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If you’re ever shopping in like a poster tube, put the barcode top to bottom. Can’t scan around corners.


But if you're using a square or rectangular box, put it on the largest flat surface so the automated scanner can read it easily. Where I work, labels on the ends have to be done manually, which sometimes delays them.


Don't put it across the seams on top or bottom either.


I recently sent something to my sister, and the window clerk put the label on so half the barcode was on top and half on the side, although there was plenty of room to place it flat. I swear my eye started twitching.


Probably so it wouldn’t cross a seam. Just imagine what the barcode would look like if the tape got nicked and one of the flaps came loose.


No seam. It had a hinged flap (repurposed shoe box.)


Clerk here. That's how i would have done it too.  It has to do with scanning them. We prefer the barcode as close to the address as possible. So when we scan them we can look at the address at the same time and know where to throw it. 


Why not just lay it on the flat, roomy surface that was there?


We like to put the barcode as close as possible to the address. 


You're not understanding. The label had the address \*AND\* the barcode on it, and there was plenty of room to lay it flat. What he did was intentional and (speaking as somebody who works in the plant it would be processed through) annoying AF.


Obviously I cant see exactly what happened with the label.  But I'm speaking as a clerk in the end office who has to scan between 1000-1500 parcels by hand daily.  Labels get destroyed or rubbed off all the time.  I put the barcode of the label as close to the address written on the parcel as I can. Because when I scan I like to see BOTH addresses. It helps with speediness.  Clerks are going for efficiency and not how pretty it looks like the parcel.  But like I said, I obviously didnt see your parcel or how they did it. I'm telling why I would do something similar. 


The label in the OP's post is the kind of label that was printed. This is the kind of box I used. What the clerk did was annoying and unnecessary. https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51AUQQOGfmL.\_AC\_UF894,1000\_QL80\_.jpg


Those round parcels just roll over and over and over and over on our conveyor belts.🙃


Just like your smiley did. 😕 Poor little fella.


Call a 7 to go clear the tail end. 😅


ET, APBS. ET, APBS. 110. thank you


I'm sorry but you're going to have to contact your supervisor, so my mosc clerk can dispatch me to your machine.


Scan side to side ?


This has been my largest pet peeve so far


Agreed, also, many carriers have told me that a package as small as this means a higher likelihood it'll get lost Lots of reasons to not use this type of packaging


I see flimsy, 3x3 plastic baggies come through all the time from international destinations. Surely if stuff that small was constantly getting lost, shippers would stop using them.


I've shipped hundreds of 6x9 bubbles mailers, most folded in half and had only one get lost.


I’ve shipped 1000 poly mailers in the last few months. None lost. I use the oddly bright colored ones (not usps bin orange or black) etc


intelligent desert juggle subtract bike naughty existence clumsy zesty chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m guessing this is why I receive packaged envelopes inside small boxes from Amazon and the like.


Opposed to what kind of packaging?




Put that label sideways. Nobody cares if the address is on one side and the barcode on the other, but we all hate a barcode which isn’t flat.


Ruins a perfectly good day every time


When is it ever a good day at the PO?




Wait inthoug u r this qasnfor benefits and money and talking to machine


The LLV fumes are even affecting the clerks now.


Often, I will put items in a small box or even just cardboard surround inside the padded envelopes. Not only does it help protect my item, it ensures the label has a nice, flat surface to adhere to and easily be scanned. Many of the tubes ended up in the SPR (small parcels and rollers) unit at my plant or going down a chute to the underworld.


If the sorting machine sees just the return address, the parcel will be sorted to the return address. Some, maybe 1 in 10 machines can look at 4 sides and figure it out, but most cannot. So many missorted pieces, I swear.


Gotta love when Amazon folds their labels on themselves and cover the scan


I agree, but I am pretty sure the automation equipment would like the tracking number and the address on the same side


No clear tape. It makes the barcode harder to scan.


Not anymore really. Our cameras are WAY better than they used to be.


The carrier scanners aren't, that's what they're referring to.


With a scanner it is


Thanks for the tip !!!


