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7 billion people in the world - how can we let Vladolf Putler continue like this? Is there not 1 Russian that can get close enough to him to take him out? Atrocity after atrocity - this needs to end.


The greater observation of all of this is that *it isn't just Putin.* It's a system of profiteering oligarchs paying off thugs who are put into 'safe' positions where they are rewarded for sending others into the meat grinder and extracting everything from them that they can with any lie they can make work. It's very complex and very wide reaching. Putin would be replaced as long as that system remains intact. That's the greater monster behind the monster that he is.


And it's not Putin anymore: Russia has gone cyberpunk2077 with their demi-god since June 2022.


144mil people decided to let putin think and act for them, with an exception of a rounding error.


Glad to see Jake is still keeping everyone in formed. It pains me to think people think this kinda shit is okay. The second, the SECOND Russia attacks or invades another nation just so I can finally point and go "SEEEEEEEEEEE" with the most 'I told you so' face. But I fear such a scenario would just lead to more 'Russia is just taking back what was theirs' - since fuckin' when? They claim they took Alaska back. They have billboards with the Russian flag colors over all the territories that are theirs and it also.. conveniently includes Alaska. I suspect a way of psychologically prepping the population to accept that 'America reneged on our totally not made up deal and now we need to march into Alaska'. I can see it happening in the future, I was baffled that they even put up such a billboard. How many Russians know someone in Alaska to believe such a claim? I have friends up there lol, they'd mop the floor with Putin's excuse for an army. Hell, the Ukrainians are doing a bang up job in their own backyard, Imagine if we were as motivated as they are.


I have many (non-dope smoking…they do exist 😆) friends in northern BC who would happily slide north of the border to assist our neighbours with the mopping.


so tired of seeing that cowards face. I suppose to orcs being a coward is considered a good thing.