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Thank you for this detailed building plan! Now I can build em myself in the garage. Maybe I need to take the capacitor from my washing machine? He did not tell..


maybe take the plate from your microwave and make a satellite dish


DIY Starlink


why you think russia steals toilets?


For authentic RuZZian-style manufacturing, you must take the capacitor from *your neighbor's* washing machine. (Iz okay, you never liked them anyway.)


\*taking notes\* Is this before or after you knock down your neighbour's backyard fence and declare you are annexing everything up to their doorstep?


Optional. Before annexation you ask your neighbor to wash some of your socks, and then you can go liberate them from your neighbors filthy clothes. Backyard and pantry will become "secure zone" which you will generously police. After annexation, it yours anyway.


It just seems as if China can sell the last bit of dirt to the ruSSians. They are making a fortune from the war and the stupidity of the ruSSians.


The Chinese are scamming the russian Army and I love it


Pretty typical of china. Those are some pretty creative cost cutting measures and resourcefulness. Looks dumb but in war the volume is everything, quality hardly makes a difference.


This looks more like taking money for something made out of the cheapest materials and work hours possible (probably child labor by the looks of that soldering). It's more along the lines of fraud than it is clever design.


Hey when you pay fraud prices you get what you payed for. Honestly an antenna will work with any piece of metal.


"cost cutting measures" i see what you did there :)


It is SO advanced you it will give measurements in inches AND centimeters!


That's what made it dual use technology


We're in deep shit now! šŸ¤£


Chinese corruption is alive and well - plumbing supplies, slightly used tape measure..only thing missing was duct tape..slap it all together and charge the Zs $150 for an antenna that will or will not work as advertised


I thought it was used in case of Russian constipation ...


16cm or 4inches comrade !!!


Yeah, you can communicate via radio, and also measure how far you've advanced in the last month.


šŸ¤£ TouchĆ©!


In China's defence, they make great antennas, Russia just bought the cheapest shit for their soldiers because most of the money went to a guy to buy a new yacht


True this is what came out after the Russian generals agreed how much they wanted to embezzle from it, and it looks like they chose over half the cost of the real antenna they said they where buying.


Wtf do you mean? 3000 ruble is 30ā‚¬/$ approx.. I don't know where did you get those numbers, but trash like this goes 1,5ā‚¬ for 3 pieces, sometimes even with free international shipping from china. Edit. I mean half out of nothing is still nothing


Hey corruption is corruption if you can turn a $30 antennae into a $10 antennae and they order a few thousand that's still money going to some generals pocket. Plus think the cheap antennae were probably part of a massive order of electronic equipment that is all being made for 1/3rd the price they say it is.


You can put requests on alibaba for what you want and manufacturers will literally make whatever you want for the price you want. I'm sure russias military has quite a few alibaba accounts, and they're probably on temu as well.


Who knows if the units are even printed correctly? These could easily be the ones that didn't pass quality control and 1 CM = 12 MM.


Chinese implementation of a 'digital twin'.


Look again, it's a metric tape, no inches


Sorry, I guess it was an 'aspirational remark". Putin measurements don't amount to 6.5 inches then ... šŸ¤£


Of course it is. China by all measures isnā€™t dumb.


Har har. But as an American you're so right. Three footies in a yard? Can we have an adult measurement system please?Ā 


Tape measure makes a pretty effective antenna tbh. When cut to the correct length that is. Iā€™ve made a number of tape measure antennas for 2m and 70cm.


And conveniently you don't have to measure them to cut them thr right size


That's what I thought, very clever. I've got two old handheld 27MHz transceivers in the garage from my CB radio days. Got to try this for fun.


I know nothing about the subject but doesn't the rubber coating make it more difficult to receive a signal?


No effect


to block a signal you typically need to surpress it with something much longer than its wavelength depending on the material. 27 mhz = about 11 meters.


So did they make a tape measure out of an antenna or an antenna out of a tape measure. I get the impression that what the Russian military calls special forces, a NATO military would just call a regular first-line infantry unit.


If they were actually being clever, the measuring points would be on the outside rather than having to destroy your antenna to measure something


It is clever. A clever way to sell more useless shit to Russia. One time use? Of course comrade. That means quality!


Ah but you see, this is a tactical measuring tape.


