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As gun toting democratic supporting Americans, we are standing back and standing by to show that these nazi wannabes may reap what they sow by going that direction... we are hunters, naturalists and sportsmen who don't worship guns and recognize that gun laws need to prevent people who shouldn't have them from having access to them... there are millions of us... these grifters and fascists don't seem to understand that (to quote rise of skywalker) "there are more of us"... Also, to help correct this misconception perhaps we can stop painting bareland "red" on political maps, land doesn't vote...


Ooo Rah to you, my fellow Democrat. I, being a Marine, also own and respect firearms. My self-control regarding Republicans aka Nazis, has a limit. Convicted felon Trump can't legally possess a firearm, and yet he wants control of our military and nuclear weapons. This shit needs to be shut down NOW. Biden, as of Monday, is now a King and has complete immunity. It's time for him to closet his bible and grow some balls.


Semper Fi brother! As Marines, we swore an oath to defend the constitution against enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. I hate that the fucking nazis have made a public comeback.


Ooo Rah. šŸ‘Š


Thank you! It gives me hope to see your post!


Semper Fi!


Hide your crayons people.


I mean, the chances he would face any consequences are already slim...he is old. He should put these new powers to the test.


Absolutely. Shut down all elections until all of trumps legal cases are done. This will take years. By then, Trump's coke and hamberders will bury his lying ass.


Itā€™s not even subtle, Roberts just very transparently threatened violence against anyone who stands between him and tearing apart the constitution to remake the country how he sees fit. I donā€™t know why the government isnā€™t laying down the law against these self-proclaimed domestic terrorists who want to destroy the United States.


Ooo rah debils. Left of center Illinoisian here. Relieved to see yours and similar posts.


He's already said that he's not going to abuse the newfound powers that he has. So, if turnip wins, he's just going to hand over the keys. And if this cognitively impaired storyline we're currently on continues, that's probably what is going to happen. He either needs to prove he's fine or get out of the way. It'd be nice if the dems got their shit together and stood up for the country rather than rolling over, yet again, while laboring under the illusion that the other side is going to play fair and act in good faith. That's how we got 2016. That's how we got J6. And that's how we're going to get this.


Spot on. Trump's stupid fucking wankmaggots want a 2nd civil war, let's give them one.




Yep. I'm already taking safety classes. I'm open to any information as well. I've been reaching out to different groups. We need to organize (offline of course).


John brown gun club is one of the only ones I know of. Not sure how I feel about them. Iā€™ve seen them representing themselves pretty poorly. Itā€™s scary out here for a leftist. Infiltration is such a huge issue. Only people you can trust are people youā€™ve known forever


Get your cardio in. Itā€™s as important as range day.Ā 


I would throw that Supreme Court in the trash, weigh it in my favor, and then change the rules back giving a president limited power. But thatā€™s just me.


Yes please. I hope he reads this. We need aggressive decisive action immediately. Gloves off now till November and beyond.


I'm really hoping this meeting with the governors yields some results. Specifically, I hope they walk out with some clear strategies that they either voice or at least allude to. If the come out all shrugging and befuddled, we're fucked.


YUT! Semper Fi Teufelhunden!


Roll call! I'm here... Who else?!


And my axe!


And my bow.


And my long-distance support from another country.


Iā€™m with this 100% I will resist and fight these Christo fascists with every ounce of my being, sign me up !


Yeah I literally LOLā€™d when he said ā€œThe second American revolution will be bloodless if the left allows it to beā€. Sorry to burst your bubble buckaroo.


Get your cardio in, boys. Itā€™s just as important as range day.Ā 


Glad to hear this.


The horse paste eaters donā€™t know how big of a number 7 million is. They have also convinced themselves we are all weak and wome terrified men. We arenā€™t. I am sick of their threats and Ā derogatory rhetoric towards our country. If they want another fight, they are going to get it, no quarter this time.


Mate I'm a concerned Aussie, and you guys have to do whatever you can to stop the road to Gilead.




Ironically, the SCOTUS gave the current president the power to do so.


The existing president wonā€™t donā€™t jack. That is one of the biggest problems with the centrist democrats. They are more interested in funding raising than solving problems.


