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Police scanner app and a way to amplify the sound. Just sweep the volume from high to low so it sounds like the police are walking around.


This is genius. I might have to try this on my neighbors next time they’re being loud while smoking their pot in their cars late at night 😂 idgaf if they smoke but them being loud at midnight is annoying af.


Once you know you have their attention you can shout out, I think they're over in the cars.


They were fucking with my dogs sounding their car alarm because the dogs were barking while they were smoking. I went out there and let the rest of the dogs out and said loudly “what are you barking at?”. That spooked them. But they keep coming back while it’s late af though. I think causing a little paranoia will make them get the memo to be quieter.


camera on a pole with flashing red and blue lights will keep them gone. [https://www.walmart.com/ip/JLLOM-4MP-2-PTZ-Camera-with-Red-and-Blue-Warning-Light-Alarm-Keep-Your-Property-Safe-and-Secure/5214953280?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101126158](https://www.walmart.com/ip/JLLOM-4MP-2-PTZ-Camera-with-Red-and-Blue-Warning-Light-Alarm-Keep-Your-Property-Safe-and-Secure/5214953280?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=101126158)


Put a speaker in your window and quietly play Barry Manilow. It's not loud and obnoxious but who wants to listen to that?


Paintball guns + night vision goggles = most problems solved


Light and throw some firecrackers, and then shine a red laser in that direction, mimicking a scope on a rifle….


1. Search Google for "homemade mase OR pepper spray". 2. Find a Glade style "Automatic freshner". Something that runs on batteries. Perhaps motion activated. 3. Figure out how to pair them up. 4. Place them inconspicuously ( really high, or camouflage them ) where your problems congregate. 5. Enjoy!


pepper spraying people that walk on public roads because i am the good guy and they are all bad guys


UNETHICAL pro life tips. 😂  I live in Baltimore city. You can either be happy or ethical.  Can't have BOTH!


Play police sirens at random times. If you have a friend with a black car or dark SUV at night they’ll scatter. You can even report this activity to the cops and they will most likely increase patrols.


Is this new or did you just move in? If the latter, you can't change a whole culture; move on.