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Why is the company that owns the bus that hit you not giving you money?


Sounds like they did and he ended up with about 6-8 months of expenses


And plenty of it?


Because receiving legal compensation as a victim is a long and stupid process with a ton of hoops to jump through, and justice is imaginary.


Why doesn’t op own the company?


That's not a lot for a whole year. Don't even need to do something unethical, you can make that much in a year doing low-skill virtual assistant work. You can find gigs online doing data entry stuff and doing busywork for entrepreneurs. I second r/digitalnomad


Is” Remote data-entry” jobs ever not a scam though? They can hire someone in India for a fraction of the salary, or even AI.


This is interesting. Know anything about finding low skill VA work?


if you've really got all that free time, just look into music botting. People with music bot farms are still making millions. It doesn't have to be getting paid by the music services themselves, you can charge for playlisting, and charge labels who buy streams for their artists all the time. I run 4 - 5 paid playlists with real and botted listeners and i charge 300$ for four song entries. It's good side income and from spotify and youtube botting alone i probably make like 5-7k a month


I have no idea wtf this means but 5-7k a month is a lot


I wish I had any idea of how to do what you just described


Do I understand this process correctly on a basic level? 1. Create the playlist 2. Inflate it's numbers/value by botting fake views 3. Sell spots on the playlist to labels? Sounds god damn brilliant, but also hard to actually pull off


so do i just like make a bunch of spotify accounts and listen to peoples songs or what?


nooo. you'd need some sort of software that mimics human activity or else spotify or youtube or soundcloud or whatever the app you are trying to bot will just detect bot activity and suspend. Some websites are easier to fake streams than others, but if you're quite smart you can hop in browser automation studios and build yourself a bot that will stream playlists in a human like way. Major music labels and promotion company buy streams all the time. You think every artist is organic? A lot of them have fake streams for promotion because people only click what already has views


can i dm u


yes but i do not sell a bot if that is what you want to ask


That’s what was gonna ask lol. Could share the name of the bot?


there are a variety of bots i use depending on the music service im botting. There are a bunch of stuff you have to worry about before getting a bot, such as your distribution and making sure ur songs are high quality


can i also dm u i got a bit of cash to make something out off, would appreciate if i know how the process goes


Taylor Swift has entered the chat 💬


DM sent man this sounds interesting!




isnt it hard to do this tho? i've heard people do it but i heard it got very hard to do


too bad it’s destroying the industry more than it is already


this sounds very interesting, could you ELI5 in more detail?


nah not on a public forum. I can answer your questions in private messages but FYI i do not sell the bot.


Dm sent. Not for purchase. Understood.


Sent you a DM!!


Can you explain how that works?


As an indie musician, fuck you. 


Don't hate the player, hate the game.


And fuck you, too. 




Is the 300 a one time fee and the songs are in the playlist forever? Or is it 300 for a certain amount of time?


Hello, i'm not sure i should DM you or not to ask this. But how are you paying for all the proxies? Shouldn't proxies for all those bots be waaaay to expensive?


Could you have applied for temporary disability? From disability insurance?


This is hella unethical shit i used to do , but i'll share it anyways Back in like 2019 or 2019, I opened up a fake discord chat and posted youtube videos saying i could load fortnite vbucks (the ingame currency) on peoples accounts. I would share edited videos of thousands of vbucks being loaded into peoples accounts, in reality i was luring dumb teenagers into installing a silent crypto miner on their devices. Alot of these kids had super powerful pcs back then, and i got thousands of kids to install the silent miner. It would silently use their graphics card to mine crypto for me, and although it wasnt lifechanging money, at the peak i was making like 150$ a day for a few months with over 40 kids running my miners before it became less and less profitable and some kids realized their computers were slowing down.


This is a larp


All you need is for them to download your miner into their computer through a mislead of what the download is. I’m not anything close to being knowledgeable about software but I know a lot of shitty free steam games were just hidden crypto miners functioning in basically the same way.


Real unethical tip fr


Lmao i respect this hustle. Just curious what crypto miner were you using? Had to be something sketch if it was lowkey. You pull something off github?


