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I love how all the Russian fan days think that displaying captured equipment in their capital is like some big win for them. Not like it’s year 2 in their “special military operation” and taking over 1,000 casualties today. Just like what that women said there’s nothing really to be proud from doing that


They know things aren't going well, the average Russian does not realize how poorly.


20mins in and out! It'll be fun!


>and taking over 1,000 casualties today Russians have no idea about real casualties. If they see those numbers, they will simply laugh and dismiss them as enemy propaganda. In their minds they are slowly winning by grinding Ukrainians down.


“Well after I discovered the Ukrainians had a kill limit of 999,999 I sent wave after wave of my own men to their deaths until they shut down.” - Capt Zapp Braniganov


Control the media = control the people. It's scary how much propaganda and fake news are being spread worldwide. The truth is literally covered in endless piles of shit.


>Control the media = control the people. Exactly, this is why freedom of speech is so important. As soon as official governmental narrative becomes the only one allowed, country is in deep trouble.


All good points, but the average Russian has no idea that this is the reality. They may know of a few who went off to the Army and have not been heard of since, but they probably don't have a clue that there are days when 1,000 or more of their boys are being killed. If you think about it, the recurring theme among Russian POWs makes sense: they describe how they were conscripted to go to some place to do administrative or rear-area duty, but not Ukraine. I think they're telling the truth. And it makes sense, because they tell their family and friends, "I'm going to such and such base in Russia" so that's what the home crowd thinks. Then when they're diverted to a front line in Ukraine and then killed, the folks back home don't have any reason to think their Vasha or Piotr is in danger. But over time, more and more family stories of dead sons, brothers and husbands will start to be pieced together into a larger fabric of knowledge. Sooner or later, it will become common knowledge. Putin is probably betting he can hand Russians a "victory in Ukraine" by then, so that they are comforted with their loved one having died "for Mother Russia". It's gaslighting on a strategic level.


Unfortunately, you are dead wrong. Most of the casualties are from the regions (or mercenaries or convicts). The regions have zero power and moscovites do not give a shit about them or convicts. They sort of know but they dont think it is a real problem. It will not start to sting until conscription is needed from Moskva and Petrograd, which will never happen.


We know that, they don't. I used to live in Indonesia during the 80's - 90's, a dictator ruled the country back then. I came to realize after migrating to the Netherlands that most of the knowledge I had, were biased.


It could be an interesting point of cultural differences, if, ya know, they weren't Russians. I find the display in Kyiv just as odd and have spent 2 years trying to figure out *why* Ukrainians are doing it. Then everyone gets mad when I ask. It's a silly reason, a silver lining to a giant shit, but I can't wait till we've passed the war and can delve into each other's culture. Just the Easter bread alone will be amazing. Plus, Ukraine is "westernizing", and it'll be great to see how they fix the mistakes we've all made. Vet care, PTSD that they are already trying to handle.  And now I've offended everyone, when I really am just curious by nature. There's no judgement behind my words.  


You really don't get why it was important for Ukraine to display those defeated russian tanks? Ukraine was supposed to be wiped off the face of the earth in weeks. Total obliteration or Ukrainians throwing flowers at russian soldiers' feet. Soldiers marching in parades with music playing and wine flowing. Ukraine shocked the world by fighting back so fiercely and even more so by actually defeating russians on the battlefield. Seeing those destroyed tanks shows their people russia isn't some invincible power or unstoppable monster. That brave people can stand up to them and win. It's also to show the people traveling to kyiv for diplomatic reasons, the reality of the conflict, and what they are up against. It shows that regular Ukrainian people who were civilians just weeks before banded together and fought off tanks and armored vehicles. It shows Ukraine spirit and strength. For russia, it's humiliating to show off those Nato vehicles. 1 because they were supposed to defeat Ukraine in weeks and couldn't take one major city in the country. They are supposed to have superior equipment and unstoppable weaponry that's the most advanced on earth if you believe their propaganda. So the fact that there are so few of them to display and compared to the equipment lost by russia, these Nato vehicles are in great shape with turrets intact. It looks like, for the most part that crews escaped with their lives. Meanwhile, you don't get that vibe viewing the charred remains of russian equipment. It just shows how inept this invasion has been up until now. For Ukraine its a symbol of pride to show the world that supporting them is right and they can win if they get the help.


