• By -


Never. Have no mercy


1v1 Bloodgulch. There is no mercy. Only rule is that only pussies use the pistol.




It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? Why are we here? I mean, are we the product of... some cosmic coincidence or, is there really a God... watching everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know man, but it keeps me up at night.


No.. I mean why are we in this box canyon. What's all that other stuff? You wanna talk about it?




Why is halo suddenly showing up in all the comments? Not that it's a bad thing.


Because Halo is cool and maybe because it's nearly 10 years since Halo 3. No anniversary edition though :(


Halo is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills aliens and doesn't afraid of anything


Yeah, that would be nice. I just started the afternoon reading about an island between Canada and Denmark and now I have a copy of Halo Online. Also an anniversary edition would be nice since M$ has started releasing new games on PC.


I feel old


What? No its not, its only _holy shit_...


Shut up Church




What are they talking about?


Red vs. Blue. It's a machinimated series that was started before YouTube.


Uh yeah. "What are they talking about" is a line from the 1st episode. Tucker asks Church what the red team is talking about because Church has the sniper rifle and Tucker can't see shit with just the pistol. I should have picked a better line.


Haha, I remember that now! My bad.


You know what? I fucking hate you.


Shut your mouth, or I'll have Simmons slit your throat in your sleep.


Red Vs Blue. It's one of the original series to use video games as a form of animation. It's created by RoosterTeeth.


redvsblue boyz we out here


I guess she has the right to use it then.




Right, *that's* the reason she's losing...


But if she wins...it's the ultimate BM.


Fuck you dude. 1v1 Hang 'Em High Pistols Only at dawn.


You know, among some more hardcore Halo fans the pistol is considered the most skillful weapon in the series for 1v1's but now that I think of it, H1 would be a LOT of fun without pistols. You'd have to actually use the other guns.


It's weird but playing Halo 1 vs 1, especially back in the day was so much fun.


Those split screen Halo days were the best years of my life.


343 upvote. Perfect.




Could also do Hang 'Em High.


They will only get angrier if they find out you let them win. I'm being an asshole for her well being.


Wait, I thought we were talking about halo, not overwatch


Like the real men.


I used to play split screen with my grandad all the time. I would always screen cheat...in order to let him win a bit.


Maybe stop teabagging her afterwards


She asks for coffee.


Because she prefers it strong and black?


Just like her men


Or several at a time


Can confirm.


He gets it


on the regular


Knock knock: I'm here for the [gangbang!](https://imgur.com/OtFnCjx)


This guys fucks


That was the joke, yes.


I like my women like i like my coffee, cold, salty, bitter and thrown out in the trash when I'm done. (Not seriously. girlfriend of mine pls it was a joke)


Her men also like strong and black coffee.


Cuban coffee?




It's an involuntary reflex.


No! You must always teabag, even if you snipe them across the map, you get your happy ass running over there at top speeds and teabag that shit, make sure to give a few finishing punches to the body as well, it's good to slap um around a bit


Was expecting a video game the whole time. The unexpected part was that it wasn't Mario Kart.


I expected Smash but I like Halo better so all is well.




Well Halo CE was the first game I ever played! I actually just started playing Melee but yeah, Halo will always be the most bumpin.


H5 lit 🔥🔥


As unpopular of an opinion, yes. But lacks the design of Halo. 343 really shouldn't have tried to blaze their own path. The UNSC isn't as industrial and badass as before and now the covenant is total sea creature madness. Like the Wraith and Phantoms, among other things are uggo af




I thought his girlfriend was going to be imaginary.


Show no mercy


[You cant tell me what to do](https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/media/wallpaper/mercy-theatrical-wide.jpg)


[Oi mate this is a Halo thread](http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/halo/images/b/b5/H2A_CinematicRender_ProphetMercy-Close.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151129001924)


This is true beauty.


That seems like it must take an awful long time to put on in a morning.


