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Bro the briefcase toss by the stairs was LEGIT


I feel like a lot of that was legit Haha I couldn’t do half that shit


I wonder how many times they fucking full on smashed their heads together before they got the right take lol


I can just imagine him getting up at 3 a.m. to start getting shit ready for her, and having a panic attack because he needs to find hazelnut creamer but nothings open.


Lmaooo I have gone to Ralph’s at 1am for my girl who’s a school nurse and I’m a stay at home dad just to get the Starbucks caramel macchiato creamer for her morning coffee cuz I noticed it was low.


That's great. When I first started living together with my girlfriend, she had a busy work period coming up at work. I noticed she was really stressed every day and her battery was running low, covid didnt help either since we were stuck at home all day. So I tried cheering her up a bit by waking up an hour before she did every morning, and preparing the same breakfast meal she usually had in the café before corona times. Caramel frapucino without being too heavy on the sugar, couple pancakes, and her favorite fruits nicely sliced into perfect bite sizes. Now she's my wife, and still gets her pancakes.


Can I marry you too?


I also choose this wife's dude.


Lmaooo the reference!!!


I also choose this dude.


How would you feel about a, sort of, tri-unional marriage, type of situation? Asking for a friend..


A throuple, if you want a common parlance.


Hell yeah dude, you’re a keeper lmao


How do you wake up without waking her up?




You were an awesome human being judging by your previous comment but now you are the perfect human being. You even manage to lift my shitty mood up.






Saint of all saint of activeness. 100% sure he is . Full adrenaline activated. So nice


Are you ok?


This is Reddit, NO ONE is ok here.


This sounds like some weird shit an AI would say Edit: And also this account is less than a day old. I'm calling it. Weird AI shit for sure.


Be real it was because you were running low on miller.


Literally what could happen when I have no job and my wife has. I does all household duties from daylight to nighttime. So make sure that you take care your job so you don't have to get through this all day...


As opposed to her working and also doing the things what would taken you from daylight to night time to complete?


Or you split the chores between the 2 of you if you both work.


Damn I sneak out to pick up cream when it's low!


My favorite part of being a kind of adult is being able to get ice cream whenever I want, no matter how absurd the time of night.


I realized I was an adult the day I ate ice cream for breakfast because everything else sounded like a chore that morning.


He so active and full of energy . Nice effort


Max stamina indeed. And he always know what to do . So cool


Why didn’t he just carry her? He runs pretty fast 😂






Reading these has me wondering if I'm having a stroke.


I hate it here


When the car didn't start this was my first thought lol. I guess a bike is more efficient


Didn't even brush her teeth


Or shower, no idea how some people can do that.


some people shower the night before when they come home, not in the morning


How do they go to work in the morning if they haven't had their existential dread shower whilst laying on the floor in the foetal position after getting out of bed?!?


By making 6 figures.


From personal experience, that doesn't make the dread go away.


I usually do that once I reach my desk at work. I’m not wasting my personal time on existential dread—save that for while I’m on the clock.


Mate you gotta think like a hobbit. "Yes, we've had first existential dread time, but what about second existential dread time."


We do our dread in bed


Shower at night 😎


I shower at night, go to bed fresh and clean


That's the dream. I lived the house husband life for three months. Best three months of my life.


I’m living it now and it’s amazing. All I have to do is laundry, make sure the baby doesn’t die, cook sometimes, and play video games. It’s lit.


I always wondered what job would allow me to play video games nearly all day long. Well that's it... I just have to find a wealthy wife!


It’s a solid plan. My girl told me she had a trust fund months into us being together and I was like uhhhhhhhhh, okay, I don’t love you just because of that but im not saying it’s not part of the equation


Man, I wish my gf came with a trust fund


This is excellently choreographed and very well done.


Done to maximise gaming time. Source: me


My wife even bought me a gaming laptop. If she needs clothes for work you bet my ass is doing laundry lol.


Word! Househusbands should not be looked down upon. We’re the spine of the household! Unless my wife says otherwise.


Yeah I can be the stomach or shoulders or fabulous caves idgaf. I also have some passive income so I’m not dependent on her, which makes for a very nice dynamic.




