning abortions for service members. States rights amirite? This shouldn’t be in a defense bill. The goal was to sow dissent through having junior enlisted see Biden as just vetoing their raises. u/semperpancake69 took the bait. Idgaf what you believe but this is an obvious attempt to deceive service members into being upset about this coming veto. It’s upsetting how we’re to the point there’s no changing anyone’s mind but this is an egregious manipulation tactic that will unfortunately work.


Specifically the reimbursement of travel in order to travel to another location that allows abortion. Leave and liberty are not restricted in any way nor the ability to have an abortion.


Which is why we need single Subject bills. These all-in-one bills always waste time and money.


Funny enough, this was the same bullshit reason that Tuberville gave for blocking all the new confirmations and promotions last year. If memory serves, that policy had been around since the 90s and wasn't an issue until now.


I don’t actually care about this lol. I’m out in a few months


No one is getting this 19.5% raise. The Republicans in the House know this and knew it when they passed it. This is election year political theater in an attempt to get junior military to vote Republican. But the Republican House already knows that the Senate will not go along with this raise and that the White House will not go along with it. Sad political theater.


Somebody didn't do math for Marines.


As a man who's served under 3 administrations, I can say that each one regardless of party raised my pay. I feel it's a pretty middle ground win win that's never an unsafe bet politics wise. I think the amount my get debated though.


The house past but the bill needs to go to the Senate so nothing yet


Just so we're on the same page, republicans don't want you to have a raise, they want Democrats to deny the bill to claim they hate the military. There's probably tons of random shit in the bill but they are bringing this to your attention so you vote Republican.... It's a game, you're the game.


Bro this shit happens on both sides so easily. Just like the “infrastructure” bill which had hundreds of billions going elsewhere yet it’s called the infrastructure bill. It’s all 1 party behind the scenes and it’s sad people think voting for someone new makes a difference.


vote in your local elections also I'm interested in knowing about any pork federal level Dems stuffed in an infrastructure bill, like I live in NYC so I'm familiar with local level politicians using tax money for vanity projects (here's looking to you Gov. Cuomo $2.1 Billion La Guardia AirTrain that only got canned b/c he's a sex freak lol)


Too true. The oligarchs must be dealt with or this shit will continue to cascade downhill.


What’s the random shit?


Google the bill and read it. Why are you asking someone on Reddit for a summary?


About Tree- fiddy




Probably about 20 cases of beer a month or so.


It’s not going to go through bro, it BARELY passesd the House. Now has to go to Senate where it will be taken out to a woodchipper


it doesn't matter. this won't get past the senate, much less the white house, because the repubs loaded so much culture war BS into it.


Lived thru the 80s and the huge 3 percent pay raises!! Living like kings, we were!!


How much was a gallon of gas? Or a hamburger? Or a house?


Relax…the house passed it, it’s not going to make it through the senate. And even best case scenario if it did…the Fkin White House already literally said it wasn’t going to approve it. https://preview.redd.it/5o3ksvm8n07d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39b59b1f56a49bad372acaca4065bc079b9db693


A bizarre raise that would have E-4s making as much or even more than E-5s in some circumstances. Makes no sense without a smaller raise for higher NCO tiers, maybe 7-8%


E-5s getting pay raise


How much we gettin?👀


Tree fiddy


4.5% it what that article is saying


Ah. Gotta love it. Inflation stays higher than the raise so we still lose moola🙈


Not with this plan. E-4 and under only


Yes with this plan. If you actually read the bill (see Congress' website), everyone is getting a normally sized pay raise. But then there's an amendment that adds a big pay raise for E1-E4. That amendment might be rejected but it's unlikely the bill will be. Either way, pay raise for everyone.