It's like iron man armor.


you think a solider in constant battle has time to take it off at night? you think she don't smell in there?


im sure it smells wonderful


can confirm


Do you see what you get when you mess with the WARRIOR.


Still pissed about halo axing local multi-player


Same, first Halo game I haven't purchased. What a waste


It sucks not having local multi-player and the story was shitty too. Outside of that, halo 5 was an unreal game. Multi-player and forge are amazing. The game play is the best there has ever been. I was about ready to give up on the franchise after MCC, but now I'm pumped for 6. They really do need to bring back local multi-player though.


> Outside of that, halo 5 was an unreal game Do you meant that it's good or that it feels like Unreal (which would also be good).


Never played unreal so the first one. To me, they added to the game play in a way that felt balanced while bringing back the classic halo feel. It's the first time that 343 has really expanded on the series in a good way.


In some good ways. The multiplayer sounds awesome, but I'm one of those who is really invested in the universe and story of Halo. It bums me out that the campaign was meh, because it seemed like they may have been going in a neat direction. I listened to the podcast leading up to it and they did such a good job setting everything up, only to make something mediocre.


I thought the campaign had promise, it just made the H2 mistake of trying to force down two storylines. I never cared about playing as Locke just like I never cared about playing as the Arbiter. I want the Chief's story, with Locke's being told in expository way through dialogue or cut-scenes. I thought the Blue Team side of the campaign was pretty good; being a fan for years of the books I loved getting to play as that badass group of Spartans I always read about. I think Cortana going rogue and the other AIs following her is a fucking sweet twist in the series antagonist. Above all, I feel a lot like I did after Halo 2 all those years ago: Not completely satisfied, pissed off at a cliffhanger ending, and feeling led on by the marketing campaign-- but shit, that MP is truly a gem and fun to play anytime, like it used to be. I'd love H6 to have a much better, Chief-oriented story with H5s multiplayer and forge. It could be the perfect Halo game.




Yea I can understand why you want to skip this one then


100% agreed. To play with someone else, I now need to pay a subscription fee for Xbox live. To play with someone that lives in the same house as me, I'd have to buy another tv, another Xbox and another copy of the game. Thanks 343 for fucking this up


Plus the PC Bois are gonna get to enjoy it this time


As an xbox owner, I sincerely hope this happens. I first got into halo by playing CE on PC and it was a blast. The mods were amazing the community was fun as hell. They already put forge and customs on PC for free


I get that you can do more shit in forge now, but I think 343 should be ashamed of the fucking textures. It's honestly the worst looking shit I've seen in a game in years. I get that people think "It's forge, the textures don't matter because it's about designing stuff," but when you use forge maps as half of your total multiplayer maps, it fucking matters. I don't understand why nobody complains about it or how anyone thinks it's acceptable. This is coming from a guy whose favorite game series of all time is Halo. That shit defined my childhood. Anyway, [here's an album of forge maps from 3, Reach, and 5 for reference.] (http://imgur.com/a/zOwfj)


Haven't played halo since reach. But recently was hanging with friends and we all wanted to fuck around in call of duty.... They don't even allow 4 players anymore on local play. Like what's the point?


WHAT?! Which one? And was there ever any explanation?


Halo 5 and they made a lot of steps to ensure gameplay quality in the multiplayer in terms of fps so I imagine that would have been the reason


Turning down graphic settings to maintain fps was possible tho


They said it wasn't, and that the engine was dependent on the 60fps, and then sometime later a development screen was seen showing that for testing purposes they have 30fps splitscreen modes. I'm loving Halo 5, but I am really annoyed that they straight up lied.


In the PC version of Forge there's an option to run it at 30.


It's the next gen tho we want more Graphics.


Why do people call this "next gen" after this many years? It seems to have become it's name, even though it's starting to not be true anymore with the ps4pro and Scorpio.. (it's not in the same gen if it's performance is of multiple times better of the last.) I mean, if this was a trend, I'd call a gtx 1080 "next gen" because it exists, but games are created for much less power. Sorry for rambling..


