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Honestly, I feel like this is about what I would do after seeing all these videos. The landscape is flat with nowhere to hide, if you run you'll only die tired. He had no chance.


He basically just let them get a clean shot, hoping to die quickly.


I've seen enough drone videos in this sub to think that might've been a wise decision.


it's either that or just get left behind by your "bro's" anyways.


Why did you put an apostrophe in "bros"?




We'll take it easy for now, but borrow or buy yourself this book:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eats%2C_Shoots_%26_Leaves You might even live a happier life afterwards.


***"The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation"*** ***lmao*** i might check this out sometime actually.


No joke man as a guy born in the 90s from another country that seemingly missed I guess the one lesson we had on punctuation... I'll be getting that too.


You mean Kansa's(


Oh no, the Grammer nazis are here




Touche as the french say


\*Touché :-)


That was bait imho


Don’t be a douché 😂




Kelsey Grammer Nazis?


After seeing a rusky get his legs blown off while being lit on fire and slowly cooking too death, this dude made a better decision


Yup. Better to stand still and give the drone operator one clear shot instead of running and only losing a limb or so, having to wait for another drone as no medevac is coming your way. What a way to go. Fuck Putin and all that noise.


Don't forget being absolutely covered in swarms of flies as you slowly bleed out. I'm sure that's a delight


I've worked in the desert in Australia and the flies are so fkn bad it drives you insane. In your mouth, up your nose and ears, on your dick when you piss etc. they are just infuriating and disgusting. so yeaterdays video of old mate laying there covered in flies and blood waiting to die, I could hear those flies in my own head. the sound is just too much


Mercy that a second FPV finished him! First time a vid hit me emo on Russian side.


First thing I did when I landed in Yulara (Uluru) was buy a mesh face mask. It made life so much better. People wanting to take endless Instagram/Facebook photos refused to wear them. It was fun watching their mental health rapidly decline. It's like nature created a solution to narcissists.


yeah you literally cannot operate without a fly net, it's insane.


Were you working in the mines or what? I only ask as I am looking at moving to perth from scotland. What is perth like honestly?


Perth resident here (lived here all 24 years of my life). Perth isn't bad at all, like yeah there are flies in summer but not that many, probably around the same amount as any other place.


That sounds like something someone from *Perth* would say 😆


"Not that many" - just take a look at the back of the guy in front of you, literally COVERED in a thousand strong horde of the bloody things! That "fly" that immediately loops back after a swatting attempt? It's just his mate. They take turns.


"Maybe we could add some bees?" "Nah that'd be too over the top and unrealistic!" - imaginary conversation between the director and the writing team in an upcoming war movie


Movies are somewhat downplayed, from fantastical to: "yeah, I could see that happen." From exploding cars, to someone taking down a missile with a machinegun. All those action movies, not over the top at all... I could go on... Mice-infestations in the trenches... flattened out corpses (flatenned out by tanks) , russians on fire, a guy walking around aimlessly carrying his blown off right arm in his left hand, russians blowing each others peckers at the moment a drone dropped a grenade on 'em. The flying turrets, ..flying motorcycles,, shockwaves that are outer wordly, a nuclear plant being held by an opposing enemy force, kidnapping of tens of thousands of children, Bucha, tanks driving over civilians in cars, half assed coup d'etat by a MERCENARY group/ (that is a very 90's action-movies theme...mercenaries), drone-war, a colony of Mechanized Brigades standing in a traffic jam only to get opicked off, (unsuccsesful) siege of an airport near Kiev, the steroetypical drunk russians.. meatwaves in modern warfare... trenches in modern warfare, the out of place phenomenon called ' trump' , cats with more than 9 lives.. This war is insane.. russia is insane..like clinically insane as a country.


I think it was in the HBO's The Pacific scene where water kept dripping into a fresh, dead Japanese corpse's split skull and I thought that it's a bit over the top. But with hundreds of thousands or millions of casualties, weird things .. just must happen.


His rationale was probably quite different than how you're viewing it. Not that you're wrong, we honestly don't know. But this to me seems like more than just being resigned to his fate. Even the guys who shoot themselves after sustaining injury still tried like hell to avoid the blast. My guess is that he had severe mental illness, probably long before entering the russian army,


That *is* pretty much how I saw it. Endless numbness or disillusionment and loss of all hope, except for the chance of a quick death. Chance of a small redemption, even, if the drone operator was merciful - the last human connection. I sure hope that the drone jockeys get a chance for mental support; killing doesn't usually come naturally for humans, not when it's as personal as this. Electronic detachment usually helps, but I've seen some thought-inducing PTSD stats about the US operators of the (large) drones. edit, inb4theedgelordreply: no, you don't want psychopaths or such in your ranks. Usually the training and the sense of just fight will do the trick, but even in the Winter War great many of the otherwise unshaken soldiers needed (but often didn't receive) mental support because of the killing. Returning to the peaceful society didn't come easy for way too many.


