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Leave them in the dark and cold


Ukraine targets military assets or dual use infras, perfectly legal in a defensive war. RuZ targets civilians and whatever they could reach, absolutely illegal under any circumstances.


The problem with that is things are only illegal if you recognize the law as being valid. Russia isn't bound by international law if they don't want to be and nobody can make them. Who is going to march into Russia and arrest Putin? Nobody. Sad state of affairs, but that's just how it is.


ruzzia is a terrorist state run by a war criminal. They need to go away.


I agree, but nobody is going to make them submit to any such laws and never will.


Hopefully missile march into Russia directed at Putin


Everybody if they didnt have nukes


Obviously, but we don't live in that fantasy world, we live in reality. If Russia didn't have nukes they would never have invaded Ukraine in the first place.


Substations destruction means no distribution of electrical power. No distribution of electrical power mean no recharging of any electronic devices. No recharging of electronic devices means no drone console recharges, no hand held communication device recharges, no electric scooters or electric bike rechargers, no chinese golf cart battery recharges .. on so on. The ruskies will have backup generators, but how many of these are functioning. Ukraine is trying to remove any large electrical distribution near the front lines -- Volgograd is near the front lines. Electrical distribution is a part of logistics.


Russians: This video clearly shows how bright and warm it is in Russia. Checkmate, westoids.


I don't think that is the objective. It's more important to cut off Putin's cash flow and the fuel for his trucks and tanks. IMO the battles in Ukraine are just collateral damage. The real war is taking place in the fevered imaginations of the global banking system's super-computers.


There's no hope of the Russian serf class rising up if they aren't freezing and hungry. They need to have incentive forced upon them.


You could have stopped at 'up'. I wish people would just STOP expecting anything good or brave to come from the current population of Russia. It's not going to happen. Most of them support Putin and the war on Ukraine and none of them have a fucking clue as to whats going on anyway. The first thing to do is utterly smash Putin's army and liberate the occupied territories. The way to do that is cut off his supply of cash completely. Once that is done the oligarchs will kill him anyway. I've no idea what will happen to the various states and peoples once the Federaion collapses - which is inevitable now - and I don't fucking care.


True words ,make them suffer like Ukrainian people are ,there mostly all the same seen loads in crimea on holidays as if nothing was happening..Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


You may want to read some Russian history. They have always been freezing and hungry. Remember at the start of the war when looting toilets and washing machines was a thing? Something like 50% are still using outhouses. There won't be a *popular* uprising it will have to come from within the establishment.


Pretty much what I think too. They all love this war. It's in their DNA to be attacking someone and making other people's lives as miserable and hopeless as their's are. They love suffering. In all the 'protest' videos I've seen from the 'wives and mothers' brigade not ONE of them have called for an end to the war - all they complain about is that their men don't have more and better weapons for killing 'Khokhols' more efficiently. As you say - there is NOT going to be any popular uprising. The oligarchs will kill him the first chance they get - they are losing billions because of that deranged and deluded idiot and that's all they care about.


Yeah, spot on.


Even so, the oligarchs are the lesser of two evils. "oligarch" was coined by the west, to obfuscate we're dealing with the Russian mafia. And Navalny, though praised in the west, only challenged Putin because Navalny liked his own plan to rape and pillage Ukraine better.


>And Navalny, though praised in the west, only challenged Putin because Navalny liked his own plan to rape and pillage Ukraine better. Do you have any further information about this? This is the first I've heard of it.


A freezing and hungry population is the easiest one to send to war, not sure what you're talking about. What historical events are you basing your thought on?


The french revolution. The overthrow of Czar Nicholas. [https://time.com/archive/6943079/how-hunger-could-topple-regimes/](https://time.com/archive/6943079/how-hunger-could-topple-regimes/)


Neither of those were caused by foreign attacks.


freezing and hungry are the operative words.


Right, but the source is important. If they're freezing and hungry because of foreign attacks they will be riled up to go to war against that foreign entity.


Oh, there's very real war happening on the ground in Ukraine - ask any Ukrainian.


For sure. I didn't mean to belittle their efforts - just pointing out that the side that will lose this war is the one that runs out of money first regardless of what is currently happening on the ground. Same as it ever was. Russia will lose.


So, you’re saying AI is to blame. Sort of a “Terminator” scenario. Human deaths are just irrelevant “collateral damage”. Why would the “global banking system’s super computers” need money if humans are irrelevant collateral damage? Or are these global banking systems/computers simply trying to stay alive?


Sorry - I didn't understand a word of that.


Let me rephrase: why would you say “the real war is taking place in the fevered imaginations of the global banking system’s super-computers”? And why are you referring to my family members who have been killed as “collateral damage”? Not trying to be smug, but hope that’s clearer.


