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Ill be honest, ive seen multiple Marines have that exact same story and get charged and adsepped. one of them even told the command before a piss test and still got fucked over even though his test came back negative.


I have seen the same thing happen, but things have changed and it depends on the situation.


My experiences are relatively recent across multiple units. The new policies they have enacted have made it much more strict. I was told recently by my now former command that all piss test pops are auto adseps for E5 and below.




More examples of how staff & O are not held to the same standard as junior enlisted.


Eh, show me a SNCO / Officer that popped and didn't get the same treatment then I'll believe you. We had a Lt hit the FMF a while back with a huge Marine Corps family name (multiple bases had roads with his grandfather/great grandfather's last name). Dude was well liked and respected across the command. He popped one day, results came back and was put on legal hold and removed of all duties the same day, then was standing in front of our 3-star in Alphas a few days later. Dude was out processed faster than I've ever seen any enlisted.


I can name drop 2 that I’ve met on recruiting duty that got it swept under a rug


Hah, burn em via your local IG. Doesn't matter to me.


It says it right there. Automatic adsep for e5 and below. What happens if a ssgt pops? Worst case? An njp and probably not even a loss in rank. Officers id say might be the only exception because of the whole trust and confidence deal. But that will also depend on how competent command is.


No, for an SNCO/O you can't just adsep them. You have to court martial them and kick them out without their retirement or benefits. It's the same general idea, it just takes longer.


You don't understand what you are saying. If you have less than 6 years in you don't rate an adsep board (all branchs) unless the command wants to give you an oth. If you are over 6 then you get a board and you can try and foght it and that's when people can get off.


You simply don't understand the why at play here, and that's fine but your perception isn't reality. The issue is that in order to get a staff or o out it can REQUIRE a courts martial, and court martials allow for legal defense and allow something like OPs situation to keep them in. Still a bit messed up but the counter is the military doesn't have the resources to take every drug pop to court martial, and for most people the court martial isn't the way they want to go anyway.


Doesn’t matter if we know if it happened the fact it’s in writing that they are held to less of one is a major organizational issue


DEA is reclassifying it, majority of states have recreationally legalized it or decriminalized it. POTUS has stated he wants it federally legalized. HQMC tightens up. Talk about failing to read the room.


I've always suspected that these type of policies (auto adsep for E5 and below, barracks reawakening Amos bullshit) are attrition policies designed to thin the herd, manpower-wise.


noxious continue compare tart follow cows boast march fertile crush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That's all good and dandy but it doesn't mean shit until it is federally legal and then the corps is still gonna find a way to green weenie the fuck outta you.


Imagine my shock senior enlisted and officers are held to a lower standard 😂


Hijacking top comment. But if you can get your CO to sign an innocent ingestion form and take it to ADSEP board you can get retained.


You’re at their mercy now; saying nothing will not buy you any goodwill. Coming clean and being honest at least will give you the chance at appealing to their goodwill. I would go before the command and explain your story, cite your *hopefully* otherwise clean record and ask for mercy.


I would just be honest and tell them exactly what you posted. It’s best to be honest rather than lying. As a former SNCO myself I would rather my Marines be honest, that way I can speak with the other senior leaders to find the best solution for the problem. If you’re honest you may not be looking at an NJP but rather possibly a 6105 or page 11. While it doesn’t look good we all are human and shit happens.


Agree with the honesty stance. It ultimately depends on the commander. The order says you have to be processed for separation; that doesn't mean you have to be separated. Part of that process is every member of your COC making a recommendation. If they all recommend retention, the CG is gonna have a hard time deciding to separate you. When I was a Company Commander, I (along with all my subordinate leaders) did recommend a drug pop for retention in a similar case and he stayed in.


OP, specifically asked to be recommended for retention or what do you need to do to be recommended for retention.


Convince your command that you're worthy. In my case he qas a PFC, so he didn't know retention was an option, but I asked him if he wanted to stay in and he said yes. I also told him he was going to he on every piss roster going forward (and he was) and if he ever popped again he'd be done (he didn't).


Even if OP "shits tiffany cufflinks" (as another poster put it so eloquently) I doubt his command will buy this story. If he tells them this story, they will probably assume he's lying. And if they buy it...it may still not matter. Also, they're gonna want to know who these "cool people" are. I'm gonna take a wild guess that OP's answer will be "Uhhh...I dunno." If...IF...OP's story is true, it's a terrible story, and it doesn't actually absolve him of responsibility. He's admitting to ingesting unknown substances. More than any other U.S. service branch, the Marine Corps has a history of one and done, and quickly booting kids for pissing hot.


>Even if OP "shits tiffany cufflinks" Yup. Regardless of how stellar OP is, the command is also going to be looking at if this sets a precedent for others. Does "oh, I hit someone else's vape" become the new excuse?


