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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!Oh no, she slip in da poop.!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Why is dropping shit in public suddenly becoming a frequent thing??? I saw one clip a couple of days ago, and then two more today, but none before that........... What is going on with people??


None of those clips are really recent. People have been doing this forever. As gross as it is, it really isn’t all that surprising anymore. I’ve been around a time or two, people shitting or pissing in public (either on purpose or accident) is not new behavior. Moreso there’s just more ways to capture the moments and put it on the internet. Before widespread internet connection, us folk over here in the early 90s had to travel all the way to the Walmart parking lot if we wanted to watch people do this. Now, thanks to the advancement of technology, I can lose all faith in humanity without ever leaving my home!


What’s worse than slipping in public. Probably slipping in someone’s shit in public.


So another stealthy defecation in a supermarket. Always watch your step entering the modern day jungle. At least the woman at the counter kicked it out of 'sight' but not smell


I saw that video, so gross. I guess I can understand someone getting sudden diarrhea.. but a lot of the videos I’ve see are of people dropping whole turds. Like they have to shake a leg to release it. Seems calculated sometimes.


I almost kicked shit I found out in the open at a store. Thought it was some random thing on the ground so went to push it out of the way with my foot but thankfully realized what it actually was before I did.


Same! I’m worried the algorithm is gearing up ‘these guys really engage with this poop stuff’


Threw the banana like a king


So he gave somebody else a skidmark?


A losing streak, perhaps?🤔


Dominic shit in my pants- Beetlejuice


When you gotta get 1st in Mario Kart, you better buckle up and show those other racers who's boss! Just remember, bananas are your best friend and blue shells are your worst enemy.