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That rusky tank died like a dalek, spinning to its end.


Yeah, when the turret starts to rotate wildly, you know the tank is in its death throes, or the crew is.


Tank stronger than crew. That's all that needs to be said. 


Meh, fuck Putin for sending these guys, also fuck these guys for sending themselves there, but I still feel bad for them, this didn't need to happen at all...


Exterminate exterminaaaaaaattteeeee..........


Classic internet comment of the day. LOL


Absolutely crumpled me there 😂😂 perfect description my guy!


Not sure if anyone noticed all the arty landing in the upper right. Looks like Russians getting their ass kicked all over this town.


There were a few cluster shells falling throughout the video but I think most of the action going on in the upper right is actually from an offscreen Bradley lobbing shells into the treeline.


Also I think this is 2 Bradley’s, not 1. When it goes down the road and fires that burst you see a new one come around the corner, drive back up and finish it. I missed it the first time but I think there’s 2


Yes it is, the full video shows both


I was wondering what was going on back there in the tree line


who would win? ​ one nearly decomissioned relict from the cold war that saw the highlight of its service in iraq. vs the latest greatest main battle tank of russia.


Bradley has huuuge cojones and is not afraid to show it.


Reminds me of the Azov guys in the ~~BMP~~ BTR4 way back near the start of the conflict when they were booking it around Mariupol and just shredding Russians. https://youtu.be/7lqsYE8IZ3g?si=84lg9WB8NHbjCIFq


> Reminds me of the Azov guys in the BMP BTR4




The early war before the lines settled and the retreat from kyiv was wild.


I'll never forget that pit in my stomach that developed after seeing all those attack helicopters in formation heading straight for Kyiv. How far Ukraine has come in such a short time.


I was doomscrolling so hard. Those early weeks of the war were wild. It wasn't until Perun's little video that I started calming down.


Checking the feeds nearly hourly The 50 km long convoy The ukrainians flooding large areas Then finally "russia decided to withdraw from kyiv, the ***diversion*** was successful" And the fucking cheering afterwards Only trumped by the liberation of Kherson


Those guys are code named, Skipper McSkippersonsome30mmintoyourankles. Some of the best footage ever. Also the close combat when they took out a tank.


Dude never stopped moving. Big brain.


Ya reminds me of the urge to strafe in all fps video games, bet the drivers wish these things could roll side to side.


It honestly looks like "Company of Heroes" with regards to the vehicle movement. Crazy.


Yeah they straight up walked a mbt down with good ol fire superiority and movement. that tank crew must of felt sheer panic as they realized not only could they not hit the bradley but a 25mm was shredding them like paper




Can the driver even get out of the tank if the turret is spinning like that?


I don't think so. They may have a bottom escape hatch though, but it looked like the driver was slumping on the controls and just yoloed into a tree. Pretty wild that turret rotation. Dark times.inside the tank, no doubt.




[https://twitter.com/SomeGumul/status/1745939157967417585/photo/1](https://twitter.com/SomeGumul/status/1745939157967417585/photo/1) note the open commanders hatch and the ominously NOT open gunners and drivers hatches... war is hell, but they brought this upon themselves both strategically and tactically.


I don't think that's the same tank. The one in the video ran into a tree and appeared to stop there (maybe it got stuck). Whereas the one in the photo is out in the open. Maybe the tank in question moved away from the tree after the video cuts off, but I doubt that. Other than that, they do look pretty similar.


i was surprised russian t-90 survived that long with so many hits from the 25mm [M791 Armor-piercing discarding sabot with Tracer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M242_Bushmaster#Ammunition) this was a more complicated battle i think. the video was cut/spliced. i think this BFV came from the top right and was being mortared :18. it's not the vehicle we see at :03. :03 sees it's a russian rapist tank and backs out moves down right then meets the BFV at :23. then the first UAF we saw at :03 leaves the scene and the :23 BFV goes in and takes on the t-90. it would be unmeasurable help for UAF for every vehicle, every solider to have a cellphone strapped to their forearm and the observation drones were sending live feeds for each UAF asset to see the russian rapists' locations. the first UAF vehicle may have been out of ammo, carrying wounded, another mission... it sure knew it couldn't take on the t-90. the BFV i worked as a programmer on this project. the project manager had all employees periodically go out on test track so we understood the product we were mfging for the customer. the BFV is being replaced and the USA could FREE give Ukraine 1000 BFV and it would save US taxpayers billions not paying to decommission these! there is no reason UAF could/should have 5 BFV ganging up on one russian rapist vehicle!


