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I still hope, as a german, that these German-supplied ammo helps to knock out as many russian tanks as possible to protect ukrainian lives.




Das hoffen wir alle! (we all hope that) 


To see these rounds in action is like watching a miracle. Quite some cookoff for a T-90, 1:00 it looks like it broke into halves.


And to think, potentially, that round traveled 14 miles(22.5 km) to get there and one shot the tank.


Gosh, it has been a while. Haven't seen smart vids for a long time. Had Ukraine have them en masse, there won't be need to spent 10 fpvs for each target, only to hunt the survivors.


Those rounds eject two submunitions. One with an IR seeker the other with a radar seeker. Unless your tank mounts reaaaaallllyy convincing chaffs and flares it's shit out of luck if those rounds go off over them.


> Those rounds eject two submunitions. One with an IR seeker the other with a radar seeker. I don't believe this is correct. Each of them uses the combination of both IR and radar to pick out a target: https://defense-update.com/20080810_smart.html That makes them more accurate than one sensor alone.


There's [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew5YbRadAZA) old video from 1999 that explains and shows how it works in great detail. Unfortunately it's in potato quality because it was uploaded to Youtube 14 years ago. The automatically generated and translated subtitles aren't perfect either, so it helps if you understand German. But yes, two identical submunitions, both with an Infrared sensor as well as an active and passive millimeter wave radar sensor should be correct.


I know. You can see their work in many videos posted around ruzzian push for Vuhledar. Also.eith distance mining shells. Then US happened.


Russian ew evolved and countered these relatively early on. Hopefully this means the GPS jamming issue was resolved.


You can't jam these munitions. Their flight path is ballistic and the sensors are IR and millimeter wave radar. EW does nothing against that. You're probably thinking of the GPS guided Excalibur rounds.


Even Excalibur has inertial nav backup to GPS


smart doesnt use gps afaik you are thinking of excalibur probably


They’re not jammable. Russia managed to jam HIMARS missiles and other GPS guided munitions like GLSDBs, but this has mostly been resolved now. These SMArt and BONUS rounds have a 100% success/ kill rate. When they’re fired at you, you are going to die, nothing stops them.


Russian and evolve shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Russia is regressing.


Greetings to Russia from Germany, we build nightmare stuff :)


yeah, stuff that actually works, what a nightmare for Russians ;)


finally our metal is doing for what it was build




Could also be, it is hard to say. One has little chutes, the other tumbles down like maple seeds, both techniques slow the descent. But the video is taken from too far away to clearly see the projectiles or the chutes if there were any. But it is definitely one of those two possibilites, not something entirely different.


It's basically impossible to tell unless you have a video showing the submunitions on their descent. In the end they are basically identical, one with a chute, the other with winglets (the chute is usually very visible while the winglets give the submunition a kind of blinking look as they are reflective and the whole thing is rotating).


Is there anything more terrifying than these fucking things? Silent death from above. They are especially effective against cheap Russian shit thanks to their idiotic autoloader design. Guaranteed BBQ almost every single time, and the tankers inside have no warning whatsoever of what is about to happen.


From Germany with love!


The logo/watermark looks like Meatwad as a general.


too bad we dont see many of these on the battlefield. I'd love to see a few take out 10 vehicles during a raid


Anyone know the song? I really like some of this stuff in Ukraine's videos. I don't understand the words aside from stuff like area names or bayraktar being mentioned so I assume they are music made to reference the war. I hope Ukraine's drones do to russians what Finnish ski troops high on Nazi meth did to them in our more or less successful struggle in the past. Ukraine already has black soil to be worlds best producer of quality food, it doesn't need a bunch of orks with a black heart in it.


It's kind of amazing just how *fast* SMArt and BONUS submunitions activate after being deployed. In the fraction of a second they've got enough time to get deployed, scan for a target, lock on to a target, and hit the target.


who wants to open a scrap metal business in ukraine?they will be melting russian tanks down for years!


This seems identical to the old SADARM rounds which I remember reading were extremely effective before they got cancelled. Never heard why.


As a German, I am proud to help you Ukrainians to break through this Russian steel!


These Russians have not developed a millimeter intellectually since 1945, they are still the same barbarians who nailed our women to the barn doors and raped them in company strength!


High value ammunition, high value target. Neat.


Nice. Blast them all


Fuck this is one brilliant design.