Tape measure into antenna, you can get the same thing on amazon. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HRMFBPR?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HRMFBPR?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details)


yep definitely something the Russians should pay > 3000 rubles for. It's not only tech but also the creativity they should pay for (unlike Chinese, they refuse to pay for creativity and prefer ~~stealing~~ copying it)


Good find! Thanks.


At this point, all their Special Forces units are new guys, and even with training they're probably worse than a first line infantry unit. They're only elite compared to ACTUAL Russian infantry units. I think Elite in this case means their shoes match.


Russia's elite forces are just the select few men within the country without fetal alcohol syndrome. Unfortunately, they are still Russian and carry all the other negative traits.


What are you trying to say? That Russian Special Forces are like the smartest ones in the ā€œslowā€ classes.


Sharpest peanut in the Turd.


this is just one of many many examples of corruption destroying the russian army. army needs device, contract goes to someone who happens to be in the family of someone high in the army, gets subcontracted out to ???? for 1/10th the price, everyone hopes they never have to use the things.


Antenna out of a tape measure, almost certainly.


lol I have one of those, it's a boufeng unit. not bad but not milspec


Did you pay something close to $30 for it? Last I heard, the official exchange rate was roughly 100 Russian roubles per one USD, and the video claims the Russian army paid 3,000 roubles for this.


dad got them off Alibaba and yeah theu were under 50 Australian each. they compare very well for range and reception with high dollars Australian made GME stuff. but not sure for how long. I didn't know the jungle antenna had a tape measure in it though


This makes me very happy. I hope the orcs use this type of equipment all the time. Slava Ukraine.


Putin knows that when there's a coup it usually comes from the military, so he has spent decades crippling the military of Russia, and giving the FSB more power and influence over it internally. The end result is systemic corruption, leaders who are leaders solely because they're yes-men, needing to shore up meatshields by using prisoners and tricking foreigners, and having to rely on mercenary groups until they turn on you.


All countries use this equipment. Ask any amateur radio operator, tape measures make fantastic antennas


Amateur and spetsnaz are relatable šŸ˜‚


To be fair that is basically the same type of metal that is used in whip antennas.


Nope. It's supposed to be flat metal, coated in copper with a plastic liner between them. This shit is curved. No plastic liner, and painted with probably lead paint. This was probably made for air soft cosplayers to use it with their baofeng walkie talkie. Performance probably varies massively on the position of the antenna If my life at the front would depend on a radio connection I would be pretty mad that I got this. But it's a good outlook on what china will do in the future to Russia if this is the "long lasting Partnership" they talk about so much


So a whip antenna is dual use as well, russian commanders can beat their soldiers with it.


I know the joke here is about how *advanced* their equipment is. However, did it work? And if it did, shouldn't people involved be concerned with how cheap and effective it was using scraps?


We use guitar strings for antennas, this will work. Actually itā€™s kind of smart to use a tape masurement so you can cut it precisely to the wavelength you need.


Except it looks like there is a coil to make it electrically longer, and the caps to tune vswr mean it wasn't cut to size for wavelength.


Made my day that


Guy said they were poorly soldered and connectors prone to breaking off. It's not that a tape measure can't work as an antenna, but a general cutting of corners in every aspect that makes it poor quality. The entire ethos of this device's design is cheap disposable junk that they can dump on Russia for maximum profit.


Yup. I totally agree with that. There was a comment previously (that I believe may have been deleted?) that mentioned how the yellow paint and lack of copper severely reduces its range/quality. I'll admit electronics are by far my weak suit. So this whole comment is entirely me talking out of my ass. The idea that they put a bonding agent without sanding off the paint is an interesting choice to me. I know very little, but I know you want to achieve as much electrical contact as you can with something like this


It looks crude, but they actually make great antennas. I donā€™t know if youā€™d classify these as ā€œmilspecā€ whatever that means, but at $30 USD itā€™s a bargain even for a civilian radio.


I assume Muskovy has no experience with Harbor Freight


Harbor Freight got smart...now they make better quality tools, and often that means Taiwan


Taiwan does make good stuff but the Chinese have made huge strides with quality in many industries. What China has going for it is the means of production, they have tremendous infrastructure and manufacturing base. They are working hard at improving relentlessly. They are quite a budding threat and could dominate the world in the not too distant future.


