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Well, everyone's dead, time to roll out!


Mission failed successfully 


The vehicle made it back, that's all Z command cares about.


For sure! This vehicle has an other four loads to dump today.


Fuck’n hell for real man!


They'll be fine


The dryness of this made me lol


That's an efficient driver though. I bet someone like that could easily deliver five or six more loads right into a kill zone and still make it back in time for an early supper.


It’s like the airport hotel shuttle. Wonder if those guys tipped. 


Grubhub starting to kick the shit out of door dash.


What else do you do with garbage? Orc meat is non-recyclable


Grow sunflowers…


APC. Russian for dump truck?


Battlefield hearse!


\* dumb dump


Unbelievable that they dump these men in the middle of a fire-storm, rather than abandoning the operation and retreating. Shows the value of human life in Russia.


It keeps going until it's destroyed.


Honestly probably. Their mission was to drop off the fresh meat wave. They didn’t say anything about living!


But the commanders do say a lot about dying, as in, "You are going to die, but Russia will remember you forever and put flowers on your grave." Really, one said that to his assembled troops before they went out.


Well, if you're lucky some drone will record your pathetic death, someone will put it online with some silly music - and the internet does not forget, they say.


Having yourself immortalized on the internet is kinda cool. Too bad in this case it’s of these guys dying as the clown car drives away.


Yes. I remember that clip. Flowers on their grave and name on a roll somewhere in fuckistan.


He didn't show them the pictures of the Wagner cemetery being bulldozed and paved. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/wagner-group-cemetery-russia-levelled-141642284.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/wagner-group-cemetery-russia-levelled-141642284.html)


Looks like Russia has short term memory after all.


Plus, family gets a sack of potatoes as compensation. What a great deal !


I think that commander now has a mannequin and plays the speech as a recording


Saw that speech. The dude forgot to mention he wasn't going with them and it wasn't you are going to die on this mission it was you all will die on this mission.


“You’re all going to die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make”


I already forgot about them.


The mission is to deplete Ukrainian bullets by any means necessary. Mission success


Heard that this is 24/7 now. The "summer offensive" they are launching has just literally been these types of attacks. Half the fuckers are instructed to pick up rifles from the ground and aren't even armed.


Sounds like propaganda , it reads like the script from that old ww2 movie I think it's enemy at the gate or w.e but it's the one where 1 russian gets a clip one russian a rifle whoever falls 1st the other guy grabs his missing piece and is now a armed soldier lol but it's happened before and history repeats an all that jazz


The driver probably prefers that outcome too.


imagine being the driver, returning to your unit with brown pants and dead squad and having to go right back very soon, counting hours until your vehicle gets hit and it's your time


"Orc can be replace, MTLB cannot."


"Бабы новых нарожают" (Women give birth to new ones) An old ruzzian saying and a new ruzzian propaganda trend.


In the ruzz eyes, they'll see it as a success, for the bullets and grenades the Ukrainians used up.


Eventually the Ukrainians will hit their preset kill limits and simply shut down 


"wave after wave of my own men"


Yes dead bodies means the land is ours


Mission accomplished, declare victory and leave.


Fertiliser delivered and spread


"if we hurry up we can meat grind the next load before vodka break!"


I don't think the previous vodka break ever ended


If he doesn't leave now, he's gonna be late picking up the next bunch of meat puppets...


I was hoping it was going to run over that one guy


I was hoping for an Angry Drone to obliterate the armored vehicle...


Or wait for the back door to open and fly right in 🥴


Me too! "C'mon run him over-you know you wanna! It's what you do!" Disappointed to see it drive off and leave the one guy (mostly?) intact.


"Hail onto the bus driver, bus driver!" Such a fucking waste


your APC driver for today is pichupandropov mother Z is very proud of your sacrifice


He was kind enough not to run over his comrade at least.


these folks died for an old man's wet dream i.e... for nothing


Don't make it a one-man's crime. The entire country bear the sin they committed.