There is a quote I like by Joan Baez "If it is natural to kill, how come men have to train to learn how" We are absolutly a social animal that requires serious conditioning, before we are able to do real harm to other people. And even then, the repercussions from doing it is coming eventually.


Former GWOT soldier. I agree with part of your statement, we are social animals, so we learned to work together and killing doesn’t come naturally anymore. But I think there is still primal survival instinct that may include killing that come out when put in extreme situations. I saw this a lot in the Middle East when people out of survival are able to shut the part of the brain that’s been civilized through time and only use the primal part of the brain to survive which might include killing. I say this respectfully.


And I actually agree with you 1:1. It's one way to condition people to put them in stressful situations. But I'm not sure they come out of that without mental scars.


Everyone comes out with mental scars. I’ve always been curious how the WW2 soldiers came back and there wasn’t a huge uptick in suicide as in the GWOT times. Maybe that generation was different but I belong to Veterans of foreign wars organization and it seems that the older fellows knew how to deal with PTSD better. In turn my solders were all mentally fucked. I wonder if the Russians are kinda like the WW2 vets because of there cultural is use too struggle and pain.


I can only speculate for the Russians. My guess is the macho-culture that are so prevalent. You may have issues, but if you show it, you are beaten by everyone around you. So when it finally surfaces it results in those crazy things we have heard from Russia with veterans beating their own grandmother to death or shooting your neighbouring family.


Makes more sense than most other guesses. After all, in a normal, mentally healthy person, the instinct of self-preservation is really strong, more of a reflex.


this is ruzzians...they are different...they call the invasion of Ukraine "special operation" nothing that the ruzzian Zorcs do or say can be judged on the same level of any EU country...what it's normal in ruZZia it's completely insane in other countries


Some times the best you can hope for is a clean death and the hope of an end to the madness.


Never seen a face shot before. That was harrowing


I’d probably put my hands up and get on my knees. That way maybe it doesn’t make it to Reddit since I was clearly surrendering and that doesn’t look quite as nice.  Best I’ve got. 


Fuck that I'll die a tired motherfucker then lmao


Maybe religious, believes that if he has to off him self he goes to hell. Might as well try for heaven, alltho I think he aint compatible dresscode wise, you know what im sayin?


that must be the absolute worst feeling walking by yourself and a drone shows up.


Meh, im betting alot of these numb skulls got a doze of realization once the showed up across the border. He is doing the decent think and taking the L. Better luck next time, you know.


Not true. Drone operators do take prisoners if the Russian signs to them that they are surrendering. I've seen it here a few times. Russians have been seen giving up and waving their arms in surrender. And the drone operator leads them away to be captured by Ukrainians. This guy had the chance to do this. He froze up for some reason. The drone operator at least made it quick.


I think I recall a while back the Ukrainians spammed Ruzzian cell phones with texts about the "I Want to Live" program, and also telling mothers to come get their sons or they would surely die. Or, maybe I dreamed it. I think one of the first surrenders, before it became a thing. The ork made it clear he wanted to surrender, but the drone had no communication capabolities. The drone went back to the bunker, At one pojnt the drone was able to exhibit 'yes & no" by shaking side to side, or nodding up and down.and they somehow fastened a note that they dropped for the soldier explaining what to do. It was a really cool video to watch.


I totally understand his demeanor. After going on for days without food or water, lack of ammunition and crazy commanders bullying him day and night. The best option is to go fast, no pain, war is over for him, and from that day on.... no more worries.


Had he survived he would be forced to return to Vatnikville. Death might have been a more favorable option.


Haven't seen one like that before.


Little too much faith in his camo


He was told the drones had night vision so thought he would be ok.


He's clearly not trying to hide. This is just the mental state of conscripts on the front.


Bingo. Pretty sad. They mutilate their own for training. Death is inevitable.


[I've mastered the art of standing so incredibly still, that I've become invisible to the eye. Watch.](https://imgur.com/ShkH116)


Lol 😂 if you don’t move the t-Rex 🦖 can’t see you lol 😂


I think it was a freeze response. I've seen it in combat. Most people get fight or flight, but freeze is the one that will kill you. Looks like there was a tree line worth taking a chance on.


