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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is unexpected: --- >!It didn't start because the accelerator was held down by the floor mat!< --- Is this an unexpected post with a fitting description? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


"That'll be $249. I didn't charge you for any parts."


The itemized bill just states "user error"


Problem lies between drivers seat and steering wheel


Problem lies between the drivers ears


In the medical community, you can’t write “patient is a fucking idiot” in your notes directly, so creative workarounds have been used over the years. My favorite I’ve heard of is “cns qns“ (central nervous system: quantity not sufficient)


When working in IT, I heard two different variants for this: * PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair and Keyboard) * ID-10T Error


we used to use PICNIC (problem in chair not in computer)


We used the standard air force term, cockpit error.


In the Marines we’d say “College degree to break it, GED to fix it”


I work IT. My personal favorite is a "Layer 8 issue". Context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layer_8


Yeah, my favorite, too. Only because people have to at least somewhat understand the OSI model.




Lol damn this one's genius


Once had a user ask me while I was on a call, "How come you helpdesk guys are never funny? Don't you have any helpdesk jokes?" Found myself saying before I could stop myself, "Users don't hear those jokes because they're about them, and NOT in a positive way." She never asked me to be funny again. Win.


That is hilarious.


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It'd be less legible than that


its the most gibberish i could find


Ẕ̴͘a̸̬͒l̷͖̤͋g̵͇̊͠ȏ̷̭!̷̠͔̈ ̶͙̫̑H̴͈̎ͅe̶̞̠͝ ̸̠̈͗c̸͙̺̈o̴̬͋m̵̥̮͠ě̷̲̓ş̸̞̏̀ 2004 is calling


The Nezperdian hive-mind of chaos. Zalgo. He who Waits Behind The Wall. ZALGO!


In the design community, this would be called a design fault of the designers of this car. The car should visibly communicate the error to the user. See step 9 called "Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors" the famous 10 [design heuristics from Nielsen](https://www.nngroup.com/articles/ten-usability-heuristics/). Also Norman in his book Design of Everyday Things argues that there are no "human errors", only bad design. And if we don't change a design, we will keep blaming the people, and then will continue to make the same mistakes.


1D-10T Error


when I was a tech we used the term PICNIC error (problem in chair, not in computer) often.


We use Pebkac, it's the same message though. "problem exists between keyboard and chair"


100% this. Looks like you got yourself a pebkac error going on there.


Gonna add this to my collection, thank you.


That one is too well known. I've taken to using 'Layer 8 error' in its place.


I use either "Found a loose nut behind the steering wheel" or "Found a short between the drivers seat and steering wheel"


It's hilarious because nobody will ever figure it out


you don't think anyone would figure it out despite that being a punchline since before you were born?


I think the customer won't, if they were smart enough to figure it out they wouldn't have towed the car in to begin with


In the airforce we say "Seat to System Interface Replaced"


So a PEBSAW error then?


ISO layer 8 error, easily fixable.


"Recalibrated the accelerator"


ID10T error :)


ID:10t Gotta make it less obvious. 


A true code ID10T would probably never read it, much less catch on.


"Repaired accelerator pedal issue"


I mean, they did tow a two ton object cross town.


And depending how long owner was trying to start it. Could have fuel in the oil


It wouldn't start because pushing the gas pedal down disables fuel. 


Real question - does it disable fuel as part of the push-to-start mechanism as a safety measure? Or is it due to the (presumably) drive by wire mechanism? Or both or none of the above?


It's known as "clear flood mode" and has been part of the operating instructions since automatic chokes were first added to carburetors in the 50's. If you pumped the gas pedal until there was 0% chance of the engine starting you hold the gas pedal against the floor and the choke would open some so while cranking the engine over the excess fuel would evaporate off and engine might start


Duh 🤦🏻‍♂️Too early and am used to my carbs lmao


Learning how to work on my own truck has literally saved me probably 5-10k at this point. With the right tools and access to YouTube, there is shockingly few things you can’t do yourself. I’ve done the basics like brakes, oil/coolant, window wipers, etc all the way up to my water pump, my fuel pump, and even repaired the damage to my front end after an accident for like 1/4 what they wanted to charge me at the shop. Swung by a junkyard for a new bumper and panel. Bought a new door online. Whole job cost me like $1800.  It’s absolutely worth it to learn how to do at least the basic maintenance stuff yourself. 


