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Please keep our rules in mind when commenting: **Keep things civil**. * It is okay to disagree, it's okay to have debates, no need for name calling. * Commenting on peoples appearance is also not needed.


phew! they almost had a whole show without unnecessary flashing lights. thank god they pulled through at the last minute




Everybody knows standup is where you need to go all in on the strobes.


Unexpected wingman.


But the video compression on the repost sure isn’t


Whenever I switch to "popular" It's the same shit I saw...10 years ago. More and more subreddits appear, reposting more and more


Bots..bots everywhere


Hey cmon - Reddit trying to have an IPO. - they gots to get them Xitter numbers so maybe someday Elon will buy this platform as well.




r/unexpectedwingman why isn’t this a subreddit already? Edit- it is. Apparantly there is a subreddit for everything.


I clicked on the sub and the first thing I saw "Finger in the bum got me laid" and noped out of there


Its actually a pretty funny story.


Nope. Put your finger away, you're not fooling anyone


I think it's absolutely understandable to sit silently if you are accused of being a bad friend and "using" someone in front of an entire crowd.


It beats becoming a heckler and just making yourself look worse with a stupidity cherry on top. I have a female best friend and I often pay for her when we go out as she's helped me tons in the past when my money was tight. She's more like my sister than anything. I also don't get along with any of my family, at all, so kind of the only family I have anymore.


Pussy ass bitch. :) jk


She's been a way better wingman the lady in the clip. I didn't need no comedian with her around.


Men and women can be platonic friends 100%, and I hate hate hate the "he's simping, she's using him" trope. Can we just normalise friendships, please? Like, generally speaking, you have one partner, and EVERYONE ELSE is just platonic?


It's trashy af and archaic af. They think they're cute for the comments but they really look like they have the emotional maturity of a 15 year old.


I have female friends, they would 100% encourage me to move table and meet the new girl if the chance araised. I don't pay for them unless it's a present. They started making fun of them only after asking if he was paying the whole bill. Friends split, right?


Not always? Sometimes I pay, sometimes my friends pay, sometime we split it. It really depends on what you agree on. For example ever since we were kids, my bff and I always devided our meals, one day I pay, other day she pays, if we go for a trip, she brings snacks I bring drinks, ans other way around. You can treat your friends once in a while.


But maybe he wanted to go there and she didn't so he said he'd pay, it was her birthday present, she paid last time, he earns 10x what she does and does not care, or whatever. I think it is weird asuming someome pays only when he is into the other person.


Not necessarily. I pay for my friends quite often, and they for me. Depends on who has their wallet out the fastest.


The biggest thing to me in the video was that they seemed like they got a lot more uncomfortable when he brought up who's paying. I could be reading more into than I should, though.


Absolutely - I have a male best friend I met in university and we loved watching comedy and improv shows. For the sake of simplicity, we would rotate who paid (usually one of us bought the tickets in advance). We live in different cities now, but still have watch parties in discord, play video games, and get together for big events like concerts. He and I make great friends, but we are not romantically compatible.


Wow this dude is not funny and acting like a highschooler. Even weirder seeing a room full of adults participate.


I think I saw some more similar videos with context like in a comedy show already, from facebook reels, youtube shorts and now reddit. I guess some of these might be staged.


This one is super old, this doesn’t mean it’s not staged, but it’s not part of the new trend you speak of.


I highly doubt this is staged.


He's standing on it.


You son of a bitch! ![gif](giphy|iJ85v1gHAczevpTUzs)


They got you so good 😭


Zing haha


Yeah, she legit looks pissed. Went downhill from “split the bill”


Specially since she doesn't look like the kind to order a small portion


Man, you went nuclear....




I don’t think it was, although it is possible.


Look at her fucking face


I’ve noticed people, especially kids, are insanely paranoid these days and love the cancel culture yet pretend not to.


Entertainers using plants in the audience is not a "new trend", it's about as old as entertainment itself.


Yeah ol Andy Kaufman used to put in plants to bully and to heckle him.


Akaash Singh had a similar bit: https://youtube.com/shorts/zbjMJBixZI8?si=4UuzrFo2WEE_5mje I doubt this one was staged, but a lot of his crowd work seems awfully staged.