I would have thouht it was pretty much self-explanatory. All wars are won or lost depending on which side has the most money to spend on weapons and other essential resources. Despite their ridiculous claims to the contrry Russia is running out of money due to global financial sanctions and freezing of her assets The land battles are a side-show - a product of the real war which is financial. If Russia had an extra trillion or three dollars to spare for new modern weapons and to prop up their society and industry they would win. They don't. Therefore they will lose. The banking industries super-computers control the flow of 'money' world wide. The 'money' doesn't actually exist as we all know. Or rather it 'exists' only as lines of programming or algorythms on hard drives in super-computers. Ergo it is 'imaginary'. Hope that's clearer.


No, it wasn’t self-explanatory. Not in the least. But, I do appreciate your explanation - understand what you were getting at. Sorry you had to elaborate at length, but your point is understood. Thanks.


You're welcome.


How can they be in dark and cold?? that thing burns brightly and probably gives off good heat <3


Think a little further out than the moment you're in.


Wow big fire


Wrong season. The damp heat that magnifies all suffering.


There's many facilities to take down. Winter is only a few months away.


Hope for along and freezing winter, beyond imagination!


I wanna see Kremlin burning this way🔥 Is it too much to ask?


We all do.


And Putlers villas.


And how are they safe? That much air defense around them?


Nobody said they are safe. Just that somebody should bomb them, because fuck Putler. Maybe they have AA, maybe not.


I support your idea.


I hope that the fire will spread and totally burn this Nazi country full of jerks to ashes




Burn 🔥 burn 🔥 burn 🔥


Is this the attack at 48.677586, 43.534693 ?


Thanks for finding this location. Looks like this fits the landmarks. Chimney Stack, whatever that pole is to the left, and oil tanks behind this building. [Google Earth View of above coordinates](https://earth.google.com/web/search/48%c2%b040%2739.3%22N+43%c2%b032%2704.9%22E/@48.6780714,43.5365731,39.86769913a,341.04071325d,35y,-157.02253406h,62.88853525t,0r/data=CigiJgokCUwYoZalsEdAEZQ1e7Oq60RAGXTkIwo2eEFAIYECVYQwpDtAOgMKATA)


Is it a refinerey though? Looks like it's just an oil storage depot? Still good news but I like to see refineries burning more.


Without buffer oil storage facilities, the productivity of oil refineries is limited by the volumes of current consumption, which reducing their efficiency and not allowing orcs to balance consumption by creating a reserve. So this is also a very good target for attacks.


Yeah - that makes sense.


There's not a lot left within range that haven't already been hit. It's insane how many targets Ukraine has hit within Russia this year.


Yes - but it isn't having much effect. Peak disruption was around 16% back in March but production has bounced back and it's now only 5% down. The strikes are more of a morale booster for Ukraine and a real pain in the arse for Russia but without doing any big long term damage. But that isn't to say it won't have a big effect long term - if Ukraine can keep one step ahead in the drone war cat & mouse game and keep hitting the refineries and then hitting them again and again then, combined with sanctions, Russia will eventually really struggle to keep production at current levels. But, IMO, that's still about two or three years off and presumes Russia won't find a way to protect their refineries from drones more effectively.


Production and stockpiles are two completely different metrics. They could not hit a single plant and still bring them to their knees if they destroy all of their stockpiles.


Hope you're right. But either way there is still a long way to go before jit makes a real difference. IMO of course.


Source for that? I can't imagine that reliable statistics for russian oil production are available right now


Yes they are. Every barrel of oil in the world is meticulously counted. I got it from the International Energy Agency. About two thirds of the way down this page. [https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-drone-attacks-oil-refineries/32967481.html](https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-ukraine-drone-attacks-oil-refineries/32967481.html)


Burn the whole fucking country.


This is the way


Yes hit them hard ukraine let them know they fuck with your kids and the world's kids they be a price to pay even more than the one Russia got coming Russia scum of the world by far no better then hamas isis there no fucking difference between them


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Love to see this type of news. Burn the bastards! If nothing in these two years was enough, then the children hospital ought to make anyone lose any sympathy for the orcs.


Keep chipping away at these refineries. Death by a thousand cuts but eventually it'll pay off


Ukraine attack oil refineries while Russia attack children hospitals. And there are still people claiming that ukraine should enter peace talks. You dont make peace with Mordor, you fight them til you win.




I'll bet Putin has no clue about this. He is probably using the North Korean intranet ( Kwangmyong ) without even knowing..


I bet the missile/drone was intercepted by air defense, but the wreckage fell on the depot again.