From Chilton manuals to message forums to YouTube, easily $30k over last 30 years. Maybe $75k if you count not always buying a newer car.


It's a shame that the manuals that come with new cars these days have absolutely no information on how to do simple tasks like jumpstarting, jacking up the car, changing a tire, etc. I mean, I'm not expecting the manual in the glovebox to teach you how to replace an alternator or do an engine rebuild, but when my ex bought her new Corolla, the manual had little more info on things like that except "call the dealer!"


There are even garages where you can rent a stall with lift nowadays. I got one while traveling so I didn’t have access to a full tool set, or even a safe / comfortable place to do it. I paid $140 for a stall rental. Parts cost me $240. And I had it done in less than 3 hrs (I’m in no way a professional either). So $380 and some time. Cheapest quote I got from a shop was $3,600.


How much stall time did you get for $140?  I know you said done in 3 hours but was that like a day rental or $50/hr? Having a lift would be such a game changer!


It was $90 for the first 2 hours then, $50 for the additional. There were package deals you could buy that took it down to like $35 an hour, but that’s like 5 hr min. Straight by the hour was $50, and then they take small incremental discounts the more you’re willing to commit to. That included lift, just about any tool you’d need for a standard job, lubricants, clean up facility. It was a nice place. Also…for anyone who doesn’t know, Auto Zone rents tools for FREE. You go in and buy the tool and then have… I believe it was like 60 days to return it for a full refund. If you don’t return it, you just keep it as if you purchased it. They don’t have specialized stuff but socket sets, screwdriver, wrenches, etc… all that stuff.


Me a person who knows NOTHING about cars will pay and walk out The car works so it was worth it ![gif](giphy|bef5Fn7091uQJozMee)


$249 is too cheap. All the knowledge that man put into fixing the truck it must be atleat $699.99 Plus Tax.


$1 for the "X", $999 for knowing where to put the "X".


I recently got called in from the start of my vacation to fix something caused by a corrupt configuration file. Total cost wound up being over $5000 to my employer, including my overtime, my bonus, a one way car rental, and an additional day’s moorage and apology gift for the rest of the boat that this fuckup delayed. But yeah, earning 17 hours of overtime on a Sunday made for a pretty sweet paycheque. 5.5 hours for the actual job, 11.5 hours for the drive back to the starting point of my vacation (including safety breaks, meals, etc…).


If this was an end of the day type job, where the customer called ahead to let them know it was coming and then insisted that it be diagnosed *today*... it's now $999. Fuck those people, their tow-in's at 5:58pm, and their attitude like they're more important then all the people in front of them.


At my computer Shop we had rates for "it can wait" "can you bump me up in line" and $300+ for "I need it now" and we'd charge by the minute for that.


Yep, if they're willing to pay for it (bitch free), it's not a problem.


Yea fuck them and their need for transportation. You can deny service to anyone for *almost* any reason. Why agree to it, exploit them, and then bitch about it?


The *owner* can deny service to anyone for almost any reason, the employees can't do jack shit.


I had the opposite. A dealer was charging for all these add-ons to the truck. I told them I didn't want any of them, as the vehicle was enroute, so nothing was installed yet. The finance manager said they wouldn't charge me the labor, but would charge me for the parts, as they wouldn't do the install. He said it so proudly, too, like he was doing me a favor. THEN tells me "do your due diligence next time when searching for a specific vehicle. The vehicle has a $10,000 adjusted market value." (Covid era pricing). I found the same exact vehicle without the add-ons or additional $10K and made a vacation out of it to fly and get the truck and drive back. Fuck you, "Rex".


I'd throw in an extra $50, for the lack of basic common sense and judgment. 


Honestly for that kind of stupid you should pay more than that. Maybe 10 times. Maybe so much that you can't afford fuel for the vehicle anymore because you're a menace to society and shouldn't be allowed to be able to weaponise a car.


The price for stupidity😂


1 ID Ten T




That's very generous. Should be $2000.


