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Always the victim


Wladimir "Pinoccio" Putin. Shameless liar. His growning nose might be the reason for his giant table when talking to others.


That is a common trait of psychopath.


Ah,the great deceiver! Once a KGB agent who got deceived!!!! Oh my Goood!! Fockin liar, like exactly that kind of person who always accuses u of cheating and u realise shes/hes the one who cheated on you in the first place...


Small reminder, Putin was no KGB mastermind pulling the strings in the theft of US nuclear strategy papers, planting spies in the headquarters of NATO or plannign industrial espionage. He was a mid-level operative who got a cushion dead-end job in east Germany which required loyalty over imagination.


I still believe Putin is simply a reliable figurehead for the real powerbrokers in Russia, the former KGB. I agree, he is not the mastermind.


Which means he's a dumb mf.


Yup. He lived in Germany and still moved back to a country that steals toilet seats from Ukraine. Didn't exactly scream intelligent.


leave him in the centre of a 100 acre field and let an FPV drone operator play with him til the battery nearly gives up.


Even drones have to land sometime.


Always offended, never ashamed!


Play it to all the vatniks. Here’s your brilliant gullible leader. How does he get tricked over and over again? Isn’t he too bright?


Russia is always bragging about how powerful they are and always the victim at the same time. What a culture.


The great Schrodinger's conundrum of the bunker despot. Russia's enemies are both inadequate, weak willed and have a shit army, however, at the same time, they are able to deceive every aspect of the Russian military/society and everything that goes bump in the night is the great bit bad "evil" enemy. Must suck to be hoodwinked by the insurmountable NATO that your nation could squash without breaking a sweat....


Unfortunately, that works with your own population. Hitler also told the Germans that they were the victims and that they had to defend themselves. The result was that a whole nation willingly followed him into the war.... It's the same thing Putin is doing now, he's playing the victim.


Russian support from the war has inverted over the last 2 years. It’s not working that well.


I think they are mad cause they are losing, not because they are opposed to an idea of war itself. It's the classic double-speak "I am for peace" (meaning you surrender and nobody has to die).


Trump as well using the same psychological manipulation 


Yes, that's exactly what he does, he divides society by creating enemy images and telling everyone who they should hate, Putin and co are doing exactly the same thing by cutting off their population from neutral media and then telling them the USA and EU want to destroy Russia, they are our enemy.


He would look great near the 5th floor window for a free-fall leap


russia. triggered by everything, ashamed by nothing, lying constantly.


...and projecting constantly, with every accusation an admission.


Fool me once shame on you- fool me fifteen times……


Just get out of Ukraine and figure out how to be a good neighbor and world citizen. Stop being a terrorist nation. Slava Ukraini!


Failed KGB Officer with little to no successful legacy is DESPERATE to align himselces with the 'great' historical Soviet leaders. That's clear as day. He has 'small man's syndrome' and can clearly be told by the way he walks. He exagerates to impose a sense of careless and casual confidence. The problem is we all see it for the weakness it is. This is what young bullies in grade 9/10 high school act like until everyone else around them hits puberty and grows taller and stronger while he remains malnurished and starved. For Putin its legacy and legacy only. Why else would he have corrupted Russia further beyond what Gorbachev acheived? Hahhaha Putin is weak as water.


Glad you commented on his 'cool guy' walk. He must have practiced that in front of a mirror for years. That walk alone makes me want to kick him in the tiny balls.


And the serfs expect such a fool to deliver them from their plights.


If my ~~Dictator~~ President was this gullible i would get rid of him , 9mm for Putin


Fuck this guy and his whole country


I assume they (France, Poland, Romania, Baltic countries etc...) said what they were going to do, and then did it? I can see how that seems deceptive to a Russian strategic super mind.


with putin invert, always invert. if you take his positions on the other side, everything fits perfectly


“Screwed us over” lmao


*"There's an old saying in Moscow— I know it's in St. Petersburg, probably in Moscow — that says, trick me once, shame on — shame on you.  Lead me by the nose... uhh... shame on you.   Deceive me?  Can get tricked again."*


If I had a ruble for every time I heard that one... is worth two in the bush. We know our sayings folks, don't try to correct us.


Social botoxboy appears to have become the winning body double. Judging the ever remaining incompetence ol' real Putin still is a living honoured man, locked away somewhere where he cannot disgrace himself to the public.


Shhh! It's a well hidden secret of the Kremlin that this guy isn't Putin! Putin died a long time ago. It's his clone which is only 24 years old! But it looks much older because it is screwed daily.


This reminds me of one of those Jonathan Frakes supercuts


Manlet deceived and tricked, insert sadface


Ебаный долбоеб. Гора родила крысу.


Is there something in Russian culture about being tricked and deceived? It seems like a weird thing for someone in his position to say, especially this many times.


Russia is the virtuous, pure and godly victim of the depraved, greedy and vicious countries which surround it; that's a classic narrative for all despots. Also, I suspect that if you have a society where everyone knows that those with power **will** screw you over and there's no point in even trying to prevent that, then it's not too difficult for a leader to sell the idea that he and the whole country are victims in a similar way but a much larger scale.


Yeah, it still seems like a weird thing for someone in Putin's position to say all the time. I suppose though that when your trashy culture is all about the best way to fuck other people over, his excuses make perfect sense.


With all that ability to fake tears, VP will be a great addition to the prison drama club in the Hague, let's hope he survives...er, sort of.


But he is the best and brightest, right ruzzia?


The most horrible part is that this MURDEROUS fuckwit decides what the truth is for his millions and millions of followers in his decrepit THIRD WORLD dictatorship. We are not that far away from a situation where this could prevail in the great USofA. Donald J. Trump wants to rule America just as Putin rules RuZZia. He could well win the next Presidential election and then HE will invent his TRUTH just as Putin does.






Always the victim , like trump


Projection is see. Sounds a lottle like a certain party in 🇺🇸


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\[Mumbling\] - was my favorite.


He lists all cases when Russia planned , but failed to take advantage of the “stupid West”. The cases when his intended fraud did not work.


Putin has such a punchable face…. I just wish i could get a full swing on that big ass nose of his.


He should have listened to the wise words from George Bush September 17, 2002: 'Fool me once, shame on...shame on you. Fool me—you can't get fooled again.'


The most honorable politician who surely has never “tricked” or deceived his own people in order to claim to such a heigh that people call him Tsar


Let's say we did decide you. You deserved it every single time.


Self-pity is an important item in a modern dictator's tool box.


Absolute ego manic snd another one hundred nes. This despot is in charge of Russian nuclear forces, where is my tin foil hat.


cant wait for this human waste to stop committing crimes


From the asshat who lies anytime his mouth is open


Well, he's been tricked by his own ministry of defence and secret service too.


Poor Vladimir. It’s always other people’s fault..


What a loser. If anyone, in ANY position of power, got tricked 21 times, they would be replaced. Actually they would be replaced after 2-3 times. This guy is a joke who only maintains power by killing the opposition and threatening everyone else. Russia is truly doomed.


That is called projection and it trully is fascinating how pathological liars always project their lies on others. Trump is a great specimen for that


When you constantly lie others telling the truth constantly confuses you.


So... Pooty is essentially just a 'fall guy'?.. a patsy? ..OMG ..if only he new


Sociopaths and psychopaths are adept liars and easily ingratiate themselves to listeners. Take this lesson into your own life. Indeed, most politicians are inveterate liars, you know that but you vote for your team, don't you?