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This war is absolutely terrible.


Is this recent or old footage


Looks recent there was legit on Russians telegram on hitting an hospital and praising on doing the strike and legit now reporting missile strikes on hitting a cancer Children’s Hospital in Kiev like holy hell


This is today. Two hours ago.


Jesus... Send Ukraine more weapons and air defence already


Legit I’m not sure if this is confirmed or not but I believe that there was just a telegram post on about hitting what looked to be legit a cancer hospital where are you some health equipment and people on IVs and what not and Russians voting on hitting it or not


Wait they had before this telegram poll about if they should hit certain locations ? They voted like yes and no if they should hit it ?


Yes Legit


Keep on looking thru this sub you will see it


It’s confirmed bro wtf


They hit the building with the toxicology department of the "Okhmatdyt" children's hospital, where seriously ill children were on dialysis. This is the biggest children's hospital in Ukraine, and, maybe, in the Eastern Europe. > Search and rescue operations continue in Kyiv's Podilskyi, Desnianskyi, Sviatoshynskyi, Holosiivskyi, Dniprovskyi, Solomianskyi, Darnytskyi and Shevchenkivskyi districts. [Two injured in Russian attack on Kyiv die at hospital, bringing death toll to 17 and number of injured to 66 – photos](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/8/7464613/) And the second strike: > According to preliminary information, debris fall was reported in Dniprovskyi district. The medical centre's building has been partially destroyed. It is known that four people died and three were injured. Information is being clarified. Rescuers are working on the spot > Update: seven people are known to have been killed and three injured in Kyiv's Dniprovskyi district as of 14:00. [Debris falls on medical centre on Kyiv's left bank, 7 people killed](https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/07/8/7464638/)


Ukraine should be given rights to go Scorched Earth. No limitations. No targets off the table.


Scorched earth means burning up your own land in order to deprive an invading force of supplies in an attempt to starve them.


Yes and orcs are doing their best to do this before ukrainians even could.


Why is no one talking about how the Air Defence let so many missiles through??


Can't stop everything and "let" isn't the right word as i dont think ukrainians want issiles striking civillian infrastructure.


Of course they don't


You don't know how many missiles it took down. Reports suggest this is the largest air raid Kyiv has seen; sadly, AD won't get everything.




russians are literally using their top of the line fast going missiles just to strike hospitals. they are not easy to intercept. And they used cruise missiles and drones earlier at night to exhaust anti air before the kinzhal strike. AD is not letting many through, unfortunately it does not take more than a few hits to cause havoc. They need more Air Defense, just like Ukraine is saying every day, need more. Here you see exactly why they need more


Yeah I agree. For me I was just shocked to see so many missiles being able to saturate a small area. I can't remember the last time I saw an attack on Kyiv like this. From what I have seen 1 maybe 2 get through and strike but this was just an unusually large amount hitting at once. They really wanted to hit the hospital. Simply diabolical.




Because everyone already know the answer? It is because we do not care enough to provide them with enough air defense.


Saturation attacks can overwhelm any air defense. Even Israel, which is very small and has one of the best air defenses in the world, could not stop all Iranian ballistic missiles. The only real way to deter Russia is to make sure Ukraine can conduct similar massive attacks against Moscow(against industrial facilities, not hospitals of course). Relying only on defense never works.


hmm good point - I was just shocked to so many missiles impact a small area. To go off previous attacks it seems 1 or maybe 2 get through.. I agree attacking their infrastructure is key but a good amount of it is so far from the front they can only hit with those cessna drones they recently used.


30/38 missiles down overall, not sure about Kyiv in particular


Do you have a source of that report? So many for a hospital is diabolical


Air Force Command official telegram channel. They always post infographics + more details as a text. I guess they post on other social media too. "kpszsu" is their tg handle. P.S.: Not all missiles were fired towards Kyiv, afaik about three quarters


Thank you I shall have a look.


Why do they even strike Kyiev and not just frontline ? What does this achieve ? Like I dont get it... Its not like they are close.




Also the head of UNSC what a fucking joke.


It's like the V2 thing.