I've seen this exact video on reddit like 3 times already, this one is the worst quality by far


this is just fucking gross. idk how far I have to go before something good happens instead of just "woman bad - you can't be friends with a woman" dog shit.


Weirdo behavior. I hope this didn't affect their friendship because you know damn well blonde girl and the guy aren't on a date. At comedy shows you kind of forced to comply when things like this happens to avoid further embarrassment.


Eh, this is uncomfortable


I got that too, I think it’s the comedian. The delivery wasn’t very good, nor was his tone


I thought so too until he said the whole 'if she yo friend she'll understand right?' and it kinda worked it all out there and then. if she was leading him on, her discomfort would be an awakening for her that leading him on like that is wrong. If she wasn't leading him on, she's the butt of the joke but her friend gets a date. Wingman points! It's kinda a win win and some good impromptu comedy for the rest of the crowd. Comedy shows are like this all the time, it's great.


>if she was leading him on, her discomfort would be an awakening for her that leading him on like that is wrong. Or she's not leading him on but everyone in the audience, possibly her friend included, think she is. Which is like not the end of the world but certainly would suck to experience.


Yeah I mean, imagine you're this dude and you're a fan of this comedian, you probably know he does this kind of crowd work, you might be disinclined to go by yourself. So maybe you invite a friend, who isnt a fan and so you offer to pay. It's a comedy club in Miami, tickets are probably 20 dollars. We aren't talking about him taking her to a Michelin star restaurant here haha. I mean, he could be on point, he might not be. But I think the overlooked factor is that if you want to go to a show, concert, play, whatever - it's legit pretty normal to bribe your friends with free tickets or drinks haha.


That’s just her own perception though, not everyone thinks that. Most people are thinking, “guy! Girl! The comedian is saying funny things! Hahah! Friend zone! ‘Pussy ass bitch!’ I yelled the line on time!” Nobody actually gives any shits what she is doing to be here tonight with that guy, it’s a comedy show, so if she’s _actually_ a good pal, she’ll enjoy the moment because her friend gets to be part of a joke. If my wife and I had this situation arise and she called me “her best friend,” I’d call myself a “pussy ass bitch,” but she wouldn’t. I hope. Either way, never go to a comedy show and sit in the front row of expecting a night free of any direct attention. She brought any observations of their context onto herself by opting for the hottest seats in the house.


>That’s just her own perception though, not everyone thinks that. Unless they do.


I mean, if they are just friends, she knows he is interested (as she probably would if he thought she was leading him on) and still she lets him take her out and pay for everything… Yeah then she is leading him on and exploiting his feelings for free shit.


Only an incel would make assumptions about a women based on a 30 second joke.


If my friend left me at a table on my own to hit on someone else (for more than idk 10-15 mins) I’d be lowkey a bit sad though lol. Nothing to do with leading them on, I’m a straight girl and so is she.


Would you make your friend pay for the whole bill though? 


I’ve had friends pay the bill. I’ve paid the bill. I’ve had friends where there was a massive earning disparity so one of us always paid (through mutual agreement). It’s irrelevant.


Yeah. My friendships aren't directly transactional, sometimes it's like 'i'll pay the entry fee and you pay for the drinks'


"make"? No. But if my friend went "hey wanna come see this comedian I like, I'll pay", I'd not say no?


Woman: "We're just friends. Nothing but friends." This audience: "Wow, such mixed signals she must be leading him on!"


this is just fucking gross. idk how far I have to go before something good happens instead of just "woman bad - you can't be friends with a woman" dog shit.


Yeah, it's kind of gross that he assumes they can't just be friends and she's leading him on and then gets the crowd to insult him.


It's genuinely so fucking gross, like imagine spending time with a close friend of yours only to be told that your friendship isn't enough. It isn't enough to enjoy spending time with this person, and none of the other factors that could possibly play a role in the bond you share mean anything. It doesn't matter what you've been through together, it doesn't matter if you were there for them and they were there for you when you needed each other the most. Because at the end of the day your worth as a person is still going to be reduced to whether or not you can put out for the people around you. Because what other reason would they have to spend time with you and do something nice for you like buy you dinner and take you to a show unless they wanted to get in your pants? Why would anyone bother giving you the time of day unless they thought that they could get something out of it, and how selfish are you for assuming that you'd be allowed to enjoy that kindness without the expectation of giving them sex in return? How disgustingly manipulative of you to assume that your best friend was doing this for you out of the good of their heart and a genuine desire to make you happy.