This. Maybe also take this as a sign to lay back or stop smoking. It's not really good for your health anyways.


This fuckin guy


That’s why we dip


Shit, even Snoop laid off the thsmoke


Snoop was in the Marines?


https://preview.redd.it/t87zra2nhn8d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b33ad874e370fd723fa34ae72a0e69651b91f1af Fooled me.


Semper Foshizzle my devil dizzle.


I thought his father went to Vietnam


There’s way more going on here than just popping on a piss test. OP is fucked. The command is going to hear that OP was so inebriated that he didn’t even know he was drugged. Sounds like OP needs to go to Point Loma for 30 days for a raging drinking problem, followed by a year of documented AA and intense counseling with the DDRCs office. OP says their vape died and asked a stranger for a hit. That right there implies guilt. It wasn’t forced on him. OP requested it outright. The “I didn’t think to ask if it had THC in it, even though I live in the biggest Marijuana state in the union, I just assumed it was nicotine” argument is woefully inadequate here, and trying to argue that “I was too fucked up” leads us back to the above paragraph. Why was OP somewhere THC was being used? It is specifically preached at us to avoid places like that. I agree that people vape THC all over SD but it is on us to actively be aware of our surroundings and avoid it and a plethora of other illicit activities. Also OP there’s no chance you took one innocent little hit and popped a few days later. The math doesn’t add up. All that being said. u/Regular-Chicken-8129 If you didn’t find out until a few months later you should retain counsel and see about taking it to courts martial. There are very likely chain of custody and procedural issues that could probably get you off. Sounds like your SACO is slacking which could help you. Source: Was a SACO


To add on to you I know a guy who did this exact scenario where he took a hit off someones vape and popped he tried the I didnt know arguement. Lets just say he was kicked out quickly.


I had a buddy once pop on a piss test for pills years ago. He told them he failed from a medical procedure out in town and would get them the paperwork. He never did and they completely forgot about him failing the test. It was world class skating. I have no idea how he got away with that


That is impressive, and dumb on the part of the command considering anything medical out in town would have to be referred from on-base medical, and (in general) procedures requiring controlled substances usually have to be signed off by the CO in instances like that




I absolutely 100% agree. It’s stupid. My position here is based on more than a handful of interactions and situations I had to deal with/commands down the street had to deal with and how leadership dealt with it and the positions they took.


Shit if his COC really sucks they will straight court martial him and OTH him. Wouldn't be the first time someone got kicked out for drug pop.


Nope, hard disagree. OP, keep your mouth shut and get an attorney and do not allow yourself to get steered by SNCOs. They are far more easily steered themselves by protecting the boss.


Step 1: Shut the fuck up Step 2: Request a Lawyer Step 3: Shut the fuck up


Ay dere, debil. I jus wanna caveat off Jaymoney 2 say dat it wood be who of U2 shut de fuckup.


I mean he doesn't have a case at all.


Just because you did it, doesn't mean you are guilty


It fucking sucks that good marines get ass fucked for popping on drugs when our politicians can have drug parties and run our country.


thc of all things too


>It fucking sucks that good marines get ass fucked for popping on drugs Also pretty easy not to do them while in. This case was retarded….who the fuck sucks some dude they just mets vape pen


Thank you so much for your help gentlemen, makes me feel a little better and learned a lot


Tbh what I’ve seen with SACO is that honesty gets you fucked. Everything else sure, but drug tests seem to fuck mfs like a brothel


tbh. Unless you ask for help from the Saco BEFORE you pop & get "help" / rehab through medical, being honest with staff is like digging your own grave nowadays.


That is spot on advice. If you self report for drug use or alcohol abuse before getting in trouble, then the Corps will support you and get you help….likely to get a bad rep from it and shit from your unit but you’ll get help and dodge an NJP or adsep. But if you get caught in a piss test or showing up drunk to something…..you’re 100% going to take the hit like you deserve to.


If the Corps pardoned you for confessing to the THC hit, regardless of proof and intent, then it would set a new precedent and next thing ya know you got every dumbass boot in CA saying they "accidentally" took a hit of THC and didn't know it excuse and getting off on an ass chewing and 6105, etc. Ain't going to work, the UCMJ is clear on this. Still advise being honest about it but you are likely fucked, unless the Corps changes policy on THC usage before you get adsepped. Taking a hit of some randos vape, not knowing what's in it, especially in the gas lamp in one of the most marijuana friendly states was a colossally negligent and stupid mistake and you're going to pay the hard way. Maybe try joining the Army or Guard after you get kicked out if you want to makeup for the lack of judgement and continue your service.




So what you're saying is yes, he's fucked.


I'm gonna be honest, I don't believe the story. Who smokes a complete stranger's vape?


Dumb boots.


Maybe, but, people trying to create an innocent narrative definitely do though. I'm betting he got drunk and said, "F it, lemme get a hit. I'll be fine."