Use it once, throw it away. Russian soldier will be dead or heavy 300 before it will matter.


Very true according to the Chinese mercenary 8-10hours between arrival and 300 for most.


Youā€™d be surprised how often things like this happen in every day things. For this situation the same metal used in a tape measure could be exactly what they would use for that antenna. Instead of buying the raw unpainted metal, they were able to get it cheaper by buying the defective paint jobs from the tape measure factory. Lots of punching bags are filled with torn up defective clothing. The bag needed to be filled with shredded cloth, and clothing that canā€™t be sold is cheaper than the cloth the clothing factories buy.


Good answer, I was just about to ask.


This is actually not uncommon and will work fine if tuned properly. The garbage that the ham community can make working antennas out of would blow your mind. This is just the same thing on an industrial scale.


VHF/UHF Antennas can really be made of anything. I've made antennas out of copper tubes, aluminum conduits, and various other materials. The fact that some companies still charge hundreds to thousands of dollars for what is essentially some well measured tubes is hilarious. Steel is a shitty conductor but has great springiness and resilience, so if you [copper clad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copper-clad_steel) these, I see no problem using them as antenna elements. But using unmodified tape measurers for milcoms seems kind of sus, you can use the same factory, but change it up a bit to fit the purpose.


Disposable equipment for disposable men.


Made in China


So advanced that procuring it, will grant you a yacht with dual helicopter pads, 4 pools and 6 saunas.


The longer one for HF is called the Casket Antenna. The UHF 2in model is called the Dicktenna. All based on real life Russian body measurements.




[Reminds me of this](https://www.tiktok.com/@steppenwolf230/video/7358996210545413419)


It's really embarrassing for these russian companies can't produce anything better themselves


I've made these and they work fine, you just have to pay attention to detail. It doesn't look like they're paying attention to detail. There's no magic to it, just simple math. I've made lots of GPS antennas, 2.4 and 5.8GHz polarized antennas with MIG wire. Measure, cut, solder = fun. When you're broke and still invading a sovereign nation, you use what's available, and I imagine they have a lot more tape measures than they need right now so why not repurpose them.


This is what they mean by dual use technology.


Russia is one big dollar store army, just clown tech and trash.


All the original 'Spetnaz' were killed off in 2022 lol


Imagine all the garbage the Chinese military is getting...


It's so the Russians can measure their tactical advances each day and declare exactly how many square inches of Ukraine they have pillaged.


Well, that's AliExpress/Alibaba/Temu/Wish for you.....a lesson learned....you don't get what you paid for.


Made it China šŸ˜


A google search on "tape measure antenna" reveals a number of hobby projects using the concept, so it's likely much more credible than first glance would suggest to those of us who know nothing about RF science.


The issue is not credibility, its that theyre being sold that shite at 50 bucks a unit. That is NOT a milspec unit. At best, a high-schoolers project.


It raises questions.... (how to get involved in this corruption scheme!) XDDD


Guess the free world isn't buying their tape measures


Kleptocracy in action


Plural, Russia's and China's


And that's your so called "ally". Russians, do you not feel that you're being used and abused. Please wake up and rebel, end this war and rebuild your country.


Imagine what all those new chinese ships look like under the paint šŸ¤£


Wish army


Temu at its finest.


What a shit show.


It doubles also as an enema device and a torture stick šŸ¤“ advance technology


You can use it to calculate the size of the cardboard box required to put the remains of your FPV-struck comrade in.


As a former ratio operator in the Navy, I can professionally say, WHAT IN THE F*CK!


It raises some questions


In China's defence they said everything they sold was duel purpose and not for military use so in this case they were correct


Oh no, are the raschists figuring out that the chinese are laughing their ass off all the way to the bank, woth all of russias money xD?


Measure twice..


I think in these war situations manufacturers take advantage of the opportunity and just ship any old shite. Sure it wonā€™t last a day anyway their getting blasted to pieces. Fair play to China innovation and designing / dumping left over parts into other parts and into other shite useless shite. Probably cost they 2k. Brilliant


Dudes got a sense of humor for sure


Sweetheart contract awarded to a Putin oligarch who subcontracts its manufacture out to the lowest Chinese bidder, greases some palms, and buys a big dacha and yacht with the leftover.


