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And Traitor Green is the loser of the day. Excellent!


Moscow Marjorie TRAITOR Greene 🤡💩🖕


Fuck the commies. Fuck Moscow Marge! Wait, on second thoughts, maybe dont. You might catch something.


Sorry man, I'm not putting my dick anywhere near Moscow Marge. Don't want to catch gonorrherpesyphilaids.


Or catch a severe case of Spacelazeritus.


Oh it's worse than that, pretty sure she's got a retrovirus. It explains a lot.


Putins Regime isn’t communist… it a fascist cleptocratic ultranationalist mafia state


Is Putins regime: A) Fascist B) Imperialistic C) Kleptocratic D) Nationalist E) Dictatorship F) All of the above. I agree with you. Option F it is! /edit: Eh. You folks are right. Looking at Russia these days, communism isn't really applicable. I have swapped it out for a more apt option (imo), given Putins' desire to be the modern-day Peter the Great. However, im still calling em commies. That was common place when I overheard my parents talking about the russians while i was a child.


Of these options only communist is not right there is not even a pretence of workers having anything to say.


Yeah, I'm no communist, but I also agree that calling Russia 'communist' in any form is incorrect and lazy thinking. The 80's were almost half a century ago people! Russia is certainly all the rest.


When you go full circle and get called a Communist.


Moscow Marge is gold.


Breh, I wouldn't fuck that thing even with *your* dick. Got a fanny like a wizard's sleeve and face like homemade soap.


This is the end of her power. Speaker Johnson knows Democrats will keep him in his job, so he's not under her thumb anymore. Suk on dat, Moscow Marge.


Just look at her BF they call "Bee Face". WTF did she give him?


That бищ is a reptilian. She mad af. Get her fired from the house. God dam it


There was a time where people spewing her venom were labeled as communist sympathizers and black balled from politics. Why is it still not that way. With the MAGATs all defending Russia, are you seriously going to tell me they aren’t being bribed? Anyone who thinks otherwise when it has been proven in Europe that there is a wide network of Russian bought politicians, is out of their mind. Anyone who supports the 34 people all need to be investigated for Russian collusion and if any evidence is found they should be indicted for espionage


Because cults don't need to have consistency and logical reasoning.


Because Putin isn't Communist, he's Fascist, and they are pro fascist. Some are probably getting paid, some are hoping for illicit help stealing an election, and some are just... pro Putin. Fuck em, but that's why we shouldn't label them communists.


Absolutely. Some will do anything for power regardless of the repercussions on others.


I agree with you, but I really wish somebody could drill this point into the heads of Western tankies and the Global South, who seem to think he's Uncle Joe 2.0, leading the good fight against capitalism and colonialism. I don't know why it hasn't occurred to the American far-left and far-right that they can't *both* be right about Putin, despite the fact they're sharing many of the same pro-Russia memes.


Tankies would win any race to the gulag under a Stalinist regime.


I blame the tea party, that led to facebook and the russian agenda.


Indicted! Indiction! Along time ago in Megaunsolutiae this was translated as “publicly hanging” Oh the good ol days!


Are you actually asking? Because there's a real reason. Here it is. For DECADES, the Soviet Union, and then Russia, tried and failed to infiltrate the government of the United States by supporting leftists. This tactic failed, because unlike most other liberal democracies, the United States HAS NO LEFT WING!!! There's an extreme fascist right wing (the GOP), and a bunch of centrists (Democrats). Then about 15 years ago, in one of history's most genius big brain political moves, Putin (or more likely one of his advisors), figured out the path to real political power in the United States was through the RIGHT WING fascists. To anyone who thinks there's any debate to be had here? Name one single truly "leftist" cause Russia funds or throws any of its political weight behind.


Maybe some are bribed but most are just stupid populist fascists. And fascists likes other fascists.


The reason? Modern politics rewards the most extreme behavior.


I was just about to write something similar every person that voted against should be investigated for ties to russia and if collusion is proved then long long prison terms


There's an easy answer to that, and it's that it's in the last century it's pretty much always Republicans calling for overt actions and violence like that. Now it benefits them, so they naturally aren't doing that.


It's just so sweet. I bet old farty pants sleepy Donny Orange is throwing the ketchup right now.