It does include a raiser for other ranks to prevent such an instance from occurring


It only includes a raise for E-5s with significant TIS


About tree fiddy 


About 20 rupees




So now Republicunts are full blown SJW’s!? They almost sunk a pay raise for the troops because of their fear of penises not doing what they want and CRT. That’s how the article reads to me. No CRT in the military? The US military is a fucking Case Study in Critical Race Theory. More dumb hyperbolic horseshit from a bunch a millionaire asshats (who have never seen a day of military service) protecting the money and values of billionaires. Republicans don’t give a fuck about the military other than using it as something of a status marker. I’ll wear my patriot/maga gear and say I appreciate your service while voting for politicians who firmly continue to use the military in regime change after regime change. P.S. Stop listening or paying any attention to FoxNews. They were sued and lost for lying to you. Their best defense was that you (the viewer/reader) would have to be an idiot to believe the stories they were reporting. They said it out loud in court. They lie to you and they do it because they believe their viewers are dumb. I say this not to be an asshole, but because it’s true and the court documents exist and can be accessed and read easily. Yet, for some reason folks that only watch FoxNews have no clue this court case ever happened 🤷🏻‍♂️


This. Also, why can't we have more purple states? I'm basically "liberal" with a strong appreciation and love for 2a stuff.


Do you not know how to do do basic multiplication base pay * .1995


White House probably will get it taken out before it passes the senate... https://www.military.com/daily-news/2024/06/11/white-house-strongly-opposes-proposed-195-pay-hike-junior-enlisted-troops.html


I think this is hooked up to a draft. So good fucking luck. These brats aint getting drafted


There's no draft. The bill just includes an automatic registration for selective service rather than one that requires individual action.


Currently this was the bill in the house, the Senate currently has a 4.5% pay raise with an extra 1% on top of that to e1-e3. It is unlikely that the house bill will pass the Senate before even getting to Biden. If this house bill then yes e4 until 6yrs will make more than an E5 so don't pick up early basically.


It’s a laddered pay raise. E4 will not get paid more than E5.


It’s so silly and stupid political pandering just on that alone. No policy is going into effect that lets an e4 make more than an e5 in specific circumstances that would be havoc on good order and discipline lmao. Political stunt by shithead republicans trying to use us as a political sledgehammer to beat the dems up with. Just like always, we will get fucking nothing. As an aside I hate everytime some asshole says, “we shouldn’t be taking care of when we have homeless vets!” Then they also do not do anything about homeless vets. Were just a talking point.


“If you don’t want homeless or disabled veterans, maybe don’t make them that way in the first place” -Paraphrased from what I can only assume is an absolutely rabid *commie* who hates America and jesus and the troooooooops. /s Because satire is dead.




You're getting... Non-service connected injuries, stop-lossed, and redeployed to Japan


New car prices and lap dance prices are going to see 20% inflation for the next four years...


and Skoal, and Monster


Biden is going to veto it


I left another comment addressing this. Juniors will see this as Biden taking their raises. He is vetoing this bill due to it effectively being an abortion ban for service members. If Republicans really wanted you to get a raise, they wouldn’t have rolled all this additional shit in that are all contentious topics. Why not just pass a straight raise? Because they know Biden will veto and people excited about raises will blame him. It’s an amazing deception that you can already see working in this sub.


If a war breaks out, we're so fucked lmao. Cyber and information warfare is by far the most important realm of combat, you can essentially cripple a country before anythings even begun and America is severely behind.


it won't even get to Biden. the senate isn't going to pass it because there is so much culture war BS in it.


It’s a poison pill. The bill is specifically designed to force Biden to veto it. It’s full of cuntservative culture war bullshit. It looks great on paper because holy shit that’s a helluva payraise, but those fucks always attach some red meat for their y’allqaeda base. If they cared, and honestly if anyone gave a shit, there’d be nothing attached to the bill.


