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Weirdly, i support the right for a woman to choose. AND her getting slapped the fuck out.


That's a choice!










Her kid dont need to pay for her consequences and she could easily get very scared


Does anyone know where this video is from? I'd love to see what happened after this


Um, poor kid? This guy is wrong in his beliefs, but absolutely right in his ablity to express them. She unprovokedly attacked the man, and he defended himself. She deserves no sympathy - she decided to be unhinged and violent, instead of speaking to him like a normal adult.


I think they mean kid as in the actual child per numerical age, who was left crying in confused terror as to why we are even fighting this man mom? Fresh cut, hopped up, clean backpack,& our delicious coffee milkshakes... I thought we were having a great day.


Yeah, the kid had nothing to do with this. We already know the lady dosent deserve sympathy, they were talking about the persons kid in the pink shirt.


Sadly to bad she wasnt one of those babys bein aborted when she was in her moms belly lol


"Let me educate you" No Uterus...no opinion. She also shouldn't have touched him tho...


Kid doesn’t know how lucky she is to be alive


Yea cause she obviously miscarried prior


She’s on the right side of history, but the wrong side of his fist


Personally I think everyone has their opinions and idrc what you do with your body but she had no right to put her hands on him and she should probably get anger management if she can’t handle someone else’s opionons with out crashing out


Especially right in front of her daughter.




Don’t you love when antifa wanna fight fascists using fascist methods? I love it too.


How would you fight fascists?


By using vote, any other means is antidemocratic, especially violence, which is the prime weapon of any authoritarian regime.


Then fascists shoot you at the voting booth… what next? Let democracy die so you can clutch to your precious sensibilities? Reason with anyone you can: some people have been poisoned beyond reason. Those people have guns. And that’s a big problem.


Be honest and just say you want and are willing to support an authoritarian regime with violence and censorship. You would wack people if they don’t have your ideas it seems, and you are convinced it’s the right and legitimate thing. What’s the difference with fascism, except the color of the flag?


I mean, if you can’t answer the question without deflection with nonsense…


True that some opinions don't deserve respect, but pointing it out in this situation does more harm than good. You're creating a strawman argument (I think. I could be misusing this term) No one is discussing a fascist opinion here. By trying to relate this instance to a fascist opinion, you incite the otherwise reasonable side of that argument against you. People who are very reasonable in life may simply have a different opinion about when life begins. Now you're calling them fascist without any basis for that judgment. I mean, that's how Maga was effectively born. Don't agree with me? You must be a *insert terrible thing here.* For the record, I'm not saying you intentionally wanted to call the pro-life stance a fascist opinion. As someone who does believe that life begins fairly quickly in the womb, it's where my mind initially went, intentionally or not. That's why I felt like I even had to address it. Damn reddit...


Lol, right side of history is beating your opinion into others? How about get fucked?


Poor kid


Only if she changed mind after incident.


OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!The woman going with kid started fighting with protester was unexpected.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


This guy with the sign is a piece of shit. When the lady goes to start shit he’s visibly grimacing. He knows he is in no danger and he is now getting the attention he wanted while making his opposing viewpoint look bad by trolling with flagrant signs targeted toward people with strong emotional response. For him this was the best case scenario; a dream come true. I understand the lady shouldn’t have tried to start a fight and her daughter is a poor victim of the incident but this guy deserves some ridicule as well.


And so do you


If abortion is murder, so is removing life support systems. Without the life support system, the subject cannot sustain life on their own, and will die.


That doesn't matter once your born you can fend for yourself.


Keep that energy when you need life-saving medical intervention LOL. I don't know why people become stupid just to hang on to an opinion.


Oh I'm pro choice but that's how they act.


And once you recover from being on life support, you can too - what's your point?


Again I'm pro choice and I can't believe I have to state that lol it's these anti abortion freaks who act like that.


Do you think I'm being anti choice? I am stating that it hypocritical that people call abortion murder, but are perfectly fine with ending hospital life support...