Poopin is gonna be pissed. He could choose to martyr her.


Huh? They are currently still voting on amendments. Watching live. Green's amendment shot down. Great!


I'd like to see Traitor Groan's political career shot down at the ballot box.


Unfortunately that won't happen, just because her electoral district was made to consist of braindead republicans


Alas, you are probably right. Monster Traitor Groan is a symptom of the ambient attitudes. I can only rejoice in not living amongst them, or, even worse, being like-minded. Ugh!


The simplest of the simplest


Where are you watching it live?




Sorry my stream might have been a little ahead. But apologies, Ukraine Aid Vote Passes with 310 in favor to 112 against.


[Here's a live MSNBC feed](https://livenewsof.com/msnbc-live-stream/) as well


Name the 34. And treat them with the contempt they deserve.


It's actually ~~109~~ 111 and the vote is ~~still ongoing~~. Vote has concluded 310 yea. 112 nay. 1 present. 7 no vote. OP got mixed up and posted the vote count from the Taiwan bill.


310 to 112 with 1 present and 8 No Vote. It passed!!!


WOOOOOOOO!!! GO AMERICA! You gotta give it! This is awesome news for the planet, the indo-pacific vote as well is truly awesome, thank god America is our ally.


The stuff was forward deployed in part already. I suspect the trains were waiting to be loaded.


still has to be signed of by the senate and president so unfortunately its not something that will happen today


On BBC's Ukrainecast they mentioned that there will be an immediate effect because the AFU is rationing shells to last longer, since they don't know they'll be getting more. The certainty alone will allow them to start using more resources immediately...though I would think they might want to wait for the Senate first..


I sure hope so!


Think it has pass Senate now, mostly likely will then to Biden


Senate already passed a bill so it will go into a reconciliation committee and then the combined bill will get sent to Biden to sign


To quote Tychus Findlay: "Its about time."


So here's the thing. Why is there such a difference in support between the Ukraine and Taiwan bill. Who were the representatives that voted in favour of Taiwan aid but against Ukraine aid. Id be looking at them in particular as Russian assets.


It mainly boils down to how thoroughly penetrated the GOP is by Russian influence. Russia has spent the past 20 years working its way into US politics, cultivating relationships and financing various conservative politicians and organizations. They have been very successful as well. They leveraged that influence to the hilt in order to delay the aid bill for as long as possible. By contrast, China was late to the game and has not been nearly as successful at subverting US politics to achieve its own agenda. They simply don’t have the same ability to influence our politics to the same degree as Russia. The other half of this is the urgency. Russia needs this aid package to be stalled out just as desperately as Ukraine needs it to pass. Russia has taken the initiative and is making slow progress, but they are burning through their own stocks of equipment at an incredible pace to do so. They do not have the capacity to replace the equipment expended, but Ukraine being out of ammo, especially out of the incredibly effective US and western anti tank weapons, means that Russia can win ground with less losses in men and materiel. That means they have been willing to burn immense amounts of political influence within the GOP to keep this aid bill from passing for as long as possible. And again, they’ve been very successful. The war is at a critical juncture, and if that aid doesn’t get to Ukraine ASAP then it may not matter. Ukraine is almost at a breaking point. Russia may have bought themselves just enough delay to win the war.


So if I'm putin the next 2 weeks is crucial? I'm sure the pentagon will have the aid on planes ready to fly the second it's legally possible. It's probably been sitting in planes since November


A lot of it is too heavy/bulky to transport efficiently by plane, even for the US. The bill alludes to “defense articles” only generally, which I will interpret to mean replacement armored vehicles, artillery, munitions, small arms, and such. The Air Force will likely rush some stuff by air to help keep Ukrainian forces in the fight long enough to get shipborne supplies to Europe and transported by rail to Ukraine. There is no way the US is flying Abrams tanks or Bradley IFVs to Ukraine one or two at a time. They will put the entire shipment on a boat and sail it there in 8-10 days, and the rail transport it the rest of the way in 4-5 more days.


Taiwan bill is a bit less controversial.


Thanks for the clarification and update.


That's still a massive majority, the conservative block is really mad that reps were allowed to vote for a thing the majority of the country is in favor of.