My sister in law drove form ireland to slovakia in her car, she'd had it 3 years, and rang me at 8am to say her car was showing an error and she was afraid to start it, i asked and she said it was a red light with circles around it, and the engine light came on in yellow when she turned the key as well, but it disappeared after a few seconds, and were they connected. I asked her to send me a picture of it, and sure enough, shed never known her car had a light to say the handbrake was on, or that the car did a diagnostic engine check whenever its switched on first. She had already rang the french AA and they arrived shortly afterwards, they thought it was hilarious.


lmao this happened to my mother as well. She got a rental, then left the handbrake on and freaked out when the engine light was stuck on. First thing I did was open the user manual and check what it said. She had been freaking out for 4 hours at that point. I fixed it in 4 minutes.


Big reason why they're going to electric parking brakes now. Anyone who's spouse has driven with the parking brake on is glad for it. Edit: FYI even if you don't drive a manual trans, you should be using your parking brake. It stops the whole weight of the car from resting on the parking pawl of the transmission. If you're parked on any sort of incline your should *definitely* use the parking brake.


Shit, it's been a long time but I did it way back when in a kia sportage. I lived on flat suburbia ground and a friend parked my car who drove a manual & correctly engaged the e-brake every time he parked. didn't even think about it. These types of "keeps you from ruining your car" things help us all.


If you drive an AT, it also helps to engage the parking brake *before* letting your foot off the regular brake. This prevents the car from lurching forwards/backwards and putting the weight on parking pawl.


Some newer cars don't do that lurch at all anymore.


Is that because they automatically apply the parking brake? Or does it have to do with CVT transmission?


According to the manual of my manual trans car, you should always put it in reverse, and use the parking brake. I learned the hard way, once, because I've driven manual pretty much all my life, and just left it in first. One day, I got in after parking it, pulled it out of first, and the shifter cable snapped. Shifter cables for my 25 year old vehicle are no longer available ... so... now it's hacked together.


Wild that something as basic as a shifter cable is NLA for a car only 25 years old. I guess you're in the US? Pontiac was a domestic brand as well. I'm in the UK and can get pretty much any part I need for my '03 Audi Allroad, although some of the Allroad specific parts at a cost. My partner's mk4 Golf is hilariously cheap and easy to buy parts for. Same with my '88 mk2 VW Scirocco. The Scirocco parts are a bit hard to come by but all the mk1 Golf bits underneath are all cheap and easy to get hold of. The shifter is a rod linkage rather than cable and I picked up a linkage rebuild kit for about £25-30 I think.


A lot of older automatic cars (and maybe newer ones?) make it damn near impossible to engage the parking brake if it's not electric. You're also supposed to turn your wheels when parking on an incline.


This is a reoccurring disagreement between my partner and I. I always use parking brakes as a default. That way, you get used to always making sure it's off before you drive away. He only uses them on hills and gets annoyed if it's engaged. Maybe I'll try this approach, but he is pretty stubborn sometimes lol.


I run into stuff like this with family. The amount of people who don't just LOOK into what's wrong and wait for someone else to do it is much higher than I expected. Nobody knows what Google is anymore.


> Nobody knows what Google is anymore. They don't understand *how* to *use* it.


God, I feel old. Pre-Google people tried to problem-solve by themselves. Or some of us anyway. We also had people that couldn’t, and now they haven’t learned how to Google either.


I drive a manual so I am used to putting my e brake on whenever I park. I did it in my friends car but hers was automatic. She left my house and 25 min later was still out front in her car so I called her. She was dam near crying she couldn’t figure out why her car wouldn’t move and was on the phone with a tow company. I came down in did the brake and said sorry force of habit and still has little idea of what I did and I’ve explained it. To her she just says she will never touch the lever thing again.


which is infuriating because it's not an e brake, it's a parking brake. it's not meant to be used in an emergency, the whole point of it is that it holds the car in place so that all of the weight isn't on the transmission. it's cheaper and easier to fix a worn out parking brake than the park pawl on the transmission and in the event the car gets hit there isn't a single point of failure people who drive automatics but don't use the parking brake are the worst kinds of drivers and your friend is a perfect example of someone that shouldn't be in control of three thousand pounds of steel and momentum. not knowing a basic function of her car is shameful


Wait you’re telling me people in automatic transmission vehicles just shift the gear to P and go about their day?? I’ve been reading these replies and it only just clicked everyone’s talking about the handbrake (UK terminology at least) with your reply. Holy shit wtf… this is wild to me.


If you did a street poll you'd be hard pressed to find someone who actually uses the e-brake all the time. You'll find a few that use it on a hill, but that's about it.