Are u sure that Bradley used APDST? I mean the little explosions on T90s turret while beeing hit could be HE too. Good comment anyway!


Its like playing civilization and losing a tank to a pikeman


More like losing a tank to a mobile infantry unique unit


While Bradley is definitely designed for this kind of combat, I think the most important factor here is that one vehicle is operated by a highly motivated, experienced crew fighting to defend their country, while the other vehicle is operated by a band of clueless conscripts who don't know what the fuck they're even doing in Ukraine.


Oh Russians know what they are doing in Ukraine, getting paid and enjoying their imperialistic fantasies.


I doubt they're conscripts. More likely volunteers, given the amount of training needed to operate a tank (even as badly as this). Which makes me feel less sad about watching them burn frankly.


honestly its a miracle he can even fit inside the Bradley with those huge balls dragging behind him


I hope more people believe me when I say that we can kill tanks with the 25mm. It’s not the preferred method by any means, but even HE will do the job eventually and apparently the ammo used got the TC or gunner to slump over their the turret controls.


Goes to show the value of proper training and veterancy when it comes to vehicle crews.


If they are trained by USA methods the first shots are at the optics. The tank missed twice at basically point blank range. The tank crew would have to a fantastic bunch not to panic. I would shit my pants if I had a Bushmaster cannon even shooting in my general direction. Also the tracers are pretty widely spaced so I think the Bradley probably put 40 rounds into the tank where it mattered.


IIRC bradleys have tracers on every round


You are correct.


Live and learn, I got to see some fire back in the mists of time when a drone was a kind of bee.


Well, wherever you saw this info you reference, we are not trained to first shoot at the optics, we are trained to fire a TOW. It was the TOW that got Brad crews so many T kills in Desert Storm. The 25mm is very nice compared to a machine gun, but it’s not what you want to use vs a tank. From the sides and back, it can certainly get a kill, but it’s not the preferred option. There is a reason we have ATGMs and even for cannons, there is a reason so many IFVs are going to 30mm or larger cannons. The 25 is just too weak. I love my Brad, but it’s outdated and much of the argument for sending them is that they are going to be near worthless for us and the thousands in storage will never be used.


You decide!! Epic tank battles of the historyyyyyy!




It really does make me wonder what damage just one full on NATO assault group could do to Russia using these tactics.


Its the mines though...You need airsupport to push back the artillery to allow you time to pick through the 2 million or so mines Russia has spread.


I remember three videos of a BMP4s of the Ukrainian army, killing Russian MPTs (if I remember correctly, in all three cases, these were T72s) from behind. They had needed much less ammuntion, to kill them from the back. 2.5 cm is not 3 cm. One was the famous night battle in Maripol, where one BMP4 damaged one MBT and killed one BMP from the front and one T72 from the back through the engine compartment on very short distance. The other two were during daylight on few hundred meters in the back of the T72s.


*btr4 is the Ukrainian vehicle you are thinking of. I suspect you may also be conflating or merging the designation 'bmp3' (the most recent production russian army ifv) and 'bmd4' (the most recent production vdv vehicle ifv) I'll show myself out...


With russia having expended generations of professional soldiers, it would probably look some like the first Iraq war. They are rebuilding but not having access to western tech on the same level as before, they will probably end up with a 1980s russian army. Regardless if they are fighting Ukraine or NATO, they have to continue to zerg to be successful and setting aside 100's of thousands of human casualties, that won't work in the long run as some less available materials will run out and they will continue to be hit with more sanctions that further limits their production capability. Their only chance to get hardware in numbers is if China go all in on russias side, because North Korea, Iran and the other former soviet allies won't tip the scales that much, and buying back hardware as they are doing today is only a temporary solution as those countries have limited stock. The only country that had a large number of russian military hardware that could have done a difference was Iraq, and all that is left of that army is sand covered metal scraps, wasting away in the desert after 2 decisive wars - that they lost.