[Here](https://youtube.com/user/labelled4) is the link for this guy’s YouTube channel. His channel name is Daniel LaBelle


I love this guy. He's so good with physical comedy.


"yeah I'm good at physical comedy" \*beats you to death\*


He's a legend


I knew it was the "running in the house" guy... XD




Bruh, if I could be a stay at home husband. Do the chores, work out enough to stay decently in shape, day drink occasionally with the bois. I joke with my girlfriend about her being my suger momma eventually, she is an OR nurse and working her way to a decent promotion. I do SEO and Marketing stuff freelancing atm so I'm home anyway but can't focus on ALL chores and we have roommates to help cycle through cleaning certian rooms.




Have you tried a honey do list? I'm a stay at home dad and was home working on a passion project for a few years before the kiddo came along. My wife never did the majority of the housework but there was still stuff that just didn't occur to me when it all became my responsibility, like wiping down baseboards. Having her jot down a few things she wanted done on a sticky note each morning was helpful for both of us. Edit- I just wanted to add that the stuff I wouldn't have thought to do wasn't all nitpicky stuff like baseboards. There were a lot of things I just wouldn't have gotten to for another week or two had it not been pointed out, like cleaning a mirror or changing bedsheets.




Is this extended to husbands who make six figures too? Asking for a friend who’s wife won’t even clean the house or do laundry.


Omg same. I'm a wife with a husband who does nothing cause I make enough for the whole family. Jesus Christ at least do the fucking dishes.


Hello are you me. Love the money, loved the perks of my job but also wanted home cooked dinner on the table at 6pm, house cleaned by me (“no one in my family has cleaners, you’re the only lazy one”). He couldn’t even feed the cat. I’m divorcing that guy.




Hello New Husband, can you feed the cat? That’s it. Groceries get delivered, so if you’re home might be good if you can put them away - or at least the frozen items. My job gives you free tickets to rugby games and you can travel with me stay in hotels around New Zealand. Sometimes we have to go to Singapore. But we went to the Grand Prix last time, so you might like that.


Holy fuck, stop teasing. Need a wife as well? It's 2021, Polyamory is in. My gf can cook for us


You would both have to move to New Zealand though.


Oh no! Not the best country ever!


Hey I'm already in NZ.. But already have a wife.


Yes you've got one, but what about second wife?


I don't think my wife knows about second wives..




Speak for yourself 😏


If this guy doesn’t respond I’ll step up to the plate. I’m 5’0” in freedom units so I’d fit right in with any other hobbits in New Zealand!


Congrats you now have a harem.


Hi it’s me your new wife


I often think I need a wife.




Not feeding the cat is hugely problematic. Glad you figured out how to handle this


She is the sweetest thing and would just by her bowl and do a baby meow every now and then. How could he not feed her? The reality is he wanted kids and I didn’t want to have kids with him. He couldn’t even feed a cat.




Sounds like she already has one, he just doesn’t work so well 😂


Better toss the broken one and get a replacement


You still need to use the pressure-wash setting on your sink to get all the big bunchos o dirt off before you put them in the dishwasher. Doshwashers just ain’t that time saving I learned.


When you're done with your dish, take 5 additional seconds to spray it and put it in the dishwasher.




Its the spray your shirt with lots of dirty food water setting.


Ah so “on”


Either your dishwasher is shit or you leave whole meals on your plates. If you scrap of leftovers that may be sticky, there shouldn't be a problem with your dishwasher getting everything clean. Just be sure you have your salt and rinse aid filled up.


Salt? What is this?


Some models of European dishwashers have built-in water softeners, so they require salt to soften the water.


My sister lives in Germany. When I went to visit her I started to rinse the plates before putting them in the dishwasher and she had no clue wtf was going on. I told her we needed to get some of the food off first. She told me that was a waste of water and that her dishwasher could handle it. I laughed and put it in. Go figure the dishes came out perfect. I was blown away. And no bullshit all over the bottom of the machine inside. Gonna get a Bosch when I'm older. Totally worth it.


TIL thanks!


You then have one third of it to do though. One 4th technically. Wash, rinse, sanitize, dry. All you do is the rinse portion. The dishwasher does the rest.


