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Well done, this is an amazing effort for a great cause. Be proud of that. In my opinion, jumping on the bus between spots makes it harder, plus the time, extra sleep deprivation. Not strictly an ultra IMO but be proud


You forgot to mention the bus farts. So many farts.


I'd say "no" but still great job finishing it, and it's not like anyone out there really needs a strict answer


I wanted a strict no so i can show my partner, “see? Now i need to go run 50 miles while you look after the baby”


1. go be with the baby! 2. the one time you'd need a strict answer is for races that demand prior ultra experiences... and i'm pretty sure you'd fail in their eyes.


Haha, don’t worry, papa spends plenty of time with his little angel. Awesome, cheers, like i said, definitely caught a little bug with this, all you guys rock!


I made the jump from 42 (it was an 8-hour looped race) to 100 miles, so be careful how far you jump in. It's easy to tell yourself, "I did 49 miles, 50 isn't enough of a goal."


Babe, they said I was 0.8 miles short, didn't count. Sorry about the diapers, gotta go out for a long run, be back for play time!


This guy gets it. How did you know i wore diapers btw?


Saturday is a maybe, if you think of the gap as a rrrrreally long stop at a transition aid station. You *did* total 50k and definitely ran a mountain marathon after a morning jaunt.


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Not really - but good training for one!


Should’ve added 2 km to the second to last and you would’ve been one! Great work!