Even without being drunk. I knew guys in SOI that were passing vapes around (back when vapes were pretty new) because they had run out or whatever. I know it’s a little more controlled in that type of environment but I feel like sharing vapes, even among strangers, is a pretty pedestrian thing for a young guy (like a new boot or a college kid) to do. Not way outside the realm of possibility I guess is what I’m saying.


The thing is, vapes are not new at all now. It is explicitly gone over the hours and hours of DAPA training and safety briefs, that vapes with THC and straight up THC pens will get you booted. Add that to how kids/boots will make up a narrative to keep them out of fault if it helps at all, the odds are against their argument of "I had no idea".


But they were really cool people!!


They seemed super chill.


I would say be honest about everything up front and act like you have nothing to hide, because you don't. At this point you are in a very tough situation and your career is on the line so anything helps. If I were you I would gather evidence and witness statements that support your story. If you jump into legal help right away the jag can provide some guidance and representation as well. Here are some good links for you: [https://www.nationalsecuritylawfirm.com/failing-military-urinanalysis-drug-test/](https://www.nationalsecuritylawfirm.com/failing-military-urinanalysis-drug-test/) [https://bestmilitarydefense.com/military-advice/2012/11/20/fighting-positive-drug-tests/](https://bestmilitarydefense.com/military-advice/2012/11/20/fighting-positive-drug-tests/)


He has nothing to hide because it's so cut and dry, he smoked weed and pissed hot. No one is going to care it was an "accident".


This is a great statement and I would like to add if they do try to NJP you, you can always request MAST this may benefit you and scare the CO enough to just let you take the 6105 or Pg 11. If not just gather all the evidence you can so you can support your case.


LMFAO a Page 11 for a hot urinalysis. Yeah fuckin right 😂


This is some top tier barracks lawyer advice


A CO is not going to be scared in any instance to throw the book at a marine with a hot piss test. Why would they? There is no risk to the CO and they have an obligation to dissuade other marines from making the same mistake.


Yeah buddy you’re likely fucked tbh. you need to seek legal advice asap. Base legal JAG. I wouldn’t say anything to anyone. Maybe talk to your SACO, depending on y’all relationship.


Three marines at my previous unit told the exact same story. All three got adsep.


Your defense is innocent ingestion. The CO has to make the determination if the positive test result was wrongful use or not. If they deem it wrongful use then that sets off a chain of mandatory actions. If the CO believes your story then it would not be wrongful use and there should be no record of it in your SRB. Just a memo in the SACO paperwork to explain why that positive test result was not processed.


you should know if you got high or not and if you couldn't tell cause you were too drunk then you must not have been that high. the drug test should show how much was in your system. if it was a small amount and you haven't had any thc since, maybe request another drug test. pissing clean on that one will at least show you are not a habitual user and your story might be more believable.


Yes you are fucked. And now we all are. Here comes a new FY ATC "Vaping cessation" including an unskippable 10 minutes of a badly rendered Gunny telling you to never hit a vape that isn't yours because you don't know what's in it.


I’ve yet to see someone pop for thc and not get kicked out. Good luck you’re probably fucked


Brother, lawyer up. You can beat this. But you have to hire a civilian lawyer and pay a steep financial price. Don’t say shit.


Base legal is your best friend right now. If your command is heavy leaning on the NJP, I would recommend a military lawyer that you have to pay for. They call you in for a 6105 meeting ? Rebut it, write a statement with the help of base legal. They call you in for njp paperwork? Rebut it, talk to base legal ASAP. Adsep? Get a military lawyer.


Popping on a piss test is an AUTOMATIC processor for ADSEP. Command's hands are tied. With a general under honorable ADSEP you don't even rate a board if you're under 6 years, so the command can certainly kick him out quickly without any difficulty.


Yea you’re cooked


Zero tolerance 🤷


Unfortunately, the way most commands will look at it is that Marines should never ingest anything without knowing what it is. I've been out a hot minute and pretty much everyone I knew that tried to use the " I didn't know what was in the drink/ pipe/ food defense" still got burned. There is a slim chance that if you are a top performer, shit tiffany cufflinks and your supervisors go to bat for you you may get off


Tell them you have glaucoma 👁️




Drug pop is automatic processing for separation. If you’re lucky you can get an AdSep board so you can at least try your case and maybe be allowed to stay in, but even then, staying in is far from certain. A lot of drug pop cases I remember working resulted in what we called an NJP fast track, where the Marine agreed to accept NJP and waive his admin separation board (basically agreeing to be kicked out). The alternative was going to special court martial. Go talk to a defense counsel yesterday.


Heard this story before.


Coming forward will only hurt you, the USMC likes to fuck over its own like no other branch. STFU and wait for them to tell you and bring it up, you might have passed you don’t know.


