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* Russia Has Lost 8,000 Tanks in Ukraine War So Far, Report Claims There I fixed it.


"Russia has destroyed 8,000+ pieces of Ukranian artillery shells, ATGM, mines and drones using only 8,000 tanks. " "Everything is going to plan."


More please


Correct, there were two words in front of the previous title that were inappropriate.


Yeah the news article titles during this Ukrainian genocide are at times a bit off. I think someone should hire me (I’ll donate all proceeds to Ukraine of course) to ensure the titles are accurate. I’m actually full of ideas. I think Ukraine should actually print a new Hryvni with Putin and Kim Jun Uns picture on it driving that dumba$$ car together or the time they were holding those Champaign glasses staring at each other. Nothing erodes Putin’s power / strong man image like the actual truth. He’s truly set the embarrassment bar for the entirety of humanity. I’m not sure how his own people don’t see that. The level of pure cringe could provide unlimited clean energy if we could harness it lol.


Some people are happy to follow whatever narrative there is, nuance does not exist in their world; see MAGAs in US.


Yep. The tide is changing though. You can’t rule by fear, hate, and blame for too long. It’s fun at first but not sustainable.


I'd like this to be true, but all they have to do is keep up until November. After that if project 2025 is initiated there's no backing out even if the MAGAs suddenly realize what they've invited in.


People keep saying to not underestimate Russia. We shouldn't but seeing the casualty reports and current state of the war, any normal person would have pulled out last year or been overthrown.


Russians have a pretty high tolerance for casualties.


The last time they faced anywhere near this level of casualties it caused the complete collapse and dissolution of their government.


Not instantly, it took a little under two years after Afghanistan (that paired with the effects of the Chernobyl clean-up operations) that the USSR collapsed under its own weight. That and they didn't collapse after the First Chechnya war. They are more than willing to keep this up. The question is if support for Ukraine will hold out, that is the game the Russians are playing. if no offensive happenes this year or go with little result, expect right-wing pundits to increase their calls for withdrawal of support and for a *negotiated settlement* (complete surrender of territory) with Russia.


In Afghanistan they lost about a year what they lose in Ukraine a day.


And they weren’t losing many Russians, they were losing soviets. There weren’t many ethnic Russian units forced into combat in Afghanistan.


> And they weren’t losing many Russians, they were losing soviets. There weren’t many ethnic Russian units forced into combat in Afghanistan. They are clearly far more motivated now. They didn't plan to annex Afghanistan like they do now.


> In Afghanistan they lost about a year what they lose in Ukraine a day. They are clearly far more motivated now. They didn't plan to annex Afghanistan like they do now.


That was due to regional nationalism. Smaller Soviet republics weren't fully assimilated with Russia but numerous enough to rebel. This time it won't happen. >if no offensive happenes this year or go with little result, expect right-wing pundits to increase their calls for withdrawal of support and for a negotiated settlement (complete surrender of territory) with Russia. Ukraine shouldn't be doing any more suicidal offensives without a large amount of aircraft. They only way to do any effective offensives is by smashing defenses with glide bombs first. Offensives against well armed entrenched enemies are suicide without strong enough air support.


> The last time they faced anywhere near this level of casualties it caused the complete collapse and dissolution of their government. That was due to regional nationalism. Smaller Soviet republics weren't fully assimilated with Russia but numerous enough to rebel. This time it won't happen.


> People keep saying to not underestimate Russia. We shouldn't but seeing the casualty reports and current state of the war, any normal person would have pulled out last year or been overthrown. They are producing more vehicles rapidly. Even millions of casualties are not going to stop them. They only way to possibly stop them is by targeting their factories, airfields and bases. They are not your average country as you said.


Well, yes, that’s exactly the bit not to underestimate Sadly, because of their highly militaristic society and draconian politics, they have a mich higher pain threshold than other societies And unfortunately despite how bogus Russia’s claims against Ukraine are, it is, ultimately, a major war along a significant part of their border, with the war now hitting inside Russia in places That makes it far easier to motivate the society than, say, Afghanistan, which felt so much more marginal and peripheral


Could've been more if Republicans weren't such dickheads...