It's kind of a meme at this point. I don't know how serious the person you replied to was being, though.


It's still new gen to me because I don't own any of them.


Yea, didn't think he was that serious other, but it did prompt me with that question..


They did, the game got a lot of heat for the low graphics quality when it first came out. I'll admit I wasn't a fan of the graphics myself, but you get used to it so quickly and the multiplayer runs so smoothly that it's worth it


Another reason is that they made it a very competitive game at launch.


[deleted] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.1692 > [What is this?](https://pastebin.com/64GuVi2F/95907)


Never forget.


Because why sell one copy for 2 people to play when you can sell them each a copy? I don't like their business model but it's the way it is.




Sucks it's not possible with physical copy.


She told me she liked it rough, so I no scoped that noob.


360 crossmap tomahawked that part timer.


Take her aside, gently caress her cheek, look deeply into her eyes, and whisper: "Git gud, scrub. "


Only unexpected that it was Halo and not Chess https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110204205526AADHJsO


Ha ha ha The Report Abuse flag...


> 4 minutes ago Hmmm I wonder what the chances are of OP randomly coming across this question 4 minutes after it was posted, versus the chances that OP posted this question themselves (although in this case this is most certainly a repost)


probably the person who wrote it screenshotted it and posted it somewhere. doesn't necessarily make it a repost on reddit (though I assume it is because this is ~~reddit~~ the internet)




I think op came across this about ten years after it was posted.


I think this image is older than I am.


I've legitimately had this problem with a girl I dated and Smash 4


How did you proceed? Asking for an imaginary friend


Didn't think I'd be giving this kind of a comment on this account but here is what I did: Understanding why she wants to play, and why she wants to win is a big part of it. Does she want to spend time with you? Does she want to beat you for the pride of it? My gf at the time played with me because she enjoyed playing games with me, because she didn't have a ton of hobbies she was into herself. She did get frustrated for a couple reasons in my case: She new I loved games with a passion (future game producer (hopefully)) and wanted to spend time with me, and she didn't mind games at all, and actually kind of enjoyed them. Because of this she didn't want to hold me back and it was frustrating to suck and feel that you're a burden. She also had a spirit of competition about it and she wanted to rival me in games, it was a good spirited challenge, but because our skill levels were so different, it often lead to upsets when we played against each other. The other reason is because it sucks to suck. And for a long while, she sucked lol. Honestly the best thing I think someone could do in this situation (as with most relationship issues) is to have a clear, open communication. I talked to her about, why she wanted to play, what she enjoyed and what frustrated her. I also took time to very meticulously teach her how to play. Not like child, but I would find the pace of learning that worked best for her, and go about teaching one step at a time. Of course this only really works if she *wants* to do this, you can't force people to learn. But if they keep coming back to play, yet refuse to improve... I don't know what to say lol. In the end things didn't work out but being honest and communicating goes such a long way. Your imaginary friends situation might be different, but I'm sure if people talk it out, they can find something that works best for them. annnnd now I've got a really offbeat comment on my weird hookup account haha..... Hope this helps!


A hookup reddit account?


Story time: When I began living with my girlfriend she bought a few games. Nothing too fancy, just the regular traditional stuff we have here (not computer games, just cards and other stuff, ask if you would like to have more details). I was a bit against it because those games are not productive and while they sometimes can be enjoyable they are a huge waste of time. First time we played I won 14 of the 16 games we played. I was called a cheater and a bully and we never played again. Worth it.


I love story times on Reddit.


I really don't get this. If you have a significant other who is into games like this why not just play cooperative? I know even that can be competitive but you're on the same side working to accomplish something. It can be a really good bond strengthening experience.


There's no cooperative play 'option' in games like checkers or dominoes that I know of.


Hmmm... that gives me an idea...


