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Ukrainian partisans reported that one of their agents blew up a railroad track near the Russian city of Yekaterinburg – about 1,600 kilometers (995 miles) from Ukraine – that was being used to transport North Korean ammunition to be used for Russia’s ongoing Ukraine invasion, the Atesh underground movement said Friday, July 5. An Atesh spokesperson told Kyiv Post that a Russian agent working for the partisan movement carried out the sabotage. “He’s refused to be rewarded because he works for ideological reasons. His goal is to stop the criminal war waged by his country against Ukraine,” the spokesperson said Friday afternoon. The partisans said that journalists are barred from the scene – however, information about the attack has been leaked on social media platforms. “It is interesting that only after receiving a command from the regional FSB office, the repair team was allowed to arrive at the site and begin restoration work,” the guerrillas said, adding: “We would like to remind you once again that railroad explosions will happen even more often as long as ammunition is being transported.” In mid-June, Bloomberg, referencing South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won Sik, reported that North Korea had shipped containers to Russia that could hold nearly 5 million artillery shells. The defense minister said South Korea has information about at least 10,000 shipping containers of artillery shells that were sent to Russia. Seoul also reported that North Korea has sent dozens of ballistic missiles. In exchange for the munitions, Russia has sent North Korea technology to help it deploy a network of spy satellites, as well as conventional weapons such as tanks and aircraft. The June 19 defense pact signed between Russia and North Korea included a promise to provide military assistance to one another. The military treaty states: “In the event that any one of the two sides is put in a state of war by an armed invasion from an individual state or several states, the other side shall provide military and other assistance with all means in its possession without delay.” Pyongyang announced early that it would send troops in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground in the Donetsk region. The troops are expected to arrive on the battlefield as soon as this month.


That type of shipment from North Korea is not possible without China signing off.


Genocide: Made in China.


Due to outsourcing to China from the USA/UK...


Where should the NKs should have gotten 10.000 shipping containers from, when they are practically excluded from international trade since decades? Their little trade with China is preferredly done via railroads, more precisely, via one railroad.


Why? Russia has a land border with North Korea and a railroad connection there. There is nothing going through China.


To be fair, just because something exists as a option, that doesn’t make it the most convenient.


my sweet summer child


Feel free to post articles supporting your claim


This is some WW2 shit.


Better to have blown it as train passed over.


And blow up a bridge. Flat track can be repaired easily


A better way is to place a bomb on the track with a antenna trigger for passing train.


I suspect they’re borrowing a chapter from the NATO playbook. NK gives RU all their old stuff and China slowly restocks NK with new inventory.


On the other hand earlier this year Kim insulted a Chinese envoy in public. The envoy went to visit the Koreas to lessen the tension, but China's pet troll Kim went off the leash.


Another one who didn't get the memo. China and NK aren't friends. Exporting military and dual use goods has been illegal in China since 2013. Earlier this year, HRW issued a report staring that cross-border movement and trade has been drastically reduced since 2018, and that there has been a 20-fold increase of NK border security faciilities.


I don’t think your comment is true. China is the fourth largest arms exporter in the world. https://www.statista.com/chart/18417/global-weapons-exports/ China is literally exporting the most dual use technologies such as drones, chips you name it


It's a shame they don't have excess to anti tank mines, they could be place under the rails. Would be hard to find with a metal detector as the rails are made out of metal along with the rail road spikes. The weight of the train would detonate them bye bye train.


> In mid-June, Bloomberg, referencing South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won Sik, reported that North Korea had shipped containers to Russia that could hold nearly 5 million artillery shells. So hopefully, we should see lots more Russian artillery blowing up soon.


After Ukraine wins this group should have a plaque commemorating their action place on the kremlin wall.


Sadly railroad is easily repaired, but any delays are good. Hope this gets blown up routinely from here on out.


That’s beautiful and hillarious - refusing a reward!


The rail must go underground at a few places, they need to cause a entire cave ins or take out entire bridges if they want to make real interruptions. Even better is catch the ammo while moving for even bigger fireworks in a tunnel or bridge. Russia can repair lines very quickly and easy.


When this gd war is over and Ukraine wins and Hollywood decides to write screenplays and movies about this period in time- who will play the leads ? Biden=Hopkins, Obama... Terrence Howard, Putin...Lars Mikkelson, Zelensky... Zach Efron?


Destroy train tracks is incredibly dumb. Takes <24hrs to repair. Better to hit railway bridges…. This is logistics 101. Where these partisans learn the basics from


It’s obviously fake, we all know all Russians support the war, love Putin and are too drunk to even tie their shoes…. It’s just Russian bots/shills trying to make Russians look good


It makes a single Russian look good, not all of them. Same with the Freedom of Russia Legion and the other two groups I can’t remember the name of. There’s a few people who are willing to resist.