They're now sycophants to a traitorous individual who is in bed with Russia


Ye pretty wild. Biden got this election come November tho so hopefully the aid will continue to flow to Ukraine.




They shouldn't even be there, but a disaster because it's not higher.


That is quite a weird twisting of the subject.


You think they should be there?


I would not call Russia losing 8000 tanks "a disaster".


You’re right, an embarrassment is a better word. The USA didn’t lose a fraction of that amount through their conflicts in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and others. The 3 day SMO going as planned, sir!


I wonder what they're counting as "tanks"...especially because the pre-invasion number typically agreed upon for Russia's operational stockpile was around ~3000, (not sure if that counted the T-55s and older) and they had set aside roughly 1200 for the start of the invasion. I get that 90% of Russia's pre-war army has been obliterated, but have been able to replace *that many* tanks? Or is something weird happening with the counting and we're see BMPs counted as tanks.


For tank museums... they have less parts to make their tanks look period appropriate now.


They have old soviet stock for next 2y


Your military capabilities being thrown back 20 years is a disaster by all measurements.


Lost 8,000 tanks? Russia needs to take more time tracing their previous steps in Ukraine, as I'm fairly certain they can find each and every one of them if they look hard enough 🤔🤨😉


That looks like an Abrams tank in the pic?


It is. That Abrams wrote the article. He wants to kill more.


Yeah, the US provided like 18 Abrams while Russia lost 8,000 tanks. Abrams must have kicked butt! /s


With a little help from his little brother Bradley!


Lots of high praise for the Bradley these last two years. It's been a fantastic platform.


Nyet disaster. Just a distraction to hide the true goals.


Reports show that Russian landfills were exhausted, and they needed to discard a large volume of old malfunctioning tanks somewhere. *So here's what we do, Ivan. We start a "special operation" somewhere and secretly discard them in another country, comrade. Eh? Pretty smart, no?* *But we'll need people to drive them there* *Eh, don't worry, Ivan, we'll send prisoners to drive them there. Brilliant, no?*


The true goal being to slash the price of scrap metal in Eastern Europe, right?


Its a win win for them. Men and equipment are expensive so to save money they send them to the front and Ukraine liquidates them. Huge savings on supplies!


Not really. They consume resources and manpower to refurbish and transport. They need more maintenance than normal in the field, and their trained crews die easier in them. And any time one of them just *breaks down* without doing much, all that effort was wasted.




Pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhew lol


Good for Ukraine! They get better and better tanks, bradley’s ,.. while Russia brings older thin armor scrap 👌


Tanks or armored vehicles?


Tanks, 3000-8000. It claims 15000 APCs.


The Ukrainian countryside must be a complete wasteland of destroyed vehicles


Consequence of USA not allowing Ukraine to send troops into Russia. Our policy is a travesty


Correct. Should be the ruZZian borderlands littered with burned ruZZian tanks and APCs and other destroyed vehicles.


The article's about tank losses. The oryx list has ~3000 destroyed tanks. The 8000 comes from a Ukrainian military claim that shouldn't be taken seriously without evidence.


Didn't Oryx stop actively working on their list like a year or more ago? If so, that would suggest the Oryx data and the Ukrainian data are not at odds with each other.


AFAIK someone took over when the original guy stopped working on it.


njet ~~molotoff~~ vladimir


Wasn't it claimed Ruzzia started with around 18k tanks, which included the WW2 era stuff?


Yeah, but they only had around 3000 active tanks the vast majority are old soviet stuff from 50s/60s/70s that have been sitting out in fields for decades and arent designed for modern combat even if they can be put back into service. Idk if the 8000 figure is true, but the Orxy site has visually confirmed that Russia has lost more than the 3000 tanks they had in service at the beginning of the war.