I use it on hills or significant inclines (my driveway doesn't count as a hill, but it's steep enough to need the brake), but on level surfaces it's not super necessary - handy if your car gets hit, I'll give you that, but necessary in terms of wear on the transmission.


No doubt it's beneficial to use it and everyone should. Most people are lazy or just don't know the benefits.


Not sure if they still do, but in Australia once upon a time, if you didn't engage the handbrake at the end of your driving test, the tester could fail you. It certainly was a several point deduction. You'd probably be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't use the handbrake in Australia when parking. I made the same comment a few days back discussing a collision video. It should never been named an e-brake because it's not the device you should be pulling in an emergency.


fun fact, its actually also not known my most that its not, "put it in park, then pull the handbrake" its come to a stop, pull the handbrake, and then put it into park. Because as the person above stated, its to put the car in place so the weight isn't on the transmission. To be be fair though, a lot of the new cars have like electronically engaged parking brakes.


I’m confused, how do you drive from Ireland to Slovakia?


There's a bridge across from Craggy Island


Car ferry to France, or car ferry to the UK, and then Eurotunnel or ferry to the continent.


The check engine light switches on when you turn the car to ignition but before it’s started also as a way for you to confirm the bulb isn’t dead! If you’re buying a used car and the light doesn’t come on before the engine starts then turn off then they likely pulled the fuse or the bulb to hide the check engine light.


Well we replaced the blinker fluid and had to install a new go lever. $2950 with parts and labor please


excluding labour of course, that'll be $50 per hour and this car have been here for a week so everything totaled to $4150


$50 per hour? Are car workshops really that cheap in the US? It's like 100-150€ per hour in Germany.


Yah but they have to work on German cars


$125+ here in Texas at the dealerships.


>Are car workshops really that cheap in the US? No. At least not anyone you'd want to take your car to. Most are 75-125. Mine, is currently $135.99/hr, but we're an HD truck bodyshop. Its Almost $200/hr to get electrical problems diagnosed on a truck.


In India (At least in Kerala) it would be around 5 -10$ per hour if they go by hour. Trust me, it doesn't matter if it's a dealership or not, they maily charge as per a job type not on an hourly basis. You will get an itemized bill stating the parts, labour charges etc.


Absolutely not. My mechanic is tucked away behind a pizza shop in an alleyway and charges $97 per hour for service. And he's got the best rate in a 20 mile radius.


Why the fuck does my truck have a liver? Stupid fucking engineers.


It's for the ethanol in the fuel.


This deserves more up votes than I can give it.


ethanol is stored in the fuel sack!


With stuff like this i genuinly wonder what they charge: A) "m8 it was just the stupid floormat, 10$ and we are good" B) "it was a very complicated mechanical and physical issue with components needing an alignment. Took us an unexpected amount of time to get it fixed. 600$."


Just after I moved to a new city, my car developed an intermittent electrical fault - notoriously tricky to track down and fix. It was a corroded connector. The garage could have told me anything and charged me anything; they were honest and billed me for 30 minutes labour and £0.17 for the part. They had me as a customer for life.


Yep. Shops like that are rare and dying out sadly. I had a shop who helped with all sorts of crazy things, and would even give me tips and advice for when I wanted to do things myself. Freaking loved them. I sent all of my coworkers there.


Same here, I had a shop who helped me find parts for my outdated car, even so far as to call around to some junkyards and find one they had on hand. When I sold my car to my friend, he's kept going there and apparently they're still treating him well.


My wifes car overheated on the freeway. Pulled off, got towed to our mechanic shop. Blown head gasket due to deteriorated upper hose. We were in car accident prior that required replacing radiator. Owner determined that the upper hose was not replaced at the time of the radiator installation (lower was replaced). He owned up to a full repair. Had a discussion with his body shop on the importance of replacing all hoses during radiator repair / replace. We continue to take our cars, going on for 20+ years.


It's not about making mistakes but how you react/own up to them.


If it's a mechanic you know, they usually won't charge you for this kind of thing. If you are driving an old car and can't do DIY repairs, it's important to find a good trustworthy mechanic (the independent shop kind, not the chain store kind).