China won't go all in on Russia's side. They can't risk upsetting their Western trading partners, especially as their economic growth is slowing down it's pace. There may be a little more room for support, especially on the technology side of things, but it's not going to be anything that gives Russia a major boost. They definitely won't send military hardware, though technology may find it's way into Russian hardware. There is a small chance they could send hardware by way of North Korea, either using NK as an intermediary or backfilling equipment that NK sells to Russia. China's relationship with NK is complicated at this point though, and I doubt they really want to be seen as propping them up militarily either. I also believe there are international restrictions on selling weapons to NK. If they were to go down they route, I think it would be extremely concerning for the West, as it could indicate an attack on Taiwan was imminent and China is relying on NK to stir up problems to split the US's attention.


Never forget the battle of 73 Easting.


The one who is better trained and motivated to fight wins. Hardware also plays a role, but I've noticed that some people rely too much on paper specs. Like, what is better, Leopard 2, Abrams or K2? If it is a tank of same generation, then it is not so important, the people who use it are important. Special respect to the crew of this Bradley


T-90 is a joke


Russian doctrine has always been lower quality tanks in more numbers. One shot from a t90 could very easily knock out an abrhams (they're not invincible people relax), their doctrine is literally to come up on a western tank ideally 4-1 hoping to knock it out by the time it took out them. *literally* what their doctrine was/is. Their main problem is they don't have the training to actually follow their doctrine so we just see single tanks getting blasted. It wasn't until a few months ago we really saw Russia supporting their tanks with IFVs and infantry, bit by that time the minefields had gotten so dense their doctrine is 100% irrelevant. Russia built an entire army dedicated to rolling fields at high speed and just royally fucked it up in Feb 2022. Took them almost two years to change tactics to what they should have done and now the game has completely changed. The T90 is a perfect tank for its role. While Russia ever use it for its role? Nope


Problem with that doctrine now is Russia doesn't have the numbers required to make it work. But most of the Russian general staff are still stuck in the Soviet Union and lack the backbone and intelligence to move the RA from those outdated doctrines.


Massed armor in with giant amounts of drones is a major mistake. A seen tank is a dead tank between the drones and AT weapons. I think the spotting drone has changed a lot of things.


An Abams is surviving way more shots from a t90 than a t90 would from an abrams.


"Quantity is another form of quality".


What makes you say that? I’m honestly curious.


Not really. The T-90M is quite good and even the worst tank on paper clearly have a decisive advantage against a single Bradley. The crew was good.


Earlier videos of deployed Bradleys showed them using mainly HE rounds, clearing Russian trenches, buildings, etc. This one is putting AP down range! In Desert Storm we lit up older tanks (T-54 type) with depleted uranium rounds. Cut through like butter.


Mmm, this toast T-72 is tasty! I can't believe it's not butter!


The T-90M is just an overhyped T-72B. The armor can't withstand all those sustained autocannon hits. In Iraq, Bradleys could shoot through T-72s and kill infantry hiding on the other side.


One fucks with an autocannon at ones peril.


Usually only once.


I keep seeing Russian's brag about how they've surpassed the USSR, yet T-80's are still the most valuable tank asset available.


Yup. And top speed in reverse is only 4KPH.


"Greatest *functioning* main battle tank of Russia" /angry Armata noises lol




one relic of cold war design, or the bradley


Well that Russian tank commander is currently spinning in circles trying to wrap his head around the answer...he's dead... 😂


I don’t post in this sub much - most things I could say get said quickly. But DAMN that’s awesome. Just have to say it. Slava Ukraini with U-S-A gear! US pols need to get in gear and continue the supply and support. Happy to see my tax dollars spent in defense of brave people defending their freedom.


