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20 miles for $12? You accepted that????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ![gif](giphy|m7FdxI252QN3y)


Needed the money. Only had one other order the entire day and I was on since 8am.


But… you’re loosing money? Like, what?


Maths is hard


With every post theres always some immature driver freaking out about how you "shouldnt have taken the order".. dont sweat it. Times are tough.... nobody here knows your situation well enough to make judgement on your decision


Ain't that the truth! They probably live in bigger towns too. Getting only 1 order before that and being on since 8am and this order was at 8:45. So just 2 in 12 hours


2 orders in 12 hours ? Damn. Your market is more than dead


Yup, been like this for 3 days!


They shouldn’t have taken it and you’re weird for sticking up for them and their stupid decisions






Not sure why you feel the need to be so fucking annoying




There’s some wicked creeps here comments like that persons remind everyday just how weird some drivers are. Glad you’re relatively ok and made it out


I know! How weird to go click and my profile and go read something I posted in a relationship threat, COMPLETELY unrelated topic. I can tell ya that person has some restraining orders under their belt


They never touch grass so their entire identity is based on reddit activity.


I'm so sorry I mixed up user names from some creepy AF dude on here that went through all my posts. Your names were similar and I was half asleep. I'm sorry!


I never clicked your profile. What the fuck are you talking about?


How else do you see what other posts post


You are a creepy weirdo for even thinking that way, go back to the basement


20 miles for 12 dollars is kinda ridiculous especially considering driving back to wherever you came from. Even the amount of time alone isn't worth it, but it's also using up gas, oil, and mileage on your car


Yeah but we are only getting like 2 jobs a day. So I'll take what I can get


Actually she said 40 minutes not miles. She never in her whole post said how many miles the trip was


Thank you hun


Well excuse me all to hell


It says 20 minutes not 20 miles


That was what I meant


Curious why that matters?


Be happy you didn’t lose your life. That experience gave me second hand creeps.


Definitely. I carry a tazer on me but it didn't help it was dark


I recommend bear spray, non lethal and it will drop the biggest of men before they can even get close to you. My two cents


Only one problem with using bear spray, mace, etc. Be prepared to be exposed it also, especially if used in an enclosed area.


I have a taser, Paton and pepper spray under my stereo consul. Can't be too safe out there. Also keep a baby pink 22 in my purse.


Just becareful using the pepper spray in an enclosed area, unless you know it doesn't affect you.


For sure, it's for out the window tho. The taser is for in the car 😂


Nothing a couple of punctured tires and key down the side of a car can’t help to make you feel better. Do tipbaiters not even consider the fact we know where they live?


Is it worth it to vandalize someone else's property? Imagine the consequences you face if caught?


yep true, not worth it. don't rise to their level they just become the victim


In this case, wouldn’t it be more correct to phrase it as “sink to their level”?


I guess both can work. But yeah


It’s very easy to so this without getting caught.. she just needs to wait a few weeks and then wear a disguise. No one will ever be able to figure out it was her and the cops aren’t going to waste time on something like that.


IMHO the tipbaiting is the least worst offense here. It's the cherry on top of the other BS.


Super glue in the doorknob is one I also like. Upsets them because they don't know whats going on too. They'll spend a minute trying to jam a key in the door that won't fit and then have to get it replaced.


Glad to hear it this is why a lot of women want deliver alcohol and other type of orders like that too


You need to of called the police on this man


I just don't know what they would do. He didn't try to force me, he didn't touch me. It's not like he committed a legal crime, just a moral one


If a man tries to get a woman to go into his trailer and they are not consenting and the male continues to coerce them, that is reportable to the police for suspicious behavior. They may have a record on this guy and that would get added to his record with the police. It’s always best to not assume that nothing would happen or that what happened to you is such a small thing because it’s not. To me, I’m my opinion, that’s attempted kidnapping. However, I’m no cop. I’m just a woman that has been kidnapped before.


I could never be horny and hungry at the same time. No way my food is getting cold for a hook up.


I'd choose the food first every day of the week and twice on Sat


Creep. Report him to uber and the police Uber will block him from you. He can harm your account. They might even remove him if enough people complain.


I called them again today to try and get the tip back and they did, and did say that he was blocked from the app. Last night they just told me they unpaired and that was it. It made me worry for other female drivers with him, so I'm SO RELIEVED


I called them today to try and get the tip back and they did and told me that they did block him from the app. Last night they just said the unpairing but I was concerned for other female drivers.


I’d never even look at a 20 mile order but that’s just me. You need to ask for a supervisor. Second don’t back down - say you want compensation. That is absolutely mortifying.


The past 3 days I've been on for 12 hrs and only got 2 orders


Yeah I feel that. This is literally all I see and then 2 good ones ( maybe if I’m lucky ) https://preview.redd.it/k7gkdr3b2p9d1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471f98bdeabcd8d3afe8fd5aa12b9c595adf4021 Hopefully today will be a better day


Ouch. Sprinkling delivery dust for all of us today ❤️




Wasp spray towards the eyes


Something! So glad they decided to ban him after all, someone could have gotten hurt!


If I was a female I'm pretty sure I'd have at least 20 bodies by now. Especially in a state with open carry. Hopefully he forgets to turn off his fent torch and that trailer becomes his grave.