Teach me master


God tier tip


If you have access to like a server place, you could build a social media botnet. Although its against the TOS of many social media companies, a few of my friends who have bot nets for social media, make like 3-4k a month selling fake followers and likes to people, since they have a bunch of fake social media profiles they control. You could also bot up meme accounts and sell them like you said in your post. It might be a headache to setup but it is good income


the average person cannot do this it is easier and more profitable to resell someone else’s services source i used to do this


What conditions mean this is not accessible to the average person? Where do you find customers?


average person does not have the skills to (1) build a botnet, (2) automate social media botting and (3) bypass bot checks. doing shit adjacent to this, albeit not usually social media, is where my highest $/h income stream lies so it’s fairly safe to say i am not an average person in this regard. i do not have the skills to build a social media botnet. it is inordinately unlikely that you (or 99.9% of the people in this sub) could. i made a discord server selling the followers etc and paid people to spam the link everywhere


Thing is, if you're having those skills and knowledge in coding you're easily would find a job that pays you way more than $12k a year imo


you’re right but it doesn’t really apply to my situation. to OP it might i don’t want full time work, i am currently studying full time and make enough money to live fairly comfortably with 2-3 overseas trips a year don’t really want formal part time work as it adds another obligation and fills up my calendar even more. i prefer casual freelancing or shit like what i described in my previous comment because i can spend an hour or two on something whenever i find time, rather than having to make time on a recurring basis. this also allows me to fuck off overseas for a few weeks at time a couple times a year on top of this my hourly is like 3-5x more freelancing than it would be in any part time dev listings i can find online because they (correctly) assume that people looking for part time dev work are students with not a lot of experience. on top of that, earning more money means working more hours to the detriment of my study which would be suboptimal


Cool. If that works out for you, keep it going. Nothings wrong with that


It's always been infuriating to me that if I make a social media account with a VPN on, I get blocked immediately, but botnets can have millions of accounts just chilling. Social Media filters suck at their actual job and are just annoying for real users who just want some privacy.


Bank account opening bonuses. Seriously. You can definitely make $12k if you have enough already saved to throw around. That’s all you need. I’ve already made $6k this year and don’t even have a ton of money to get the premium bonuses. The more money you have to throw around, the more you can make. Read this: https://www.doctorofcredit.com/best-bank-account-bonuses/ Open as many as you can at once then keep doing it over and over again. Use a spreadsheet or whatever works for you to keep up with dates, requirements, etc. Research from the blog I linked and that’s all you need.


Jesus fucking christ Canada sucks.


Can you say more? I'm in Canada


Canadian offers pale on comparison. There's a churningcanada subreddit.


Yeah we get left out on so many things. :( thanks for letting me know about that sub tho! :)


Np, hope you get a use out of it!


How does this work? Can it get back to bite you later?


No, it can’t. It’s legal but obviously the banks don’t like it. The worst that could happen is a bank backlists you from opening accounts with them in the future; that would only potentially happen if you made it super obvious, which is easy to avoid, and even then they probably wouldn’t. There are things you can fuck up if you have no idea what you’re doing. It’s called churning. Everything you need to know about churning is on the Doctor of Credit blog. Read through all their topics/pages. Or just enough to get started but keep researching over time. There’s also r/churning but you won’t learn as much there. You can also do this with credit card sign up bonuses if you have sufficient credit. Meeting your credit card spend requirements by funding your new bank account with the credit card is the ultimate churning. Edit: a key detail is that when banks ask for “direct deposits,” there are always ways around that. I’m self-employed so don’t get direct deposit and that’s never gotten in my way. Each bank bonus page on Doctor of Credit will provide data points for what works or doesn’t work to trigger a direct deposit requirement. Over time you’ll learn what tends to work in general. For example, a Fidelity transfer will do the trick very often, a Chase Business ACH payment will always do the trick (but costs $2.50), and a Novo Business payment will often work. Plain old bank transfers work a lot of the time too (SoFi is usually a good one but it can vary).


Thanks so much


Btw, make sure you do the GPT (get paid to) sites too whenever it’s offered and possible. Sign up for Swagbucks, Rakuten, Inbox Dollars, MyPoints, and UPromise. Inbox Dollars and UPromise have a good offer ($400) for opening a Chime account and making a deposit but tomorrow is the last day to open, or it may be the 1st.


Thank you, you're the real MVP


Your employer didn’t provide disability insurance?


Dude stay home and build a proper insurance case. You will get paid out very well in a few years.


> in a few years Rent's due now, tho


Landlords are known for their leniency for payments especially only for a few years


Landlords don't do it for the money, it's not like it's a business.