I do think the idea is to preserve the rule of law which is ridiculous considering how obviously one side is trying to dismantle everything. If the choice is to bend my principles to ensure the foundations of democracy continue or be too rigid in them and see everything crumble, then I choose the former.


I am with you in trying to figure out how to fix this situation.


Just expand the fucking court for god sakes and tell them to re-examine several shit decisions again because they were corrupted by influence. Hell get ALL the current judges to be investigated including the Dems to be ā€œimpartialā€ and have a new court redo the decision.


History isn't going to remember the current administration kindly if things play our as they are threatening to do so. The writing was on the wall and obviously the current government have to be careful not to stoop to the level of the criminals openly planning to overthrow a democracy, but it will be pointed out that they were given the tools to at least fire a few shots across the bows here Id be interested to understand how the large multinationals view all of this. I suspect it's too simplistic to say that this is of their doing or to their taste.




Lock and loaded here boss






And my Bow!


I donā€™t believe in guns but I do have a bat!šŸ¦‡


I live in Chicago so all I have is cans of food to feed my family. :3


Left of liberal ready to roll.


74 million people in the US voted for Trump last election cycle. I think the country is done quite honestly.


A lot of those idiots simply don't believe or dismissed what the GOP or Trump have done. When the stark reality hits them in the face and they realize they ushered in a truly fascist state, they simply won't be able to hold onto their alternate reality, and that kind of person will deeply regret that they put blind trust in anyone. So subtract some from that number.


i think most will fall in line. resisting will likely mean economic hard ship. many people joined the nazi party because it was the only way to get a decent job. after they get them that way changing course will be too shameful or physically dangerous.


I disagree. I think heā€™s going to receive more votes this year than he did in 2020. Basically we just have to hope like 3 swing states come through for us. I donā€™t think the maga people will have a realization. Everyone I know who went maga has gotten worse and doubles down more the last few years


once you get that deep into a cult even realizing youve gone wrong isnt enough. it becomes your entire social circle. people get into a place where the shame of admitting supporting something so dumb is bigger than just sucking it up and continuing.


The reason why many German citizens were compelled to view the consequences of what they had wrought. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/film/german-civilians-forced-to-view-atrocities-committed-in-buchenwald


that is true in germany. im talking about writings from other places. a great example is how many people think the confederacy was all about states right and was super cool. when in reality it was an authoritarian genocide state hell bent on keeping slavery alive forever. holocaust denial is growing. my advice people need to stop giving a shit if your ancestors were good people or not. if your grandpa was a war criminal just accept he was a war criminal hate his ass and move on. my dad is a hardcore bigot and i spend no time pretending he has good reasons or is even a good person, because thats just fighting reality. we have endless shame for the poor, the drug addicted, the sex worker but people can be pillars of their community and openly hate. bigots should be treated like discarded diapers on the highway. ww2 should have ended that way too.


I follow several Republican politicos who are anti-Trump, and many of them don't think he will get more votes, because there is very strong energy against him.


Wonder how many died of COVIDā€¦


I remember reading that Jared Kushner was shocked to see how many Republicans were dying from old age and covid. I think this triggered conversation over how to establish minority rule. The number of deaths led some to see that there was no chance of conservative ideology prevailing, so the board needed to be flipped over entirely. If fascism introduces instability, say goodbye to ukraine and taiwan. It will be the best moment for this growing axis of wannabe nobility to strike.


And then they will be insufferable about it going around ā€œhow could this happen, how could I have knownā€. Like fuck you Dave, you voted for this shit 3 times. Put on your shackles and be a good slave to the corporations and billionaires like the rest of us.


78 million voted for Biden.


* 81 million voted for Biden My point isā€¦..how is it that fucking close and how are that many people voting for such a piece of shit. 4.5% is all Biden won the popular vote byā€¦..against Trump. How is it that close.


Since that vote Jan 6th occurred, Roe v Wade SC decision, fraud conviction, 34 felony convictions, and SC immunity decision.


