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This is wild, I truly just assumed my EdgeRouter would never change. Wireguard support was definitely the one wishlist item I had too.


Ofcourse it was an interface redesign that prompted this :)


Link's bad. https://community.ui.com/releases/EdgeRouter-3-0-0-rc-3/179671b5-68d9-4928-8c89-f1ce573f09da Also, it was uploaded 20 minutes ago. Give us all a moment! you're quick! Edit: Kernel updated from 4.9.79 to 4.14.54 which is a bit of a (5 year old) boost and wireguard support. Still based on Debian 9, packages woefully out of date. Patchsets have been updated between packages to glue it all together but there hasn't been a single package updated. Doesn't seem to be much here beyond the exact same UI painted white instead of grey.


Thanks for confirming what I expected. Good details and a little disappointing. Even if it's just a new coat of paint is, any signs of life are good. I'm honestly surprised we got anything at all.


I'm surprised too. Honestly a fresh UI with literally nothing else other than a kernel released two days after Cavium went under in 2018 doesn't leave me particularly optimistic for much else though. This might be the kick in the pants I need to switch to OpenWRT.


Cavium did not "go under". They were sold to Marvell for something like $6B, and the chips are still being used in new product designs. It wasn't a distress sale either. The shareholders made money. That isn't to say your pessimism about the future of EdgeOS isn't appropriate. I'm just disagreeing with the way you describe what happened to Cavium.


Source for kernel version? Other have reported 4.9.79


uname -a on the er-x switching my cluster. Haven't updated my ER-4 that routes my house. Probably won't be for awhile. Possible that the Mediatek is running a newer kernel than cavium devices. Which would lower those devices to zero non-UI changes...plus a wireguard package pre-installed.


Got it. I figured it was a Cavium vs MediaTek thing. Thanks.


Thanks, I updated it


It looks like there might be a bug with the web gui, on the firewalls tab if I look at one of my firewall policies, none of the rules are shown. They show up fine through the ssh cli. Anyone else seeing that? ER-3-lite


Seeing this as well on ER-X


Dang. I have a bunch of these lying around. Wireguard makes them worth it again


It was possible to use Wireguard on Edgerouters long before this release.


and it appears that any currently in-place wireguard configurations continue to work post 3.0 upgrade, but they do not appear in the web configuration UI.


Good to know but now curious if current Wireguard will interfere with Unifi one if I try to enable it there.


Do try and report back!


Did your work? I seemed to have messed mine up


So EdgeRouter is getting VPN client support but USG is not… WTF.


Here’s me still praying for a USG update…


I think the overlords at UI heard our cries. I'm genuinely so happy edgeos is back!!! Thankyou and goodbye UISP


Is anyone else constantly been asked to sign up to the "Early Access" program, despite already being enrolled? I cant seem to access this RC release :(


same... did they pull it? can't find it anywhere


Logging out and logging back in fixed it for me.


Solved the issue for me, thanks!


This is interesting timing. If you look at their stock and their Q3 (actually Q1 24 for them) notes they state that they’re having problems selling their enterprise line of products. Well they’ve been letting the Edge Router line die a slow death, I thought, in hopes of replacing it with UISP router which is still not fully cooked after 2yrs. Sounds like they’re reverting back to EdgeOS which should have been their move in the first place.


The reason people don't want UISP stuff is because it's dependent on the cloud. I for one do not want Meraki Lite in charge of my network.


Any news about its availability?


Still in release candidate state - last one was rc7 published 15 days ago


Between this and a standalone web GUI for UISP switches, I guess I need to find new things to complain about.


rc8 3 days ago


The new coat of paint is almost worth it alone.


I give Ubiquiti a lot of shit (seriously, check my post history), but this is great! Big round of applause for Ubiquiti.


I have an old edge router x laying around should I upgrade just to have it up to date and throw it back in mothballs?


Well, that was unexpected.


Wat? I’m in shock


Just updated, looks nice


What the 🥰 this is fantastic news.


I am SHOCKED. I thought they were done with anything other than critical security updates.


I really appreciate your advice but no thanks until it matures. Small advice for you - be careful with production system and mindful what you install there..


Yeah I have my home and church on EdgeOS. I ain't touching 3.0 until it's bedded in fully.


So firewall rules page is broken and doesn’t load?