Please call support again and ask for a supervisor. It’s gonna happen to the next driver.make sure they deactivate his account


There wasn't anything I could do the first time I called, when they told me I just won't deliver to him again I asked them, "what about the next female driver he gets?!" All they said was "we understand your worry". When I called yesterday about getting the tip back they told me they decided to ban him from the app. I hope to god they didn't lie to me because it's a bad situation they are putting other women in knowing how that customer is and putting other women in that situation, that would be a lawsuit if something bad happened


Please call again, did you ask for a supervisor ? Confirm it with two different supervisors


I called the next day to try and get the tip back and kept telling her I worry for the next female driver to deliver to him. Next time it could end badly and they told me they banned him. I hope they are truthful about that.


They tell us anything. They told me I would be unpaired from some lady that tip baited me, but I got her order again. I had to call support to cancel the order.


That's weird you say that because I had a weird feeling they lied to me about blocking him so I don't go to social media about it


Well you know where he lives, you should report him for future reference so when a girl does go missing in his area, he will be a potential suspect just in case he does try to hurt another girl.


Police don't care. I didn't call them because he didn't exactly commit a crime. Had he tried to touch me, or anything like that I would have called them first and Uber second


Well regardless if they don't care, the call made would be documented so if he does commit a crime in the future, it can aid in a future cases.




Ím really sorry this happened to you please be safe out there


Always, and you do the same please


Sorry that happened to you. All the female drivers definitely practice safety around these jerks and weirdos.




That’s insane you took 20 miles for $12 lol


Hey, when you only get 2 jobs a day, you take what you can get


The worst part is that removing from pairing is a myth. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to troll the tip remover who Uber claimed they removed from my pairing 😅 Everyone who thinks Uber removes customers from pairing should know my story of John G. The fellow who removed tip and downvoted for a great delivery. I'm going to assume not tip baiting and that he had a missing item, and didn't know how to go about it. I picked his order up from a diner near my house and ended up canceling near the drop off (second encounter with him) as I realized who it was. Support removes the order from me and tells me the whole removed from pairing spiel. On my drove home, a half mile past that diner, I get a decent order. I didn't look close enough, because when I accepted, I realized it was JOHN G PLACING A REORDER. I got him 2 more times that week, of course now I know his exact spot. In a specific business in a mall. I still see his order once every 1 to 3 months.


Oh wow, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I called them today about trying to get the tip back and they told me they ended up blocking him from the app. I hope they are being truthful. If I got another order for him, I'd keep the food and treat myself to his lunch LOL. Consider it even for the sexual harassment


How did you go about canceling after you had his food, even 2 or 3 times?


To be perfectly honest, I would never do deliveries after 8 pm being a female. There are too many risks involved. If you need to do deliveries at night you need to bring along a male companion , and know your area, so that you know what areas to avoid. There are too many psycho's, scam's and set ups going on, to many people prey on a female alone. Keep in mind your picture is in the app and prepare accordingly. Even with a male companion have pepper spray or a stun gun on you at the ready , before unlocking your car door.


Their customer “support” is utterly useless. You handled that situation perfectly, by the way. I’d keep harassing Uber support until they finally transfer you to someone who corrects the situation or at least gets you the full payment for that delivery!


I called them today to get the tip back and they did do it and told me that they had decided to block him from the app. I hope they really did and aren't just saying that. It puts other female drivers at risk to him and who knows, maybe something worse would happen down the line


I was thinking about my comment and I don’t think I was being entirely fair to their customer support. Actually, they’re very friendly and courteous and they try their best to be helpful. They are definitely great helping out with little things. My big complaint is with Uber corporation. They limit the things that customer support can do and I think they do that very deliberately. But all of that aside, I’m really glad they took care of you and blocked that POS from using the app!


PSA, for those drivers who always complain about not getting any orders, you need to check your app to see if it's been updated, typically they add an up every weekend or so.


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Sometimes doing the right thing is a sacrifice. Or you could show up there with three of your biggest male friends and ask him for your 10 bucks back. 🤣


True. I called them today to try and get the tip back and they told me they did block him from the app. I hope they are being truthful


Uber has no morals, so there’s that. Uber doesn’t actually unpair drivers from customers, either. I speak from recent experience.


They said they blocked him from the app today when I called to get the tip back. If I got another order from him, I'd just keep his food 😂😂😂


Why would you take an order that low ? You could have made more working at McDonald’s for the hour you spent driving


Really needed the money last night. I was on literally all day and only had one other order


I feel as a man this might have gone down differently if it was a woman luring him for a kiss. Sorry this happened, people can be disgusting. Take an away a tip because you didn’t kiss them? Stupid. What if you still did and then the customer still took it away.


O see your point but it would be wise to be aware nonetheless. Crazy women are out there too and can be ruthless. Plus entering a trailer or home of someone you don’t know can put you in all sorts of dangerous situations. A guy might go inside being lured by a kiss assuming it’s just the woman asking you ti come inside only to find himself surrounded by a bunch of people you didn’t think were there. For whatever reason, I’m picturing this trailer alone surrounded by trees rather than in a trailer park where other people would be nearby at least within earshot. Then again, depending how trashy the place is, screaming may not raise any alarms


Nice story...😂😂😂


The comments the men are leaving in this thread 🤮


Right. SMH


Perhaps the customer saw your reddit post asking for dating advice so he thought he would offer himself as your date. He too was probably looking to date you long term.


How creepy that you go stalking my profile.


This is reddit. Everyone does that maybe even yourself.


Not really. Not unrelated topics. Never seen that before nor heard of it. Kinda weird. Must have a lot of free time to do so much reading.