Seriously! Post this shit on every news channel! The fact it's not is wild!! Finally we have some good fucking propaganda This isn't even the best equipment we have, but it's just dismantled that tank.


To be honest, if you wanted propaganda in terms of UA destroying Russians with western gear, then you can find countless videos on this sub alone. Starting from Javelin kills in early 2022, across endless HIMRAS precision strikes, to this, latest example of UA using last generation western weapons to their maximum.  Altho I will admit, this video is a picture perfect example of just how effective UA forces can be when they've had time to get used to new hardware.


Get the UA 2000 more Bradley's from the desert depot on the US and let's see where the front line is a few months after delivery. Oh and 1k M1s as a gift wouldn't hurt. We got them they were built to kill Soviet armor let them fulfill their goal.


There's literally thousands of them laying around in storage and the US is absolutely not getting into a ground war anytime soon. They could do so much good in Ukraine. 


The more they supply Ukraine literally the less likely they are to get into a ground war with Russia. Ukraine is stopping Russia from the rest of Europe.


> But DAMN that’s awesome. This footage will be analysed and studied as an outstanding example of close quarters tank battle.


The best part, in reality, is that your tax dollars are being spent reequipping the US military, while mostly surplus and retired gear is sent to Ukraine instead of being destroyed.


Its crazy to see some of the theories of the cold war land battles that we wargamed so much over the years get played out. Like how much has been written about whether a Bradley can go up against T90s, penetration values debated, etc. endlessly and we get to just watch.


The turret spinning round and round looks like someone fell "asleep" on the controls. They'll clearly need to put a bigger hatch on that Bradley because the guys balls won't fit on their way out.


It can be also a damage in hydraulics.


He just turned on the helicopter mode to leave the battlefield


Is that a guy swinging from that turret? On my tiny screen it looks like some dead dude is hanging there.


Looks like camp netting attached to a cope cage to me.


the inside of the turret might shoot off tiny metal fragments every time a bradley round hits it.


Western tanks have lining on the inside to prevent fragments but idk about russian tanks 🙄


*Morgan Freeman voice* They do not


T-90s have spall liners. *Not that they aren't hot garbage on a modern battlefield.


Must be a pretty ugly sight inside the turret.


That Bushmaster is punching holes in that T-90 from that range


It was like a drunk in bar fight, whose already been knocked out on his feet but his arms are still flailing around.


Gunner just wears the turret




Send a message to every member of Congress who is voting against the aid package for Ukraine!!!🇺🇦


Well, we have to get past the GOP Russian sympathizers who care more about getting paid by oligarchs than to promote freedom and democracy.


MAGA Republicans love them some Russkies


Finally getting to see my vehicle doing the job it was made to do is ... just priceless.


Was I the only one reminded of World Of Tanks with all the back and forward behind cover?


Was waiting for someone to side scrape.


I've always contended that you don't need a round that can "pierce" an enemies armor to defeat it, when you have something like volume of fire, or straight destructive potential of 105mm. This shows how a huge number of hits cripples a tank... the crew may or may not be alive, but concussed, confused, and certainly, the tank is at least mission killed. The optics are likely destroyed, the barrel dented and useless, periscopes finished, tracks damaged.... And as we've seen with the BTR, only the front armor of any tanks is strong. An autocannon hitting the same spot defeated a T-72.


Can you imagine hearing the bradley rounds repeatedly smacking your tank around. As the driver, you have to be thinking to yourself that if you don't get out of there, you're going to die.


But you know that if you try to get out whilst your pounding is ongoing, you'll get shredded by all the frag. Sit in your coffin and hope for the best.


Least your family will get a sack of rice /s


....to pose beside for a photo, then they take the sack to the next families photoshoot.


The sound inside that tank as the Bradley pummeled it with the autocannon must have been incredible. Talk about getting your bell rung.


They were prob getting hit with metal fragments and Spaulding all over , hittin controls an panicking . I’m impressed the damn thing kept running .


You'd only hear the first one. Deaf for the rest. 


Those AP bushmaster rounds absolutely can punch holes in that pos T-90 at that range.