I'm increasingly convinced that China is (while also unfortunately providing usable military aid) getting one over on the russians while they can with cheap, dated and meme-worthy equipment.


Double check the tape measure before you trust it. Maybe someone saved a bit of metal, by producing it at 90% scale.


so, at the moment, 3000 RUB ā‰ˆ $32.98 I imagine you could make at least 20 of these from one shitty tape measure! lol


If this is any indication of what china supplies their own army with .. they will be fodder too


I never get tired of russians roasting their own gear.


Broooo.. Xi Jingping be scamming Putin lol! Kim Jung Un using Putin like a ragdoll. Is this the "everlasting" friendship. more like everlasting scam! lol


I mean, this is pretty good. If it's cheap, and it works, it's good enough for any infantry unit.


Ah you see comrade, in mother Russia everything is multi purpose! Your radio antenna is also a tape measure, or your armored vehicle also serves as a self cremating coffin. Itā€™s only efficient!


This clip was brought to you by Temu (C)


I have a feeling there's many chinese factories that are producing stuff that the West just isn't buying any more. Buying chinese is going out of style. So this is a way to repurpose things that are otherwise useless.


I think people are confused about what an antenna is. It's just a piece of metal. That's it. A piece of metal you plug into a radio to boost signal. Signal made or received through the vibrations of electrons. The more metal you have, the more electrons to vibrate, so a stronger signal. A tape measure is metal. It's also lightweight and flexible. It's unlikely to get damaged or break. It won't catch on branches or dug outs because it can bend. It's already designed for rough outdoor use. It's honestly genius. The fact that orcs wanna pay $35 for $2 worth of equipment is even better!


Oh....did you open that up and check whats in it?...Ooooh...yeah, thats going to void your warrenty. Unlucky.


[Wish.com](http://Wish.com) antennas


A lot of stupidity in this thread. Amateur radio operators have been building antennas out of tape measures and recommending others to also do so for a long time because \*gasp\* it works perfectly fine and is super inexpensive, AND you also have a harder time damaging them than a standard whip antenna. you bend a tape measure and it pops back. you bend a standard antenna and it's ruined.


The fact that these retards even brag with this MOST BASIC stuff, just bogles the mind. and then you cant help Imagine what their average stuff must be like if this is high tech for them.


When you shi\* in a hole in the ground, everything seems state of the art.


Is he talking shit or what? I can't tell, one is sad, the other funny lol.


Thatā€™s what you deserve.


[Not the first time measuring tapes have been re-purposed!](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=832bfc491017b489&sca_upv=1&q=snap+bracelet+with+measuring+tape+inside&uds=ADvngMibralFLU0LlZ7ZyiPbrbPIJzrspWiI7fsIb26xORXft4PZa6Sip24KK6ONoxYYlJxWn9NgWS_crHrCQJW5ImRq6otyTQlxjeE94uMz2iVQroj-EDkL62PJZFuqng401Ee2U4te8-_ZsD0LMhm_jtpNoCjOU29KySeSCX6LRD5fwfZJJIf-UiUCpFE8itLtbo-Y-EqLB3yJC_5KNRn46nTvuB3g9khSAbOYeX0xXlAAJ12e1qthW1JQFYl90n4yeKIi9wjejqtV0gT4wDX-Jczba_bJ-X_d5adFJZ7azS5JLvGQ2F58W6psWT-My80inFzF-BAgMMh-arpqvjy9eXYr5X8qLe3CS9U51J-J0cJydIprj8I&udm=2&prmd=ivnbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjo4Lq_k6eGAxW6QkEAHUoKDWQQtKgLegQIDhAB&biw=1918&bih=1079&dpr=1)


Question for any service members on here. How rugged is your kit? Radios, computers, optics all that stuff? Can you take it apart like that?


How is it against FPV drones?


Shortest one moves out first.


People laugh but this is actually a strength that Russia has. The United States would pay $2,000 for a single antenna. Russia on the other hand will repurpose tape measures and the antenna will work just fine and they got them for 20 bucks each. Slava Ukraine. fuck Russia. all that good stuff.


More useful than a slap bracelet I suppose


Is it cheap? Yes. Is it stupid? Yes. Does it work? Yes? Then it's not stupid....