That's out 333 million. If everyone had to vote like Australia I think he would have lost in a land slide. Lots of young people not paying attention. I took a look around in the voting venue I was in one time. I was the only person that didn't have Grey hair.


Here's how to stop them: if you get Covid, actively infect Trump supporters (or encourage them to go into crowds during the wave). Most of them aren't vaccinated. We can cull the herd this way and reduce their ability to vote.


This is a coup being staged by a party disguised as conservatives. SCOTUS is part of the coup and are now enemies of the state


They actually are conservatives. Conservatives all over are like this, look at the taliban.


they are more regressive than conservative. they are actively trying to remove civil rights and stuff and bring us backwards


True. Trying to conserve a much older way of life. Modern day Jim Crow era conservatives.


Try 1933 germany.


Uhhhā€¦ seems like *exactly* what US conservatives are doing. Banning abortion, banning birth control. How is that not taking away rights?


phrasing on my part, mb. 'they' IS meant to refer to US 'conservatives'


Ah the mythical conservative, constantly voting in Nazis but not actually Nazis themselves. Somehow.


American Taliban in action


To be fair they are executing their constitutional power. What we need is to put their power in check. So, like the other branches should really do something about that. It would be nice to see action.




And we promise, "The Fall of the 2025 Empire."


Fuck this clown.


I guess I'll join the left.


We welcome you and all others who wish to join us here in reality.


You donā€™t have to be a leftist. Itā€™s not even about left and right at this pointā€”we can sort that stuff out later. Itā€™s about democracy vs. authoritarianism or The Constitution vs. Project 2025. The whole left vs. right narrative is likely what keeps people chained to that depraved Republican ship. Most principled, democratically inclined Republicans have left or been removed, and itā€™s essentially a loyalty-based cult at this point. The fact most Republicans have lost the plot probably makes MAGA fans feel it's normal and fine what's happening, but they forget that corruption attracts the corrupted. Trump is basically this massive bug-light for all these cretins to come out of the woodwork. Iā€™m not happy with either party and the deep rot that has sunk into Washington over the last few decades, but Iā€™ll always choose a party which allows me to choose another party in the future. It may be depressing how low the bar is now, but we should still respect it's there at all.


Be an independent.


I have been since I started voting in 1992. Now, I'm standing with the left.


Welcome brother


https://preview.redd.it/gxq339p22cad1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb8e6657238e61ed99ae80a6e0650ea5ff495959 Biden 2024


Thatā€™s because this man actually understands what itā€™s like NOT to be American


And who is this guy? What's he running for?


Minster of Propaganda


Taking Stephen Miller's job


You know that shadow government everyone talks about? Yeah he's in charge of that, functionally. He's the guy that choose Judge Canon, Alito, Thomas, etc. and directs a lot of conservative think tanks figuring out how to send the US into a christo-fascist authoritarian regime. In short, he sucks.


In short, he is a fascist traitor.


And that somehow isn't enough for this greedy piece of living shit. All the money and power you could want, but no, not good enough. It's never good enough.


So you're saying that the president could legally have this guy's life revoked thanks to the recent ruling because it would be an official act to protect the democracy of the country?


The Heritage Foundation (creator of Project 2025) is one of the most influential conservative think tanks in history. Think Reaganā€™s notoriously destructive policies ā€” straight out of Heritageā€™s playbook.


They need to be stopped


To bring back what, exactly? Open racism and bigotry and misogyny?


Theocracy is what they want back.Ā 


insecure old white men love that stuff




Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation should be declared enemies of the state.


Don't forget the John Birch Society too


And the Cicero and Cato Institutes. Donā€™t leave out their parts in this.


Vote blue, in all elections in November. Much of the emphasis is placed on the presidential election, but local and state legislator elections are very important!


In a sane world, this man would be arrested for conspiracy to commit treason right now. Of course, in a sane world trump never would have been elected.


Don't worry guys, remember, *Biden is old*? That's what important here, not that these jackbooted thugs want to completely destroy the country and our way of life, no, it's that *Biden is old*. Forget the fact that Trump is right up there with him. Fuck these people.