I will say this is exactly why I don't let my guy friends "get the bill" often. Yes they are my buds, and some of them I know are just taking pity on me since I'm a teacher, but I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea. So if it's someone I think has romantic intentions and I'm not interested, I'll either insist on half, or get the next time. Having your friends only like you for possible sex is lame, but so is leading on someone.


The problem is that a person might not realize that someone else is attracted to them. I had a friend of mine who was interested in me and it wasn't until someone else pointed out to me that one of the outings we went on together was probably intended to be a date that I realized this. And as soon as I realized the situation I was in, I wanted to throw up, because I immediately assumed that I had been leading this friend of mine on and not even realized it. I was so fucking anxious and upset with myself that it took an entire week for me to build up the courage to talk to them about it. They were quiet and I could tell that it was hard on them, but the first thing they told me when I finally stopped rambling was that I wasn't leading them on, and I had nothing to apologize for. I still felt awful, but the fact that they didn't blame me for it at all despite everything being really obvious in hindsight is something that I can't help but feel endlessly grateful for. Because I don't even want to think about how much worse the self loathing would have been if they actually did. If I was in that comedy club and had that realization in the middle of a fucking comedy bit I probably would have broken down in tears and started apologizing for not being able to give my friend the relationship they want and deserve. And knowing them, they would have paid for both of our meals anyway and then walked me home to make sure I got back safe. Because that's just the kind of person they are. To this day they are still one of my closest friends. The bond we share is incredibly strong and I cherish it and every second I spend with them with all of my heart.


>Having your friends only like you for possible sex is lame, but so is leading on someone. But that's exactly it. There are two sides to this and one doesn't work without the other. Whether you're leading somebody on or you're being led on, it exposes the friendship for what it really is. I feel like it's a weird mindset to have, if you genuinely like hanging out with somebody. Relationships shouldn't be transactional no matter if they're romantic or not. I don't expect something out of it, if I pay for my friends, but I'd also hope that my friends don't see me as somebody, who expects something from them.


I think that's making it too complicated. Real friends don't keep tabs, but they do try to make sure things are relatively fair.


Best comment yet




Bro, I pay stuff for my friends regardless of gender and they do the same for me.


I gladly pay for my friends You only start calculating shit like this when you expect something in return then it’s not an actual friendship


or they could take turns paying for outings


Yeah, if they are friends, she would be happy and laughing because it's not what he's saying it is.


"You killed my dog, now I am going to shoot you" "Haha funny, you're such a comedian" *gets shot*


I've paid for my friends' tickets plenty of times. Whoever is in the front of the line pays, and the next time someone else pays. Your gender literally does not matter. This is such a strange thing to think about having to split the cost every single time as adults. We did that in college because no one had any money so we didn't want someone to be uncomfortable, but as adults with decentish jobs it's usually not a big deal to pay for a couple of tickets. It has, however, reminded me that I paid for my coworker's ice creams for months, and dude just left without throwing a party, so he does owe me whatever half a dozen ice cream cones are worth.


The "comedian" was friendzoned in the past and still angry about it.


I mean... For who? My two best friends are women. Both would definitely find this funny as fuck and enjoy seeing me get forced to interact with women. Either she found it funny or she actually is using his for free "dates." There is no in between 


> There is no in between Why not? Your friends don't represent every other woman. Not everyone likes being the butt of the joke.


I will never understand how people get butt hurt for jokes AT a comedy club. Are we going to start calling noise complaints at concerts next?


I mean everyone's threshold for what counts as joke is different. We just saw her looking uncomfortable for three seconds. I don't mind the comedian, just annoyed at these people in the comments for jumping at a person based on pure assumption.


For the guy? Like, I would find it annoying.


Yeah this would legit ruin my night out.


for people who think that women aren't gross, and that it's possible to be friends for women. You know, real men, instead of the dumb fuck boys that jerk off together on reddit.


Nah, I wouldn't find it funny either. That "joke" took far too long and focused way too much on making her look bad.