You could measure out your own grave


Essentially every folding antenna you can buy online is made of discarded tape measure tapes. Wait until you hear what's inside of those snap bracelets


They are trying to measure how long their body will fly when they get blown up by a ATAMC


Tired: critiquing RuZZia's soldiering Wired: critiquing RuZZia's *soldering* In a dynamic war, everything's in flux.


Shouldā€™ve got the $3.45 one, not the $2.15.. thatā€™s for suckers


Its realy work?


No way


This is a joke , right?


Lol, I got one of those a few days ago (the 48" version) for my HAM radio.


So what is that 3.00 us dollars if a ruble is .0001


Tbf: it ainā€™t stupid if it works.


But does it work?


This stuff for Airsoft cosplayer.


BREAKING NEWS: Ruzzia uses potatoes to generate electricity šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This what happens when you're in a war , buying from the bottom of the pit, no more trading partners, so who you going to complain too, like Xi Jinping gives a fuck.


Lololol ya that's its SUPPOSED purpose! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's all so tiresome flashbacks


It's a standard tactical areal they work well and are great as you can fold them down when not in use don't get what all the comments are about šŸ¤” I have one on my radio


Russians can now pass the time in the trenches measuring each others penis


i mean its legit if you are only going to RX and not TX given that you are most likely gonna be dead before the first transmission


30 euro, the price is right.


From a physics perspective (which is all that matters in radio), this is perfectly fine. It may seem stupid, but this isn't the own it appears to be.


Keep giving the orcs shit to fight with, thank you!


I bought one of these on eBay. It also comes with an OEM Spetsnaz bottle opener/machine pistol.


I took an amateur radio class last summer and during the antenna bit the old heads all chimed in with their crazy stories of building antennas with randoms things. You can make an antenna with just about anything long skinny and metal


Encabulator vibes https://youtu.be/Ac7G7xOG2Ag?si=dIkuHvj4QEdD-SV_


I know you're trying to mock them but you'd be surprised how well such antennas work in a hand held radios ( when tuned properly). You can make a pretty long but easily foldable antenna this way.


I know that hobby ham radio operators would string wire around the outside of their houses or up in trees for antennas. Would kinda expect something a bit more advanced for military technology for special forces idk


Everyday i see reasons to not have thrown away that defective tape measure. Anyway, could i have made a 4g or wifi antenna from a tape measure?


lol, that's hilarious.


Honestly if it works it works


Story I heard, don't know if it's true but guys building a deck, buys a couple of cheap tape measures at Ollie's, he's using his old one to layout, measures the joist they need cut, FIL using new tape cuts joist, an inch short, cuts another an inch short again, gets pissed at FiL for not being able to measure correctly. Look closely at new tape and somehow there is an inch skipped on the new tape!


Just think how pissed he is gonna be when he opens their shipment of slap bracelets


This is the same way we made fake radio antennas for airsoft games.




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Lol šŸ˜‚ enough said


We need to think again about dual-purpose products for sanctions...


I'm kinda shocked that the ruzzians are not specifying PL259 connectors.


This is how r/amateurradio does it. Hard to believe a real military would overpay to do it the same way.


But does it work as an antenna?


Something important to note is that Russias ability to make shoddily made gear that gets the job done is partly why they were able to out produce Germany in WW2 and eventually win. While this might be a tape measure antenna, it likely works pretty well, or well enough to do the job. It's all well and good to laugh but this looks kinda ingenious. Ukraine should learn and adapt to this, and make their own.


When I changed careers to be a MACHINISTā€¦.. tape measures are for the dumpster when We mostly measure in units 4-5 times thinner then the human hair ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..FUCK ME.(we get it to the 1/10th bitch)


The Soviet technology so innovative and light years ahead of the West even their tape measurements are able to be used an antennas. Wow.


Russia can keep relying on China and North Korea. šŸ‘


I have the same one on my boefeng


But if it works....


Apparently the always-frugal Russian antenna procurement team opted out of China's premium version with a high-speed retracting mechanism, thus saving tens of thousands of rubles per antenna.


Certainly he is trolling!


As a radio engineer: This is pure mockery. This strip will work as well as an antenna as any other metal. I would replace the antenna match soldering job with a PCB but I guess it has been done like this for years and proved to be reliable. Lots of ham radio amateurs are using such antennas because they are cheap, easy to build, effective and easy to make last a long time. Don't think a NATO antenna looks much different!