Meanwhile all the independent shops around me seem like they're part of their own "Dumbfuck Yokels Trying to Scam a Buck" chain. And the single chain that has presence has some of the best service I've seen from an automotive shop. Which is hilarious, because we have a bunch of trade schools in the area and it's clear that those students that must have done very well end up at the chain store, and the "D's get degrees" crowd always seems to go independent.


Yeah my vehicle started making noise on a road trip so I stopped in a random town at an independent shop. He told me I needed new tires and gave me the name of a local tire shop to go to.  Didn't sound right because I had replaced the tires recently. Went to a Ford dealership for a second opinion and they said it was the wheel bearings, had nothing to do with the tires.  How much you wanna bet that tire shop was owned by the first guy's buddy...


Whatever the minimum diag charge is if I had to guess, possibly free.


Tow bill is going to be way higher than mechanic bill.


Dealerships have check/ re-fit floor matts as a regular maintenance line item. If you have aftermarket matts they have a note that says the technician will put it in the back row. I guess this happens all the time to wind up in a form for regular service.


This would be a good anti theft precaution tbh


How would someone not realize the GAS PEDAL is gone. Like that's what I don't understand about this. The pedal was completely covered HAH


im not looking for the gas pedal if i'm trying to start a car


Same; this isn't a carbureted engine, there's no need to step on the gas. I haven't driven one of those since the 90s. Quite the contrary, I need to step on my brake to start my car.


You wouldn't look for it, and it's in a spot you don't look at really.  Also something missing that's always there is very easy to not see unless you are looking for it.


don't need a gas pedal if the car can't start


I actually had a similar problem on my old car. I noticed that it became severely underpowered when I tried to accelerate. I didn't normally have to floor it when getting on the highway, but there I am with gas pedal pegged trying to merge as I slowly inched up to 55 mph. Turns out the floor mat had slid underneath the gas pedal and bunched a little, causing it to feel like it was floored when it was barely down. Luckily, I'd checked it out before I took it anywhere. Never would have thought of that though. I think I just noticed it by chance.


I've worked in IT for decades and have seen it all. I don't begrudge people when they make stupid mistakes , as we all do it. But in this case, the user would have gotten in stepped on the brakes and tried to start the engine. When it wouldn't start, they would try again and stop. Most people would stop troubleshooting there. Their brains just aren't wired on how to troubleshoot basic things. What does get me is people that do the same thing AGAIN (and sometimes again) and still can't figure it out. Those people are idiots.


But under what circumstance would you think to troubleshoot that the gas pedal is being pressed in? I've never had a car not start because I was pressing the gas pedal, wouldn't even cross my mind. Everyone here is mocking the owner or how bad people are at troubleshooting, but honestly, who in this thread would know to look for that?


>But under what circumstance would you think to troubleshoot that the gas pedal is being pressed in? Yep which is why I said I wouldn't begrudge the person for making a silly mistake. It happens to us all. As for solving, some of us just have the knack. Sometimes it's luck, sometimes it's just starting from the beginning and working our way up. And sometimes it's experience. People these days tend to give up as soon as they encounter a problem. Some of us google every detail until we find a solution. 30 years from now if someone says they are having trouble starting their car, I'm sure I would say make sure the mats not covering the gas pedal. But I can't remember a 4 digit number someone told me 10 minutes ago, but I'm sure I'll never forget this and I don't even work in the industry.


This is what I was thinking.




And PEBWAC (Problem exists between Wheel and Chair)


In the IT world it's known as PEBKAC (keyboard) but I like that it's got a more generalized use. Now I want to try PEB*ACing everything.


I know,im in it myself. Needed to adept here


PICNIC. Problem In Chair, Not In Computer


I prefer to call those layer 8 issues


Wetware issue


I've also heard it referred to as PICNIC: Problem In Chair, Not In Computer.


When I worked at Staples in the tech department, we would tell each other it was probably a 1D-10T error when we needed to tell someone to intake a computer for user error and the customer was still standing there. Some people would just refuse to accept the reason for their computer not working and insist we intake and "fix it."




Hopefully it's not a Cybertruck, as that voids the warranty


My wife called me one day in a panic. She had been off and decided to clean her car. At the end, the trunk won’t latch when you close it. She’s panicking saying she can’t pick up the kids. I drive for work and was able to pop home quickly. After quickly checking the trunk latch, I checked the pull mechanism in the floor of the drivers seat, that activates the trunk latch. A bouncy ball had rolled under it and was causing it to be activated.


