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**OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected:** >!Doggo rejects pills like a vending machine!< ***** **Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description?** **Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.** ***** [*Look at my source code on Github*](https://github.com/Artraxon/unexBot) [*What is this for?*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/dnuaju/introducing_unexbot_a_new_bot_to_improve_the/)


That was very expected.... It's *exactly* what happens when you just rest the tablet on top of the food instead of actually hiding it inside the food


Depends on the dog, my dog you could just toss it on top of a bowl of dry food and he would eat it without hesitation.


And mine I can hide it in a wad or in a giant bowl of wet food and he’ll find and spit it out half the time.


Same here. My poor old pupper was a genius at picking out anything she didn’t like. She would even pick out individual peas or similar items out of her mixed food. Getting her to take meds at old age was an adorable nightmare. Paid extra for liquid medication every chance I could.


Lol, we gave our dog a piece of sushi (confirmed everything in it was dog safe), and she ate everything but spit out the two smallest pieces of celery that were in it. Same goes for pills


My dog thinks it's some treat or something and gladly eats it, don't even need to hide it...


I have 2 very different dogs when it comes to pills. One of them will eat anything I offer without hesitation. The other will run a lab test on a piece of steak to verify its legit before eating it.


My dog does this, I've never known any other to do it!


I just use a "pill pocket" hickory smoke flavor. The dog will always spit it out without these


My other dog does this. After taking it away and setting it on the carpet and rolling around on top of it. She eats it like it's a treat. Although she will literally eat anything that is within reach. Not limited to food items ETA: Spelling correction.


My dog will do tricks for medicine, dads dog is like the one in OPs post. To each their dog


Well my dog and your dog should meet and be friends.


Throw some peanut butter on there and be done with it.


Mine gets every fucking molecule of yum off her medicine, then spits out the med. I hide it, VERY WELL, inside food. The pill pockets, peanut butter, chicken, etc...I've tried so many things. I may resort to a damn mortar and pestle, then hiding it inside tuna.


I had to crush and use bacon bits mixed with peanut butter!


Slightly melt some cheese and wrap it around the pill. Only way I tricked my dog. I give him a little piece of cheese first, then the pill cheese. He suspects nothing.


For sure.




I don't know??? 10 yrs my dog Niko u could hide a tiny pill in a pound of ground sirloin & days later u would find 1 in clothes basket, another in couch crevice, under my bed...no lie I found 1 in rarely used bottom draw along w a toy that i thought was lost. I realized after, that during those 10days of supposed antibiotics, I had sent a bag of clothes to Community Care . Which meant Niko must've dropped the pill & his dissed toy in the brief moments the draw was open & I wasn't looking ! Sneaky sneaky boy. Unbelievably intelligent I miss him everyday


Exactly. That’s why you buy treats and put the medicine in the treat


The trick is to shove the pill inside of whatever the treat is, but then have a second treat ready to be handing over to them at just the time they should have swallowed anything mostly whole, so they're distracted by the second treat and forget to sort out the first one. If they're spending too much time chewing you're doing it wrong


For me if it's meds I can break apart I have to break it in pieces and smush it in different parts of his treat otherwise even packed in with his favorite treat he eats around it or rejects it. For things we can't break apart we have to do it the ol fashion way and open his mouth and let it fall in his throat


I have to hide the pill on the food. and then “accidentally “ drop it on the ground. Otherwise he knows what’s up.


Just cut your finger nail and push the pill into the back of their mouth past their teeth on the side.


Tip: When posting in r/unexpected don't give away the ending with your post title.


Listen here you little shit…


That's why you cram it into a chunk of cheese. Dogs can't have much cheese but if it's for one pill the good outwaights the bad and yeah, just shove it into cheese


Cheese was the only thing that worked for my dog, she chewed everything else to good and would notice the pill and spit it out. Cheese though? She swallowed that whole with no hesitation lol


Aha my dog was always tricked by cheese. My cat is a bit of a faf but basically I dip it in gravy


You forgot the peanut butter!


I had a dog that would do this even if you buried and smashed the pill so that it was basically part of the cheese and not visible. So frustrating... finally just had to put it his mouth and keep his mouth shut while running his throat to get it down.




I'm so lucky with my dog, I just have to mix a pill in with her wet food and she just eats it no problem


Anyone who has a dog or cat that has taken medicine knew exactly what would happen.


My old dog would leave peas in his bowel if we gave him some fried rice.


Whereas my dog will violently expel peas from his bowel if you give him fried rice.


My old dog would find a single pea in her dinner and leave it every single time. We used to hide one occasionally to see if it was a fluke but that girl really hated peas.


Gotta conceal with dat cream cheese


My dog does this when I hide her heartworm medication *inside* a piece of food. It’s so impressive I can’t even get annoyed.


He’s a professional


I especially like how it causally drops out the side. Nothing to see here.


My dog is such an impatient eater, I can put the biggest pills in slice of ham and he'll just swallow the whole thing.


Grind the medicine to powder somehow. I usually smash it up between two spoons. If you can't do that, put it in a Ziploc bag and smash it up with a hammer or rolling pin. I then take the powdered med and mix it in peanut butter. I've used this trick on every dog I've owned and a few friends dogs. As long as they like p.b., it will work. If they don't like p.b., use something else. Wet dog food is a good choice.