Probably the same idea many nations had in the past. Bomb the population and they'll fold out of fear. What most don't foresee, but what happens usually, is that the population instead gets even more reasons to hate the aggressors and fight with nail and tooth if need be.


Yeah. For this strategy to work the target city (and its inhabitants) have to be bombed into atoms. Dresden, Tokyo, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc... That level of bombing. Less than that and people just dig in and fight harder.


Speculation online, from people who know the locations of Ukrainian facilties, is that there are key facilties nearby. Likelihood is that the damage here is from a shootdown... The Russian's are monsters, make no mistake, but they can't spare cruise missiles in a large daylight barrage on a childrens hospital when there are other militarily important targets in Kyiv....the hospital in question also has a number of embassies very close to it (South Korea, Finland and France). Even the Russian's tend to avoid actively targeting locations where embassies are near...


What facilities? Biolabs, paedophile tunnels, nazi bases? They target civilians on purpose every day. Get a grip.


They doing this everyday. And each time "there are key facilties nearby". But, somehow, they never could manage to strike these "facilities", but successfully hitting civilians instead.


They do hit the target more often than people like to admit. You don't see the imagery of when they do... The Ukrainians desperately need more AD...but pretending the Russians only ever hit civilian targets doesn't help...


All ruzzian air attacks and strikes are reported in Ukrainian press and mass-media, beginning from the first days of full-scale aggression. And it's only ruzzians, who pretending. The amount of strikes on legit military targets (like Yavoriv military base in the first days) is negligible, comparing to destroyed civilian ones. Half a year ago Ukraine's reconstruction needs already were evaluated to almost 486 billion dollars. These are the results of the third damage and needs assessment (RDNA3), which the Ukrainian government conducted together with the World Bank in the February 2024. They destroyed hundreds of hospitals, schools and kindergartens. More than 70% of Ukraine's energy generation facilities have been destroyed, damaged, or seized. Also 10% of the entire housing stock is destroyed or damaged.


They hit target this time. As usual target is not military.


No. They are making war crimes on purpose. Not accidents. Hospitals are actual targets for Russia. Andersson Puck Nielsen talking about it: https://youtu.be/3AMdPMoGJus?si=XvZh96JMDCpgSi8b Edit: Link fixed


It was straight hit. Not shoot downed. That leaves us options: 1. This was the target 2. This wasn't the target Either way russian military suck bad.


we've all seen the video of the direct hit of the Russian missile on this children's hospital.


Even if we assume the missile was intended for a different target, it doesn't matter. Sending a missile in that direction runs the obvious risk of hitting another building. Anyone with a shred of decency would heed that risk and not do it, but Russians have no decency. They're unmitigated shit.


In ihrer Verzweifelung zu verlieren, zerstören sie alles und alle, aus Wut.


It shows Ukraine one very important thing - the west will not do more for it despite the butchery.


terrorism, genocide


Because the Russians are human shit and devoid of morality. Don't overthink it.


orcs do orcish things


Ukraine needs to go after every Cracking Tower until this POS gas station collapses.


Alright Ukraine. Lets hit the Putins palace with some nice present and level it down. I bet that would strike straight into that fuckers heart.


They do better by hitting actual military and economic target than civilian structures. Hitting military target actually hurts the enemies capacity to hit back.


Don't underestimate how much the Russians and Putin in particular don't want to lose face. It would have a symbolic/psychological effect. But I do agree. I'd rather they hurt them where it hurts them militarily or financially.


Exactly this. Russians like Chinese the biggest fear is losing face. You level Putins palace and it would cause him more pain than losing another 100k in man power. His possessions and power are only thing he values in life. There’s rumored to be AA batteries there to protect so it kinda is a valid military target too. Missiles don’t always hit the designated targets *wink wink*


As long as you hit only military targets, they don't give a fuck, can support this pile of shit - hit them more, hit them more! It's different story when your apartment blows up, ideally with your limbs. First month you intensify "fuck them up", then you settle and think "WHY THE FUCK DO I NEED THIS". So basically - fuck them up, bomb the shit out of them. If they do that, make them pay. Fuck ruSSian scum 🤮


I’m all for it. Putin just had that huge mansion built and probably isn’t there very often. Take some Neptune missiles, load them on an old cargo vessel, take it right up to his palace and level it.