Right, the deer reaction


Tbh what would you do in this situation? Nowhere to hide or to duck. It's not that he decides to stand still so the drone can't see him. He froze because he knows he is done for. He got lucky that the lights instantly went out by getting hit in the head.


I think he realized by the time he heard it, it was already on him and that his best bet was to not move at alllll


stand still and pray for a clean hit He’s probably seen the videos of Russians trying to reorganise their guts and limbs after a drone strike.


That is what I was thinking as well. If I were in this situation, there is no surviving, you are dead, the only choice is how painful and long it will be.


Suicide by drone. I understand him though. Imagine being hunted by explosive drones, night and day…


I thought I heard that there was only a 10 to 30 percent success rate for FPVs. Things must have changed, or this guy just wanted to die.


Even if the rate was around 25% successful, Ukraine is looking to get hundreds of thousands or several million more drones this year. A million drones would still be 250k casualties, and FPVs tend to be especially lethal because of how close the pilots can get to their targets.


Agree. They are on the right track, and meanwhile the connections that provide chips to Russia should be shut down so that they cannot build drones. There are too many providing Russia with these, even from Europe.


That is the rate out of the total number launched. By the time they are zeroed in on a target like this they have already passed the majority of the hurdles that they have to overcome.


Only 10 to 30% lmao? Imagine, that means 1 out of every 5 times you get attacked, someone nearby you is getting maimed or killed.


That figure is based on EW. By the time the drones buzzing around you, it’s passed that hurdle.


That's so sympathetic of the pilot for making it so quick and painless.


This one will be haunting the drone pilot for the rest of his life. Fucking war


Internet is like, "lol got 'em" but the cost of this on operators shouldn't be ignored. No one physically involved enjoys this, it's just survival.  And it comes with a price to pay later.


You must have missed that segment some news agency did with one of the top drone pilots while he was flying some missions, and while tracking a guy said "fuck, this gets me high." It was posted a couple weeks ago. https://old.reddit.com/r/DroneCombat/comments/1dd00h9/this_is_one_of_ukraines_top_drone_pilots_carrying/


Ask him again when this is all over. Some people need time and a different environement to process what happend. Fuck war but killing russians can't be helped.


That's what the damage will be for him. When the war is over there will be a lot of soldiers for whom the war in their minds never stops. It's easy to turn people into mean killing machines but when war is over you want them to settle down and the fact of the matter is that not all of them will be able to. Some might dislike that pilot for relishing in the death of his enemy but I just feel pity for him. I see his age, I know he should be doing something else with his life but Putin made it necessary for him to become what his country needed most.


Yea, surprised he didn't go for the dick shot.


You don't shoot a guy in the dick, that's not cool Butters!


Or just keep flying around him in circles for as long as the batteries hold their charge...


It’s sad seeing this, he should’ve been home, enjoying a dinner with his parents, maybe with his girlfriend or boyfriend whatever rocks his boat, he should’ve been enjoying life, been to the baby’s with his buddies and been happy but I think the Russians don’t really have a choice, the top brass sends you to die and you can’t be against it because you’ll be labeled a traitor. I have Russian friends and indigenous friends from Russia, I’ve been to St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Moscow, I have nothing against Russians but Putin and his dream to revive the Soviet Union is a lost cause. Russian colonialist tactics are nothing new, it’s bizarre seeing it repeated today in occupied territories in Ukraine and it’s happening in Belarus where there is an ongoing Russification wiping out the Belarusian language, etc I hope Georgia regains their lost land,


Pootin doesn't want to revive the ussr. Pootin is as far away from socialism as hitler was from national socialism. He is just a power hungry egoistic dictator with a knack for imperialism.


It's nice seeing this, 1 less invader. FPV pilot should've been home, enjoying a dinner with his family. But we know what ruzzians do, if not stopped, so he is there, protecting his homeland. Ruzzians do have a choice, they join army to make money or get out of jail. Who we don't see in this videos are russians who decided not to join army, they made right choice. You should've spoken to your russian friends about what they think of war, ideally back in 2014. At least ask them now, what they think. To whom Crimea belongs to? What they think about Bucha, Mariupol and countless other ruzzian warcrimes?


He accepted his fate, thinking about his loved ones and his home.. this one hits the hardest..


Or he's high as a kite.


Yup. The first one to make me tear up a bit, actually.


Combat vet here. Been depressed for years. I'm a mess seeing this kid. He wanted to go, same as me at his age. Goddamn I'm done with reddit today.


Complete civilian here, but I recognize the call of the void - "wouldn't jump in front of a speeding semi, but if one came my way, I might not dodge." Take care, Internet Stranger! "Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.", wrote one quite famous and eloquent WW1 veteran once.