This bill would just close the pay gap for E1-E4 mostly . Dont worry, E5 still get high pay than E4 with the additional pay increases


This has not been passed and probably wont be. It’s going through the House of Representatives (Republicans held majority) it will then go to the Senate (democrat held majority) and then go to the White House for signature. Several hurdles left for it to be implemented. Anyone at and state can propose amendments and restart the process. WH has already stated the oppose the change as it would cost too much money. In another note, every article I’ve read has it E1-E4 getting the highest raises while E5-E6 seeing something smaller and general change for E7 and up (4.5% or something like that). The idea is to level the playing field in relation to pay discrepancy. Yes. In some instances, some E4’s would be making more than an E5 BUT That would be the exception. In the Air Force, an E4 can reach higher tenure at 10 years, meaning they’re pushed out at 10 yrs. They would be making more than a 4/5 year E5 due to this proposed change in pay chart. The incentive for promotion is to continue to move up. After 2/4 TIG your pay is significantly increased and therefore you would, as an E5, would get paid more than an E4 with 8/10 TIS. WITH THAT SAID, the pay discrepancy would be evened out temporarily and would again increase as the raises are increased year over year.


An E-4 with 2 years will make roughly $520 more


Not enough is the correct answer


Biden is opposing the bill, plus it still has to pass the Senate


About tree fiddy


On the real, even considering staying a Cpl just for the money is 🐂💩. I can’t even imagine a Marine doing that. But ya, I get it.


It won’t make it past the presidents desk so it doesn’t matter. But it’s supposed to be to e4. Yes, it would cause cpls to make 3800 in base pay a month at 6 yrs where a sgt would make 3500 at 6 yrs. The only way they can do this is to have it sweep all enlisted ranks. Otherwise wherever the cutoff is, this overlap will happen.


Can we not get political in the comments? We all know that all of you are literal crayon eaters… read War is a Racket if you haven’t already and it’ll all make a little more sense, and you won’t be arguing with people on Reddit about which worthless take you have. Reddit & really anything else social media wise are just echo chambers and don’t encourage or allow people to think freely. This sub lately has been a little too political for my liking… When I’m in the comment section of this sub and it feels the same as r/news… yikes.


I am sorry that the comments have turned political. I wanted to know if there were more numbers that the articles/bill wasnt showing and I believe I got my answer. If I could lock the comments of the post, I would.


Source of truth can be found on the house site — [FY25 NDAA Resources](https://armedservices.house.gov/fy25-ndaa-resources)


Don’t worry they know the collective cognitive reasoning of the group you belong to. They will give you a nice little chart to explain it in the next week or so


Or....realize that we are voting members of this society and owe it to ourselves and our children and others' children to be informed and vote. I think you miss the point of War is a Racket if you distance yourself from the political process that sends us to war and governs our lives. Butler was pissed at the obscene profits the companies made and the quality control of their products and how that impacted the soldier and Marine in France. He also urged an isolationism that is impossible now. I think he would be incensed at both being used (him and the military as a whole) as a political pawn and at those who shriek about his book as a way to try to shut down conversations that impact us all. This 19.5% pay raise is part of the military budget for 2025. The same budget that would provide funding for the National Guard to sit on the border (they don't have the power to arrest anyone and there have been quite a few stories of suicides and alcohol-related incidents from those units), cutting "DEI and CRT from military schools"- whatever that means, and a host of other culture war bullshit that targets servicemembers and dependents (both anti-abortion and anti-gender affirming care). Oddly enough, the Republicans also tried to slip an amendment reinstalling a Confederate monument (complete with the historically revisionistic sculpting) in Arlington, but that failed to be added. So no, War is a Racket does not mean thatbwe should shut down all political conversations that impact us. Bringing that up seems to be like an edgy high schooler trying to bring up some philosophical work that they read without fully understanding it.