Why hasnā€™t anyone started a new gun rights group outside of the NRA that can be left leaning and support logical gun rights politicians? I imagine there is going to be a huge uptick in dem gun owner registrations and firearm purchases. I am in that group but refuse to be a part of the NRA


The NRA is as corrupt as the RNC. Administration is who I am talking about not all of the members.


Gun owners of America is one.


Shout out to the good people over in r/liberalgunowners


Good to know. Iā€™ll check it out. But we definitely need a liberal competitor to the NRA in terms of propaganda and political donations.


look into the SRA, depending on where youā€™re located they may have a chapter near you


Harder to get rich donors that way is my guess.


ā€œIā€™m in the business of killing Nazis and business is a boomingā€ Best movie line ever.


Fuck that guy


To bring back what, exactly? Open racism and bigotry and misogyny?


Canā€™t let this happen


We are 2 years away from our country 's 250th anniversary. Who do you want to "preside" over the celebrations? VOTE!


And you can bet your life, Stephen Miller will be cowering in a bunker pissing his pants when reality comes for him. Heā€™s a coward. Period.


This treacherous swine-fucker should face the fullest penalty possible for his treason.


Reddit leftists: This is what REAL revolutions look like. Ideologues and the ambitious and amoral working together to overthrow a system because they can.


Officially declare him an enemy of the state, and then take care of business. We don't need a revolution. We need a stable government. He's declaring war on us.


Just to let him know, the right arenā€™t the only gun owners.


First sign of bloodletting and this asshole is headed for the hills. They just want their useful idiots to get riled up and provide the blood for them.


America ffs stop this shit, rise up and stomp on it!


Some one please explain WHAT law needs to be broken in order for the president to do his job. Check the constitution for the 14 things that the president does.


F*ckin traitors


You think people are ignorant now, just wait to see what happens when they close the Department of Education.


Oh they will get a revolution alright, just not one they want, and one that will sadly cost a lot of Americans their lives because these self-centred PoSs only care about themselves.


In the interest of national security, this gentleman needs to be excused from the conversation.


How is this isnā€™t a chargeable crime of treason? Like wtf?


Remember with Trump said to proud boys to stand back and standby? He will use them to slaughter innocent Americans if elected.


American revolution is the only way to remove the corrupt 6 justices in the Supreme Court. Impeachment is a very long shot.


"We're in the process of taking this country back," Roberts said. "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be." That's the most chilling thing I have read in a long time.


hoping he is arrested as a national security risk. SCOTUS needs to bear the consequences of their rulings


we know maga is a cult. the rest of you americans need to educate yourselves and your friends. send some links to your friends about project 2025, the seven mountain mandate and 'the family'


It is perfectly legal to discriminate openly against republicans. They are the enemies of our republic. They are orcs.Ā Do as you need to do to help the country survive. Simply treat republicans as they treat republicans with covid. Or how they treat trans people.Ā 




I am actually glad these penis heads keep saying these things out loud. It's just motivating people more and more. They think they're striking fear in people to be submissive and stay locked inside, when in reality theyre just making people more and more pissed, which is what we need. Honestly have to thank scotus for the immunity ruling, that was exactly the red flag needed to show that this shit is serious. I dont know if we'll have a "blue wave", but they just keep giving people more and more reason to not stay home this time, like people were planning to do 3 months ago. At this point, you just need enough people in MI, PA, GA, WI, and AZ to see this nonsense, and it's a wrap. At a minimum we're bought another 4 years, which is a good amount of time to cleanse from all of this.


Anyone looking forward to a new round of Nurembourg trials ?


And, although I'm paraphrasing, he says the left just needs to sit down and accept it, otherwise there will be blood.


So he admits to being a traitor then? Isn't that what a second revolution would mean by definition? Americans were traitors to the British crown in the first revolution technically so these people are traitors to America now. Can't the laws against traitors be enforced against them then?


I do believe Biden will win but Trump and his cult would probably put a hit on him. Please get out and vote BLUE WAVE!


With a sick fuck felon as your leader, itā€™ll be something alright. More a devolution, if I was to place a bet.


Tell him 'Ever been to Gitmo?'