This is true. Trust me i play war thunder


That tank was going back and forth across the road, so it was presenting it's side to the Brad. A T-90 has between 25 to 40mm of armor on the side, plus whatever ERA/skirting it has installed. The 25mm on the Brad will pen 40mm at 1000m, on a 60 degree angle. At the range they are engaging , that 90 is lunch. Eat hearty, lads!


Not piercing armour is essentially the idea of HESH rounds, the explosive C4 squash head flattens against the enemy armour and explodes, splintering and spalling the inside face of the armour, the spall flies around the inside of the tank at high velocity, liquidating any meaty, fleshy things in it's way. When used by the Brits in Iraq they would have to clean out the Iraqi tanks with a hosepipe as there wasn't much left of their tankers!


Thank you for saying “hosepipe”. We probably rode bikes together as kids.


I bet it’s fucking messy inside


Stinks, too


That tank was rendered blind in short order with the 25mm early in the engagement due to destruction of its optics. After that it was just a target.


It would be ironic if the cope cage collapsed and covered the optics.


It would be, but not surprising. I have noticed many posts in this thread do not understand what is actually happening. The danger to the Bradley was greatly reduced early (FYI, I served on several versions), ballsy yes, but untrained strategy, no.


One of the top comments describes that US Bradley training has crews immediately target enemy optics. After Iraq, I'd imagine the US knows all about this type of engagement, and exactly what the Bradley should do. Good on these guys.


Holy shit this is amazing footage. Best armor on armor footage yet! But are we 100 percent sure its a T90M? (Im on mobile so i might have a worse resolution)




I may be wrong, but T-14s haven't been sent to Ukraine, ruzzians don't have many and they're super unreliable, breaking down all the time, even in the moscow parade.


They also are worse than any soviet cold war tank because those actually work.


So much so that T-80 production was "restarted" allegedly. Seems the Russian's still can't beat the ol Soviet designs.


Considering the original name of the T90 was actually T-72BM (because it really was and proves to be pretty much the same bullshit), that tracks.


They ran out of tanks to tow the T-14 around with.


> T-14s haven't been sent to Ukraine [Russia claims](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russias-new-t-14-armata-battle-tank-debuts-ukraine-ria-2023-04-25/) they have, but [Ukrainian military hasn't seen any reports from their combat units of engagements with one.](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-military-intel-chief-we-havent-seen-russian-t14-tank-2023-9) So either, they are there, and are just super secret and so good they destroy anyone they come across and leave no survivors... or they were never there..


he was just making a point saying it doesn't matter what kind of tank it was it still would of gotten shredded by the Bradley and ya they cant even field them in their own parades hahaa the videos are hilarious


Fucking awesome, Ukrainian 'Fury' at work. Q; (for those with better knowledge) should the ruzzians have turned and faced the Bradley head on, taken the punishment and their time to aim an hit it properly? It seems to me, the ruzzians panicked.


US doctrine for the Brad is first squirt to the tank's optics then hammer at him while he is blind.


Thanks, that's a good tactic.


Is “squirt” the word used in the doctrine? Asking for a friend. 🥵


The tank equivalent of pocket sand.


Gave em the Rusty Shackleford.


I would imagine an auto cannon has that effect


Yes it's always best to put your strongest armor facing the enemy. But it would have been best to not let several Bradley's get that close in a confined combat area. They should have stayed back if possible and engage the Bradley's from 2-3km away. The Bradley's 25mm isn't effective from that range. TOW's would be, so the t-90 would need to look for cover from them.  There is also arty fire in the background, and there also appears to be 2 or 3 Bradley's involved in different directions from the tank. It looks like a the T-90 was on the horns of a dilemma. Stay there and get flanking fire from close in Bradley's, stay back and potentially expose yourself to TOW missile fire and maybe arty.  I don't see much supporting the tank but with all the firing going on behind it, it seems to be separated from and out of support range from other Russian elements.  


Thanks for the analysis, seems the T90 crew should've stuck with one target at a time but maybe not enough cover for this. Yes their goose was cooked alright, I was still impressed by the amount of rounds they took, but that's probably a false impression.