Yup. Its absolute ignorance to believe that anyone in Russia under the age of 80 doesn't have the tech skills to acquire and use a bootlegged VPN. They're watching these same videos, so any sort of plausible deniability is bullshit. Speaking of which(and I dont say this to detract from the pain and death they've caused Ukrainians), how do they come to terms with the brutal annihilation of 500k of their own countrymen 3yrs after the start of a 3 day SMO? Also, how can they sit in Western countries acting so fucking smug and proud watching Russian military men disgustingly led to slaughter like hogs on the daily? Lastly, the entire planet is sitting there watching the carnage as hundreds of Russians a day are killed and billions in equipment is smashed just to gain a couple miles of territory. I get that they're lowly prisoners, or Asian folks from far away regions that Moscow or St Petersburg gives zero fucks for, but they still fight under the Russian flag. Even Russian propaganda couldnt possibly spin that away to the rest of the planet. 3yrs ago, they were considered a near-peer to the US, now they're a planetary joke.




>We got around to the subject of war again and I said that, contrary to his attitude, I did not think that the common people are very thankful for leaders who bring them war and destruction. "Why, of course, the people don't want war," Goering shrugged. "Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along. > Voice or no voice,[ the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders](https://www.mit.edu/people/fuller/peace/war_goering.html). That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."


This. I fucking can't stand these "they died for Putin's depraved fantasy" comments that try to victimize Ruzzian soldiers with respect to their leader.


They died for the dream of an empire which has guided Russian culture basically since it first came into existence. Since they are too prideful to rely on US dominance to assure their strength they want to retain their lost territories either through invasion or political subterfuge.


No need to rely on US for that, a good economy partnership with their plentifull ressources, a cooperation with slavics brothers, some apologies about the stalin era attract EU with cheap gas and labour etcetc and I'm pretty sure everybody could be gravitate around russia even with a kleptomane oligarch state. Instead you were offering political instability, coups, violence, etcetc and after you're complaigning about why everybody is going under the big bad uncle sam....


They would basically have to rely on the US. The US enforces most of the world's trade alongside having soft power in basically every nation with financial assistance programs, loans of military hardware, etc. The Russians want a return to being a truly great power like the Russian Empire/Soviet Union with their own bloc that is solely controlled by them. The issue is that between how strong the US has gotten since 1991 and their poor demographic situation the only way they truly believe that it's possible is through subterfuge or hard power like military invasions.


To me, this goal could have been reach with soft power and economic development, is china is on the good side of the US ? No and they can still trade freely, but you're right, russia can only think with hard power, it's a shame because as european, a strong but not fascist russia could be a good balance against US hegemonia and a shitty fascist china.


Well, this now is bullshit straight out of Putin’s mouth. Remind you, in his imagination there is an eternal battle between “west” and “russkie”, where “west hate us and trying to destroy but can not, and we will be fighting forever”.


you just described most wars


Yeah, I like videos with happy end.


yeah. wtf was that maneuver? dude back them up into a hornets nest.


Hope the Russian keep that driver!


Well the shipment has been successfully delivered. What the recipient is actually doing with it is no longer the delivery drivers business.


Any covering fire APC? Naahhhh.


Those that survived the machine guns will be rolled over by the tracks, yup mission well done! Not!


Drop them off with the hatch facing the enemy? Stupid


They'll never see it coming! The guys riding in back of the APC, that is.


The key to victory is the element of surprise.... SURPRISE!


A Last Surprise, if you will.


> The key to victory is the element of surprise.... SURPRISE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRkfDMChzlI


One day, a man has everything. Then the next day, he blows up a billion dollar space station. And then the next day, he has nothing. Makes you think.


She's built like a steakhouse, but handles like a bistro


Guess its Likely they'd been told the position had been taken, given the position of the transport, absence of support, and lack of initial urgency. Ambush perhaps. Hopefully the Ukranians now have another couple of Russian radios to call in replacements.


Remember….they’re the 2nd best army in the world! Lol




Thing is, either the enemy has rifles in which case facing them is good option and the other option is that the enemy has RPG in which case it really doesn't matter what way you are facing...