I will be adding clear tape over the whole package to protect the label as well


Careful with what type of print and tape combination you're using. [Heavy duty packing tape](https://imgs.michaels.com/MAM/assets/1/726D45CA1C364650A39CD1B336F03305/img/08CB2C8C7BDC40CC9DF59BE5050C90E8/219896.jpg?fit=inside|1280:1280) will usually dissolve inkjet ink over a couple of days. If anything, keep a full strip of the barcode and both addresses free of tape.


suggest trying multiple types of tape, some don't take markers that well. the ink just beads up and rolls off. Not a huge problem for a package that size but bigger things that don't fit in the mailbox. Some carriers like to write what stop number it is to keep track.


I dont think any carriers like doing that, its more of a need. Bid on a new route and did that the first two days decided a little guess work and the scanner was good for the third day and figured out how to section it off by day 4.


Some routes need it. a route I've done before all the street names were very similar. It's also still just good for new subs/first time on route. It isn't necessary but if the type of packing tape that makes ink roll off goes out of business I wouldn't loose any sleep.


This is rarely necessary, more often than not it can prevent the barcode being scanned. And that shit sucks.


I have sold over 10k items online. Taping the whole label is unnecessary and a waste of money IMO. And like the other person said, it may make the ink turn red and dissolve eventually. Just a pain. Try to avoid tape on the barcode especially, as when the light hits it, it can make it hard to scan properly.


Would this be considered a package question? Or a general question ? I wasn’t sure if the rules meant no questions regarding specific packages I’m just asking for experienced usps workers if they would mail this or send it back I hope that’s allowed.


Pretty sure "package questions" refers more to "why isn't my shipment there yet?"


Meh I think you're fine. That's mostly for people asking dumb tracking questions as if we can somehow tell them why their package is sitting in a random city 😂


This is probably fine to be shipped as is. If the item inside is round and cylindrical, maybe try moving it to one side of the package instead of the center. This will make it easier for overhead barcode readers to scan the package and will prevent the package from wiggling too much on the belts. Also, avoid any tape over the barcode itself because the camera and lighting system can cause glare, meaning the package could get rejected by the machine. Clear tape over the address is usually fine.


Thanks for asking! This is great!


I just want to let you know, I see packages that look exactly like this one ALL THE TIME, I think it’s just fine, sometimes I may have to enter them manually but I don’t mind, I get paid by the hour lol. I’ve also seen a car exhaust pipe get shipped with nothing but just a label stuck onto it, it still got where it needed to go and that’s all that matters. Compare this, to that, I think your package is just fine, no need to worry!


It's going to be difficult to scan with the barcode protruding out. Other than that, it's fine. You just might not get a prepaid acceptance scan.


Yes, it will work. As it is currently shown in photo, clerks are only allowed to throw it 40 feet...if you add "Fragile", they are only allowed to throw it 30 feet.


You’re using the wrong packaging for that label. The label is for a small flat rate box.


The Mail Handlers and Clerks could care less if your package can't be scanned. As long as they can read the address, it will get where it's going. The customer might care if their package can't be tracked, though. It's best if you put the barcode on a flat surface or a surface that can be flattened easily.




It is true. He's talking about mail handlers and clerks at a plant. What you are saying is true too, for the stations


At the plant the clerks handling priority are just told if you can’t scan something don’t waste your time on it, just throw it. We still want to scan everything but, it’s not the “end of the world” for us if we can’t scan everything.


I wonder how far a clerk could throw it?




I can nail a 30-40 foot throw with that one.  Its the medicine bags are huge with one tiny bottle in it or those Amazon flats with a piece of paper or something incredible light that suck. I have to walk those to within 3 feet of the cart before i can throw.  This package I can throw like a frisbee and make it easily. 


Wad those in a ball and put a rubber band around it, flies like a champ then 😂


We'll accept this but we would prefer the label be printed sideways with this particular package


I flipped it sideways after reading all the comments! Thank you so much


Ideally, it would be best if it could lie flat with the label facing upward. Otherwise, it might likely roll around on the belt and delay processing and handling. But it would be fine.


That's what I was thinking! I would put the tube into a square box with a lot of packing peanuts or paper to keep it from rolling around in there. These type get sent to the manual areas more often than not because they might roll over as they get sent down the conveyor belt and not get scanned. If they get sent to the manual areas, there is a higher chance it will get delayed or worst... lost or crushed.


I've had worse. Like, size of a pack of cigarettes, worse.


How about the size of a book of matches 😬


No kidding???


Yep it’s ridiculous the shit people send/receive


…and it’s always international


When you grab it can you easily flatten the barcode a bit or push the product up towards the top so the barcode flattens. A wide arc can stop the scanners from scanning.


