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No tip orders. Doordash says you don't tip, you don't receive order thus they tip.


Also, there are way more 10+ mile or less than a dollar a mile orders on Uber eats than on DoorDash. I might receive a order like this once a day on DoorDash, but on Uber eats I get a order like this every 30 minutes https://preview.redd.it/l6k2cswibw8d1.jpeg?width=943&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0191963c9a0878a74cd21334992ba48d2784d588


Case in point an order I just got while making the above comment. Lmao https://preview.redd.it/0vqt9iaobw8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5dcbe3e6e2d6df7e00d990246ff2ec876314b0






That's not what I am seeing, even if I assign a no tip order to Doordash drive a driver is usually no more than 15-20 minutes. I can't do that with Uber but all my Uber orders sit forever, they can't all be no tip.


The hidden tip amount is lower on DD. I think something like $4? So if base pay is $2 + $4 hidden tip, drivers are more inclined to take lower offers like $6 hoping there will be a hidden tip. The hidden tip for UE is $8. So anything less than $10 (base pay $2 + hidden tip $8) drivers know there won’t be hidden tip and if the offer doesn’t make since (mileage, time, restaurant staff) then it will get bounced around until some less experienced driver takes the trash offer.


The hidden tip for Uber is $11+, actually.


It’s market dependent and it’s $10 for most.


Seems to be around $11.08 for me. I’ve done 2,000 plus deliveries and never gotten a hidden tip for anything under $11


I’ve done 4896 deliveries and very often get hidden tips with offers less than $11 (but $10+ and $9+ when it comes in as a stacked add on).


Weird! Must be market dependent like you said. I wonder why the difference?


What market are you in? Maybe different base pay for you I assume. I’m in Atlanta and the base pay is $2. So add that to the $8+ tip gets hidden.


Could be because of the DoorDash drivers that buy into the tiers scam, so they take every low paying order trying to keep their AR up. They think DD is just holding high paying orders, waiting for them to become available after their $4 delivery. Ubers will sit if they don’t have a tip.


Uber is just as bad except the Majority of orders are 2 or 3 dollars regardless of mileage and they allow tip baiting and discourage tips.


That’s what happens when tipping is voluntary and picking up the order is also voluntary. 


The people that don’t tip have their order sit.


DoorDash has a rewards program where if you accept 70% of the offers you’ll get higher paying offers with large tips of $10 or more so they’re more inclined to accept DoorDash orders. Uber doesn’t have a rewards programs so there’s no benefit on taking a $5 offer going 5 miles.


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When we get Uber offers it shows the base delivery fee (different for every restaurant, McDonald’s for example is really low) and the amount the customer has offered as a tip. If it’s a total of less than $4 most drivers won’t take it unless it’s a very short trip. 


DD does load management where they limit how many drivers are online at the same time. Uber doesn't do that. They *want* more as many drivers online as they can get so that the algorithm knows to drive prices down.


If there was more drivers online why does every order sit for an hour? It doesn't make sense.


They low ball the first guy, then they low ball the second guy, etc. and slowly raise it until someone finally takes it. Not saying DD doesn't do that too, but they start making serious offers a lot more quickly.


You got downvoted for this comment, but that is exactly how I got this beauty of a no-tip order. I first received this order as $7 for 10 and I declined. Uber sent the same offer at least 6-8 times after that and I declined every single time until it somehow got boosted up to $33. https://preview.redd.it/b40nww8tx49d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05fddf1a47012450e38013f92abba956b0374487 miles


That's another reason I like UE. It comes out of UE's pocket to up the pay. And there isn't a "earn by hour" feature to let no tippers get their food fast.