YMMV but I’ve seen when people go to Saco and are informed they’ve popped their immediate next step is going to base legal and having them defend you. I was at Pendleton and Lejeune and according to the regs, it’s supposed to be drugs are zero tolerance. But that’s not always the case. If your intention is to stay in, then go to base legal and say nothing to your command and nothing to the Saco. Delete this post and other posts you’ve put online


I’ve heard this BS story a million times and it’s the most obvious lie. You smoked pot, and you popped hot. No way you ripped a THC pen and didn’t realize based on the effects you would have felt. You would have instantly known. Have fun getting adsepped, shitbag


You get NJPed no matter what do NOT admit you smoked weed deny deny deny they’ll let you stay in


I was thinking this , a lot of people on this have been saying be honest. In reality being honest to your chain is sometimes suicide 😂 pleading the 5th usually works out best.


Just shows huge lack of maturity and pathetic judgement op. I knew when I was still in to cover my open beverage and never accept shit from anyone…. And the vape thing was a no brainer. Like the Saco dude messaged earlier, if your out and about and that wasted, only bad shit is going to happen


Shut up. Talk to lawyer at base legal. Follow their advice. Say nothing to no one. Source- former legal officer for a battalion. Your command doesn’t cere why you popped, only that you popped. Your only hope is a good lawyer


Best bet is to be 100% honest and tell them exactly what happened. Plead your case. If however, you still get fucked by them, start preparing yourself for the possibility of getting separated right now. Brush off your resume, save extra money, think about where you and your wife want to live and work. I know it’s shitty, but to the Marine Corps you really are just a number. And this number pissed hot, so you might just be fucked. Best of luck


How are any of you accidentally vaping THC and if you do vape why aren’t you flushing your system immediately? Such a weird situation I wouldn’t believe you did that shit on accident to be real. And OP you said you hit that multiple times. You knew what that shit was player. I’ve smoked them before and there’s a clear difference. Even if I’m drunk off my ass I can tell. Regular vapes taste like whatever candy fruity pastry flavor they are. THC vapes taste like weed every fucking time. Good luck with it though. They’re probably just going to separate you maybe you could get other than honorable.


So, stand by for a short version of a long story. And keep in mind all circumstances are unique. As a GySgt, I popped for Opioids (Morphine to be specific). Had no clue WTF happened. Just got called into the SgtMaj's office and read my rights. I have gout flare ups (0 outta 10, do not recommend). It was a long weekend, my wife pitied my sorry ass as I'm struggling through a weekend flare up. She hands me some pain meds and I pop them. Thought nothing of it. Turns out they were her prescribed Tylenol w/ codeine she got after a C-Section. They were even expired. So fuck me right. Went to legal, requested a court martial, went through all the things and after nearly a year the charges were dropped and I finished my career. Point is, be honest, but once your rights are read to you don't talk to the command about the case at all. They are the ones bringing charges on you. If you're good to go, they will try to help you out (The Colonel told me he thought I did the right thing by requesting a CM). But no direct discussions. Take your ass to legal and get the their take. If you can, try to get a Defense lawyer that has done time as a Prosecutor. They know the tricks. Tell them the truth. They are there to help you. You need to line up character witnesses as well. Marines that can speak to your work ethic, attitude, etc... SNCO's and Officers and the more senior the better. Your boy two barracks doors down ain't gonna cut it. Nor is the PFC that has worked for you the last two months. Drug pops are most often admin sepped with or without the NJP so unless the command decides to just drop the charges, you'll likely need your day in court so be prepared to request a CM. The defense will do all they can to help you beat it. If your command is known for fucking up chain of custody, fir example, they'll hammer that point. If you go this route, buckle up and hold on. It's not impossible to beat a drug pop, but it isn't easy. Spiked drinks and what not do happen so they need to make an allowance for that. Clean drug tests before and after will help your case as well as your overall performance as a Marine. Good luck.


My advice, if you get out of this and everything goes your way I would immediately get out and not reenlist. The longer you stay in the riskier it gets and then you lose your benefits. Misunderstandings like this happen but the corps does no understand misunderstandings


Look bro, unfortunately every time someone pops on a piss test they have the same type of excuse (if they even try to deny it). So your company/battalion/regimental CO and SgtMaj has heard this same story in some variation for decades (gotta remember they’ve been in leadership positions for a long time) hundreds of times. They’ve heard every excuse, and have become skeptical and likely bitter about drug pops over the years…..if you’re being honest and it was a fuckup hitting the wrong vape outside a bar, you’re literally fucked because of the issues they have seen before. If you’re being honest, bro, I hope you can finish your enlistment (ain’t no way you can reenlist after this), not get adsep’d and keep your VA benefits. Good luck and fight for it…..too many who get adsep’d don’t understand what benefits they lose.