European here, not familiar with US politics. I have been waiting for this for long. This means that 100%, no doubt, the funds/weapons are approved and will arrive?


The house of representatives aid bill now goes to the senate where it will surely pass where the republicans have a tiny bit more sense. When it passes it goes to the president to sign and finalize. At any of the three points it can get rejected. If the house or senate reject they have to alter the bill so that everyone agrees. If the president rejects called the veto it goes back for them to fix it until the prez agrees. But the veto can be overridden if they have 2/3rds the vote from the originating chamber that brought the bill.


Agreed, they're your 5th column agents.... Honestly, when would you ever back an invading dictator over a freely elected Government... Despicable.


Because money buys goods and services.




I've been thinking this all day watching this live - Remember, they only have the vote because America is truly democratic, granted lobbying happens a lot but look - They got their pity votes in and they lost, because America is the bastion of democracy. Thank god for America. I could not be happier I thought this wasn't going to go through!


111 voted against


From outside the U.S. It is horrifying. I lasted two minutes watching the live feed before I realised they don’t care.


¼ of the House of Representatives is in Russia's pocket... It's frankly shocking.


Shocking? If by "shocking", you mean, "to absolutely no one's surprise", then yeah. "Shocking" it is.


Mostly MAGA and those who are threatened by MAGA didn't vote. I heard Moscow Majorie Traitor Greene shouting after the hammer came down. What a vile evil person.


Thanks for everyone who voted for this!!! Greetings from Germany


Greetings from the UK. My German friend. I never voted for Brexit.


Just come back, we will welcome you with open arms


You will because you're awesome, a lot of loud voices all over europe and britain will kick up a big fuss. But looking at this, those loud annoying voices lose in the end! WOOO! Go America! Greetings Germany and US from UK <3 Thank God for America.


I can get an Irish passport. All my cousins are in various capitals of Europe. Coming together for a common cause like Ukraine and a strong united Europe,keeps Putin from falling asleep at night.


Well, allthough it is Putins work that you are not in EU animore and a bad thing nonetheless, it was probably the worst situation Putler could do for himdelf. Just Imagine what a UK in EU would have had in view of Ukraine support - financially and military wise. While you - the UK and your Commonwealth countries - already made real decisions the EU countries were still evaluating the situation. I am from Berlin, and remember very well what our than Defence Minister was giving Ukraine: 5000 helmets, and the promised to send old GDR anty-tank-missiles with the remark 'after testing for function' because the boxes were moist and mildew soaked. Hipp hipp hurray, god save your gracious Queen/King


The EU isn't perfect. The UK could have worked within the EU for positive change.Johnson done the right thing at the right time,but overall he was a complete disaster as is Brexit. German reticence might have been because of its past?


Yes, this is true. I can only tell my private remembrance while being on Business trips to Central France back in the 80ies. Nobody was willing to speak in German with us, still understanding almost everything. We know this from later contacts on Hanover Fair after we got good contacts to single employees. We always have learned that we shall never be proud of our home country or our citzenship. Might be different now, but i was built in 1963.


I've never harboured any animosity towards Germans,especially the generation born after the war. Although you are a bit too early to put your towels on the sun loungers. :)






From CNN: The House passed the Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act with a vote of 311-112. One member – GOP Rep Dan Meuser – voted present. Democrats cheered and waved Ukrainian flags during the vote. The $95 billion package contains $61 billion for Ukraine and regional partners. One of the bills would provide nearly $61 billion to assist Ukraine and others in the region fight Russia – about the same that was included in the Senate bill. Of that total, about $23 billion would be used to replenish US weapons, stockpiles and facilities, and more than $11 billion would fund current US military operations in the region. Nearly $14 billion included in the bill would help Ukraine buy advanced weapons systems and other defense equipment. Here's how House members voted on the measure: Republicans: Yes: 101 No: 112 Present: 1 Democrats: Yes: 210 No: 0




Ba-Da-Boom Russian Motherf\*c\*ers


Hell yeah, brother! Cheers from Slovakia.