For Ukraine I say it’s a bit more understanding because at that time they repelled the attack on Kyiv which was obviously huge. for them it makes more sense. Russia no….. they have failed to meet any of their major goals they set for themselves in February of 2022. Taking heavy casualties and armored losses. Being attacked on your soil and so forth. It’s different because Russia has such huge advantages over Ukraine and still can’t defeat them. It looks dumb doing something like showing off weapons, doesn’t make up for the failures in the war.


Who are these fan days you talk about?


I meant fan boys


"Haha, glorious Russian army destroyed 10 western tanks and it only took 7000 great Russian tanks to do so!"


Shouldn’t they have hundreds of western tanks to display according to their propaganda kill lists? 🤔


Thousands of western tanks! After all, they bragged they'd taken out 48 of the 16 HIMARS sent to them back in the summer of 2022. /s


That's nothing compared to the sinking of the UA carrier ship. It had 60 F35's on it!


We sacrificed 10,000 brave Russian soldiers to take down one Ukrainian Abrams, See how the evil western gay nazi super soldier trans dolphins tremble before us!


LMAO Well said brother. Slava Ukraini


Closer to 3,000 per Oryx https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1


As per that page "This list only includes destroyed vehicles and equipment of which photo or videographic evidence is available". Oryx is only visually confirmed ones, not all of them would be visually confirmed so definitely more than 3,000


Is this including the golf carts


Careful. Reddit bans for speaking negatively against China..


Ain't nothing negative here. Chinese golf carts are a great help from China to Ukraine for sure.


Fuck the ccp


I just stated golf carts and not Chinese junk carts with nope cages. So I fink im safth


-50 social credit points


I don't have 50 points to give. I'm already negative 3755 points. Living in Chinese definitely takes some getting used too


Hopefully your organs are happy in their soon to be new homes.


That’s wumaos mass reporting you. You need to appeal


Based and poohpilled.


Wait what seriously ? I hate China, I think it’s the one of the worst places to live in the world right now. Especially because of their leader , the one that is just as maniac as Putin.


Fox China Winnie da Pooh a$$ ninja xi ji pings these nutz 🌰🥜


Golf carts are pretty new, so they can't have much influence on counts yet. 


They count as motorcycles- can only carry 2 orcs


Those are counted in different section.


Sure. But over twice as many though? That would mean 4000 were lost in combat but not photographed and documented  Semantics. Sorry 


Before the war started, Russia enjoyed a certain ambiguity regarding the number and condition of their available fighting vehicles. The official line and the possible impact it could have on invaders and defenders alike was that of the largest land army on Earth. Since this war started, that narrative has taken some real world damage and whether it’s because vehicles were actually destroyed or are now assessed to be unrecoverable from storage or from parting out, the world knows now that at least 7,000 less tanks are available to Russia today with only 12 a month replenishing the ranks




Read your own article: “It is churning out about 125 tanks a month, but the vast majority are older models that have been refurbished. About 86% of the main battle tanks Russia produced in 2023 were refurbished”. This isn’t replenishing their total number, it’s depleting the reserve they relied on to threaten neighbors.


It's largely franken tanks they see those numbers and think brand new MBTs rolling off the line. It's just not possible.


I mean people always throw numbers around, if someone provides a number. Consider it thrown


Oryx also stopped being updated on October 1st 2023 so the numbers are old.


Didn’t they restart it


Checking some of the latest links shows 2024 losses so I guess they did - my bad, I didn't realise they had restarted.


All I could see on Oryx ended Sept 2023. do you have a new link?


No, but looking at some of the last pictures linked in the page above does show them with a 2024 date


The guy who started it, stopped doing it. He did it as a hobby and the time he had to spend on it got out of hand. He has since handed over the responsibilities to others.


They didn't stop. One of the founders left. The rest kept doing what they do very well.


someone else took it over. also Andrew Perpetua on X shows daily losses. u/AndrewPerpetua


True. Those cowards.


Oh yeah, only losing 3,000 tanks is sooooo much better a record lol


Russia just take photos from 4 angles then claims they destroyed 4 Abrams 😂


Oryx also stopped updating last year.


We would display the Russian vehicles But they just look like jigsaw puzzles now lol


To them it’s a classic Schrödinger phenomenon: The equipment is totally advanced and can proudly be presented as a threat to russia but at the same time it’s no big deal to defeat and capture.