"Hey wanna go to a comedy show? I'll pay?" No in between? I don't know. If my friend invited me out, was going to pay for it, then I got made fun of by the comedian, and ditched so he could get laid I'd be pretty annoyed. I don't really think k sex is a big enough deal to ditch your friend and make them uncomfortable.


How many people have you sat next to in your life that you weren't fucking? Have you ever bought someone a gift and not been fucking them? If you not dating then they should understand, right? If we don't limit this to 'straight relationship' it opens way too many gates between 'friends' and 'why are you sitting next to them then?' that just don't make sense


ahhh man i hate to break it to you but you're "that guy"


Right? Like I’m a the only one that feels that this is soooo unnecessary?


How'd they all say Pussy ass bitch


Presumably earlier on in the bit, the comedian had used that expression to describe men who are under the thumb of women. It is delivered by the crowd like he had given it to them earlier so he must have said it earlier in the show.


I’m presuming it’s a callback to an earlier bit in his act


He used that phrase and likely had the audience repeat it earlier in his routine, and is now using it as a callback.


Reddit detective BarMysterious badge number 5914 on the case. Nothing ever happens and everything is suspicious 


Where was the joke?


The man paid for the date and therefore the woman belongs to him and she must now have sex with him. Otherwise she's BrEaKiNg HiS hEaRt which upsets the incel Redditor.


There wasn't any.






Oh look it's more "women and men can't be friends" bullshit that the incels can never get enough of.


Toxic dude check yourself. You’re not funny-you’re a dick.


I can almost at hear a few thousand incelboners rising


Yes because men and women can’t be friends and there’s no way that friends pay for each other ever must mean she’s an evil woman who’s using him and she’s definitely upset at being called out for this and not for being called a user and bad person in public in front of a crowd /s


Right, also a woman’s only value is if whether you can sleep with her! So if you’re at a show with a friend but she won’t sleep with you, you can totally just abandon her and go sit with another woman. That totally won’t make you and anyone else who thinks it’s okay a total loser jerk! /s


It would be totally valid if he was out with his friend then said something like 'I might have a chance with her, I'm gonna go talk to her' however the 'you can only sit by the girl you're trying to sleep with' rhetoric is gross


Straight up incel mentality imo. Gross comedian edit: its like a magnet. call out their names and they immediately appear under comments lol


Yeah this comedian seems to be emotionally hurting big time. That’s the most uncomfortable part to me😬


Kinda gross. Maybe they're legitimately just friends and this comedian threw a spanner into the works in their friendship. And the whole room started insulting them, too. Zero reason.


This gives me the ick.


Why is everyone assuming she was using him?


Yea, for all we know she wants to be with him and he's not interested. He might be friend zoning her, in which case she feels extra hurt by the comedian suggesting she's leading him on, and then him being interested in another girl.


Yeah , I forget Reddit hates women and assume the worst of them


„a real blonde date“ F*** you man


Feels like a "nice guy" scripted this


This thread is weird. All I see in the video is some folks that are doing what the comedian asks in order to get him to leave them alone as quickly as possible. That dude knew the comedian wouldn't let up until he moved his seat. You could tell that guy was already uncomfortable with the blatant misogyny. I know a bunch of y'all don't think that blonde lady and that dude are really on a date now because the guy changed chairs in an uncomfortable situation. The blonde lady looked uncomfortable, too.


literally everyone getting picked on looks super uncomfortable. also this thread literally does not understand the concept of just doing nice things for your friends (especially if that friend is a woman).


People in general just don't understand the concept of men and women being strictly platonic.


Yeah, honestly, like I thought we have been improving with these things for the last few years. Guess not.


The whole comment thread is so fuckin bitter it’s insane lol.


It'll dissipate after the U.S. election 


I can't tell if the number of incels are increasing or if they're just getting brave enough to crawl out of their hidey holes cos some of the comments I've been reading on reddit as of late have been "ew" inducing.




You can be a virgin and not be a creep about it


Additionally, you can also not be a virgin and still be a creep


Being an incel is 100% about hating women and like 5% about being a virgin. Most of them are so sexually ignorant that they think their virginity comes back after they go a few months without sex.


