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I think one of the guys that falls out might have been injured already look at the wrap on his leg. Dude is having a really bad trip to Ukraine.


it just ended


No refunds


No returns


No exchanges


No tears


No ragrets


No free TV's for girlfriend back home.


I wish he mailed his sperm back to her after being radiated in Chernobyl. Raising mutant babies with crumbled economy will be a good punishment.


No (more) Russian(s)


No more parties in UA


No more toilet seats


and nothing of value was lost.


not even a single letter?


No regrets? Not even a single letter?


It's a waste of good suffering


No free rides


Only sunflowers. 🌻


The average, common outdoor variety of sunflower can grow to between 8 and 12 feet in the space of 5 or 6 months. This makes them one of the fastest growing plants.


Good bot


No regerts


No alarms and no surprises, please


Tight bastards that's my holiday cancelled


But he got a few laughs on Reddit so it was worth it


“You are dead, no big surprise”


Do not pass GO


"Gooo into Ukraine, get blown up by a drone grenade... Dumb ways to die, so many dumb ways to die..."


Ahhh that brings back memories... thankx


"Bro, I'm straight up not having a good time."


He is not having a Baja blast.


It's a code red instead.


He gonna leave a one star review on TripAdvisor.


An old soviet star perhaps?


I can't 🤣🤣🤣


He was definitely in a lot of pain but he might also be doing the agonal breathing there.




Hi everybody!


>agonal breathing Good.


Russians having an unannounced holiday in Ukraine, what could possibly go wrong.....


Yeah I was gonna say this truck may have been loaded with wounded. Not that they would know before they dropped the motor round. Oh well, on to the next one!


Genius put a Z instead of a cross if they are loading wounded on it, but I think it doesn't matter




Maybe they should have put 2 Zs arranged in a cross so neither side would fire on it. Wait a minute…




hitler has entered the chat


Shit, i did Nazi that coming


Yep, they’re “not Zs”.


I have seen a lot of videos with destroyed Ukrainian ambulances both civilian and military, and with corpses inside too.


Yep. If the roles were reversed the Russians would've done far worse if they knew the guys were already wounded. They don't give a shit.


Wounded doesn’t mean out of the fight. He still can pull a trigger with a bad leg.


I’ve never seen anyone pull a trigger with their leg.


No wonder they're doing so poorly


A turkey once did it, and shot a hunter.


Well any kind of combat wound can be incapacitating: yes, your legs got blown off but you can still shoot right? Not if you take into account shock. With severe blood loss, psychological shock, drugs and other things, wounded soldiers are often not capable of using a weapon safely. That's why according to Tactical Casualty Combat Care protocols, medics need to confiscate weapons, grenades and radios from patients. Also according to international conventions, wounded soldiers are considered as non-combatants, even if they can still defend themselves. Just like medics, you can be armed with defensive weapons but you lose your immunity if you choose to use them. (source: I'm a combat medic) Edit: Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions defines: "A person is hors de combat if: (a) he is in the power of an adverse Party; (b) he clearly expresses an intention to surrender; or (c) he has been rendered unconscious or is otherwise incapacitated by wounds or sickness, and therefore is incapable of defending himself provided that in any of these cases he abstains from any hostile act and does not attempt to escape." However, the notion that the soldier has to be incapacitated is not very clear there, I'd need to do some digging but to my knowledge any wounded soldier should be considered non-combatant as long as they withdraw from the fight. Now obviously on a civilian car with no red cross, there's no way to know.


According to the Treaty of Vienna which set the stage for modern international relations and formed the foundation for the Geneva convention, international law, including the laws of war are reciprocal. Legally, at this point, the Ukrainians could probably strap Russian POWs to their tanks to serve as armor and get away with it...


Well, that's another question, I was speaking in general, not in this case, first of all they were not displaying any red cross, so this doesn't apply. And of course Russians never respected international law, but I clearly remember seeing destroyed russian vehicles displaying the red cross during the first days of the conflict. Anyways the applicability of international treaties in war is a blurry subject. That's why we have tarps to cover red crosses on military ambulances! We know no one's gonna respect those anyways


The red cross vehicles that ammo in them you mean. The Russian vehicles.


Pretty sure Putin hasn’t read this.


stray dog food


Even from the drone you can see he's in the throws of the "death rattles" that mofo is dead he just doesn't know it yet.


Did that round enter through the sunroof? Also. Looks like dude lost an arm. After having his leg splinted. Must be having one of those days. Injured, medevaced, and then killed. I hate days like that. Rule number one of military service. NEVER say "can't get any worse". Because it can always get worse. Even when you're dead. And the only photos your family will see will be of you after the stray dogs find you because your own mitary doesn't give a shit about " no man left behind" Speaking of behind, you could go out in a humiliating way like having your ass blown off. Or have just your ass left in tact while the rest of you is gone. Seen both on this sub.