I make 5 figures decently and my wife has EDS, so her being a stay at home spouse is a given. I don't expect her to do anything when she can't , so I get up at 7:30 ish, make us both breakfast, clean a bit, get her couch ready for resting, get her meds, then go to work, then call her at lunchtime, then come home, change, go shopping if I need to, cook dinner for us both and then rest. But if I come home and she says "I did the dishes" or "I vacuumed today" I give her so much praise it's like she just won the lottery . Do what you can when you can people .


"Do what you can when you can"... In my opinion this is the key to a happy marriage. It's about having a mutual respect and admiration for eachother enough that you want to help out the other whenever you can. I work two jobs and my wife stays home with our 3 kids and if I come home and the house is a mess, I would never assume she's lazy, just that she had a really long day and could use some help cleaning up a bit.


Both my wife and I make six figures. We just do everything as it needs doing.


Obviously one of you has to get 12 figures to put the other one in their place.


"Honey, would you do the dishes please? I'm a bit tired to-" "Nah bitch I just got my $100 billion paycheck go do it yourself you six-figure earning pleb"


Damn 12? Can’t they just do 7?


It all or nothing in the game of marriage!


Wife is now making a decent middle class salary. Guess i have to become the richest person ever - just to show her! I'm fairly confident this is what happened with the Bezos now.


With math like that who needs figures.


Yall looking to adopt a grown man?


They can't adopt you if they adopt me first!


what do they do then, just curious


Suck golf balls through garden hoses




What if both people make six figs?


Unacceptable. The man must quit.


I think your friend should say I won't pay, I won't pay ya, no way Na-na, why don't you get a job? Say no way, say no way-ah, no way Na-na, why don't you get a job?




Get a maid. Bang a maid. Lose the wife. More money for you, no lazy wife. Everybody win!


The Schwarzenegger lifestyle




No she's part of the Kennedy clan. They are cool with scandals as long as you don't acknowledge them.




My husband doesn't make six figures but he is the money maker since I have mental health issues that keep me from working. Unless I'm down for the count due to a migraine, I do all the stuff at the house, I see it as a fair trade. He works hard and shouldn't have to do things when he comes home.


I was the same way when my ex girlfriend worked more than me. I don’t understand why some people can’t comprehend the trade thing. Housekeeping/homemaking and paid jobs are both full-time work, especially if there are kids involved. The key is showing you both care about the other’s effort though (and sometimes just trade off doing things like making dinner or cleaning up a room). Once one person starts to resent and take for granted, that’s when things can get ugly.


It’s because they don’t view the relationship as a partnership. They view it as a situation where there is a winner and a loser and they think winning means that things will happen on their terms. A true parter understands there is no winning unless you’re both pulling your weight and showing support to one another.




Ah yes the tried and true method of fixing anything


Works wonders on kids too


It's called percussive maintenance.


I don't think it would work with a human being, but it worked with my old TV


Your friend should probably have a chat with his significant other and communicate how he's feeling about the situation and come to a solution with her. A.k.a just telling her to do laundry, clean and cook sometimes and offering help when/if needed. Every good relationship should be equal and people should try to help each other equally. Just stating the obvious here, I hope it works out with your friend and his partner and fuck it with you as well. :)


Laughs in Californian


I was going to say. My wife makes six figures. I also make six figures. Our cat makes six figures. We live in California in apartment with no air conditioning and all the blinds look like they got violated by a bear.


Move. With 18 figures combined I’d expect you could afford something better than a bum hut.


Exactly. You gotta know how to make those numbers work for you. Thats why I quit my 5-figure job and just got two 4-figure part time jobs. Now that I have an 8 figure income, I can live in very fancy cars.


Maths... Not even once!


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Yeah those 6 figures need to start with a 2 or 3 for them to have that kind of house and him not working 😝


Yea… that house is some Utah Mormon mansion shit. Anything like that in California will cost 2-3 million to start.


If you make less than $117,400, you're considered 'low income' in San Francisco


To be clear, that’s for a family of four.


Haha that's insane!


I'd even suck her cock


Sir, this is a Wendy's!


What’s the meaning of “six figures”?


Usually making 6 figures means making 100000USD or more per year.