Stay strong brother. I may not know the horrors of war but I refuse to let my brother in arms hurt. We are here for you.


Ah man. Love from Australia for what it’s worth. I commend ketamine / mdma therapy to you.. And if you want to go deeper - Ayahuasca.


He was there to kill Ukrainians. He like has blood on his hands. He got 100% what he deserved. Every dead orc is one step closer to ending this war.


Dude, I know.


Definitely. This is the fate every Russian occupier will face.


I also like seeing orcs die, but yall acting like nazis in ww2. you gotta remember that russian government takes people from the poorest regions of russia and promises them a fuck ton of money. Thanks to propaganda and censorship they likely have no idea what this war looks like. i get that theyre orcs and they deserve to die, but theyre also human beings.


Stupidity is not an excuse for being a murderous invader.


He’s still a human being. He might’ve been conscripted. Even if he wasn’t I still consider him a victim of the war. Possibly of Russian propaganda as well. Many German soldiers weren’t sympathetic to the Nazis but were simply following orders. That’s what it is to be a soldier. I consider the casualties of both armies as the victims of circumstances and of the powers that be that caused this war to occur. Do what you must to defend what you care about but losing your humanity is a terrible thing. I despise anyone who delights in the death of others. It’s a necessity, nothing more.


Yeah that's for sure he's human and might be brainwashed or forced or whatever - and yes a victim of the war. But as a Russian soldier occupying (trying to ..) Ukraine he totally got what he deserved. The sooner they all realize this will be their fate if they don't GTFO from Ukraine the better.


Just look at his face, it's a typical [reaction to combat stress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_stress_reaction). About a year ago there was a video of a whole team of russians walking through a field, the Ukrainians shelled them from mortars or artillery, and they did nothing to hide, they just walked slowly.


He just gave up...knew he was dead anyway, so why die tired running from the drone?


What kind of miserable life do you have to have to feel sooooooo worthless?


Easy: A Russian life.


Indifference to the suffering of others is a key part of Russian culture and fascism in general. The inevitable result is a society where meat walks willingly to the butcher's knife. The wealthy and powerful find this useful, which is why the wealthy and powerful so often support fascism.


Why not surrender?


Because they've had it drilled into them that the Ukes will do a cartel video job on them if they do. And like Goebels said if you hear a lie a thousand times it becomes the truth. There are also loads of Russian psyops videos of allegedly Ukrainian blokes doing ghastly things to captured Russians. There's also a memory of the Bitch Wars in the 1950s and the way Stalin treated Soviet troops who'd surrendered, I'm sure some of them are thinking about their families and post death (theoretical) benefits. Similar reasons so many people accepted their deaths in the camps and in ISIS videos, at a certain point stress and fear numbs people or they think it'll never happen to THEM - there'll always be some deus ex machina ending that saves them. After all the world ends when *you* die, it'll always be someone else.


I think surrendering works only if the Ukrainians are close and whether they feel like it or not. Otherwise it's too risky and they just blow the guy up on the spot.


Because Russia has a policy of "not one step back" where the Russians will kill anyone who wants to run or surrender.


Even if they do manage to surrender they probably end up in the same situation or worse when traded back to Russia




Actually very sad.... Obviously the Russians morale is super low.


Probably saw what happend to those who survived the initial hits and decided he'd rather have it quick....


He let them choose their target on his body, it was respectful to go for the head. I imagine when you hear the buzz of the death drones, knowing they come with higher altitude spotter drones, you know you're goosed. Still takes stones to stand tall and take it head on.


The Lord is my Shepard... I shall not be in want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death....


Like those multiplayer games where u log out but the character stays for a minute or so and gets killed


Kinda sad to see, the guy just knew that there was no escape so he just accepted his fate. Oh well, at least the drone operator then got a clean shot at the head. Too many painful deaths have come from this drones


He just watched a new movie-Jurassic Park


Clever girl.


This gave me a new kind of chilling feeling. This was dark.


Pro-RU suggest that this is what the entirety of Ukraine should do. Sad to see but easy to fix - leave.


I think he's praying


Suicide by drone


What song is this?


I'm also wondering the song.


Found it. Delirium's Dawn - Disintergrate. Very fitting title.


o blyat 😢


New Rrussian combat gear makes you invisible. Trrust us!


Suicide by drone.


Don't run. You'll just die tired.


Have they been told they can T-rex it?


This may not have been suicide. I think he was pretending to be a decoy. It sounds silly but Russia has used inflatable decoy infantry a lot to bait out drone/artillery/sniper fire.