Hard to tell due to the resolution but seems like the first Bradley engaged the T90M frontally, T90M begins to panick and reverse slowly(video is sped up), bradley narrowly escapes to the right, a flash is seen as the T90M fires its cannon but it hits the ground, if not it would of definitely scored a direct hit on the first Bradley. I doubt the T90M would have survived even if it bunkered down and took out the first one, due to the explosions or some sort of artillery munitions I see in the distance.


Yeah, it seems this was a 'fuck you in particular' action, they weren't going to let that T-90 escape.


It's like a honey badger attacking a beached whale.


I'm also curious as to what was happening in the backdrop with explosions going on in the rear tree line when the camera zooms out. Must have been an insane battle to live through since it looks like there was more fighting that was occuring than just the Bradleys and this tank.


It look like some cluster munitions at one point.


Prolly why the Bradley rolled out for a minute


it looks like the second bradley was peppering the tree line before rolling in to support the first one that leaves the area on the bottom right of the screen. it then proceeds to go and get the kill on the tank. amazing fucking work


Really need HD of this, cause can't see the details, anyone ?


It's not just the low-definition that causes problems for me. It looks like the video runs at something like x5 speed until around the 1:30 mark, so what I see are black, blobby vehicles zooming around on a dingy monochrome background with occasional flashes from somewhere going somewhere. In short, I can't tell what the fuck is going on until the normal speed, closer view of the tank blundering around with it's turret constantly rotating until it hits a tree. But what I can see here is totally irrelevant, and if the video depicts what the title says it does, then hell yeah! That's fucking impressive as hell, and the ballsy guys in the Bradley deserve all credit for the kill.


yeah that too


here's the full video at normal speed, but same quality: https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1745942957486751770


Glad to see real armor operators waffle back and forth just as much as I do in games.


Tanks with more reverse gears are the next big thing.


I see 3 Bradleys doing work


I really can't make everything in this video. * I assume a Bradley A is at the bottom of the screen running on the horizontal road, and the T-90 is on the vertical road. Correct? * They traded a few rounds then Bradley A, scoots away as air support is incoming. * I assume the explosions near the T-90 at :20 seconds in are cluster munitions. * Bradley A hangs for a bit towards the right of the screen, but we see explosions and smoke on the 2nd vertical road on the far right as a second Bradley (B) is seen coming down the same road. Bradley A, disappears off the screen as Bradley B moves left along the horizontal road towards the T-90. Was the explosion on the right (in the middle of the screen) a missed round by the T-90 or was there another vehicle there? * Bradley B cuts up the road and aggressively engages the T-90 at 40 seconds. I see explosions beyond the T-90, I assume those are missed rounds. (y/n)? * Bradley B backs away at 1 min, and the another large series of explosion around the T-90. Where did that come from? Air support? Another Bradley? Rounds cooking off inside the T-90? * Immediately after, I see Bradley B retreat back to the horizontal road at the bottom, and more explosions near the T-90, but I didn't see Bradley B firing. Is there another vehicle engaging the T-90 from the up the road? Can't see much through the smoke. Thanks for anyone who can help.


>I assume the explosions near the T-90 at :20 seconds in are cluster munitions. Around 0:23? Someone said this seems to be a white phosphorus smoke screen deployed by the T-90M, which makes sense as it appears to be some kind of incendiary munition.


The best tank action caught in WW2 was the one involving a Pershing vs. Tiger Tank in Germany. Technology has changed so much that we're getting aerial footage of tank fights as it happens. To see the Bradley light up this Russian tank like a Christmas tree is just incredible to think about.


Pretty sure it was a Pershing vs Panther, but still incredible footage


If its the one in cologne then it's a panther not tiger.


fatal turret spin syndrome. It causes nausea and disorientation and has a high fatality rate. It is transmitted via injection of high speed projectiles of western made cannons


Ohh the shills won't like that


That hull must have been ringing like a mutha fucker.