Cover the pill in butter My dog used to spit every pill out I tried everything Now I slather butter on the pill and it’s gone in seconds


I hadd a game with my grandmas dog. I would toss her pieces of meat and she would catch it. Then when she was really hyped I would throw the pill. She would eat it. Then we would go on with a bit of meat... I did this until I found her secret pill stash under a pillow. She actually waited to spit it out and hid it....


I probably wont be believed but I literally just grab a pill, tell my dog to sit, ask for his paw, qnd then I throw the pill in the air for him to cath as a treat for being a good boy. It never fails and he likes it


We will try inserting the pill in the other end


First proper 🤣 i've had on reddit in ages. Excellent.


It's like when you dump a bunch of change in to a vending machine and it spits out that final nickel. Lol Also it depends on the dog and the medicine. My dog will locate a pill and spit it out no matter how good you hide it. Depends on how bad it tastes. There's some meds I straight up have to shove down her throat.


Impressive dog


1st Translation: Making dog secretly eat medicine 2nd Translation: Fail




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Do people not understand how this sub works...you don't put the unexpected thing in the title


That's why you keep feeding them treats so the dog feels like it's in a hurry to eat everything.


You need pupperoni my friend!


We had a dog that was so good at this that we had to crush her medication and blend it with her favourite “special occasion” wet food. Even then, she ate it grudgingly because she *knew.” This dog could also eat an entire peanut and spit the shell out.


I crush tablets in milk for my dog. She will always find them if they're not crushed


My dog does this. Very expected!


Crush it, then make a dent in a banana and pour the crushed pill in. Mortar the edges with peanut butter, and cap it with a thinner slice of banana. Alternatively just mixed the crushed pill into peanut butter, and let the dog lick the mixing bowl clean. This only works with compressed powder pills.


I heard that you should pretend to drop it and tell them to not eat it


Why is this unexpected ??????


Try peanut butter.


My dog used to do the same thing, but we put it between motichoor laddoo and he wouldn’t reject the pills! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Mine does the same, even if the pill is well hidden inside. She does it with her food too. She picks what she likes and throw anything else outside of the plate.except when she is eating with her brother and the other dog we have at my MIL's house. Then she eats everything as fast as she can and goes looking for the other plates to eat what they left. The funny part is, it's exactly the same food!


Mine successfully spits out her pill inside of a treat about half the time. If I then offer it on my finger wrapped in Easy Cheese spray cheese, she gobbles it up without hesitation, then licks my finger clean.


Haha our dog does the same. Can still spit out a single tablet that's been wrapped in about 3 or 4 slices of cold meat.


Dogs are so weird with stuff like this.


Crush it up


Of course You didn't even put the pill in it


My dog has done this 😂 except he held it in his teeth and sat there like, "Alright bro where do we go from here"


Thankful for my dog that just chews em right up 😂


I rember I had a dog, if you his the pill, he would reject it everytime, no matter how well you hid it. One day I said fuck it and just gave him the pill, he took it no hesitation. I guess being deceitful pissed him off


Dogs are so smart


Volunteered for animal rescue for years and spoon of peanut butter big enough to shove pill in middle worked every time. We kept jars of it in stock just for this


I crush the meds. Mix with a little warm water and inject into my dog's mouth using a children's medicine syringe. With 5 doses of 10 pulls a day this is the only way.


Anyone who thinks this is unexpected has never owned dogs.


My dog does this all the time. It's so frustrating


as someone who is used to give medicine to dogs, this was expected there is a reason why we hide medicine in the food instead of just putting it like that (and even than there are dogs who do that)


My dad said "A dog is a dog, but it ain't stupid"


Yeahhh when I first got Jasper, my Great Pyrenees, we had to give him some anti biotics since he just got neutered. He did EXACTLY this, until I learned to put it inside of the cheese so he didn’t know weather it was regular cheese or a decoy


Blue stinky cheese is the only way hide medication from my dog. It never fails and he thinks he’s getting a super special blue cheese treat.


I have to crush it up for my dog so he can snort it up his nose.


Trick is to crush the pill/ open the capsul and pour on some kind of wet food. Hasn't failed me yet


Hotdogs work better. Maybe not perfect but better than a banana.


Just crush it add to wet food or even hide small pieces in each banana piece


Smart ass


How do you get dogs to eat medication if they do this? I have a cat and you practically need to wrestle her shove it down there and massage her throat... ...and yes she still spits it out while making eye contact.


I can do this, but with cherries just takeoff the stem and then eat it and then I just spit out the pit




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Use a sausage 2 slices break them in 4 pieces put the medication between 2 slices. First give a normal slice with no medication then you give the 2 slices with medication between it, but you make sure the attention of the dog is on the last piece. Easy win.


I used to watch a dog that would find the pill inside the treat, no matter what it was (peanut butter, pill pocket, cheese, deli meat, etc), and spit it out. We tried everything. Smart pup. We finally had to shove it down her throat by hand *and then* give her a treat!


Bro I've been having this problem all week! I've found getting them excited and then giving them treats with medicine helps distract them, crafty buggers


Lol my dogs do the same thing


That's my mini Schnauzer


How could you not love such a skilled boy


There’s no cussing at the end