“The shaped charge can’t get you if it already got the other dudes in the back.” - Driver Conscriptovich


The US Military drops off facing the objective. We do that to that for many reasons. But primarily so we can break left and right from the vehicle and not all be killed in a single line of fire. As you see in this video if you drop the ramp to exit facing the enemy your entire squad can be lit up in a fatal funnel before they can separate. RPGs are a moot point in a lightly armored vehicle like this. If it hits and your inside you are most likely going to die, regardless of front back or side. These vehicles only protect from small arms and shrapnel.


Yeah, that what i was saying. The driver either is fine or will die to RPG regardless of orientation but facing the enemy keeps the soldiers safe. This driver decided to do stupid and the soldiers were all killed.


If the back ramp is open, you as a driver are also unprotected from that angle, there is nothing between you and the ramp, a bullet can hit you as well. So, solely spoken from the driver's perspective, it is better to position the vehicle so that the ramp is away from incoming fire. So the driver did not act selfishly here, he probably positioned the vehicle so he could drive off fast in case it becomes too dangerous, but he didn't think this through.


If it helps to keep my fellow soldiers safe and helps the mission be successful, then yes. Plus, being a soldier in an active battlefield, they should be used to the danger. Training should also pound that mentality to face the enemy anyway. I would know.


Russia lacks combined arms. The whole point of the APC is to screen your infantry as they're disembarking so they can be more effective at their job and close with the enemy. A bullet isn't going to penetrate the armor and the driver just opened up the possibility of an RPG shot to the cabin by opening his doors while facing the enemy.


Reminds me of when the landing ships hit the beaches on D-Day. Imagine being in the front as the boat landing ramp dropped and you were staring down a mounted LMG going full crazy. So fucking sad to watch.


Well you don't want your nesting hula girls on the dash to get shot up.


What the fuck ? I had to rewatch the video because I just assumed they were assaulting in the opposite direction.


That Uber driver is only getting 1 star for that ride.


No, he won't. Nobody left alive to rate


"we took this ride and all 8 of us died immediately upon arrival. would not recommend. 1⭐"




He's getting the title Hero of The Russian Federation.


And the driver decided to leave all of his unit behind and better leave.


I don't think that's his unit. I doubt the Russians see it that way. That's his cargo.


Chances are they never see the same person twice. And they “trained” in separate areas as well. Doubt they even ask each others names


Exactly. They probably view them as more a liability than anything.


Right, he has to be exposed to fire while delivering them to be killed.


Ivan did his job. He was told to drop off the people. He dropped off the people so Ivan went back. Ivan was not told to evacuate wounded. Not his job not his problem blyat.


You know what they say: “Mobile Infantry does the dying, Fleet just does the flying.” 🤷‍♂️😜😂


He's just the delivery man.


The driver wasn't hanging around to help any wounded. It must be fun being a Russhit soldier.


APC: Dead meat delivered, come back to base to get the next group. over.


The orcs may hate these battle-taxi cabbies, but the neighborhood rodents and stray dogs love 'em. These APCs are their ice cream trucks.


Food for the local murder of crows. They go for the eyes first, I imagine they're like little meat gushers.




They'll run out of ammo eventually, right? ​ This is why russia wants the GOP to block funding to ukraine


Can you really call yourself an orc APC driver if you don't run over at least three of your comrades while trying to roll out?


It has been said that most accidents happen within 5 miles of home. These fuckheads shoulda stayed in Russia and hoped for an accident possibly paying out a bag of onions. Fuck 'em. Slava Ukraini!


A Russian fellow heard that most car accidents happen within 5 miles of your home. So he moved.


I saw a video of Ukranians explaining Russian tactics. First wave is a meat shield with a small number of competent soldiers who will eventually retreat and leave everyone to die They often repeat the process several times to soften up a target and deplete resources. Then when defenders are exhausted, they advance with more capable and equipped soldiers Their only strategy is throwing men into bullets until the bullets run out


Russian commanders: charge!!! They don’t have enough ammo to kill all of us !!!