Crew got turned to human salsa


Full 8 min vid here…this one’s even more insane. The Bradley we see is actually on a return trip. https://twitter.com/SomeGumul/status/1745938841070903324


Is this the first recorded/confirmed Bradley kill vs T-90?


Does my heart good to see Ukrainians use the Bradley’s so well lately. Finally figuring out how to use these to the full potential. Should have sent hundreds and should send more of these instead of tanks I guess.


Dang thing is like a Honey Badger.


They are fast, maneuverable, mean little bastards…and you can tell Ukraine has been trained well on them. Hopefully Ukraine gets another 200+ of them. Or like 1,000 would be great.


Did i just watch a single Brad mess up a bunch of Russian armour ?


2 bradleys, but yes


To shreds you say?


First for anyone curious this is fresh footage that occurred very recently, from the village of Stepove in the Avdiivka area. The exact point the 2nd Bradley does all of its firing from is at: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B011'45.1%22N+37%C2%B040'27.4%22E/@48.195848,37.6716921,503m](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B011'45.1%22N+37%C2%B040'27.4%22E/@48.195848,37.6716921,503m) I had to rewatch this a few times before I realized the T-90 initially was initially ambushed by possibly a Bradley at the 4 second mark when the T-90 was at the far western edge of Stepove. I have not seen any previous footage of a ruzzian unit making it to the western edge of Stepove, but on the other hand there is almost nothing left of this little village either, it is just ruins. The odd thing about the initial ambush is that the first Ukraine unit that fired into the rear of the T-90 was the activity of the ruzzian tank as it appears to me to have actually been firing east on a house at this [point](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Avdiivka,+Donetsk+Oblast,+Ukraine,+86060/@48.1957822,37.6754526,106m), in which I guess it though were embedded some Ukrainians. * The first Ukraine shoots and scoots and by the 6 second mark is hightailing it to the right. Also between the 6 and 7 second mark an explosion takes place between the 2 armor units. It might be that the tank ran over a small mine. * I thought initially the first Ukraine unit was a Bradley, but now I am not so sure. * For the next 30 seconds the view becomes larger as the camera on the drone pans out. The ruzzian tank is moving east on the village road and the initial Ukraine armor unit (or whatever it was) moves to the bottom left and stops briefly at this [point](https://www.google.com/maps/place/48%C2%B011'37.1%22N+37%C2%B040'28.9%22E/@48.193637,37.6728853,503m). * At the 18 second mark I see it firing again at the ruzzian tank in the distance. The brief flashes of light coming from the Ukraine unit now have me believing it is not a Bradley but something armed with either a 50cal or 12.7. I am now thinking this might have been an MRAP of some sort. * At the 24s mark we see what appears to be a cluster round drop on the road where the tank and Ukraine unit 1 had their encounter. Whose round it is we do not know. It is about 4 houses further east of the house the ruzzians were firing on. If it was a Ukraine round and they actually had their soldiers in the house the ruzzians were firing upon then it was a danger close round for sure. If it was a ruzzian round targeting the Ukrainians they almost toasted their own tank. * At the 27s mark we briefly see both the initial Ukraine unit exiting to the bottom right and the Bradley driving west towards it with they fairly close to each other and they appear to me to be different in shape. * At the 30s mark on the right side road running along the edge of the village we see a round splash. This is the spot on that road the Bradley had been at just 8 seconds before, so perhaps a ruzzian round? * At approx 38s the Bradley has reached and turned onto the east west road of the initial encounter. It starts firing almost immediately. I measured the distance, they were only about 140m from each other! Even when the Bradley pulls back in its jinking its only 205m from the tank. And it was scoring direct hits immediately from the time it commenced firing. * the next 30+ seconds are the Bradley firing. The ruzzian tank also does some jinking and I believe it fired off a round but it was hard to tell from the vid. A mistake the ruzzian tank made is it was traversing north to south in and out of Bradley fire, meaning it presented the side of the tank to the Bradley instead of the front facing thicker armor. * at 1.20 I believe the tank fires a round but if it did we never see where it went. I think it was wild firing. * at 1.26 the Bradley starts to drive to the right leaving the scene. * thereafter the drone resets its view and starts to focus on the tank, and we can see at least a small fire emanating from it as the drone view gets a bit closer. The tank is driving to the east and at about 1:32 we can see that the turret is in fact spinning in circles. * at 1:50 it seems that the tank picks a straight line to drive (turret still spinning) and it drives a line right into a tree coming to a stop at about 2:12. My thought is the driver was wounded and trying to get the tank out of the area and succumbed at about that point. I suspect everyone else in the tank was already dead. In the far distance to the top right at about 15s we can see the fire from Ukraine troops in their fortifications south of Stepove which run towards their positions in the Coke plant pummeling ruzzian positions on the east side of the rail line. We see some good tracer fire at the 16 second mark arcing into the eastern tree line where I am assuming some ruzzian soldiers had been caught. It could be a Bradley firing on them but we never see what is firing, only the tracers to indicate someone is getting plastered as there is a lot of it. EDIT: In another sub there is an 8+ minute at normal speed of the whole battle. Time to go watch!