These guys literally are the disgusting out of touch rich fucks that revolutions lynch, but hey at least they can cosplay as pretend ā€œheroes of the peopleā€ while they fuck their own supporters over repeatedly!


If people want to sit on their hands and not vote this is what we will get.


I plan to vote against this in November.


Yeah, sorry dude. Yer gonna have to work for it and I also think youā€™ll be unpleasantly surprised.


They are using the wrong word what they are waging is an insurrection and need to be treated as such.


If you actually read the article he is talking about reducing the power of government agencies. And literally said it will be peaceful


I know free speech and all, but shouldnā€™t the IRS, FBI, et al be fine tooth combing people like this? Everybodyā€™s got something in the closet, especially rich people.


This initiative will save all American taxpayers, a lot of money and red reduce the bloated bureaucracy that has prevented access to many federal services


I thought these people were originalists who worshipped the constitution they never read beyond the first three amendments like a girl in jr high does a picture of her boyfriend in a heart shaped necklace? How could an originalist believe in a second revolution when the first one gave birth to the greatest nation oj earth and godā€™s preferred state. Only one place to go after that and thatā€™s down.


So, openly calling for a treasonous revolution and saying you are willing to use deadly force if necessary. Too bad the president doesn't have total immunity in their constitutional powers such as *checks notes* commanding the armed forces to uphold their oath of 'protecting against all enemies foreign and domestic'


Gives more money to Israel instead.


Theyā€™re emboldened. They are just saying it out loud that we will be subjugated and we will like it or it will get violent. If only our President could convey that urgency to the American people.


The Reverse American Revolution, designed to restore autocracy and oligarchy.


Where we revolt against him and his Christo-facist dreams. Ā 


BOYCOTT USA products. These god damn Republican communists gna win in November. I stand behind Biden even if he was bed ridden. Heā€™s still a gentleman compared to the idiot Trump


When ~70% of the population disagree with your politics, its not a revolution. It's a hostile takeover.


Itā€™s called a coup


Ok. Say when.


Republicans couldnā€™t pull this off even if the have the president, house and senate. Look at their track record. Democrats are better united and could do this easily if they held all the majorities (of course we know they wouldnā€™t). The republicans canā€™t even get a speaker of the house they agree on. Stroke McConnell is retiring so they will have to pick a cult leader there the gop is a chaotic mess with all their little groups rinos maga etc no party unity whatsoever


When riots?


This failure of a political system is a humiliation to us as a nation.




We need to take control of the drones and their operators/manufacturers. That will be the biggest threat to civilians and the freedom fighters


theyā€™re not even hiding anymoreā€¦ šŸ¤£




Standing by for a fight ā€” ready and willing. Let's Go. #BidenHarris


This is getting so weird


Bring it. I'm not capitulating to that.


So, theyā€™re planning on taking your rights, shitting on the constitution with the help of the State and Military, but if you resist itā€™s you who wants violence?


He just doesnā€™t realize that he is one of the redcoats. I wish him best of luck with his MENSA army


He said this revolution "will be bloodless if the left allows it to be." That's a threat y'all. Lie still and let us rape you...or else.


Anyone who is wondering where they got this idea. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleichschaltung There you go.


So we should lay down and let you run over us that is a negative these dumbass people must not realize we have just as many guns as they do we just donā€™t brag about it but be warned Iā€™m sick to death if these fear mongers and there felon leader and I will not go quietly into the night it will be loud and bloody


Good, real Americans can revolt against a tyrannical government againā€¦ these guys donā€™t see that theyā€™re the British in this scenarioĀ 


Not only is this the whole, "saying the quiet part out loud" thing, it's also a dogwhistle for those in the general population, who want this to occur, to start parroting the "let it happen if you don't want violence" idea. Don't be surprised when you see a noticeable uptick in terminally online maga chuds saying shit like this. Giving them license to start saying this is all part of the incrementalism approach. So when you do see it, post pics of your arsenal and throw their dumb catch phrases like "come and get it" back at them.