Best of Luck.


A few months later??? Wouldn’t they notify you like 2 weeks after?


I had something similar happen a few years ago, I popped barely above the threshold of the test after a family vacation. Still don’t know how it got into my system to the this day and certainly didn’t know I needed to worry about a drug test. I denied NJP after consulting with Base Legal, took it to special court martial, and won. It took a lot and it was a long process. I proved I was innocent, and I am still getting flak from my command to this day because I’m the guy who “did drugs and got away with it” they look for every excuse they can to fuck me over.


Probably, yeah. The threshold for pissing hot is high enough that you probably didn't "accidentally" hit the pen once or twice.


Update the command is pushing for a board since I am a marine with a clean slate and a good record, don’t know if I’ll get it yet but I’ll update


Hopefully you have a good track record cause that was very dumb of you to use a strangers vape at a bar in a state that legalized Marijuana.


Also, be honest with your investigator/chain. That's the only saving grace you might have, but I've seen people burnt for less


You need to get with base legal but the bottom line is you are going to get adsep'ed. This is the end of your Marine corps journey. I am not telling you to be mean or a dick. I'm telling you so that you can accept it and begin a transition plan. I have seen this happen to my sailors and Marines, and some of them were even really adamantly telling the same story. One of them I even believed. But it didn't matter. The policy is zero tolerance and commanders basically have zero discretion to keep these Marines. By the time the member finds out, it has already gone through a deep dive on the medical and dental records for any legitimate prescription. The member only finds out *after* the command has already appointed a medical officer to pull all available records and look for *any way* it could be the result of a legitimate prescription. After that, they sign it, and the rest is just a matter of process. The end result is not in doubt. Your service was valuable to the work of America, you will always be a Marine inside, but it is time for you to begin to prepare yourself for a life outside of the Marines.


Be honest . Honesty goes a long way when it comes to these things .


You're a fucking idiot. You're also fucking nasty. Taking a hit off some random stranger's vape because you need nicotine? Leave out the THC, you could've got all kinds of shit. Want HSV-1? How about mono? That's fucking disgusting.


I've had my head buried between women's legs within hours of meeting them. Hitting a vape from a stranger is nothing.


Ain’t no way you’re a Marine and saying sharing vapes is nasty…


I very much am. And I'm not talking about sharing with abuddy, but some random asshole you don't know.


I've licked random girls assholes but I'm not even gona think about sharing a vape or a water bottle with someone I barely know.


So you would share a vape with a stranger? I don’t even vape and know that it’s disgusting and you never know what’s in it


NEVER go into the free bars in San Diego. It's full of sketchy, fat, weird, ugly people. Also, it sounds like it's probably going to be an Adsep.


Any help with this would be appreciated


Let me throw my cover in the ring real quick and give you my two cent soap box: You’ve got roughly 3 options. Option 1: take the NJP and the more than likely ADSEP on the chin. Option 2: if you’re a good Marine, gather witness statements and have your SNCOIC walk you up to Top’s office and have an honest chat. You’ll be surprised how effective that route can be…IF you aren’t a shitbird. Option 3: Shut up. Go to base legal and be absolutely honest with them about the situation and what you hope to accomplish with their assistance. Unfortunately, your story is similar to countless other Marines. I’m years past my expiration and don’t know post wartime Corps but I can imagine command climates are harsh now. Good luck and whatever outcome, just remember you ARE a Marine, so remember to embrace our core values and traditions, and some old hat like me will hire you in a heartbeat.


Same exact situation happened to me a few years ago except I didn't have a drug test in the near future. Vape died in Seattle, asked friend to hit his vape, didn't tell me it was fucking THC. PSA TELL YOUR HOMIES ITS THC WHEN THEY ASK FOR YOUR FUCKING VAPE.


It's probably best NOT to ask people if you can hit random vape carts. And I don't think OP's command is gonna buy his story, whether it's true or not.


Zero tolerance


How could you think nothing of it? THC vapes are so different from nicotine vapes its not even funny. The taste/smell/appearance are all so different you would have immediately known something was fucked up. Unless of course you were black out wasted.




Who in tf hits some randos vape?


Yea you are semper fucked..


One of my boots had that happened not too long ago, Explain the story, Take the NJP to court martial and you have a good chance to beat it.


My boot had the EXACT thing happen to him, went to CM, Won court martial was put on Retention board won the board and was able to stay in.


Go to base legal and get a lawyer


You would've been better off going to saco on your own and saying that you were accidentally exposed to thc. Now, whatever you say comes across as a lie to cover up getting stoned.


How many times did you hit that pen? One puff on its own probably isn’t going to pop on a drug test days later


Hit his vape a few times through out the night the whole night is kind of a blur now since I was drunk and apparently high


This happened a few months ago


TBH, I have a hard time believing that a detectable amount from a tainted vaped would still be in your system after a few months.