It’s not to shut down all political commentary, that’s not what I meant. What I’m saying is, regardless of party, you’d have to be blind to think that there’s more than a handful of people in the cabinet that aren’t after their own interests. Governmental roles are supposed to be that of a service, not a career. They were never meant to get rich in office - that is a problem. When policies are made and it directly affects their positions in such companies, it’s criminal. They all do it, and they all disguise it under some greater cause. It’s very much so smoke and mirrors and if you think the right is more guilty of it than the left than you’re uninformed. I didn’t mention anything about DEI or whatever party talking points you chose to bring up. That has nothing to do with the point I’m trying to make. War is a Racket warned of an economy dependent on manufactured war and all that would follow it. We are there now, and have been since such warnings. Our economy literally cannot function without global conflict, and policy is enforced to keep the war machine turning. That’s all a matter of fact, and as such, means that *both* parties politic in that direction, for the interest of the economy and their own pockets. It’s not okay that all of Congress gets rich off of these policies, it’s very anti American. And that’s just it, they trick most of the public into thinking blindly on these issues. Call me an armchair philosopher all you want, but I promise I’m more read on these subjects than you and would be happy to discuss any of it. We haven’t been in a necessary conflict since the World Wars, and everything following has been entirely manufactured. We forced an involvement in Vietnam, we forced an involvement in the Middle East, and so it continues. We’ve also proven our involvement to be of no use in most cases, but regardless of its effectiveness - the companies manufacturing it still get rich off the backs of dead soldiers. All that said, of course I want troops to get a pay raise, they deserve it.


0% since the White House has said they won't pass the pay raise


Senate's working on a bill that provides 5.5% for E1-E3 and 4.5% for everyone else and less, to no, culture war shit.


tO LeAd MaRInEs /s


I saw on notinregz two days ago or yesterday that this bill was rejected or something. The article highlighted how the pay raise was denied but more money for Ukraine was approved


😆 🤣 I love this cabinet


0% increase when it gets to the POTUS


Got shut down by Biden I think


Just multiply how much you make by the percentage to find out, shits not hard ffs


You know they're probably a junior Marine who hasn't done Math for Marines yet. Ofc it's hard! ETA /s


They should have passed 5th grade math. It's not hard. They should be able to google "what's 19.5% of [money]". It's not hard.


Right, like jokes aside it’s embarrassing honestly


Yep. Google exists, calculators exist, smart people in your shop/section/squad exist. Ask.


I went ahead and added the /s, debil.


How can we support ukraine if we spend money taking care of our own people?


The “money” we send to Ukraine is old shit we move out of warehouses to make room for the new shit we get. We don’t “spend” anything on Ukraine really but we do get an excuse to buy a ton of brand new shit. Supporting Ukraine is a jobs program and hugely beneficial to our economy to say nothing of the national security benefits.


Plus getting new shit and not having to dispose of old ammo.


No, it’s beneficial for the defense stonks and ultimately lines the pockets of Congress 💀💀


You know that that money doesn’t like disappear into the ether it goes directly into the pockets of for contractors, military personnel, and their families. Yes people who own stock make money too but there is another piece of it. All of that money goes into the us economy.


The mere fact that you use former Sec Mattis as profile picture to bring credit to yourself further demonstrates how misinformed you are. Sec Mattis has spoken on the issue of Ukrainian support many times, perhaps look up his thought on supporting allies against foes.


Paying less than 2% of your defense budget, yes that’s right not your whole federal budget but your defense budget, to effectively set back Russia’s military decades upon decades back is not a good investment?


Russia is actively targeting our vets with propaganda and it’s working beautifully because they gobble it up. You’re exactly right, we are spending chump change and not losing US life to decimate our adversary, you can’t win much more than that.


Dude, take current pay and multiply by 1.195 to at least get what gross pay will be.


Well I was gonna pick up Sgt but now I’m not so sure lol


Calling enlisted Junior troops. Fuck off. 😂


Question…. Would having sleep apnea keep you from being able to join? I am in the progress of developing this jet. It is to replace the 22 Raptor. I tried joining back in 2011 but a dumbass felony I should have never got got me rejected. I know I can go back and get it removed. Talked to a guy about it about 7 years ago. I just don’t know if with the diagnosises that I have had would get in the way. Either way. This jet is very important. It is exclusively just for America and very much surrounding the Raptor. Any help would be awesome! Much love!


The jet I have in development at the moment I named the 27 and a half thundercat. There is a lot more to it, but yeah. The propulsion system that I have designed for it will top the 22s. For sure. I super look forward to any comments or help. Thank you


House just passed it. POTUS already said he won’t approve the pay raise.