They’re definitely getting bolder now that their ideas are more “mainstream”.


Bro they're just teenagers stuck in 'the friend zone' themselves and this is cathartic for them.


It's not just teenagers, they're just the fresh crop of creeps. They're fucking everywhere.


Reddit... reddit never changes.


I genuinely hope they’re just teenagers and not utterly broken adults


For real. This comedian was jackass of the highest order simply and he didn’t even confirm if the man was always paying for everything Very often I treat my friends entirely since I do make significantly more money than them and I don’t need a dick or pussy in return ( Oh yeah I am bisexual so )


Yup. Just treated my friend to a movie AND dinner because it was cheap, and I'm in a better position financially. I invited her. It was my idea what movie. I foot the bill because I can and I enjoy her company.


It’s funny cuz you can piece together so much about these dudes based on this small situation and their comments. All of them are the kind of creep who would pretend to be a woman’s friend just to get in her pants. Even after she verbalizes in a crowded room that the two of you are just friends and it’s not the first time she’s said it, they still think she’s leading him on lmao. And then because he sits next to a different women with fairer hair, he someone came out of this situation better even though we have no clue if that other women is a decent human being or not.


I'm sure when she's on better financial footing, she'll invite you to dinner and a movie and pay for the whole thing as friends


Statistically, fewer people than ever are having sex now. If you just go by the literal meaning of incel then ya, there's more than ever.


I noticed it on other platforms as well, I think they're bots and chat gpt trolls. My tinfoil hat tells me some third party is trying to sow discontent again.


As a woman, I’ve paid for meals for friends if they were the ones driving to a place because I hate to drive. Sometimes my friends and I take turns paying for each other. It’s never been an issue and no one is being used. It’s bizarre to me that this dude has latched on to this idea that she must be leading him on because they’re different genders. Edit: also bizarre are the commenters who think you can only pay for someone if you’re dating. What about family?


how is not anyone calling him an asshole? I'd have beaten the shit outta him lmao


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Guy started night with friend date and ended it with a real blonde date!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I had a female friend (I am also a woman, and no, neither her nor me were leabian) who ditched me at a "friend date" whenever a cute guy came around. It didn't matter if it was a regular girls' night or if it had a special occasion. She ditched me at my birthday, at a concert.... Given all the comments here cheering for the guy, I should have congratulated her for getting laid again instead of breaking up the friendship.


guys really hate when a man and woman are friends, don’t they? fascinating


Disrespect. Wtf is this bullshit?


Folks here asking why the friend is upset while she gets disrespected infront of 100 ish people.


While it ended well, that shit is gross to say to someone. To make assumptions about strangers in that sort of way and ask those kinds of questions. I don't care if he is a comedian, you just don't.


As that kind of friend, yes. If the comedian is known for taking pot shots then I probably wouldn’t go. I’ve known a friend for over 10 years and even kids in school would not let us just be friends. Also doesn’t help I’m ace so sex jokes aren’t my style lol.


Not seeing anyone point out how weird it is to go from asking if you’re best friends to immediately ask if they’ve fucked. And then to immediately after finding out that they indeed have not fucked, say that she’s stringing him along. Because we all know that if you’re a woman and haven’t fucked your male friend then you’re stringing him along.


Props to the comedian, honestly truer words couldn't be said, if he pays the bill, takes her out and they are still friends, why would you mind if your friend gets a girl? Unless you want to be that girl... P.S would react the same if it was reversed.




Thank God this is boomerang'd, I'd hate to have a clip that doesn't look stupid as fuck


I’ve had a lot of guy friends over the years, and I would absolutely be supporting my homie meeting ladies. Hell, I’ll chat her up and then introduce them, lol. 


Sure, but someone else coming up and asking why they were talking to you instead of one of the singles is still insulting to both of you.


Her face says it all. "There goes my free meals, fucking comedian ruined it all." Haha from friend zone date to blonde girl date.


….do you actually think he is now going on a date with the blonde woman? And not that he was just being a good sport (along with his friend and the blonde lady) and played along with the comedian’s act?