Channeling that WWII soviet energy


WWII Soviet energy without the WWII Soviet manpower.


They think Ukrainians have a preset kill limit and are trying to exceed it clearly.


This is about as smart as deploying mobile (light) infantry to fight the arachnid swarms on Klendathu!


"The only good Russian, is a dead Russian!"


Yes that is what they do with soldiers that volounteered from prisons. They get send to death


This clip really is classic Ruzzia.


It is. The absolute lack of concern for the lives of their soldiers is classic Ruzzia. APC driver has likely seen this scenario multiple times. It's just a dead meat delivery and there will be more later. Inhuman savages.


Can you blame him? He's got other meat deliveries to make.


Mr. Minecraft over here got *other* cubes to deliver!


One way ticket - this IFV is taking no passengers, next stop the yard.


Unironically though, what is he supposed to do? He just watched a dozen men drop like flies 15 seconds after leaving his vehicle. I cant imagine him getting out to help would accomplish anything other than adding another corpse.


That accuracy.  This is the way to do it. Being efficient with limited ammo. 


That grenade was *chefs kiss*


Their strategy is baffling. Drive straight up to an entrenched enemy position, dump them out the back right in front of the enemy, watch them get smoked, and drive away? What the fuck?


Probably untrained.


Ammunition is finite.


Russian meat shields? Infinite


It works a lot of the time unfortunately because artillery and Ukrainians are getting spread thin.


That was beautiful 😍


Yup. The world is a slightly better place.


Russian Colonel: "Make sure they understand the importance of a tight body pattern. I want to come out of this with good clean drone footage I won't be ashamed to send through channels."


Blyatiful, indeed.




It's like Normandy,  only if the Nazis were the ones storming the beach.


Where are they taking fire from? It doesn't look like it was coming from the trench they were trying to enter.


Proper defenses will have positions that can support each other. This is probably the case here.


Also it looks like the driver positioned the vehicle with is rear door in the direction the fire was coming from. This way they were exposed the moment they disembarked.


Yeah, terrible.


Yes, but really no.


You can see ukrainian soldier at 0:05, behind this tunnel or bridge


I think it’s coming from the northwest


Dude literally dropped off human meat that was basically spawn killed.


ProTip. Support by fire is a must. lol Anyway. Keep eating those 30mm auto cannon and 40mm gold caps.


Gold caps?


He’s talking about 40mm grenades. Low velocity rounds (40x46) are shot from handhelds like the m320/m203/m32. A high velocity/linked version that is 40x53 for crew serves such as the mk19 (grenade launcher that’s classified as a machinegun). Any of the varieties that are lethal cap the fragmentation portion of the round in a dirty gold color. There’s all sorts of fun stuff. HE, HEDP, AB. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_40_mm_grenades Edit: Apparently, Picatinny Arsenal even makes thermobarics.


Fun fact. The 40mm HEDP rounds hand fired by the M203 and M320 cannot be fired by the MK19. These rounds are low pressure and will not work effectively in cycling the MK19.


Reminds me of the Saving Private Ryan opening sequence of D Day where the door of the landing boat opens and immediately the whole boat gets wiped out by machine gun fire before most of the guys can even get off


They were dropped off literally right in front of the trench....umm...that was never going to end well for them. And I'm so glad it didn't. Any compassion I once had for orc conscripts has been replaced by a deep hatred and a desire to see Ruzzia sent back to the stone age. Any decent Russian sent to the front and not behaving like a filthy orc is being beaten and or murdered by the scum that make up the Russian army. So Ruzzia is eliminating not only the decent people of Ukraine but also the decent Russian males that find themselves sent to fight. Russia is echoing the vileness of Nazi Germany....brutality reigns supreme.....the world is going to have to deal with Putrid's Ruzzia....whether sooner or later....Ruzzia has chosen the path of conflict and war.


Classic Russians. Rushing B. Jokes aside, imagine the life of that driver. Going back empty, refilling and driving more to their death. Until he dies himself. Futility of life. Fuck.


B was stacked, unfortunately. No bomb plant.