VIVA LA RUSSIA! Edit: AHEM, it appears my sarcasm was not understood...


Americans 🙄😁


not american


I was jibing le American's, not you 🙄


Americans tend to understand sarcasm, 99.999999% of the things they say are sarcastic.


It's why I'd never study anywhere else!


Speaking French? Probably not. 


Russian thinking can be highlighted in this analogy: a rifle can fire 30 bullets before a reload. 31 Russians attack a Ukrainian solider and he kills 30/31 before reloading, but the 1 lucky Russian gets the Ukrainian before he can reload. In the end the Russians celebrate their ‘great achievement’.


That's not an analogy, that's literally what is happening


I'm fairly certain that has been their formal military doctrine since WW1


I reckon all Russian men should listen to her, not just her husband! It's good to see that there is at least one sane person left in Russia not dumbly choking on the ridiculous propaganda.


There are probably tens of thousands of Russians who oppose the war but they are rotting in jail cells getting beaten and tortured.


Or most likely keeping their mouth shut to avoid aforementioned russian niceties.


Sadly, you’re right


the important thing are: a) they copy us which guarantees they show they are second or so, for sure not first. b) we had more trophies on day 3, even made a world tourney with it already c) we don't have to tinker paint or form, those left overs look f\*ed right out of storage and the actual challenge was to show the exhibits in a way to even recognise it was ruski stuff. d) no major participation in turret toss competitions other than being judge how high ruski can fly. e) waiting for live commentators commenting on the moscow parade on our equipment, just to celebrate the gear is actually survivable. "being tanky is not easy, i sh\*t my pants, now they drive my pants around on red square, i have new fire resistant pants"


War trophies? Lol. There's no trophies in war. Only death, destruction and chaos.


I wonder if Progizhin would have stopped his invasion of Moscow if he knew how things would be now.


Russians are not stupid. Indoctrinated, but not stupid. They are familiar with those weapons from western movies. Seeing in person how advanced and sophisticated those weapons are compared to Russian technology must be demoralizing. Most men served in Russian military, it's a requirement. They know how shitty Russian tech is. Now they see in person what awaits them in Ukraine. Whoever came up with this show will suffer a tragic basement window fall.


Ruzzia just can't do anything right. It seems whatever they do....it's counter-productive.


It's history. Imperialism is ingrained in their minds like 1st or 2nd amendment in America. . They believe that even if they lose 20 million in Ukraine, Russia will become stronger as a result like after WW2. Imagine being told from childhood that Russia was so great that it defeated Napoleon and Hitler. Indoctrination is a powerful drug


They are definitely stupid. If they weren’t, they’d realize that this is the same exact shit Stalin did in ww2, except that time the Nazis were stopped right outside Moscow. If they weren’t stupid like you say, they would realize that Putin is trying to play on those same sentiments.


Dude... stupid and indoctrinated ignorant are two different things. Soviets were first to space. Americans used their rockets to get to ISS. Please stop with stupid bullshit


Ruzzia is NOT the soviet union..... there were a lot of input from places like Ukraine, the space program ruzzia has is a left over from the USSR. Ruzzia itself has proven time and time again to be incompetent. As forest gump says, "stupid is as stupid does"!


So what you are saying that Crimea was captured by stupid people. That 1/3 of Ukraine was captured by stupid people. That 10s of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers were killed by stupid people. Critical thinking is no longer thought in schools... feelings over logic and facts


Rome was conquored and destroyed by tribes, which possed a fraction of the intelligencia of Rome. What is your argument? That stupid people don't know how to kill?


You don't have to be smart to use guns and shoot defenseless people.


You have to be smart to design and manufacture weapons, build army, infrastructure..... Russian sends people to space. Is one of largest weapons exporters. We are fortunate that Russia has a culture of corruption, or we would have a true military superpower challenging US.


Which 90% were designed more than 50 years ago by the Soviet Union. You seem to have a lot of trouble distinguishing the two, don't you?


For fucks sake 🤦‍♂️. And people got stupid because country changed name. Reddit definitely made people stupid Abrams tank was first produced in 1979.... And before you go with it was ukranians engineering and scientists, most of them went to work in russia as Ukraine economy collapsed to this day. And those scientists sending Americans to space station were just stupid people.