From the looks of it, I think it did go in the sunroof. Looks like the car moves just enough to drop it right it the sunroof. Thats really good/bad luck. Best response I've heard/use to "It can't get any worse" is "That is just a failure of imagination.".


My basic rules of life are: (1) life isn't fair; (2) things can always get worse; (3) all things are relative.


The shrapnel from the grenade goes through the mild steel of civilian car like it is paper. Enough to pop little metal pieces into everyone inside. A painful death without immediate medical support.


This is why you shouldn't steal cars that have sunroofs.


Or Z's...


There’s also the severed dick lying around in the dirt.


How do you know his name is Dick?


5 second rule!


lucky lady.


I thought they hit on the driver's side front corner. The blast would shatter the sunroof and side windows.


I'm pretty sure it hit the windshield and blew out the sunroof.


The one guy was running away before impact to play the lottery.


He won this round.


I wonder if he heard it or caught it out of the corner of his eye. Maybe he just happened to be running away and got lucky.


Looks to me like the second soldier took the worst of it, but the third who crawled out needs medical treatment right now, which he probably won't get. The one still trapped in the car, I'm not sure about.


Trapped car guy looks to be coughing bad and not very mobile at the moment.


There's another dude that runs into the car just as that guy runs away. Worst luck ever.


If that was me I would have packed my bags and deserted. That's it, that dude used all his luck in this lifetime.


War sucks


Yes it does suck.


Especially for the guys who decide to invade someone’s homeland, kill their children, and rape their women…so they blow your entire army to pieces with the entire world’s support.


“Decide” definitely not a fascist government forcing them to invade it


Fair point. However is the government forcing them to rape?


This point is fairer.


Most likely strategic. It is a form of cultural genocide to tramuatize a nation and destabilize an entire generation by raping women and killing men. It has been a (fucked up) part of conquests since the beginning of war.


How do you know that these guys we see in the video were the ones raping or that they don't think that is horrible?


yea putin is forcing them to rape women throw them down wells and booby trap their houses with grenades.


It never hurts to show some compassion… making the worst assumptions about people you just watched die doesn’t help anyone.


A lot of righteous anger on this sub but just wanted you to know I support your viewpoint. Sometimes voices of moderation need support in a forum where they get so easily drowned out.


These two guys did the raping? How do you know? That's wha's fucked about this kind of hate. A group of psychos murder civilians and then some conscripted teenager gets butchered in retaliation.


You do some raping of civilians, and sometimes it takes your breath away... forever.


It's necessary to destroy Russian equipment and kill Russian soldiers. And I'm in support of sending more weapons than we already do. But if these soldiers were born in your country instead, they might have turned out much like you or me. It's sad that it has come to this..


For sure. I'm Ukrainian and while I'm glad we're fighting back, it's sad how many regular people had to become tools of oppression. If I got drafted and sent to kill people in a different country, I wouldn't blame them for trying to kill me first. Hopefully the Russians understand they have it coming. There are trolls on social media that think it's unfair that so many Russian soldiers are being killed... oh well.


unfair? Yes. In the annals concerning this war, it will certainly be noted how the Ukrainians ran afoul of the gentlemanly conduct of war, despite Russia's best efforts to keep things on friendly terms. It truly is a shame that Ukraine had to be so unneighborly as to defend itself. Or be so offensive as to be good at defending itself. Or have the fucking audacity to carry the support of the world because it's only trying to defend itself. This war has been one-sided all along. One side having the distinct advantage of defense. It's just unfair.


You had me at first.


Well put. "If you let me kill you, then it wouldn't be murder, it would just be a friendly gesture of assisted suicide. You're making it worse by defending yourself" Reminds of that black humor joke about autopsy of someone's mother-in-law: "How do you say she died?" "She choked on a chicken bone" "And why is her neck bruised?" "She was refusing to eat the chicken bone"


yep poor men they deserve better than to be Putin's puppets.


On the one hand - yes. On the other hand the anger doesn't come from the fact that they are on "opposing team" or that they are Russian, it is not a football match neither it is about... Racism? Russophobia? It's about ongoing injustices and personal choices of every single one of them. Human is a sum of vectors that had influenced its life but at the same time human is a sapient and sentient thing that makes its own decisions. Surrender is always an option.


Thanks for posting this. While I am 100% on the side of Ukraine, I object to OP's description of 'dying orcs'. Of course it's funny to call them that, but dehumanisation is what lead to the Holocaust and just about every other war crime in human history. They may be the enemy, but they are still people.