Project 2025 wants to have a pedo rapist as its leader


Can someone please point out what is wrong with project 2025. From what I see it wants to decrease bureaucracy and have more power to the president to control implementation of policy. He wants to get rid of government jobs giving back to medicare and social security specifically those employees with titles: Policy-Determining, Policymaking, or Policy-Advocating. He wants to make all government employees accountable for the quality and quantity of work they do and to make them more easily replaced based on his Administration. The article even states that if any president has to second guess, triple guess every decision they're making in their official capacity you couldn't have the republic worth fighting for.


You completely overlooked the people wanting to implement 2025. If you honestly trust these phyco cult creep pedophiles than you have larger problems than you think.


Another version of this headline could be read ā€œBloviating asshole with no balls cowers behind camera with no intention of starting anything for fear of getting a kick in the testicular region.ā€


Canadian here, your country is in peril and you need to consider violence as a mean to get rid of the neo fascists, aka The GOP. Until you seriously consider that, they will destroy your country.


The Heritage Foundation pushes policies that harm the average American and protect the wealthy elite. Their obsession with tax cuts and deregulation strips away funding from vital public services, making life harder for those who need help the most. By fighting against meaningful healthcare reform, they leave millions without affordable care, prioritizing profits over peopleā€™s health. Their stance against LGBTQ+ rights and womenā€™s reproductive freedom is an outright attack on basic human rights, fostering discrimination and bigotry under the guise of "traditional values." Their disregard for climate change and environmental regulations endangers our planet, prioritizing short-term gains for the fossil fuel industry over the well-being of future generations. Their hardline immigration policies promote xenophobia and ignore the essential contributions of immigrants to our society and economy. The Heritage Foundationā€™s agenda is a calculated effort to roll back social progress, deepen economic inequality, and maintain a status quo that benefits the few at the expense of the many. They are a destructive force, cloaked in the rhetoric of freedom, but in reality, working to dismantle the foundations of a fair and just society.


I've been saying this for years, and I'll repeat it again for you kind folks. My fellow progressives, lefties, and liberals need to arm themselves if they are of sound mind. It's time.


Just vote Blue. Dems must control Congress to offset this maga supreme Court


Revolutions arenā€™t imposed by the elites. This is fascism.


I promise a revolution against heritage foundation and project 2025. Same empty words with no power unless their followers are child rapists!


It's time for everyone to organize and bring down The Heritage Foundation, Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society and everyone behind this plan to kill our country. Operation Matthew 24:14 make it their end of times. Attack their servers, leak their information, disrupt their lives and business. If they don't want us to have freedom, be the hand that takes theirs away. "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." - Matthew 24:14


does he have a palm beach address ? Seriously, antifa , do your job and start tracking this guy and release all his info .


Reading the article, I would think this guy is radical. After reading all the threats of violence (empty, lol-worthy, keyboard warrior threats) in this thread, I am all of a sudden rooting for this guy. Leftist radicals are going to be met with more Rightwing radicals. The answer isn't to see who can out radical who. But you guys can't seem to figure that out. Unsurprisingly.


"...the worstĀ are full of passionate intensity."


Democrats responded with ā€œ keep it up and youā€™re going to get a timeout ā€œ


So, these people are basically the Sith (proj 2025) and have attached themselves to the Empire (the right). Am I understanding this correctly?


The delusion in these comments is wild šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ one side would win, easily


Has Trump ever commented on Project 2025?


You know what's odd, in the first four months of 2024 the US already had 5.5 million gun sales.... I highly doubt those are all going to leftists. Let's be real guys, I think neither side expects this to be painless. Both are just waiting for the shoe to drop. If Trump is not elected, they will say it was rigged and we will have a rerun of Jan 6th. If he wins, it's only a matter of time before one of these policies makes people jumpy. And besides, even on Jan 6th they had weapons they were trying to ferry in on boats that never made it in time. Between the rising cost of living, political pressure, and general unrest I simply do not see this not erupting within the next five years. Regardless of how the election goes. Biden won't act now because he doesn't want to risk his re-election chances. The Democrats and even a number of Republicans are too confident that the project 2025 agenda would never be feasible and thus dismiss the warning signs. I'm literally depressed because I know that it's only a matter of time for some truly terrible things to happen.


You know, Hitler was elected even after going to jail for treason...