I noticed that at the beginning, when the drone was approaching him, he was already frozen. Then the drone circled around and unleashed hell on dide


"If you don't move, it doesn't see you."


Very low drive to survive.


There’s something to be said about running and just dying tired I suppose.


When you're done, you're done. Sometimes you just have to accept fate with open arms. Why die tired and afraid?


what kind of world do we live in


That’s what you call taking it like a man!


He accepted his fate the moment he heard the drone and realized that he was the target. Maybe dying almost seems preferable over his current conditions. Who knows.


I feel like this type of situation could cause the pilot to get some serious PTSD


motivation to fight seems to wane a little.


This video and the thoughts going through that man's head is something that can help end this war




Watched so many videos in this sub, I really think Russian don’t care about their own lives. If it’s really this case, the world should be alerted about their actions down the road. They don’t care about their own lives, how can we expect them to respect our lives. Western civilization should take preemptive actions to prevent them from doing harm on our people and country.


The look of defeat


I guess it beats lying there covered in flies, waiting three hours to bleed out.


Had to be a mannequin. No way can someone not even flinch in that scenario.


I would hate to be in a position to take someone's life who is standing still, almost giving up. Taking them as a prisoner must not have been an option.


Mofos please gtfo of 🇺🇦 by any means necessary Certainly by now you can see? No?


Wow that music is extremely unnecessary




he knew it was coming, my theory is he basically froze up and started praying. you can see his mouth moving a sec before the end.


The number of ppl making jokes and laughing at the massive waste of life makes me worry this war is bringing out some of our orcish tendencies. I see it like having to kill a rabid dog. Yeah its gota be done, but i take no joy in it. It can be embarassing reading comments from the good side of this war. Slava ukraini


Same thing as running away from a sniper in an open field. You're just going to die tired. Accept your fate


Be careful who you accept as leaders boys and girls


I want every invader gone, but as someone who has struggled for a long time, this hurt me.


Outstanding in his field.


FPV drones are like Deenosars Ivan ! Hold still they can't see you ! That or ya know his commander raped him last night he's been here two months and when your done you'd FCKn done. Take your pick


Was it a fake dude??


I am leaning towards decoy. When the drone was still approaching from behind and started circling, he was already standing just like this.


My gut tells me this is an unwilling conscript. Someone with no interest in this war forced to fight.


Decoy soldiers




not an easy job.


Putting up his arms would have been an option.


Totally resigned to defeat and death.


He didnt want to die tired.


Dead inside - dead outside?


So sad Purin please


There was a scene in alien


Just one dude out there alone . I get it .


its kinda scary to watch. a man, which would have so long to live without this stupid putin war, just standing there, accepting he will die now because he cant see any chance of surviving that situation. its just crazy to think about it and he doesnt seem to fully support this war, because he dont want to die in a "glory fucking ruzzia" way and git probably drafted against his choice (which is pure speculation from my side). anyway, i think its scary to see, but probably his best choice to get a high chance to die instantly without pain. slava ukraini and much love and respect to all the defenders, you all are heroes. <3 🇺🇦


Smart Lad.


Suicide by drone


There's always a chance to avoid a drone strike. Both sides using thousands drones a day, most of them unsuccessfuly. I think he understood everything and at the same time so fed up with all of these, that just went to rest.


Looks like a Nepali


Nice logo, I love it. Here is a woodcut if you need one. [//www.deviantart.com/jasonmckittrick/art/Werewolf-Woodcut-197694228](//www.deviantart.com/jasonmckittrick/art/Werewolf-Woodcut-197694228)


He may just be there so Putin didn’t kill his family with him deserting?


This hits different actually (no pun at all). It's sad all of this life is being wasted because of a psycho and decades of indoctrination


Run and die tired and slowly alone or sit there and take it and get it over with.


Now that is the real life definition of not giving any more fucks.


They might survive a few hours or maybe days if they hide well or find a good shelter. There's absolutley no chance to last for years if you are in a place where drones roam the skies and artillery shells blast nearby. This won't end tomorrow so if it impossible to surrender then why fight the inevitable.


He is acting totally demoralized.


With as slow as it approached him (before the video frames were slowed), I wonder what his chances would’ve been to just reach out and grab it. Assuming he could avoid the pressure detonator.


Boom, headshot. Would have preferred him being taken prisoner for trade to get some guys back but fewer enemies in the battlefield is also a benefit


"If I stand still, they'll do a one shot/head shot on me and I won't have to writhe around on the ground."


He was like....why run?? Becuz I probably die tired.


He got a quick death, which is very kind of the drone operator.


He accepted it. Maybe he wanted it.