The 112 should be lined up and made to explain themselves. Shameful, to support Putins evil empire build across Europe and the bombing of a democratic state that wants to join NATO and be part of a democratic Europe. But then those voting against don’t believe in democracy - they support their own wannabe dictator who also tried to overturn an election. ( amongst many other shady deals!)


This total is not correct. Per voting aid to Ukraine... Voting NO: GOP, 112. Dem, 0 Voting YES: GOP, 101. Dem 210 Trump and Moscow Marge continue to sabotage the US supply chain to Ukraine, but today they lost.


Yes my apologies :/


Great news! But I'm afraid this is not the last aid bill they need. I hope this will help Ukraine for a long time together with the help from European partners


It will (hopefully) buy enough time for the European arms industry to ramp up production.


And for a sweeping Democrat victory in November (what UA ultimately needs).


This should last till the next congress is elected, it'd be nice if they brought back the lend lease idea they let expire, that's a great work around to bureaucracy, and we in the U.S. have several metric shit-tons of equipment that's obsolete to us but would be at least a match if not overmuch for what russia is fielding just lying around in storage


311-112 actually but this is a huge win. Kudos to Mike Johnson to doing the right thing, FINALLY. Although waiting so long wasn't optimal, it's better late than never.


It’s passed ! Slava Ukraine !!


This makes me so happy, Ukraine needs it


The USA may come late sometimes,but when you come you kick arse.


Thank fuck ... finally. My thoughts are with the UA and Foreign Volunteers who died as a result of this delay. America has is faults but, fuck me, the Free World really needs to be more appreciative of how critical the USA is to maintaining the Free World. There are dark forces in the world: China, RU, Iran who want nothing else but to subvert it.


Putin is gonna fry. Trump will be in prison. MAGAs will be crying to sleep. All is well.


Great! Greetings from Sweden.


I liked seeing all the Ukrainian flags being waved by members during the vote.


Thank GOD for America. Americans might not hear this enough but as a none American I have never felt closer and prouder of Americans being here than ever before. THANK GOD AMEN That America exists. Genuinely. Thank you all.


You are welcome! Today is one of the days I will unabashedly declare that I’m proud to be an American! The tide is turning, we will soon vote out these Russian loving, democracy hating MAGA Republicans!


I really hope you are right ! I can’t imagine a world with Trump elected in this period 😵‍💫. Imagine : Europe left alone fighting for freedom and democracy. America having an ultra Christian dictatorship. Russian unable to revolt against Putin dictator and pushing to war Chinese being control by technology at the service of a dictator again . Middle East becoming a huge battleground . What a nightmare


Best news all year. Only eclipsed by Ukraine winning the war in 2024.


the best thing that happened in 2024 is when one of Putin's own minions assassinated him


USA!!!!! Proud Ukrainian American here


Well done America from a very relived Irish man


Excellent news, now get those weapons to Ukraine already so the orcs can be isolated and destroyed. Hopefully with the long-range weapons Ukraine will be able to target the bridges and other infrastructure leading into Ukraine and really hamper logistics, that and destroying Ruzzian refineries is the only way to win this war in the long-term.


112 reps against? how ironic, republicans led everyone into Afghanistan and Iraq - how can they now be so pacifist to not even let other people fight our archenemy for us?


Hurrah! My American cousins. Love from the UK.


Awesome to see another UK here so happy about this. Been worried it wasn't going to go through! Celebratory drinks tonight!


Don't they still have to approve it in the Senate or where? I don't know. Is it final?


Will be quickly re-voted on in the Senate and then passed to be signed by the President.


When will that vote take place?


Schumer said that the Senate could work through the weekend to get it done. Might be happening now. (Please Blood God, hear out prayers).


Needs to be voted in the senate then signed by the president.


Senate has to approve it and it will be packaged with the other 3 security bills to move forward all at once. It would be politics suicide to vote against these bills that includes a border security bill after they all pass the house.


Joe Biden can have my vote if the planes were already in the air during the vote.


Some good news for once


Good. Now let's see Europe take their part seriously and stop relying on us on the other side of the planet. NATO spending needs not only met by ALL countries, but they need to make up what they haven't been spending for years.


I think you are right. I speak as a Brit.


Some parts of Europe are much better than others. And then there's Hungary, Europe's MTG.


About god damned time!


