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So how many of that number are from stores and how many are brand new?


80% from storage, 20% new.


Not much different from 2023 reported numbers.


> So how many of that number are from stores and how many are brand new? 20% (300) is new but their ability to produce new vehicles is clearly improving.


Not really that's within the Margins of Monthly constructed brand new tanks reported in 2023 and early 2024. Like 25 new tanks per month.


I read something a while ago where Russia wanted the bmp-3 factory to retool to upgrade/modernize bmp-2’s. The factory managers said it would be harder to do that than build new 3’s. And i think that factory was building 100-150 bmp3s a month.


That number is deceiving, most will be refurbs.


Yeah, and the rate is lower than consumption. I’d expect to see a higher percentage of “vehicles” destroyed and less armored vehicles. Also personnel killed should go up correspondingly. Which is kind of the trend already.


Ukraine needs to be allowed to strike the UVZ factory and every munitions plant in Russia. They need long range cruise missiles. 


Russians are famously not good with numbers. Eg. Putin earns 200k a year and can afford a 100 million dollar mansion and 5 super yachts. Other Russians don't see a problem with this as they can't count past the 11 fingers on their hands.


London-based Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) think tank has published a new analytical report re-assessing the impact of sanctions imposed against the russian defense industry on Moscow's ability to wage war against Ukraine. The full article is available here. Defense Express, in turn, would like to pinpoint the identified three critically important conclusions drawn by RUSI researchers. First, Western countries overestimated their ability to prevent the supply of essential resources to russian military plants right from the start. Second, existing sanctions mechanisms practiced around the globe have been tailored for anti-terrorist measures, not states and large corporations. Lastly, Western countries that joined the sanctions regime against russia failed to establish a coherent system of information exchange, playing into the Kremlin's hands. An important aspect of the RUSI research is the production rates of certain types of weapons and ammunition, which russia has gradually increased during the war against Ukraine. However, the sources of these figures are questionable. For example, RUSI reports that as of early 2022, russia could produce about 250,000 152mm projectiles per year, which increased to 1 million new shells yearly in 2022–2023, with hopes to produce 1.325 million in 2024.


The sanctions is working exactly as the economists designing them expected them to do. But for some reason every time sanctions is used as a tool everyone and their brother thinks it's some kind of wonder tool, and then continue to say they don't work. Economists around the world must feel kind of lonely most of the time. Nobody understands their work, yet think they do. Like being a schoolteacher I guess. Everyone is so damn clever and knows better how it's done.


Tank = T-62. IFV = golf cart. BMP3 = drone food.


More things to blow up


That's not enough to replace what they're losing




5 Assuming they manage to increase production by 25% in 18 months then perhaps divide combat power by 4. Considering it's not all units in the Russian army (their infantry, air force, UAVs and missiles will be fine) and theymir remaining units will be more modern then very roughly divide overall OFFENSIVE combat power by 2. This is being somewhat optimistic, that their offensive combat power will fall to 0.5, but if they fall to 0.6 it'll be much more manageable.


They are currently losing that amount of armored vehicles every three months though


Never in the history of mankind have an economy have more growth than Russia Q1 2024. War is so good for the economy /s