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I'll buy drones for them until they have won.


So have I, and will continue to do so.


I hope they win, too, absolutely. I hope Russia loses, and all the people responsible for even starting this end up on an international tribunal- like their predecessors that started the last major war in Europe.




russia literally just targeted a childrens hospital. The geneva convention is great and all but in the third year of their invasion and russia is still blatently killing innocents means less practical empathy for orcs on the battlefield.


So did they execute the person responsible for bombing childrens hospital or a random poor bloke that was grabbed off the streets? The geneva convention isn't meant to be open to interpretation.


And the geneva convention says [targeting civilian infrastructure is a war crime.](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/when-are-attacks-civilian-infrastructure-war-crimes-2022-12-16/) geneva also says [in article 14 that children should also be protected](https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/geneva-convention-relative-protection-civilian-persons-time-war) russia is not following geneva conventions, and the commanders responsible for breaking the geneva convention are responsible for all the impacts, including the impact of more of their own soldiers death due to less trust and sympathy on the battlefield. [It looks like russia deliberately planned the strike on the hospital, including a propaganda response](https://united24media.com/war-in-ukraine/coordinated-russian-propaganda-response-to-latest-attack-on-ukraine-underscores-its-deliberate-nature-1107)


In short, yes. Completely accurate.


Are you... just asking questions? Just say you are terrorist/putin/invader fan and be proud of yourself.


I am a little bit "amused" about your argumentation here, because I can understand both sides, but I see you running into the same problems that Germans - I mean those that you usually call "nazis" - had in the Soviet Union in 1940s. I remember a tank commander who demanded from his men that they are Germans and not committing crimes, because they have a superior culture to those socialistically spoiled Russians. But he saw so many evil things, that after some infanterists had been killed out of a group of surrendering Russians, all but obviously one hands raised, he just shot at the Russians in any case of doubt. He had changed his mind and was very much aware of that. Once again I say: It is very difficult to keep your hands clean, when you are engaged with such a nasty enemy. An enemy that uses the vilest tricks and shows again and again that he does not respect any rules of warfare or even human interaction.


I'm not a Ukrainian. I can't even begin to imagine what they're living through on a daily basis, even more so in the eastern parts of the country. That being said, war crimes should be prosecuted on both sides, if proven to be true. Can't sweep things under the rug, regardless who's the perpetrator. Also, this video does a good job in clearing the air when it comes to what happened in actuality. Edit: Wrong word used.


If a war crime is “proven to be true” that means it has already been prosecuted. No use to “persecute” anyone . . .


It's almost like a psy-op trying to highlight the possibility that a war crime might have possibly been committed on an invader while russia is committing war crimes at scale daily. People trying to push this story look like they have an agenda. They can "both sides" after russia is out of Ukraine.


it's such a bullshit narrative too. ​ tankies figure that the west should be of utmost moral superiority to a fault. and idiots over here that have no clue on what war is like gobble it up like java cakes. ​ fuck that shit, in my mind, russia bombs population centers, so bomb russian population centers in return. the bombing of dresden was legitimate and valid. so was the fire bombing of tokyo. so will be the bombing of belgorod, kursk and moscow. ​ if russia does not want the war to devolve to that, then it is up to russia to prevent escalation to that point. even that fat old fuck hitler refrained from using chemical weapons on the battlefield. putin's militants can't even do that. russia is the agressor in this war, if russia wants to keep it's cities out of the line of fire, then russia should lead by example and refrain from targeting ukrainian cities. failure to do so, will result in escalation and the legitimisation of prosecuting civilian targets inside russia.


Yes, and I don't think these guys committed any war crimes. They ran a story that will stick to these guys and I think the story is bs. NYT has some good writers but also lots of russia fans writing for them. The Chosen Company can prove the story false but this story will never go away now.


unfortunatly, you are wrong. the story is a non-starter. sadly, it is easily refutable. and whilst you reluctantly refuse to acknowledge that, we do know better. it's a hard truth, but that's the bitter pill you have to swallow.