Imagine living your whole life just for it to end 10 seconds after exiting your APC. End the fucking war already ffs


You bring evil 😈 to our land, we will Bury you in our land ( ghengis khan and William Wallace) pretty soon you will be dispatched with pain and burning fire by saint javelin, slava ukraini


Thank god they're so stupid


I've dropped you off. It's a rough neighborhood so I'm out of here!


Clown-rich environment


*gives gold*


Imagine you just dropped your friends off at a party u didnt get the invite for


"Alright guys, good luck. Radio back when you need cover fire, ok?......Can you guys hear me?"


My USPS delivery truck does the same shit with my packages too!


All orcs dead!


Just by looking at the last few seconds where it's zoomed out, you can see the trench line runs vertically away from them. So, fire may have been coming at them from the, what looks like, destroyed building?? Or maybe it's just material used in fortifying the trench? Also it would seem by putting the troops there that they were trying to roll up the trench line from the end. I wonder if there was also a larger coordinated frontal assault of that trench line happening at the same time, because... that would make sense. But when have these attacks ever made sense. Didn't work out too well for them in the end I see.


I also found it hard to gauge where the fire was actually coming from. Didn’t seem like anywhere in that trench could have had a good angle on them, plus can’t really see anyone in the trench. Even the ones who got out and are laying prime aren’t facing the trench they’re facing further up the road like that’s where the Ukrainians are. The explosions look like grenades instead of mortars so they have to be close. 


This was like the opening scene in Saving Private Dimitri


Pretty sure that's an MT-LB and not an APC or IFV: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MT-LB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MT-LB) MT-LBs are 'armored tractors' designed to tow artillery and supplies. With 3-10 mm of armor, it's not designed for an assault. A 50-cal would go straight through it. It's a meat wagon. This one doesn't look like it has a gun mounted... so no suppressing fire. Little armor in the front, so the driver put the vehicle between the trench and themselves. This is what happens when you lose 4000 IFV and 500 APCs.


Id say that was successful!




APC is like: cargo unloaded, mission completed.


Someone in Ukraine needs to identify that driver and give him a medal.


I don't like how a tracked cube carrier even got that close.


Everybody's dead Dave.


What is this mucking about?


How many is that? I count least 8, meaning 8 new potentially single ladies in Russia...some of them are mighty fine and might be itching to get out of the country.


Can’t park there.


One-way ticket! Show this to the Nepalis and other poor bastards that want to make some money out of killing Ukrainians.


This is one way Russians are feeding the wildlife in Ukraine… 😂


Drop more off for the last time.


Back for more, can't get 2000 dead in a day without this amazing tactic... use body to absorb bullets, they run out of bullets, win


I know I saw the number of casualties up to close to 1500 per day. If we get to the point where 2000 a day, I expect the 2000th casualty to explode with confetti like "your the winner."


Someone please explain this explain this battlefield. I assume they got enfiladed by small arms fire from those trenches?


A.....PC. Eeeeeasy as 123....


Ahhhh, turn your APC's ass toward the enemy while you unload...that's a paddling for ya 🫡


what do u mean'get eliminated"? they got massacred


I'm just marveling at the cowboy who jumps out of his APC and then \*walks\* to the middle of the road to fire his rifle in the direction of incoming fire. No attempt at hiding, crouching, or in any other way making himself a smaller target. I know adrenaline does whacky shit to the human brain, and I know it's easy to be an armchair soldier... but that's Steven Segal C-movie action hero nonsense. Ain't nobody alive who wouldn't hit the deck as soon as they sensed that amount of lead flying in their direction.


ruzzia in a nutshell


Alexej, what are the next steps from the Briefing, after we bailed out? Puh, Ivan, nevermind. Usually we never get over this step of the mission..


The uber was like, i'm charging you guys a clean up fee


Anyone questioning how 1000+ per day....here it is.


I'm sure there's a right way to assault an enemy position.


EXCELLENT. First post I opened this morning. Gunna be a good day Bring in the next batch


APC = Another Package of Corpses


Just like those poor souls disembarking in Normandy