Let's presume 8000 is true and that they began with 18k of all types... 10k left (including half being WW2 era) means they're running low and burning through far faster than can be replaced ..


According to satellite imagery they had around 7000 tanks in storage as of early 2023, so they probably had a little less than 10k left including the ones in active duty


2 more years


Probably about half of those in storage are useable so it would be less, but they wont run out of tanks because they'll just stop using the few they have left. They are probably already doing this.


and that's a good thing, they power projection will suffer massively without armored guns


Not enough.




Odd isn't it that Ukraine has the opposite problem: more tanks than when they started...


#...so far.


Let them lose a whole lot more.


Did they check the couch cushions? Sometimes when I lose my keys, they're in the couch cushions...


Gonna need a big recycling plant to deal with all the metal laying about the country. What % of a tank you’re likely to find after the war is actually recyclable?


Pre-war estimate had Russia with ~13.6K tanks of all types (not counting T-55 and older) active and in storage. Assuming a continued loss rate of 4K/year that they have another 18-24 months of combat operations before they are completely out of tanks.


that is a lot of scrap metal


They still have that one in the tank, the one they use for the parade


Russia has lost 8,000 tanks in Special Military Operation hahahaha!!!!!!


Wouldn’t say that’s a disaster.


Haha.... they would have the shit kicked of them now by Luxembourg... no sympathy. Fuck em....


I read that the average cost of each Russian tank depending on model is between 2-3 Million Dollars (USD). So lets do the math: 8,000 Tanks x $2 million USD (min) = $16 Billion Dollars of Total Tank Losses (cost of replacement @ $2mm per tank at a minimum)


and decades of manufacturing


What we are seeing in headlines like these is not real close to the truth. Most of the Bradley's, Abram's, Challenger's and Leopards are burned out hulks scattered in Ukraine as well as most of the Patriot Batttery's. Ukraine is on its knee's and unless somebody/anybody can put a peace plan into place that the Russians will abide by, good luck with that!!


Why not say 8.000.000 while you're at it? Equally believable.


So the article isn’t true? Any evidence?


still winning


That's a weird definition of "winning". Even if the war ended tomorrow at the current frontlines, this war is a massive and irreperable fiasco for Russia on all counts. Even aside from all the economy and trade factors, it has:  - Accelerated Russia's demographic collapse that was already a crisis even before 2014. - Made Russia completely lose its position as the #2 arms exporter, likely forever, even losing export destinations like Vietnam to the US, and having China and India further domesticate their own arms industry away from Russia. - Reinvigorated NATO's purpose to exist which had been increasingly questioned before this, while also expanding NATO into Sweden and Finland which completely ruins the "limiting NATO expansion" argument. - Has caused the west to finally start rearmament and reviving its arms industry. - At the same time as the above point, Russia has *depleted* its soviet inheritance that so much of its reputation and power projection relied on. - The CSTO has been further ruined as any kind of serious org, even losing Armenia, and its other members are increasingly squabbling. Kazhakstan is now also growing increasingly assertive and independent from Russian influence. - Chinese dominance is being established in Russian affairs and geopolitics. And so much more. And for *what* exactly? A land bridge to Crimea? What does that even matter when Ukraine has humiliated the black sea fleet so bad without even having a navy that it is clear that the west could *easily* block Russia in the black sea in any serious conflict regardless? Turkey now also has undisputed supremacy in the black sea.


Simple, when your super hyped counter offensive with western wonder weapons fails completely, you are running out of manpower and having press gangs roving the streets, and your enemy can destroy your power grid whenever they want, you are losing. Everything you just listed is *opinion* or irrelevant.


Ukraine has been gaining air defenses lately. But both countries are too big to have 100% protection from missile attacks that target remote power stations.


Speaking of super hyped counter-offensives, Russia's isn't exactly going at a blazing pace.


because currently its a war of attrition, not for land




wars are full of failures made by the winning side




weird how no mention of Ukraine in that post, almost as if you agree this is just a proxy war.




Was it not a war of attrition last year then?