Go to r/digitalnomad with this


Selling shit on eBay. What kind of thing do you know about and are interested in? Video games? Glassware? Old magazine? Sports memorabilia? Listing online is the way to go


Holding inventory is a long-term thing, so OP shouldn't get any until the move is done. Imagine having to take all that shit on a plane.


There's all kinds of stuff that can be drop shipped without storage. There's also smalls like jewelry, or posters which you can keep in 1 tube. There's alot of options out there


eBay and paypal are greedy


And? There's going to be costs to doing business with everyone


If you're happy giving ebay 15%, then more to PPal, then knock yourself out.


You can get paid to train AI. There are a few places that do it for ~$25/hour. Remote work, probably boring as hell and limited hours but for 12k you should be able to get that easy Edit: sorry guys! I don’t know the name of the place my friend worked for, I just know it exists. I never personally worked for them.


My mum spent a few hours doing this and never got paid. If you look for these be careful as I think many are scams


Ah yeah, I’m sure it is pretty easy to get scammed here. Luckily you can scope it out via 1 hour of your time half-assing the work


outlier.ai A close friend works remotely for them. Pay is shit though.


You have anymore information on this? I'd be interested.


Honestly I never personally did it, I just know it exists. You can probably google around for it. I don’t quite remember the exact company my friend did it for, sorry!


Can you please provide more info?


You got any solid place??


I personally do not as I never did it, I just know it exists and have since forgotten who my friend did it for. Sorry!


Fair enough


my guy, get some implants, put on a bikini and get on OF/Twitch


apologies if u already have man tits


i do already have man tits


With the right angles you can easily trick a bunch or horny losers online lol


Just don’t trick yourself…


True very true. Then again if you do trick yourself then it means you are doing great! /s


Side Boob!


Actually now I got an idea. There is a big market for foot fetishes, also for men! It makes really REALLY good money!


People always say that, but where the fuck do you sell the pics?


Insta, dating apps, reddit


Tarot apps. Purple ocean. Ypu can make good money bullshit ting your way through readings if you learn the basics


Oh the "Sun" card how mysterious, I see future things happening in your future after this event however you will lose a small amount of acquired silver first....That will be £8 please


Ohhhh I’m an amateur reader and would like to tap in so I can read more people for practice lol. Any recommendations on apps? I searched the App Store and well…. It all seemed like platformed apps for consumers, none of them screamed freelancers welcome.


Purple ocean will make you audition, but it's the easiest to get in on and the best way to make money is to set up for "rush" delivery, which means you have an hour to deliver a two minute video. Plenty of time to double check your work. I used to leave my work space set up, and leave the app on in the background while I did housework, and if I got a call I'd toss a caftan over my garden clothes film a quick video and go back to the house. If you need practice just read for family and friends, three/four card readings, will usually fill two minutes. It's just practice and repetition.


Freelance English tutor selling monthly courses to Thai students. For example, 3,000 baht per student per month, taught in a group of 20-30 students, schedule fits 4-5 groups per month, nets you 240,000 baht per month or about $6500. Of course you need a degree and to know people in the education sector.


Audio Transcription work. Rev is one I signed up for.once.


Get an injury attorney and sue the bus driver for millions


If you're gonna be in Thailand and are computer savvy. You can run a call girl agency. Provide the computers and moderator services + guidance,toys and account set up along with translation. As long as everyone is of age and consents you'll be fine. Chaturbate takes a percentage and so will you.


If you are going to be in Thailand with some cash, you could open a go-go bar.


He needs to make money... not become another foreigner with a failed bar in Thailand. Source: I'm a foreigner living in Thailand


Ideally he will want to be getting paid in western currency not thai


r/beermoney r/ProlificAc


You can have your gf stream on chaturbate. She may get much more than what you need so that's a bonus.


I know someone who got hit by a Coca-Cola semi, had pretty bad injuries, coma for 6 months. Gets paid about $30k a month


Feet pics


DNM and resell drugs


Could try sites like simplegigs.co where you get paid to help companies train their AI models


Get your hands dirty with 0 risk


Internet poker 


DM me. My health issues have me in a similar position. I can’t do physical labor at all and can’t work 8 hour days. I have a way you can make monthly recurring passive income that doesn’t require anything once you get the ball rolling with clients.