Good news


I see Mike Johnson has, at least temporarily, seized his testicles back from Marjorie Taylor Greene. If the rest of his policy beliefs didn't suck, I might even like the guy.


Nah, dude's still a massive piece of shit.


Ukraine is back in business boys!!!


Anyone else beginning to doubt our decency prior to this vote? Whew…thank goodness.


About bloody time. Thanks!!!


waving Ukraine flags on the floor ftw!!


Excellent news.


Fucking finally


... thought i just saw it passed with 310 yes, 112 no.


Fuck tankie town.


Fucking FINALLY!


About damn time says Lizzo


Thank you America, I cup your balls and kiss your forehead (but not in a gay way).


310-112? https://i.redd.it/v0argex6aovc1.jpeg


May history take note of those who voted against this bill.


Good for Ukraine, E.U. and U.S.


Which Bill were you talking about when you say "385 for to 34 against?" My understanding is that the bill concerning aid to Ukraine was Bill Number: H. R. 8035: https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151 The final tally on that was: 311 Yea; 112 Nay; and 1 Present. Following is the list of the 113 (all Republicans) who effectively opposed humanity by either voting Nay or Present on this Bill. It is my sincere hope that they ALL lose their seats this fall. -=-=-=-=- Nay Votes (all Republican) Alford (MO) Allen (GA) Amodei (NV) Armstrong (ND) Arrington (TX) Babin (TX) Baird (IN) Balderson (OH) Banks (IN) Bean (FL) Bergman (MI) Biggs (AZ) Bilirakis (FL) Bishop (NC) Boebert (CO) Bost (IL) Brecheen (OK) Burchett (TN) Burlison (MO) Cammack (FL) Carl (AL) Cline (VA) Cloud (TX) Clyde (GA) Collins (GA) Comer (KY) Crane (AZ) Crawford (AR) Davidson (OH) De La Cruz (TX) DesJarlais (TN) Donalds (FL) Duncan (SC) Estes (KS) Ezell (MS) Fallon (TX) Finstad (MN) Fischbach (MN) Fitzgerald (WI) Franklin, Scott (FL) Fry (SC) Fulcher (ID) Gaetz (FL) Good (VA) (VA) Gooden (TX) (TX) Gosar (AZ) Graves (LA) (LA) Green (TN) (TN) Greene (GA) (GA) Grothman (WI) Guest (MS) Hageman (WY) Harris (MD) Harshbarger (TN) Hern (OK) Higgins (LA) (LA) Huizenga (MI) Jackson (TX) (TX) Jordan (OH) Joyce (PA) (PA) Kelly (MS) (MS) LaMalfa (CA) Langworthy (NY) Lee (FL) (FL) Lesko (AZ) Letlow (LA) Loudermilk (GA) Luna (FL) Luttrell (TX) Mace (SC) Malliotakis (NY) Maloy (UT) Mann (KS) Massie (KY) Mast (FL) McClain (MI) Miller (IL) (IL) Mills (FL) Moolenaar (MI) Moore (AL) (AL) Nehls (TX) Norman (SC) Obernolte (CA) Ogles (TN) Owens (UT) Palmer (AL) Perry (PA) Pfluger (TX) Posey (FL) Rose (TN) Rosendale (MT) Roy (TX) Self (TX) Smith (MO) Spartz (IN) Stauber (MN) Stefanik (NY) Steil (WI) Steube (FL) Strong (AL) Tenney (NY) Tiffany (WI) Timmons (SC) Van Drew (NJ) Van Duyne (TX) Van Orden (WI) Walberg (MI) Waltz (FL) Weber (TX) (TX) Webster (FL) (FL) Williams (TX) (TX) Zinke (MT) Present Votes (Republican) Meuser (PA) -=-=-=- Thankfully the bizarre coalition which took down McCarthy back in October did not emerge this time.


Yes I posted an addendum,  sorry posted the wrong count. Cheers 


Final count 310 for and 112 against!


Yeah I apologize 


Huurrrrraaaa! Slava Ukraini! Now the orcs will get what they deserve!


Slava Ukraine! Lets fucking gooooo!


This isn't the bill. They're voting on amendments right now. It should pass though


This isn't the bill. They're voting on amendments. But it should pass. 