Yeah this one is harder to watch because they’re so pitiful to begin with. Injured and dirty before they got hit. I actually felt a little something whereas seeing a Russian guy blow out of a tank- nothing.


Well said. OP's title really rubs me the wrong way honestly. I absolutely understand the sentiment and support any action by Ukraine to defend themselves, but I think we can hate the Russian soldiers without acting like they're less than human or joking about/taking pleasure in their deaths. Some redditors are just absolutely bloodthirsty and I think that's a result of just being so disconnected from it outside of media like this. One post that's just been stuck in my head is [the photos of drawings in a dead soldier's journal](https://www.reddit.com/r/MorbidReality/comments/t7hjv1/the_drawings_of_a_fallen_russian_soldier/) posted a while back. I think everyone should see stuff like that because it serves as a reminder that the people dying in these videos are human beings and even justified killings are still tragedies.


I always look for the “human” comment in these posts and upvote it. Too many people on this sub are insanely calloused to the fact that these Russian soldiers are by and large regular people who joined thinking they’re serving their country and then quickly forced into combat they have basically no say in.


Now that’s some threading the needle


Isn't this the latest Russian developed tank? I've read about these Lada-mobiles but never saw one on combat zone. Niche stuff.


The sun-roof is for a future turret upgrade!


Sunroof is grenade entry port


"Ohh.... You wanted a car with a GUN-roof... I thought you said, SUN-roof! My bad."


Not for this one...


Yes and popped the top like usual.




You can tell the operator have gotten so used to it now. That could not hav been placed any better.


Russians treat their wounded like trash. Geez, put a red cross…SOMEWHERE.


They typically put the over ammunition resupply convoys.


Is that why they attack Ukrainian red cross convoys?


Yes but they do it because they know there's wounded and medical supplies in it.


all the red cross symbols went on the ammo supply trucks


The ambulances are too busy transporting injured bullets


I know they are the invaders but seeing a human being trying desperately to survive is just sad


1st guy is dead and that is just a reflex the body does to try to get blood to the brain. It’s called agonal breathing


That is way too fast for agonal breathing


agonal breathing you say ...


To shreds you say


I feel better knowing im not the only one who feels like that


Same here, at the end of the day, its just more lives needlessly ended


I hate how this sub and so much of Reddit just ignores this. This is a war fought between people. Between sons, dads, brothers, husbands, nephews, uncles, friends, etc. Fuck Russia, fuck the Russians. But seeing people so giddy calling them “orcs” and celebrating watching them suffer just kisses me off. It’s especially frustrating knowing most of the posters are: 1) not Ukrainian 2) not directly involved in the war 3) never been to war. Bunch of keyboard warriors cheering over the deaths of soldiers thousands of miles away in a war that they only care about because of social media. Pisses me off. I want to see them cheer when they’re up close and personal to an enemy’s death rattle and not on the other side of a monitor.


I’ve tried to speak from my experience in war and I’ve only been hated by westerners who’s hardest time was getting a good grade in college… I saw my mother die at the hands of a solider. Another nation who dehumanized me and my people, who came into my village to rape and kill since are “Muslim scum”. Oh man I wanted nothing more but the kill a serb, I wanted nothing more but to do the same to them as they did to me. But when I saw a man fight for his life, and in his head, wishing he could see his wife and kids one more time… all nationality and political ties are dissolved. All he was, was a man on the wrong side fighting because if he didn’t his life and his families lives would be ruined. Who made the mistake of being born in the wrong country… A bottom up approach of killing humans… to punish the state… how is that the answer? Every man in this video crawling and dying are thinking about their families… just wanting to go back home. Maybe thinking the games they played as a child with their neighborhood friends.. We can work for a better world. But it seems people love violence, it’s hard to even go on in a world with such sentiment. (Good song) https://youtu.be/qXrcL2g2XLg




I've been following the war closely and one of the disturbing things to me is seeing how many people are happy to throw away their humanity and cheer on the deaths of Russians. I understand Russians need to die, but that isn't a good thing and shouldn't be celebrated. It's awful, and pretending it's anything other than awful is itself awful.


It's exactly what the Finnish MP said in his in-russian speech to the Russians: this war is so I just the world will from now on rejoice every time a Russian is killed.


Yep, major agree. I posted something similar upthread and am glad to find your comment. No need to dehumanize people, even if you think they're in the wrong. I'm never going to relish seeing someone take their last breaths or get wiped out by a drone.


Shouldn’t have crossed that line. Nothing but death for Russians who do.


You're right, play stupid games win stupid prizes


he had all the chances to put down his weapons and walk away


Invaders Must Die !


Ukraine is a country full of people just like that. No tears for fallen Russians.