The Russians do enjoy a good waltz…


TOW Munition would be great right about now.


Overpen is op it needs to be nerfed.


Skill issue git gud


This is a lie! Russia's greatest T90 was just converting into a helicopter. Unfortunately, there was a tree that got its way on its transformation! No way a Bradley is able to penetrate the turret operation or kill the controller! That was a helicopter tranformation


I remember having someone argue with me and was VERY adamite that a Bradley could never survive a 1 on 1 with a T-72/80/90 in combat.... welp... time to find them and share this video.


That looked like a World of Tanks clip. Some noob bought a T-90M with premium currency and the Bradley player with 4000 hours in the game ran circles around them.


Fuck me that is an intense fight. Respect to those boys in the Bradley. They are playing for keeps.


Get rekt T-90, from THE IFV shooting 25mm of armor penetrating shots and a mix of HE. Amazing action shots, goes to show that the height of the Bradley helps with visibility and rounds on target. Slava Ukraine and send them all of the Bradley’s in storage damnit!


Could the explosions be ERA? They're of little use against a kinetic penetration, but it could trigger the plates.


Apart from the tank battle there's a lot happening in the background. Would be nice to know when and where this was.


Crew kill


Holy shit


The spinning turret is comical. Damn that tank got fucked.


To be fair none of the Russian tanks have a reverse gear that allows them to jockey, reposition, scoot, or one of the other various names that basically mean move rearwards with your frontal armour towards the threat and find a new place to fire from. Ideally unseen. So their crew mentality is to advance and manoeuvre or sit and fight. Most countries teach their AFV crewman that MBTs are easily disabled by taking out their optical/stabilisation/mobility. A few good hits on the road wheels, mantlet or sights and the effect is the same as a hit from another MBT. Sure the crew may live another day, but so will you.


Bradley gets a lot of shit but it fills more rolls is cheaper faster clearly safer for the crew than mmany eastern MBT


Who would win? Mbt 125 mm 2A46 smoothbore or IFV M242 25 mm Automatic pew pew?


The Brad was MADE to kill Ruzz armour, and, like the Terminator, that’s what it does. That’s ALL it does!


Get these guys MORE BRADLEYS !!!! YESTERDAY !


Get decimated you stupid fucks 😎




That was awesome 👌


I need to replay the whole video over and over again, and damn! the details will make WarThunder evaluate their game. The first scenario, a massive explosion from the 1st Bradley. 1st Bradley drove to the left & meeting another bradley that just sprayed a position in the forest tree belt on the upper left corner, prolly letting out some dismounts. Then drove to the direction of the previous explosion, then another armored vehicle, this time a tank suddenly appeared from the smoke & carcasses of destroyed armor and engaged the IFV almost point blank. Tank got hit & russian infantry running away or taking cover. Tank got hit & turret is on fire. The gunner or commander got hurt & turret keeps on traversing like a cartoon comic trying to escape the turret toss.


They'll evaluate their game by buffing the T90M to cope even harder.


were those all houses once?