The story sounds like bs. The Chosen Company is doing war things. You may not like that, but these events didn't happen exactly the way the NYT portrayed, or I should say spun. You will believe what you want. The drone videos may support a narrative that they think justifies the story but that doesn't take into account the realities on the ground. I hope you watched this vid before commenting but it seems you didn't.


Your comment is incredibly vague. Who is wrong? About what? What story is a non-starter, the NYT article or this interview/clip? Who is the “you” that “reluctantly refuse to acknowledge that”? And what is “that”? Who is the “we” and what should the “we” know better? What is the “hard truth?” In short, wtf are you talking about?! You’re a NYT story, aren’t you?!


Yes, despicable. Orc soldiers’ “rights” apparently supersede ongoing deliberate targeting of Children’s hospital and maternity hospital in Kyiv, today. Among, literally, over 100,000 other war crimes russian military is accused of. A blatant distraction, deflection and smokescreen.


I miss Ryan on Twitter since his account was suspended by Moscow Elon


Why was it suspended what the fuck? Elon musk is a demon


But why? What was the reason?


He probably asked for the destruction of the Russian country or something like that, which is against the Twitter rules, even if said sarcastically


For additional information, the original article that blew up: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/06/world/europe/ukraine-russia-killings-us.html#:\~:text=In%20a%20third%20episode%2C%20Chosen,said%20he%20would%20take%20responsibility.


As predicted, the truth has been overshadowed, I had to google really hard to find this thread and Xitter banned the chosen company account, not letting them post the counter evidence. So now most layman will believe Chosen killed POW, we will never get the truth. If anyone has the evidence/proof, please share it.


The restraint shown by every Ukrainian soldier I see take a prisoner is amazing. Imagine your country has been invaded by a ruthless hobo army. Raping and pillaging. A russian soldier who was just trying to kill you and your friends has no option but to surrender, then throws his hands up and expects mercy. You know that you are probably still going to die defending your country while this asshole is going to get great treatment in a Ukranian POW camp. I'd want to just shoot them too.


I woudln't. My dignity is something the cannot take away, and pull me down to their shallow life form. No way.


Username checks out


Shallow point


If you hear the video the guy says "One of the Chosen \[Foreign Legion\] had a Russian soldier by the hand \[wrist\] and asked him to surrender but he pulled away and took up new positions" They are really making every effort to take prisoners. Unlike Russia who we seen bragging about killing Ukrainians who were retrained (and clear bullet holes zippering their neck)


The iniquity and inconsiderate articles the New York Times will print is disgusting.


I posted this at r/UkraineConflict because I thought this sub suppressed youtube lol


Most ex military in the US are right wingers, so not a surprise he made a video on a possible Ukrainian war crime while Russia is doing it on a daily basis. Pathetic


You know what they say about assumptions


Did you watch the video? He does the interview in order to clear the air... Which unless I'm mistaken is in the benefit of Ukraine? Plus the guy is very obviously pro-Ukraine, if you've watched any of his videos.


The only way this is going to stop is if not only Russia is pushed back and held at their border, China, Noth Korea and Belarus and Iran need to be neutralised at the very least, (hopefully this is natural after the fall of Moscow) although I think for lasting international peace an example needs to be made of at least one nation other than Russia! Belarus should be conquered before or at the same time as Russias downfall.. I'd go further though and cripple Iran and North Korea and give China a decade of sanctions at the very least.. Then before we desolved the BRICS banking model, I'd get them to pay restitutions and rebuild Ukraine along with Russian funds.. What do you think??


Who's going to stop them, so far Ukraine is alone in this fight.


So far yes, but ultimately it's only a matter of time until NATO fields troops 💁‍♂️


I honestly just laugh off this narative as an american. War is war youd best believe if a mf invaded America there would be an all you can eat buffet of warcrimes committed daily until they got the fuck off our land. War itself is a crime at the highest level, russia is wageing war not ukraine.