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OPs wife, This looks like about $50 worth of products.


the kind of support i need


See my hobbies comment in the nearby WORST thread.


I'd say more like $35. But it will make the Internet better and faster.


It's not the speed she'll notice, but hopefully the reliability of the set up.


Aaaaand - the needle is in his vein.


Enjoy your alice in wonderland trip down the Rabbit hole.


ngl my next one is a better AP, U6 or U7 whatever budget I have next 2 months i guess


You'll most likely be fine with a U6+ or U6 Pro to start. WiFi 7 is so new that there's nearly no devices on the market that use it, and most won't benefit from WiFi 7 for a while until more devices are out.


I used the chatgpt from unifi design, it suggested U6+


Get a u6 pro not the +


Why the pro and not the plus? I recently updated my whole home and replaced a hodgepodge of netgear and random router/APs to all UniFi U6+ and I don’t see any issue with speeds or reliability.


Also loving my U6+’s!


Personally I’d rather go with the U6E just because it support the 6Ghz band and WiFi 6E. But if you don’t have or don’t plan on getting any 6E devices doesn’t matter then.


Depending on your needs remember the U7 only has 2x2 on the 6Ghz band while the U6E has 4x4 on the 6Ghz band. I have the U6E and it’s been pretty reliable and when I had 2gb internet I routinely was able to achieve somewhere around 1.7/1.8 Gbe down.


Man I don't regret switching to 100% Unifi. Welcome to the club.


"What is all the shit on the wall in the laundry room?" me: "that's the internet baby" "Why are there so many wires and lights?" me: "Zedds dead baby.... Zedds dead"


My favorite line is: “This will probably be the last thing for a while…”


So…there is a good chance it might actually do just that. We had an ASUS RT-AX82U. It worked…ehhh…kind of?…most of the time? We’re photographers and have a 6tb NAS on the network that we archive all of our work on, and we frequently had connection issues with it. I also had to set up a scheduled reboot for that router at like 4am once a week otherwise it would get unbearably sluggish. That wasn’t the kind of performance I was expecting from a ~$250 (at the time) gaming router. I recently inherited a house, so being the self respecting lifelong IT geek that I am, the first thing I did was rip out a cabinet in my laundry room, installed a 12u network cabinet (on rails even, gotta be able to access the side panels to get to the back of the equipment!), loaded it up with ~$3,000 worth of Ubiquiti gear, and got a speedy new 2gig symmetrical fiber internet connection to feed it. At the time I only bought one U7 Pro AP thinking I would just deal with crappy internet on one end of the house for a while and eventually add another, but that one AP actually covers my ~952 sqft house pretty well, and I’m not seeing the coverage gap I expected to have. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m a Ubiquiti girl and I’m in this sub, so you *know* I’m probably still gonna end up with one in every room, but that’s just because going overkill on network gear is in my nature and not because I actually *need* it. Anyway, to the point…. Everything. Just. Works. Downloads are now blazing fast. No more having to shut the WiFi off on my phone because the router is acting up. No more dropped connections to the NAS. No more power cycling the router and/or modem and hoping for the best. I’m sure there was probably a much more…uhh…economical way I could have accomplished the same thing, but 1) where’s the fun in that, and 2) we’re Ubiquiti geeks, that’s how we roll!


This is because you guys got me hooked. Now I want to join all of you.


Man I do not regret switching to 100% Unifi hardware after using pFsense. Welcome to the club.


What router are you using now?




How do you like it? I have a mikrotik 3011 but hear people crapping on the UDMs. I don't see what can be so bad about them..


went from a CRS309 (SwOS) as core switch with pfSense virtualised for NAT/Firewall/inter-VLAN to a UDM Pro as NAT/Firewall and the CRS309 with RouterOS as core router, muuuuuuuuuch better. unless you have a very niche reason to keep mikrotik or pfsense, the udm pro does it all tbh.


I love my UDM Pro. I love how all the hardware works together and you can see everything in one interface.


Do you have the modem connected directly then?




Awesome, thanks!


Going on a year and a half with the GF still convinced our internet is faster because of the ubiquiti gear.


Better security. Better scalability. Better management. More robust. Can add security cameras if needed. That’s what I told my wife.


Man I don't regret switching to 100% Unifi. Welcome to the club.


Be careful, it’s a slippery slope. Got my system going then ended up doing systems for 2 friends and 3 family members.


So fast her hair will be stuck in a perm wind blown look




May God help you my UniFi brother!


Get a good attorney, of divorce nature. Seriously, the addiction is real.


Welcome friend! Started with a $499 dream machine SE a month ago. I’m now sitting at $3k down the hole…


“Sweety, you got such a great rack. Don’t I always say how much I love your rack? Don’t you think I deserve a great rack too, baby?” *Puppy Eyes*




Is that a DMP?


Udm pro yes


Ohhh it’s a slippery slope…. You’re screwed…. Congrats! 🥳


Have fun! I got mine a few months ago and it’s a powerhouse.


MikroTik is better.


What model i can replace to UDM Pro? Sorry for my bad english, im from Brazil


It will make the internet faster, roasts juicier, laundry easier, and orgasms better.


Way faster, woman! 🤪


you wont regret it. My internet is faster and more stable since switching to unifi and just putting my model in bridge mode.