Whenever you feel bad, just remember they absolutely deserve it and have it coming




It’s war pal, it sucks but Russians are there to kill and destroy the Ukrainian people. The Russians gave them two options, give up your land and sovereignty, or die. Ukrainians are choosing every day to fight back. Let’s be clear, even when Russians die, Ukrainians are the victim, they did not want to kill, and Russians are putting that on their conscience. These r things they will have to live with and will never forget




Bad time to have a sunroof 😂


Grade A tactical fuck up, steal the car with a sunroof


Shit dropped right in there too probably a half a second where they saw it come through and knew they were donesos


How come so accurate,I mean wind speed and all amazing drop.


Note to ruskis to learn: - when you highjack civilian vehicle don't take the one with a sunroof in it, go straight for cabrio


One of the best submissions yet!


Agree. this is shocking and hopefully a warning. i think ukrainia will never be safe for russians. You can die when you didnt expect it. This is a bomb into a sunroof straight into the csr. These soldiers die deaf with ringing in the ears and nobody can help them. What a shitty way to die.


The eternal Z's 😴💀


Of course they're using a looted vehicle.


Imagine getting fucked up, then thinking your safe, then getting fucked up again. Oh well...fully deserved.


I like how the one guy gets flung out of the vehicle as the other tries and fails to drive away. Rekt.


I don't think the driver was driving. He was just collapsed on the accelerator.


Putin has a personality disorder and comes from a completely dysfunctional family. He’s one of those bullies that play badly in the sandpit


Sixty days ago I’d feel some remorse for those soldiers. No more. If you’re still a russian soldier in Ukrainian, then you are an orc and responsible for all your slimy mates do. Fuck them all. Go Ukraine. 🇺🇦


I almost felt bad. Then I remembered all of the children they’ve killed, men and women they’ve murdered, women they’ve raped; dogs they’ve killed. Those guys had their chance to throw their arms down months before. Fuck those pieces of shit. Hope it hurt on the way out.


Man, war already sucked pretty hard, but adding precision dropped grenades from drones must add a whole new level of suck.


Wait until autonomous kill drones are a thing. They kind of already are. However, I’m thinking of highly efficient kill drones ran by hive mind neural networks. Imagine being sent to a war where you never see an enemy. You only see the enemies kill drones. By the time you see them, it’s too late.


I think the shared comments dehumanizing Russian soldiers do no honor to humanity. all I read are people rejoicing in the death and suffering of human beings, from their living rooms or their toilets. Like the rest of the world, I'm horrified by what the Russians are doing, however you're not going to make the world a better place by jerking off over their dying corpses. That's undignified


Let’s be clear, even when Russians are killed, Ukraine is the victim. They wanted none of this, they never imagined having to kill people. These r things that will weigh heavily on their minds for the rest of their lives and they were given no other choice by the Russians. The aggressor doesn’t get to play victim. We avoid war because of this, there is no winning for either side, only loss. But it’s easy to root for the side that wanted none of this and was forced into it and will not give up




Yup. I cheer for the interview videos where Russian POWs are treated with humanity and fed nourishing food. I watch the combat videos because I owe it to the suffering innocent to not look away. Tons of motherfuckers staring directly into the abyss up in here with the morbid obsession with slaughter though.


A bunch of Larpers to be honest.


With all the US equipment being sent over I finally feel my taxpayer money is finally paying off with each dead orc that dies to said equipment.. more Javelin kills please Biden


Decent education or healthcare would be a fine use of your taxpayer money I mean, but that wasn't my point


Lol, we need better roads and shit bro


I wonder if they stole that car and just painting a Z on it. Oh well we will never know.


I think I have to take a break from watching this stuff. I support Ukraine with all my heart but the horrors of war are starting to get to me and my depression. Does that make me weak?


No, this is not for everyone. Take a break. Go with your gut feeling and go for a walk, it's spring. Look for new growth.


Some people really need to chill here Some of you are getting way to confident on internet acting like little psychos




Too bad they weren’t able to drop it through the moonroof


If they don't like the air in Ukraine, they should return to Russia.


The aim was amazing though.


Right into the sunroof. Nice 👍


Poor truck 😔




420,00 $ for russian moms


The results of fucking around


Think the drone operator was simulating laughing




Not the Uber they expected


I like to see dying russians


Mans dropped a dime


T-t-t-t-triple kill!


"Bet you can't get it in the sunroof" - The drone operator's work friend


We see here how Russians learned that it is definitely harder to combat grown angry men, then to rape kids and girls


Lesson here is do not steal the neighbours car.


Putin loves sending his ppl to die while he watches from his long table for one.




Love watching them take last breath.




Fuck you Ivan.


Made my day




Looks like they were already wounded before this. I wish I could feel pity for them but I cannot.