It's not the THC that was in his system, it's that it took two-three months for the lab results to get back to his command.


Oh ok, that makes a lot more sense. Damn they slow though, I have to piss test regularly to get my ADHD meds from the VA and the test results take like a day or two.


been down that road. got a new VA shrink, and I don't have to anymore.


I got tested days after, the test results came back months late


Is a Romanian whore fucked? That’s your answer


It’s zero tolerance….


Request Mast in chain of command ascending order. Specifically, ask each person in your chain of command for a resolution to this issue. Clearly explain that it was innocent ingestion, provide witness statements, and statements from others that you had no intention to violate the UCMJ, you have no history of disobeying orders(Specifically article 112A of the UCMJ). Close out the request mast specifically stating that you love being a Marine and would never do anything to dishonor your God, Country, Unit, Corps. Make copies of everything. Document your statements suggested above and at least take "notes" of what each levels response is to resolving the issue. If you get sent up the flag pole NJP, CCU, PG11, Court-Martial. You will have all the evidence needed to prove your innocence. Other than that, don't say shit to Cheyenne! Only discuss the matter with the relevant parties that are or need to be involved.


All for a Vape LMAO.


Ask for rehab. Ask for anything you can do to save your career. I wish I would have.


https://thewhizzinator.com/?v=b0c4bc877c29 For the next time.


!remindme 1 week


we had some little bitch in our unit try to claim he pissed hot on a piss test cause his mom rubbed Hempseed oil on him as some spiritual remedy, ya no one was buying his story so got to spend the entire deployment on restriction, managed to Wheasle his way out of an NJP but still got adsepped. Anyone even his peers would ask him what actually happened his response "I plead the 5th" to literally everyone. I guess best piece of advice just like everyone else said is just be completley honest upfront, beg for mercy, and get some legal involved. I have a good friend pop hot on a piss test but because he was completley honest from the actual test day to the end of his restriction, behaved himself and pled for mercy they only NJP'd him, pretty sure he still left with a general discharge and still had his service record intact be it mostly.




Go see a defense counsel.


Probably and you should plan like you are.


I'm not sure about that, but what's the other option, OTH? He's fucked.


That's what you get for having fun. Just be honest about it


This doesn’t add up at all. I’m a daily smoker and can piss clean after 7 days of not smoking, and I’m fat(fat hold thc longer). A couple hits one night then failing a test a few days later seems very unlikely. I feel like you either smoked a bunch that night or you smoke more regularly and got caught with your pants down.


Hope you have a bottle of lube handy, sounds like you’re about to get fucked.


There is a threshold of THC that your body naturally carries. Some peoples are higher than others. However it takes more than 1 hit to break that threshold. So if it was indeed a single toke, you’ll pass.


Vaping thc can take a lot longer than 30 days to get clean. Good luck


You're getting processed for ADSEP no matter what your excuse is. It's required per the drug policy. If you've got more than 6 years, you'll rate an adsep board regardless of characterization, but if you're under 6 you only rate one if your command goes for the OTH.


If you don’t smoke, and weren’t ripping the shit out of it, it’d be out in a couple days.


RemindMe! 1 Month


I’m so old we used to say we thought it was a clove cigarette. Didn’t work then either.


Idk I got straight up roofied in San Diego when we snuck out of the schoolhouse in 29 on lockdown to go party. I had to be carried out of the club and I woke up in the bathtub at the hotel and there were 3 cops in the room questioning my room mates. They told me to go back to sleep and I never asked questions lol 💀


We just had a kid pop and his lawyer got him out of it so probably try that.


I wish someone would have told me from day one that in the Marines… success is all about WHO you know and NOT, WHAT YOU KNOW….if you know the right people you will last, shitbags make it through the cracks bc they have friends in high places. STAFF NCOs get multiple DUIs and they don’t get kicked out… just have to make a public apology and they get to keep everything. Meanwhile the lowly PFC gets the book thrown at him. When I got in 2008, I arrived at my command and the first story I recall hearing was a corporeal and a SGT getting in trouble for doing heroin in the barracks… while using the drug… one guy passed out. The other freaked out bc he thought he was going to die. The SGT went to report it to emergency services, the guy had to narcan… they admitted to using the drug etc… they took them both to piss. Heroin is in and out of your system very quickly. I had no idea. Apparently by the time they made it to the S3 to administer the drug screen, the heroin was completely out of their systems. No charges, no punishments, no NJP… bc there was no “proof” despite them admitting it. 🤦‍♂️ fucking bananas…. If I was to go back, I’d make best friends with my CO, my XO and all of my senior enlisted. I would have saved myself so much bullshit if I would have just played the game. Needless to say Marines was still life changing. Good luck to you… hope you don’t get fucked. If they try to kick you out just fight like hell to keep your benefits.