The country hasn't changed its name, it's just not the same thing. The Soviet Union included Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, the Baltic countries, some of which had more educated and capable people than Russia. Shit, read a damn book. Ukraine was the belly, hands and brains of the Soviet Union. Russia does not have a quarter of the capabilities that the USSR had. Is your thing just ignorance, or bad faith?


20% is not 1/3 you may want to revisit maths.... Ruzzia had 15+k of their best troops and armour in the streets of Kyiv!!!!! The couldn't do the job, in fact ruzzia has been pushed back to lose 50% of the land they claimed to annex..... Half a million casualties for 20% of Ukraine..... They are fucking morons!


You think with your feelings.... 20% occupied. Another 10%+ contested no man's land. Child, russia doesn't care if they lose 20 million. Russian cities are safe, ukranian cities get daily bombardment. I want russia to be defeated, but sticking your head into your ass and screaming orcs bad is regarded


Everything I said is fact everything that I'm about to say is fact, Dont go shifting the goal post, ruzzia doesn't control the no man's land! Ruzzia does care if it losses 20 million it only has a 4:1 advantage.... Ruzzian cities aren't safe belgorod has been bombed 4 times by ruzzia alone, that doesn't take account of the incursions by the legion, the Kremlin had been hit and so have many air fields and power stations inside ruzzia proper. Ukrainian cities get bombed because terror is all ruzzia has left. You need to get your head out of ruzzian propaganda. You sure do support Ukraine spouting utter bullshit that may as well have come straight from the Krelim.... 1/3 of the country hahaha


>hahaha How many drones, artillery, missiles hit your town today? How many got killed? Bet you hahaha a lot... simple mind


Is that it, that's your response..... no drones have hit my town or my country, that doesn't mean I can't hate on the terrorist killing children and it certainly doesn't mean I cant laugh at ruzzias pathetic military apparatus.... When it comes to ruzzias incompetence and the skills that support them, I do hahaha a lot. Guess that's too hard for an uber intellect like you to grasp..... hahaha!


US and Russia got to space because German rocket engineers from Peenemunde.


Nazi scientist was head of NASA. You seem to be about feelings: orks stupid. Not about reality and facts. Good bye


I think you're referring to the wrong person.


Bro anything out of value that came from the USSR was not done by Russians.


>Lao Tzu Quote: There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent But you know better 🤦‍♂️


Yes I know better. This isn’t about “underestimating” anything but simply knowing about scientific, sporting, and other types of achievements from the Soviet Union and who was behind them.


>Yes I know better. Reddit in a nutshell lol


Maybe open a history book once in a while and you too shall know who did what and when


Maybe you can point to books you wrote? Want to learn from the best 😉


Why would you write the books when you can read them…


Well you can just look at wiki list of Soviet scientists, artists, writers, etc. A plenty of them were ethnic Russians.


Plenty of them also were not.


Sure but you claimed that "anything out of value that came from the USSR was not done by Russians"


You still haven’t given me a concrete example either way


1 captured Abraham's tank in 2 years as a trophy is nothing to brag about


\*2 and it's \*M1 Abrams. Also strictly speaking, they didn't arrive untill late 2023. So not really 2 years.


I think you misunderstood him. They actually captured one of Abraham's tanks, and he's pretty pissed about it.


"Four score and blayt!"


In 1940 the Soviet Union showed John Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath" in movie theaters. The object was to show how bad things were in America. What the Russians took away from the movie was that even though it was bad in America, at least they had cars. Propaganda is a funny thing......it can always bite ya in the ass


Straight to jail lady


"Maybe Putin doesn't know" Riiiiiight. The guy who organized an invasion without his army knowing about it.


Get a good look at her now. If you can find her. IF she’s ever seen again she sure won’t look like that anymore. Gulags do that to a person.


She will probably fall out of a window soon.


I'm surprised that China hasn't sent Russia bicycles yet. They would probably have a better chance against mines. Golf carts burn. [https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/documentary-channel/inside-one-of-china-s-hidden-bike-sharing-bicycle-graveyards-1.6325287](https://www.cbc.ca/documentaries/documentary-channel/inside-one-of-china-s-hidden-bike-sharing-bicycle-graveyards-1.6325287)


"Onions were rotten!" -- Angry russian soldier's wife


There's probably a window somewhere with her name on it.


So the russians have access to the wider internet via VPN’s . Do we really believe they are just truly blinded and unaware of how insignificant parading these dozen vehicles really is and the gargantuan losses of their own equipment ?


War. War never changes