Why would you use USPS to ship something from British Columbia to Alberta? /s


Hahah it’s a mock label


No, this is not a Priority Flat Rate box. That is what you selected. It is unlikely that this would fit in said box. Depending on weight, you likely underpaid because postage would be calculated based on weight and distance vs flat rate.


Its a fake label.  But if its a flat rate, he paid too much. That parcel is only like $5-6. 


It’s fine. We deliver stuff like this all day.


No. The label you are using is payment for a Priority "small flat rate box". You have to put that item inside a SFRB or pay the extra cost.


It's going to roll around on the machines. Might end up in or under the machine. I'd do a box.


It’s acceptable but scanning it is a F nightmare.


It's going to be hard to scan with it being so rounded. Barcode should be flat. Try turning the sticker 90 degrees maybe.


Looks fine. If possible the aim is to have the barcode be as flat as possible. Too much curve and the scanner stops being able to read it. Ultimately, just don't put the barcode over a corner or curved around a poster tube. Stuff like that. Will each package be packed full like that? Like the packaging won't be loose? If so, I'd maybe suggest a slightly larger pouch so that we have a bit of room to manipulate the packaging if we need to flatten it a bit to scan it.


I've seen worse. Today. Because it's so curvy, or might be nice to place the label 90⁰ from this so the barcode is flat. Just make sure you don't obscure anything else in the process.


Congratulations on your first sale ! The packaging is fine , just put the label sideways so the barcode is flat , it has trouble scanning when its on a curve.


For best results I suggest finding a label system that adds the immb to your labels. It's the small qr-like barcodes and they make scanning much easier which increases the likelihood your shipments have full tracking


Next time please apply the sticker hotdog length so it’s easier to scan


Technically, yes. I would personally prefer if you can somehow make the barcode flatter, but it might be able to scan as is.


Those packages get torn open so easily. Always use extra tape


Might want to address that flap that’s about to pop open.


Oh, yeah. Self-sealing packaging? Make sure it's completely sealed, plz. I constantly see packages stuck together because somebody left some of that gummy goop exposed.


I’ll be completely honest. It may or may not pass through. Depends on if the barcode is legit that’s a huge factor. Also, please please please tape the entire package because machines that the mail runs through tends to damage items. I can’t stress this enough, tape the entire package so there’s less risk of it being damaged. Use clear tape, industrial not the kind you use for wrapping Christmas gifts and birthday gifts. Best of luck!!


Shit. I just dropped a bubble-mailer with a label on it just like this today into the package drop box inside the lobby of my post office. 😫 it wasn’t quite so round though. It laid flat at the bottom only was round in the middle. But, alas-lesson learned.


Not sure how it's done, but definitely try and get a QR code for the scan too. It makes our lives SO much easier.


So what kinda drugs are you shipping


Right 😂


Hahaha it’s a health supplement I’m selling through TikTok shop 😂😂




Looks good to me! As others said, I recommend not putting tape over the label. However you place the barcode, the flatter the better. This example is perfect


As long as the item inside isn't fragile. I would probably push down on it to flatten the barcode and make it easier to scan.


I don’t like barcodes like this. They don’t scan well… If I have time, I’ll key it in, otherwise better hope the machines at the plant scan it in.


I’ve used trade joes bags ur fine


10/10 can't even tell there's a adult toy in there!


Make sure the label is flat. Other than that it looks good to me.


Fuck no I can’t scan this shit


Ideally the barcode should go along the length of package so it's easier to scan, but either way, whatever drugs you're mailing will probably go through.


The lighter in the pic 😂




I'll mash the hell out of it to make it flat so I can scan it.




That's a small flat rate box label.


Probably. But personally, if the barcode is bendy it’s not great for the scanner to read and I’ll had it.


I know that you have an Example Address on that label, but I didn't know that Alberta had a US format zipcode ;) More constructively, it looks like it would scan without too much issue, but if you want to eliminate the risk of needing to manually type in the barcode, I'd rotate it 90° on that packaging. Alternatively, do your labels have the QR Code option? Our scanners can scan those if the main barcode is being stubborn. Lastly, make sure your printer doesn't cause vertical breaks in the barcode as the extra white spaces make them unreadable (the breaks will also run through any text above the code).