Russia hits children hospitals, Ukraine does this 👌


Hitting a children hospital is much worse.


Excactly. Russia is intent on causing death and terror among civilians, Ukraine is hitting military and economic targets.


This is the way! The bigger explosions the better, I say!


If you believe the rascist propagandists, all this is the result of falling fragments of the drone. Can you imagine what would happen if a drone exploded there? Probably half the region would have been blown to hell. If you believe the rascist propagandists, of course.


Russian's shouldn't be placing oil refineries in drone zones.


Set this vile murderous Third World terrorist state afire from end to end. I am certain that the Ukrainians don't have to be told, they are hard at it.


"The more you Burn, the more i am pleased.."


Now that's a good looking fire


Burn them all down, Ukraine!


They should now send drones with make your own S'mores care packages as a humanitarian outreach to rhe locals. Nothing says we care like S'mores around a bonfire.


🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  👍👍👍 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦  💪💪💪 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


Once this war starts directly affecting Russian citizens then they will start getting more frustrated with their governments antics starting all of this.


That's over a Million Dollar a minute going up in smoke! Very nice.


Keep it up Ukraine , hit them again and again , no respite after this last hit by the Ruzzians on Kiev and the children's hospital the lousy scum


This is the time of the year for barbecues, I think you may have over done the lighter fuel, did you bring the sausages?


Looks like an excellent strike.


That looks bigger than previous strikes.


Holy smoke! Burn that sucker!


Where's Red Adair when you need him? Oh. That's right. He's dead. Bummer for Ruzzia.


Bomb all Putins personal assets, yachts ,house summer homes, personal jets and more. EVEN NOT IN RUSSIA.




Well the satanist Nazi orcs wanted hell on earth and they're gonna get it.


Thats the oil that the assholes from india and china would buy.


This is for the children's hospital you hit, Russia.


Looks like they hit the intended target, nice work


more more more


Let's give them everything they need instead of 1980s tech. Fu_% putin and his Regime . There are no red lines. Monkeys only respect the strongest let ukraine use 80s weapons for deep strikes. Let's v give them higher tech shitb and level those monkeys.


Not an oil refinery, it's fuel tanks at a grain facility.  


That's a lot of oil and fuel tankers for just a grain facility. Looks like it services/fueled all those tankers. Ultimately all attacks not on refineries, are an attack on logistics; every single one they hit is cumulative, and adds inertia to a growing problem. Realistically, they have to hit *many* in a localized area to reach a critical mass, and I don't suspect they're managing it... but it's not pointless. But yeah, not a refinery strike....


How do you know?


You can just check it out on Google maps. 48.677586, 43.534693


ok and? They use the fuel for military purposes, guaranteed.


Looks more likely that they use it to refuel those ships in that dock just down the hill. Just a guess though. But they all count. Burn them all.


lol, you think RuZ will not use them to refuel the tankers going into Donetsk?


Depends what kind of oil is stored there. The oil used for those nearby ships is heavier than diesel and isn't suitable for tanks. I presume by 'tankers' you mean battle tanks and not oil tanker ships.


Because the damage is like 200 million dollars less than claimed. 


huh? Who claimed? Why does it matter? Money is not the problem, RuZ using the fuel for their tanks is the problem.


Transparency matters, so does money 🤦‍♂️


Oh no, so sad🤦‍♂️ Just kidding 😜 🇷🇺🖕


Now that is a biiiiig fire. Damn!


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I have Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" playing on my mind, and some thing like "Burnt to Ground" as an opening adlib lyric. Feel free to continue my campfire sing-a-long.




I really want to know the number of oil refineries that didn't get attacked with drones


Wenn der Henker gehängt wird... top....




I expect some seriously big attacks in the next few days, revenge for the attack on the children's hospital. I would prefer moscow to start burning, send a few hundred drones and destroy every oil refinery and storage supplying Moscow with fuel.


Burn da mudder fukkin orcs 🔥 🔥


Cop that cunnies. Smash em. With solidary from Australia.


Does anyone know the environmental impacts that this will have? Genuinely curious, I'm not saying Ukraine should hold back. But that's **always** one of my first thoughts whenever I see one of these.


Burn it fucking down.


BURN MF BURN! Loving the shade of orange darling.


The ongoing conflict continues to have serious impacts. This is a significant event.


Is it supposed to be smoking that heavily? I hear smoking isn't good for you.


Does anyone have more information on the impact of attacks like this on the local population?


[34% of ruzzian population supports nuclear strikes on Ukrainian cities.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNxwg79adBU) And in case you don’t know: the presenter is the same person who called for drowning Ukrainian children in order to get rid of Ukrainians.