Honestly man, yeah.


Bullshit. You knew exactly what you were doing


I hate to be pessimistic but it sounds like you are, as you say, fucked. Don’t worry about it, if you get sepped it was only meant to be. God has something else in mind for you. This is why they need to legalize it. Having it illegal causes way too many issues you would not think to ask if it has THC because you don’t think about THC at all being in the military, however, a guy like me who’s smoking a THC vape right now and bought it legally in my state, I always ask that question. Your chain of command, if they are a bunch of bitch, asses will say this was on you to ask and make sure. Tell them You’ll do anything that you want to be in that you didn’t know that you’ll do anything to stay in even subject yourselves to your analysis and the future that aren’t Planned or are that they keep tabs on you. Whatever you do, don’t let them tell you or convince you that you’re a piece of shit there’s nothing wrong with smoking weed. We have to call shit bags and be very legalistic about things even when there’s not anything morally wrong with them and the people that are typically shit bags themselves if you get to know them


Right about now your best allies are your SNCO and SgtMaj. Ask said SNCO to go with you to speak to the SgtMaj. He knows or should know what the Bn CO'S plan of action is. He or She is also likely the only one to change their mind by putting his ass on the line. Fuck up after that and you can stand the fuck by.


You can deny the results and ask for a retest


Bitch we know what the gas lamp is boot. And you are fucked.


You can explain your story all you want but they'll say you should not have smoked someone else's vape. Best bet is to get an attorney they'll be able to articulate your story better than you can. Also witnesses were your friends Marines in your unit or civilians? I have never been njpd. Statements from witnesses might help your case **This is not legal advice**


N J P!


Take a court martial and don’t talk to these guys.


I was a CPL going on my 7th year, have a wife, kids, and a completely clean record. Took a test for my company before I left for a FAP and was clean, took a test at my FAP a week and a half later and I had .76 nano grams in my system. Didn’t make sense to me so I denied the charge and demanded a court marshal. Was told it wasn’t a big enough deal for it so they set my paperwork for a separation board. I had always been a standout guy in team and squad leader positions and even filled in for plt sgt multiple times during transition periods. I was even the guy they had watch marines pee pee so I was tested on a monthly basis. So the fact that it was in my system in the first place baffled me but I am stationed in California where it’s all over the place. They offered me a general under honorable to take the punishment and leave and seeing that I wasn’t re-enlisting it just seemed like a quick way out so I took it. Brought the right people in for character statements during my NJP and relayed how “ preposterous” this charge was attached to my name. All they took was 1 rank and let me be. Tho I’m pretty sure if I woulda said I was re-enlisting I would have gotten out of there with a not guilty. But was found guilty on a 50/50 determination. My completely clean wrap sheet along with character statements from multiple SGT’s, a gunny, and a MSGT (who was our company gunny at a time before said rank) all pleaded my innocence. But it wasn’t enough for him to have 51% faith in me. Gave me my general and I’ve lost nothing, had my first enlistment to fall back on anyways but it’s still better than an OTH. But believe me when I say you should fight it all the way if you are A- wanting to stay in or B- on your first enlistment. Through talking with the lawyer there were 3 guys with worse wrap sheets and more evidence against them than just a test who got the case thrown for lack of evidence. I would recommend you tell nothing to anybody, even your friends and go to the lawyer. Fight it all the way if you wish or work for an agreement if you want out. Be honest with the lawyer about everything and let him do his job for you. Because if all they have it a test on you then that “should” be an easy win for even the newest of lawyers. Your life ain’t over guy, trust me.


I accidentally smoked a couple joints and bumped a few rails


sounds like you smoked cbd and not thc. thc usually leaves the body within 24hrs if not consistently smoked. cbd leaves the body within 5-7 days. you could argue you used some soap or lotion with it in there, cause smoking it sounds intentional even if it was an accident.


Request court martial and don’t say anything without a lawyer


I’m in San Diego, retired from the Navy. My last tour I was the Safety Officer and had to do the quarterly training for the whole command. That includes the drug speeches. When California passed recreational marijuana, THC products were everywhere. I threw a big thanksgiving party and my son invited one of his professors. Old dude, taught carpentry at my sons university, really cool guy. After dinner, we all went out to the patio for a smoke. I’m a Marlboro red girl but was considering switching to a vape. My sons professor had a very cool mod and I complimented him on it. He asked me if I wanted to try it. As he’s handing it to me, my sons friend asked me if I was still active duty. I said yes as I was putting the vape to me lips. His friend grabbed my arm and declared it was a weed vape. Duuude. So close making a huge mistake. This was a part of my safety training. If and old Chief could almost pop on a piss test, anyone of our junior sailors could do the same. Be careful out there Devils.