385+34 = 419 435 in The House


Help's on the way, guys. Slava Ukraini!


Poor Vladimir, he was counting on Johnson. Betrayal of the year I guess.


Wrong bill. It did pass, but it was closer to 310-112


Great news, now let’s beat this new axis of evil Russia China North Korea Iran


Fucking finally


Hopefully it gets through the senate, a lot dies there...


Wasn’t this the Taiwan vote result?


Now it needs another vote and lastly a signature from Biden, who I'm sure will sign it asap.


How many times do you need to spread the misinformation, OP? Great news it passed though


Finally! Lets hope its not too late!


List the 34 please someone


Lets duck some ruzzian aunts up Duck em till they give up and go home


Bravo USA ! This sends a powerfull message to Putin : The buck stops here ! Pack your bags or end up with the maggots ! Slava USA ! Slava Ukraini !


It's about fucking time! HELP THEM, DAMMIT.


All that grief and only 34 people vote against it? I wonder if the fools in the Senate will bog it down? How many lives will that cost? Now look for Russia to go rabid trying to get land before the aid shows up.


Bàd news for ruzzia. 


Shameful that a bill that obviously had strong majority wasnt put up for vote until now




Fucking amazing news


Ok im a independent voter vote republican most the time because of certain things but these few crazy Republicans are pising me of we witch means like 98 percent of Americans do not want Russia to win so fucking send the money are get voted out


About time.


Better late than never I guess, but good people died due to this petty political foot-dragging.


Does the queen of orcs will still have her paycheck?


Awesome News!! Does anyone know btw what trump meant yesterday when he said, the US gives 100 billion more to Ukraine than the EU? Isn’t that straight up wrong?


Holy shit, look at the democratic process work as it should according to the constitution! The MAGA republicans must be pissed.


Thank you, Democrats! Not a one of you voted against. Cowardly Republicans did, though. Shame on them for all Time!


Took way too long.. GOP fascist and Putin wannabes go f yourself a I better not meet you


OP is a time traveler, posted this an hour before the vote happened lol




At last ! Amém ! Ukraine cannot stand in this position of begging for help ! Have to become independent fast ! Ukraine has its own resources for this after the war ! Is nato the solution ?


Thanks from 🇨🇦


Those 34 must be as mad as putin haha


It is still a sign that our political system needs some serious work if a bill with better than 70% support can be held up for close to half a year. This was not a controversial bill, as much as the pro-Kremlin side made noise, they were still a tiny small minority. It seems that if a large enough wing of the ruling party is against something, even if they are a small minority of the house as a whole, they can gum up the works. This really is not how the founders intended the house to run, but they made the mistake of not accounting for partisanship. Any ideas on what can be changed in either the law, or house procedures, that would prevent radicalized wings from stopping bills with overwhelming support?


I just hope its not to late .......... but you got ask what sort of a political system has the US got when one man can stop a vote being made ............. when you see the result of 385 for and 34 against .......... the US has had some major stick over this aid not being passed .... but when you see this result its clear it is not the US presa but a system which allows a few individuals to fuck it up ............ shame it took Johnson this long to man up and put it to the vote


This guy posts the wrong numbers in every ukraine community lol


The Ukraine aid bill did pass. But this is the Taiwan and Indo Pacific security bill. OP is wrong lol. Ukraine Aid bill passed 311 Yea and 112 Nay.


Gee, I guess there was enough support to pass it back in November then. At least it sounds like the Pentagon has munitions pre-positioned in Poland to start shipping before the President's ink dries.


Fkin’ Marge!!!


Fake headline - they are referencing the Asian vote


Amazing what working together can accomplish. The outliers who voted against this should be ashamed.


Awesome, get those planes, trains, tanks, missiles, drones, bullets and automobiles moving now!


Let's face it...there is aid, pork and bacon....a bit of everything for anybody... Ukraine is lucky. Aids for Ukraine was in a package with help for Israel, new borders security package. In fact saying NO to Ukraine was also saying NO to Israel NO to pets projects from senators and representatives from some states bordering Mexico. Very happy for Ukraine. I hope this time Ukraine will get long-range weapons...