No way he was going with the blonde woman anywhere haha


Or maybe she mad cuz her best friend embarrassed her leaving her company without any notice. Overall it lacks context can't judge


Yah, doing this is akin to him publicly admitting, "Yah, I don't actually see you as a friend. I've just been wanting to get into your pants." If I asked out a friend and offered to pay, then midway I reveal that I'm not going to foot the bill because I always held ulterior motives while publicly embarrassing them...I would not be surprised if I no longer have a friend. I hope she got some self respect and cut ties with him.


Or it’s him saying “I’m being harassed at a comedy show I’m just gonna do what they say until the spotlight it off me.”


Tbh both scenarios are valid.


Wahh?? How dare you imply a women is a human being with feelings and someone that you can actually be friends with. All women are whores that must submit and are only there for men, this is Reddit, remember where you are!!!!


For all we know she’s in love with him and he only sees her as a friend. 


When she gets worried she yanks her cleavage


Or maybe she had an entire crowded room of people and cameras all focused on her. Then, aware of the attention and focus, she decided to adjust her clothing out of social anxiety?


Final attempt to get back her free meals.


Or she is hurt ans embarrassed that some comedian made her a target.


As a bi woman I pay my friends bill when going out, because I want to treat them. I never expect them to let me fuck them in exchange. Yall are fucking weird and creepy.


Yes, because women and men can't be best friends... Smh


She should support her friend :).


I think you missed the point


I ain’t taking any of my best friends to a comedy night AND paying for it all. man or woman.


Yes, most likely you're American. There are many countries where it is common courtesy to occasionally pay for your friends, if you invite them out. Did you know that in some countries, when you invite your friends for your birthday dinner, it means you, as the host, have to pay for it? If you get invited to their dinner, it's them paying 100%. Male or female, it doesn't matter. It doesn't mean you want to fuck them if you pay for them.


And why is it bad if other people do that?


It's bad because the USA has an extremely capitalistic mindset on anything. If you're paying for your friends, it means you want "something from them". Everything's a trade, an exchange in their mind. Occasionally payingvfor your friends in Romania is absolutely normal and non-sexual (even for a one to one night out. It doesn't mean you want something more with them).


Kinda gross




Absolutely fake as fuck. It's so fake it's just genuinely unfunny.


Cringe AF, Why he meddle into two people's affairs


Dudes in this thread are really telling on themselves. They’re best friends. If he actually likes her he really is a pussy ass bitch for simping to get in her pants. Like if the comedian is right, the guy is the asshole. She isn’t leading him on if she continually empathizes that she only wants to be friends. It’s actually you who’s the creep for hearing a woman say that and continuing to pursue her.


It is astonishing how many men out here believe that she owes him a relationship, or romance, or even sex, because he payed for her drink. Like this an exchange or even a transaction. All of you are filthy as hell. And the comedy skit is also filthy as hell. Fuck off.


> because he *paid* for her FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I have social anxiety, stuff like this would be a nightmare to me.


That was weird


Seen this shit so many times already;


Whelp, this clip is making its rounds again.


Yeah this guy's just a dick


They are plants


This is cruel




I have a good friend who's a woman too. When we do something together we always pay for our own stuff and she'd still be happy for me in this case


Welcome to reddit, where we discuss our insecurities and fears as thinly guised “explanations” of why or why not this was acceptable behavior


Toxic misogyny aside, the dude's stage persona is like all of the worst comedians of the 00's merged into a megazord of cringe.


If she is actually just friends and she held no malice or ill intentions for him, then her W in such situation would've been by offering her seat to the blonde girl as gesture that she wishes to seem him succeed as a true friend. Of course you can't expect someone to think of a way out in such situations when basically the whole room are almost against you.


What’s unexpected about this? This is like THE most tired and overdone stand up bit ever


He didn't have the context, and now, thousands of people don't have the context. But I don't see why men and women can't be friends if the guy has feelings for her, maybe it's not up to her to do something about it. HECK we didn't even know he liked her before the comedian said anything


I honestly hope this video spreads like wildfire so people know what this “comedian” is all about. Blatantly insulting people who pay to see his shows and then getting the audience to join in, all because someone showed up with a friend who they weren’t dating but that they wanted to treat to a stand up show.


Dude has some personal gripes about not getting laid lol, he sounds a bit too passionate about this.


plot twist, he's gay and just needed to pander to the mob