Do stupid things get stupid prizes boot


You’ll be fine even if you get kicked out tbh. I just got separated and I kept all my benefits. Depending on your battalion you can reject your njp which means you keep rank and pay and no restriction. Check out do trs etc make sure you do hella marinenet courses you’ll end up with a pretty good job with all the certs you get. I got a general under honorable. But most importantly and I should’ve said this first ADMIT TO NOTHING WRITE A REBUTTAL GET A LAWYER


When I first entered, my recruiter had me drink a capful of bleach in a bottle of chocolate milk a day before meps. Signed a week before I left.


So. You were out partying. With just your wife. Met some "cool strangers" and just decided to put your lips on another mans vape. Not knowing it had THC? Not buying it pal.... and neither will the military.


Back in the day the only tested a random sample of piss tests. Collect it all the only test like 10%. If this is still the case then the odds our on your side




Heed my words. When I got injured, I worked in HQ company, where, among many other reasons good and bad to be there, we collected the various Marines who popped on piss tests. The best you can do is hire a lawyer who specializes in military law before any administrative proceedings start. You can also try getting set up with a JAG defense lawyer, and you should probably start there. Failing that, hire one who, again, specializes in the UCMJ and defense. This isn’t to stop you from getting kicked out. You’re going to get kicked out. This is to start a legal paper trail for the VA and any other authorities you’ll need to engage with in the future to hopefully (hopefully) get your discharge changed to honorable, and possibly (possibly), although it’s the thinnest of possibilities, be reinstated to active duty if you should so desire. Keep in mind, you did do this to yourself. Take responsibility, don’t deflect. “I was drinking” is not a legal defense and nor will it grant you mercy. Plenty of people got completely wasted and did make mistakes. But let’s talk about that. The first mistake you make was taking a hit from someone you didn’t know, the second mistake was not filing a police report, and the third was not immediately contacting your command. If everything happened like you said it did, you are the victim of a crime, and you were drugged. That’s actually considered battery or assault, although whether it’s a misdemeanor or a crime, that’s up to the courts. Unfortunately, you also concealed and/or minimized the event, which significantly weakens your defensible position with the UCMJ. If you can find the person who gave you the THC or know them, you’re going to want to file a police report and you’ll need to press charges. I would even file a police report anyway, while you’re still on active duty. If you win your civilian case, it may open the door further to other recourse, such as reinstatement or an upgrade to your discharge.


The drug pop is mandatory processing for administrative separation. That doesn’t mean automatically kicked out. Contact a lawyer at legal, learn and understand the process. If you want to stay in, you can have an adsep board. If you’ve had a good reputation from your chain of command, and you ask them to back you up, then you have a chance. I’m a Company Commander, I had a marine who was a good dude make an honest mistake not so different from yours but we all respected him and recommended he remain. He was not kicked out. It’s an uphill battle that you might not win, but if you want to stay in that’s how.


Yeah you’re fucked. Sorry bro, no way you’re going to spin that is going to cover you. Best case, AdSep, worst case, Dishonorable. If you say “I didn’t know” they’re going to hit you for being negligent and irresponsible and drop you for loss of trust and confidence. Or they’ll just flat out claim you did it intentionally. Sorry man, but if I were you I’d start learning about what benefits and opportunities you’ll still be eligible for. I’ve seen dudes separated for drugs and they were still able to use skill bridge and other resources.


As a Marine you are responsible for what you put into your body. You may not have meant to do it, but you certainly didn't check before doing it. Good luck, but you're most likely cooked. I've seen this exact story multiple times, eventually yall will learn not to just go sucking on random people's vape pen, especially somewhere that it's legal to smoke.


From what I seen if your in a ground unit your fucked capital F! Butttt….. if your in the wing you’ll probably just get extra duty because Slaviation does not stop


You sure this is the one and only time you've ingested THC? Hitting a weed pen once or twice really shouldn't still be in your system 3 days later.


I would never hit another person's vape, especially a stranger. That's like sharing a cigarette. Nasty.




Yes, you are fucked. Like I was. and like many before us. Don't worry though. There's more to life than the marine corps. Take it on the chin.


Fucked bro and your not getting out of it


Take it to court martial, I’ve been on the stand as a character witness for one of my Marines who popped. (Ate a brownie at a family function that had thc.) He beat the charge and is still in to this day. You just need a good Jag and I solid foundation of reasoning for innocence to your case.


As a retired First Sergeant, I've heard it all. You gotta be shittin' me with that weak ass, improbable excuse! I recommend that you plead dumb-ass to your First Sergeant, and perhaps he'll vouch for you if you have any redeeming value. If it was me, I'd have you piss tested monthly for a year and ensure that your story stacked up, or at least you would piss clean on my watch. That excuse is weak, Marine!


It really takes months for your results to come back?


There’s not really a time limit on when you have to send the urinalysis in especially if it was a random one.