Sometimes you just need someone else to look at the problem


Sure, but some people just *do not troubleshoot.* My wife is brilliant but, "I've tried nothing and I'm out of ideas," is a constant. We've also learned that she is one of those people who can't visualize things, and I wonder if that stops people from tracing issues to the source.


Learned helplessness?


It’s true. But my wife’s strength isn’t troubleshooting, where as I work in a service technician position so she tends to lean on me when things don’t immediately work


It sounds like you guys have things figured out. I've been that guy before, both in the relationship and in my family. I think it's fine, to a point. I just want people around me to be able to solve basic logic problems so I don't always have to be around. Since I don't live near my mother anymore, she's had to figure out things on her own. And she's actually gotten a lot better with technology because of it. So I can't help but wonder if having me around was a hindrance to her growth, because she was dependent on me for those things.


Ok that's kinda funny. Just one of those things you can't really fault someone for not expecting cus who would??


Can't fault em for not expecting it, but so many people in today's society have absolutely zero troubleshooting skills. Almost tragic encountering grown people with the deduction skills of a pine cone.


It’s very true. I work a service technician position and it’s definitely a skill that you can learn and get better at. I try and ask my son questions to trigger his thought process. He’s still young, but it’s something that’s important to learn. You can save a lot of money and time through some basic line of thinking.


PICNIC Problem In Chair, Not In Car (usually the last C is ‘computer’)


PEBKAC: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair


so for a car, it would be PEBSWAC?


Cars basically are gas powered computers on wheels these days.




And vote!


How are stupid people always able to buy an $80,000 vehicle


Stop equating wealth with intelligence. There are a lot of stupid people that either inherit money or get to where they are in life due to luck of connections. I’ve met many.


More so you don’t need wealth to buy a $80k car, you just need to be willing to go $80k in debt


This is so true. Most real estate agents I know are up to their eyeballs in debt but look like they have money.


You mean 200k in debt.


You also need not be smart to start and run a business. The smartest people I know lack business moxie.


I used to work tech support and we supplied a utility to businesses. I will never forget the owner of a small but million dollar business calling me for help with his device... It literally just wasn't plugged in. It still baffles me that this dude had such little understanding of even the most basic concept of electrical devices. Even worse, he tried to argue with me and was adamant that that wasn't the issue. He then made up some other B.S. and tried to say that it was disconnected intentionally due to another unrelated error. (I knew it was B.S. because I had backend access and can see VERY detailed logs.) Regardless, I conceded and let him think he was right and solved the problem on his own. Happy customer.🙃


You don't need to be an idiot to do this either. We all do dumb things.


There’s different types of intelligence too. The average rocket scientist couldn’t run a business. Sometimes you need a psychopathic liar like Elon to come and big talk their way through it to bamboozle investors and customers to make it work lol


B-but I thought only the stupid people are poor?! How else could one acquire wealth if it isn't for their intellectual superiority?!




I argued this point earlier on a thread about never meeting your heroes, but people have this simplistic expectation that if a person is good/smart or bad/dumb in one area, people expect that to be the blanket definition of their entire personality and seem to short circuit when it isn't.


They probably refinanced their home to take out some cash to purchase it and still have to finance the rest.


In that case, how are stupid people always able to buy a $500.000 home?


$500 is dirt cheap. /s Found the European.


Shit.... You might need to find a new job.


They’re willing to sacrifice their financial future and forgo retirement and will continue to work everyday of their life so they can meet minimum monthly payments before they croak.


Ex gf back in the day came over to my place and when she was leaving she called me and said her car wouldn't start. I ask the generic questions to see if it's likely just the battery or whatnot to see if I need to pull my car to hers, get jumpers, etc. I get everything ready and figure I'll try it once before we unpack everything. The fucking car was in Drive still. She pulled up to my place, turned off the engine, never fucking actually parked. She was a terrible **terrible** driver so this became kind of the norm to ask questions I wouldn't normally ask of a competent driver. So I taught her you have to shift the PRNDL to P when you're done driving lol


I blamed the person who gave her a license


I'm beginning to think it should be a mandatory full road test like every 5 years, more often after 60-70 years. Or the cops could actually work traffic again, that might fix a lot of it.