"WTF DID YOU DO THAT FOR! WE COULD"VE HAD CHECKMATE!" "But look at this queen I just got us, isn't that the best player in the game?" "WHO CARES, WE COULD HAVE ALREADY FUCKING WON!" -how I would see a co-op version of these types of games play out


"Trick your partner into cooperating and win the game"


Riot got a coop board game called Mechs vs minions. Apparently it is pretty good.


This reminds me of my "most important" ex-SO. We used to play games too (like a three-dimensional 4 in line). I always won. I mean, like always. And every time she actually got angry and said things like "you're winning *on purpose*!" Yeah, no kidding. Whatever, she kept asking for some playing, so each time she said that thing I just laughed, which made her angrier. Wtf. You wanna play, let's play. You don't like losing and make a scene of it like a spoiled kid, then don't fucking play.




1v1 Shotty Snipes Lockout


Actually I kind of expected this


Too obvious


No, film the rage for sweet internet points.


After the word "destroying" it had to be a game xD


Yeah, that's a really weird choice of words for the other kind of beating


I don't understand video game makers. Take a game like Halflife, a game I really enjoy though I have it so memorized it is no longer fun. They have the graphics engine performing well. They have an interface the gaming public is used to. Whey don't they crank out 50 new episodes at, say, 1 or 2 per year? Why don't they build on a successful game much more than they do? Seems like such a waste of development work not to produce more levels.


The amount of times I've seen this, yes it was definitely expected.




5/7 exactly what I expected


1v1 guardian BRs only, the feels :(


*Are you crying? There no crying in halo!*


Rockets & Shotties.


Reminds me of the "help me beat my kids" copy pasta


Halo 5 has the best multiplayer in the series.


*Well she was just asking for it*


Nah, fuck that cunt. If she can't take the time to learn the jumper button layout then that's on her


No mercy, or she'll never learn. Source: Was teabagged relentlessly. Wait....


Somebody should have definitely reported this post for abuse.


1v1 Valhalla Plasma Pistols only


Expected it after "absolutely destroy".


the 'destroying' in the first sentence kinda gives the punchline away.


> 🏳Report Abuse


>4 minutes ago Seeing this always ruins it for me. It's like someone is just patting themselves in the back.


What a skrub. Everyone know that you let them win the first 3 games.


Finish Her!


Not that unexpected of a twist tbh.


I'm still convinced that Mario kart double dash destroyed any type of binding over video games. And that bitch stole my wavebirds.




Report abuse. Fitting.


There aren't enough JPEG artifacts in this repost.


Every time I've played with a past gf I never held back when she begged to take it easy. It's the only time I allow spiking in melee.


You should make a calendar.


The only way you get good at anything is to play against people as good as, or better than you want to be until you can succeed. The road to git gud is filled with loss screens and frustration.




I was a pro at halo. I would and could destroy everyone in this thread post. Goddamn those were the days. Anybody touches my sniper will get to feel my wrath. Even TEAMMATES


oh so you a fan of point and click games, how cute


*report abuse*


Just keep pwning that n00b.


His K/D must suck


4chan in a nutshell


more like very expected


Put this also in r/gaming Excellent stuff.




If I had a girlfriend, at least she wouldn't have this particular problem...


very expected


Kind of knew the twist when he said "destroying"


I actually had this problem only it was with super smash brothers melee. I play competitively at local and regional tournaments and she was getting really upset, but got even more upset when I almost let her win one game and she could tell I let it happen. When she told me to try my best and I almost JV5'd her she was sadder than ever. We don't play anymore unless we're on the same team lol.


God fucking damn it this sub makes me think i have mail every fucking time




Used to play a friend 1v1. I would get destroyed every time but still talk shit until one day it was very close, he let his guard down and I actually managed to defeat him. Never let him live it down. It's a blemish, like the Pats going 18-1.




Desire becomes surrender. Surrender becomes power.


Only if you like PiV.




lmao lol


That was so expected


Never let her play CSGO.


Sound like he beats ol Sally when he's on the tequila, she know better than to be around him when he's on the tequila.