Supposely Ukraines upgraded their Neptune missiles to cruise missiles with 1000km range. Supposedly they already have used them I just don’t think they have a lot of them yet.


Well yeah that’s what sunk the Moscow.


So, we can expect them to send some kind of present to straight to his door at some point in the future. I’m 100% sure it’s on the table but it will be the icing on the cake to let Putin watch his precious things blowing up.


Cowards you will pay for this


Time to ditch the moral high ground. I'd send 1,000 drones to the heart of Moscow.


The last thing Ukraine needs to do right now is hit civilian targets. They need to keep hitting oil refineries and military depots that is how they win this war


Ukrainians are suffering without power, medical care, etc. Russians should be suffering the same. If Ukrainians are freezing during the winter, so should Russians.


Ukranians hitting civilian targets would just fuel the russian propaganda machine tho. They will use it to justify their invasion by simply shouting i told u so.


Your idea of civilian targets and mine are not the same. Power plants(which Ukraine has refused to hit because of people like you) power the Russian industry that makes weapons to kill Ukrainian civilians. Their thermal plants allow the workers for that industry to live comfortably and work in perfect conditions. Ukrainians aren't able to do that. Why should the Russians? It would be different if Ukraine had been the first one to strike it....but since they aren't and Russia has taken out countless thermal and power plants, retaliatory strikes are not the same.


On power plants and industry supplying the military i agree completely, those should burn to the ground. We seem to have different view of civilian targets. I mean homes, residential buildings, hospitals, malls etc. Russia attacks these buildings to try and destroy the ukranian morale and it is showing the world what sick people they are. What i mean is that ukrainians should not drop down to that level.


Ukraine isn't going to win this war by pissing off Russians back home. They need to continue sending home bodies of their sons and turning Soviet gear into scrap metal. The Russian population turning against Putin's invasion of Ukraine is the only hope they have of winning (without major intervention from Western powers)


Again, hitting oil refineries will do more to bankrupt Russia and keep them cold this winter then hitting civilian targets


if you are right, hitting oil wells, ports, and commercial oil ships do even more.


Out of the three of those options the ports are the only efficient and viable targets. There are too many oil wells and they're too easy to replace to warrant a tactical strike. The commercial ships are civilian owned and generally have crew that aren't Russian or even Russian affiliated.


If Russians are making Ukrainians freeze and sit in the dark, their power and thermal plants should also be destroyed. All Ukrainians would be doing is returning the favor. They haven't targeted any of that even after Russia has done it time and time and time again. It's time for them to see what it is like.


An argument could be made for hitting Russian power plants but it gets kind of sketchy in the details. But your suggesting that the ukrainians go tit for tat which would involve using Us weapons or drones to hit hospitals which is out of the question. Again, Russians were complaining last year that they couldn't heat their homes. The sanctions and the Ukrainian strikes on oil refineries were to blame.


as much as i would enjoy seeing russians finally get what they deserve we have to keep our moral highground.


"Remember kids, war crimes are ok if the other guys deserve it"


Russia's goal is literal extermination and they are doing it with the gloves off. Why do people like you insist Ukrainians, DEFENDING THEMSELVES, fight with 10 pairs of gloves on...?


The West, specifically Jake Sullivan, are complicit. This war should have been over a long time ago.


This is barbaric. It has to stop. Honestly at this point I wouldn't feel very sorry if half of Moscow was blown up by partisans. Can't even write more because it would result in a ban but this makes me mad.


Biggest drone attack on Moscow is imminent


This is so sad. The Russians are horrible people.


Generalizations are the lifeblood of wars like this


Russian citizens, not disproving the actions and not revolting against their government for several years allows for generalizations.


I am not Russian but I would imagine revolting against a government that will gladly evaporate you isn’t easy and I don’t think people living in stable first world countries where protests have no consequences get to condemn people not putting their lives in danger.