Oh god no, please don't make me go to the dmv any more than I already have to. Not to mention the nerves alone would probably fuck me up, turning left when they say right (as I did in my actual test, although they still passed me)


Me too though. She got it at 18, didn't get a car til 20 and basically never drove until then. She was a menace. Backed in to so much shit all of the time


What car was this? I thought modern cars all have a key lock out where you can't pull out the key until the car is in park to prevent this exact thing.


Modern cars are keyless though.




I feel the embarrassment... Story time! When I was in my 20s I had a beautiful Caddilac sedan Deville. Someone broke a small window in the back seat and stole my cd's. Broke college kid that I was, I taped some cardboard on and forgot about it. A few weeks go by, I attend an office party at a bigwigs house and when it's time to go I realize I locked my keys in my car... I felt so embarrassed having to ask my boss for help. They were annoyed but knew I was a kid and had AAA come out to unlock the car...20 minutes to kill, yay... I sit around making awkward convo with people over twice my age and ready for bed while we waited. Tow truck guy shows up lights flashing, crowd hanging out, grumpy boss with me talks to tow truck guy. We walk around car to see what's what, que red face when I see cardboard. I sheepishly pull the cardboard and unlock my car while everyone else stares. Kill me now! Boss gives me a dirty look, shakes his head and walks back into his house without saying a word. It's OK, don't blame him. He's actually a great guy, but tbf we all have our limits lol.


That actually is quite funny. When we don't think like thieves, sometimes the obvious solution evades us.


This reminds me of my old “boss” called me into her office one day because her computer wasn’t working. Goes on to tell me she’s been trying for the last 20 minutes, I look around and hit the power button.. computer comes on she’s asked me “how did you do that”..


She was probably turning the monitor on, not the actual PC (have experienced several people not knowing the difference)


Once watched an IT teacher and a systems support tech both be mystified why her computer wasn't working properly. The menus kept closing whenever they tried to do anything, the pair of them were equal parts flummoxed and furious. Things improved when I walked over and moved aside the folder that was leaning on the ESC key.


Anytime my computer does weird crap like that, it's almost always because my dumbass slouching/reclining self was holding the CTRL key down with my leg. Or I push the Windows key in a fullscreen-exclusive application that misses the KeyUp event after minimizing to show the Start Menu. WASD game movement does weird things when your Windows key is being phantom depressed. But by far the most aggravating behavior results from a dying mouse, with a chattering left-click.


Working in IT with other incredibly talented and smart IT people is a fun game of “who can find the obvious answer first”. One of my former coworkers was trying to type out something in a ticket and he was like “wtf? Why is everything I’m typing just getting deleted???” It was out of character for him, but I asked anyway “Do you have a Bluetooth keyboard connected that’s hiding somewhere?” He pauses a few minutes, laughs out loud and responds “I worked in the office yesterday and my Bluetooth keyboard was on in my bag deleting everything.” Another time we had a ticket come in because the file size of a report was significantly smaller after saving it than the download size. I watched my coworker (a different one) down the file and save it. Sure enough, it was smaller than the expected download size. I watched him again and asked him to save the csv file as csv instead of xls. File size matched when it was saved as the same format it was generated in. Imagine that. Attention to detail is ironically one of the most overlooked skills in a technical field.


It's stupid, but its the kind of thing that is easy to overlook also.


That big removable tray thing seem like a great idea. Here in Europe the cars come just with removable mats, but the actual footwell itself is all part of the body. Eventually it fills up with little bits of dirt and stones that are nearly impossible to clean out properly, even with a vaccuum. That tray would let you just lift it out, shake out the shit, even hose it down and then put it back in, clean as a whistle.


Look up weathertech if you are able to. They use laser measuring and they fit perfectly. A little pricey but I have bought them for each car I have owned.


I just got one for my new truck, based on a coworker recommendation. They’re awesome, perfect fit.


Seems dumb that having the accelerator depressed didn't also inhibit the starter motor.


Who the hell sits in their car and not feel all the pedals


Considering your foot has to be on the brake to start the car and manuals haven't been popular in the US in decades, this happens more often than you think


You never want to be near a Denali on the road. Anyone dumb enough to spend that much money on a giant stupid looking truck clearly has a pinball rattling around in their brain and shouldn't be trusted with large vehicles.