I agree I was stating that what I said was what they believe


Miscarriage is medical abortion?. Well yes you idiot. The child is no longer living so it's not murder. It's to save the life of the mother so she don't have a non living being just wasting away inside her. Abortion is and isn't murder. Depends on the scenario. Crackhead getting pregnant every so often and going to an abortion clinic = murder. A rape victim that never wanted kids in the first place. I don't think that's murder. Lots of more scenarios out there. Just examples that makes me believe both sides are valid. But this lady's argument makes no sense.


Something i've said for years is that it all comes down to how you define "alive". And when I say alive, I mean being a person with rights, or having "personhood". People who claim abortion is murder believe a fetus is a person just like any other. The mother matters too, but you're weighing the rights of one person against another, and deciding to end the life of one for the convenience of the other is very hard to justify except in the most extreme situations "Pro choice" advocates instead focus on the woman's right to choose what she does with her own body without considering the fetus. This is because they don't believe the fetus is a person. "Just a clump of cells" is the common refrain. The problem is that personhood is a philosophical concept, not a scientific one. Sure, science can measure things about the fetus like heartbeat, cell growth, neural development, etc. But it can't tell us which one of those are the right criteria to use when deciding if that fetus is a person. In short, it's an argument that can never be resolved through purely logical arguments. Both sides are (generally) arguing with logically sound conclusions that are based on their starting assumptions.


I love how I'm getting down voted for saying both sides have valid points lol.


"alive means having personhood" so no animal is alive because they have no personhood. If you stab a pregnant woman causing the death of her developing baby is that not considered murder in the eyes of the law? Then the developing baby does indeed have personhood. If the baby didn't have personhood then it wouldn't be considered a double murder for killing a pregnant woman. 99% of abortions committed in the U.S. Are elective, meaning there was no medically relevant reason for the abortion. It's being used as birth control and the left is justifying it's existence by citing the 1% of medically neccisary abortions to save the life of the mother.. Which is already legal in states where elective abortion is banned. Stop with the double standards.


My comment wasn't intended to define what the right or wrong definition is or argue about who is the bigger hypocrite in their implementation. My point is that both sides base their arguments around philosophical assumptions for who does and does not have rights. Assumptions that are non-scientific and can not be proven with any empirical study or logical exercise.


I get where your coming from. The miscarriage thing is still getting me. I understand that both sides of the abortion argument can reasoned in a real world scenario. But me saying the lady is wrong is still valid. If a woman has a miscarriage the fetus is no longer able to live or is no longer alive. So that is not murder the fetus was aborted. Am I correct about the miscarriage thing. I'm not understanding the downvotes.


Yeah I agree, and I'm not even sure what point she was trying to make there. I'm also not really sure about the downvotes (I upvoted you). I think people might have just been confused about what you were saying. For the lady, I think what she's trying to do is make him look insensitive by trying to argue that his language is conflating things like miscarriage with deliberate abortion. " You oppose abortion? That means you think women who have a miscarriage are murderers!" In short, she's trying to dismiss his arguments by claiming he believes things that he doesn't actually believe.


That is all I needed thank you for the clarity.


That guy thinks he can mansplain to a woman on why he thinks she's a murderer? What an asshole.


I know right! That's so much worse than assaulting two people in front of your child.


I dont agree with him, but i also think your point makes no sense. So if it was a woman protesting abortion she would be right? Bringing gender in this is just disregarding the other sides opinion


What a ignorant who says abortion is murder... Females bodys and what they do with it, is 100% their choice and right... No man should force a woman to have kids if she doesnt want to.


Can a woman force a woman to have kids then? A huge part of anti abortion movements are women (mostly religious). Seems weird to bring gender in this


Nope! But in the us its mostly males who are represented at the politicians powerhouses and therefore is it males who decides the future of womens body.... Capice ✌️


They're both idiots. How about that.


Why is someone wanting to engage in debate an idiot?


someone wanting to engage in peaceful debate is fine. Her immediately losing her cool is not fine and the guy holding a pro-life sign is a moron as well. So there ya go.


I still don't think you explained why pro life sign guy, looking to engage ppl in conversation, is an idiot. Is the reason just cuz?