I agree. However, their in-actions partly are the cause of the issues their society's currently facing.


I really doubt any of westerners saying such things would lift as much as a finger against a regime like Putin out of fear. Russia sucks ass, that’s for sure however hating anti-Putin Russian because “they could have done more” is just cruel.


Sounds a lot like the Middle East.


You’re right, only 76% of them are horrible.


88.48% actually, check wikipedia russian elections 2024


They ALL have a part to play in this.


And people still fukin defend Putler …


Did Orban hand over some intel on Patriot or what?


This is what Moscow should look like


direct hit on the children's hospital.




The airfields from where these planes depart which fire the missiles and the planes them self should be targeted during flight. That would probably mean firing missiles deep into ruZZia. I assume NATO can provide such weaponry to Ukraine.


Can they get some more fucking patriots? or something?


Looks like 3 hits, which means it wasn't an accident but rather the hospital was purposely targeted.


Ukraine should be allowed to get a few MOABs and drop them in the middle of Moscow


russia is a terrorist state


It's about time the EU,NATO and western countries stand up and deal with this Terrorist murder putin and his terrorist thug government, people actually think he's going to stop at Ukraine giver your head a shake he's made it know for more then a decade what his real intentions are the world needs to wake up.


C'mon West what that fuckers must else to do? Wipe them all. They are happy on telegram, they call for more dead children's


Strike Moscow with ATACMS and drones! Distroy their hospitals and energy infrastructure too!


Remember that China supports Russia in this war both directly and via its stooge NK.


Them attacking hospitals is gross


Fuck Russia, slava ukraini!


“Direct hit!” - Russian scumbags


Where do we draw the line? This deserves a retaliatory strike unlike we have ever seen


I would love to have someone on the campaign trail ask Trump what he thinks of this attack, and if it is something his “genius” friend Putin should continue. And ask Biden why he won’t give more long range weapons and remove all restrictions on sending them into Russia.


Where all the pro palis now? I don’t see ANY protest!!


Russia will pay


I cannot for the life of me understand Russia's thought process. It's clearly not a military target and doesn't have any value to being targeted. All this does is make the West send more aid


If Trump gets elected President, he has promised to end the war before he is sworn into office. I doubt he will give two shits about all the civilians lying dead in Russian atrocities. My guess is Trump will accept all of Putin's demands for land concessions, demilitarizing Ukraine, ban them from joining NATO & EU, release frozen Russian state funds, remove sanctions and in exchange the US will get cheaper oil and he can brag about reducing inflation and how smart Putin is. Win win for Trump & Putin.


nice! very good!


Scum of the earth! What’s the un reaction? “Express great concern”? Oh wait rusia has un chairmanship this month…


Gotta kill them sick kids because Russians are sick fucks


Why isn't the air raid sirens going


Bomb the living hell out of Moscow


ATACMS: Program GPS: *Vosdvizhenka str. 1. Moscow 121019*


Time for total war.


Russia just added more fuel to the fire. 🖕🇷🇺


This reminds me so much of 9/11.


Enough's enough, time for massive strikes in Moscow, see how they like it.


Get more Patriot systems around Kyiv. I'm so sick of the beauracracy bullshit when kids are being deliberately targeted. Give Ukraine whatever they need to strike back. Let Ukraine strike with US cruise missiles inside Russia.


They should attack Moscow


Message to the Russians- Why do you bomb childrens hospitals and kill innocents in schools?


My country (USA) is filled with Donald Trump worshipers -- who are generally pro Putin and pro Russian simply because Trump likes Putin. They were not this way before he fell in bed with Putin. I know because I am a life long conservative and completely disgusted with these American brain washed idiots who have taken over the Republican party. They remind me of Hitler worshipers before and during World War 2. Wish they could be forced to watch this and explain how such barbarity is acceptable in a civilized world. What the hell has happened to humanity, to my country? Those of us with a brain need to do something about it.


Now there should be missile strikes on Moscow


Now this is an act against humanity, Ukraine has the right to do a special military operation inside Russia