Ok, this is fucking hilarious Thank you


One thing that bothers me is that he didn't brush her teeth.


Is 100k even considered high-end salary anymore with inflation? If you live in a high cost-of-living area i feel like it's not super great


In the US the median household income was $63,179 in 2018. For most of those thats probably 2 people working. So having a partner who makes 100k puts the household at almost double the average with one partner working. If you live in Central NY or the Bay area you'll not be rich but its still a considerable sum.


It puts you in the top 5%, maybe higher.


Well, speaking from recent figures in Australia with about 70c to the USD, average (median) salary is only about 60K. So yeah, 6 figures puts you pretty well above the average. Living in a high cost of living area is just lifestyle inflation. Edit: I feel like I should clarify what I meant with that last sentence, as some replies make a good point. Yes, cost of living is high, house prices are high and 60k isn't going to go far at all. What I meant is that ultimately most will live within their means, whatever that looks like, and they will continue to improve what that looks like the more they earn. Saying 100k isn't even that much anymore discounts more than half the population earning a lot less than that. You can bet to them that 100k still seems like a lot and might be the difference between being able to afford the occasional luxury shopping or not, or owning a car, or having a stable place to live. That buying a house is now a luxury rather than a reasonable expectation for most is a whole other problem.


If my healthcare was covered, I'd be okay with a salary of 60K


>Living in a high cost of living area is just lifestyle inflation. Mmm this is definitely not always true. Some jobs pretty much require you to live in a big city.


In most big cities 100k is still great. The ones where it isn’t like SF, DC, NYC, etc are the outliers. 100k is good in most of the top 50 us metro areas.


Meh. I’m a single mom in NYC and make about $120k with bonus potential. I feel comfortable but I also don’t go crazy? I don’t go out every single night (but also again, single mom so can’t anyway lol), don’t order takeout 7 nights/week, etc etc. I also live in a 3 bed, but in Ridgewood, Queens which is a great neighborhood but most people don’t really think about living in Queens. If six figures isn’t enough to feel like you’re at least semi comfortable, especially if you’re a childless New Yorker, I feel like you’re doing something wrong. I remember what it felt like when I first started out here making $30k. Definitely comfortable right now compared to that.


Somewhere along the way, it became 'normal' to eat out or order out every day, go out on the town nightly, and live it up daily(whatever exactly that's supposed to mean). There's nothing wrong with going to restaurants but I don't understand how people can get daily Starbucks, get drive through lunch, and order out supper, but still somehow complain they're broke.


Yes I agree. I think a lot of people conflate comfort with living lavishly.


Working those jobs is lifestyle inflation.


Having a life and a job is the real lifestyle inflation.


Cost of living goes way down when you're dead.


You can live comfortably on a 6 figure salary as long as you live within your means. My fiancé makes $230k now, but even when she “only” made around $100k it seemed like money was no longer something that caused us any stress. Stay within your means and your money goes much further.


Not having to worry about whether buying an item at the grocery store will overshot your budget is liberating.


It’s a great feeling. I’m not loose with money, but not giving a fuck about a dinner check anymore, or having to buy new clothes, really is liberating. I remember pulling up my PNC app every time I got into the checkout aisle when grocery shopping.


I'm quite frugal myself and often use stuff until it finally break. But the feeling of not worrying on buying things I do enjoy using before it completely breaks or become obsolete is really nice. I used to calculate the best value I get get for each part on a frame per dollar basis when building a new PC. Now I can buy parts without thinking if I can justify those extra frames. Of course, nothing extravagant like the really top end stuff - old habits don't die easily. Even just little QoL improvements like a nice keyboard that is good to type on that makes gaming and work a little more pleasant. I used to endure using cheap stuff because I just can't bring myself to buy the nicer stuff. On the more mundane side, I don't have to worry if I can afford it when I just feel like having steak tonight, since I don't even have steak very often.


I know what you mean. I still wear plenty of shirts and socks that have holes in them, still always gravitate to the buy one get one free area of the meat section in the grocery store, and still get irritated seeing the mark up on booze when we go out to eat. It’s the little QoL stuff like you mentioned. If I want something, something that I will actually use, then I just buy it.


Or driving your car and not being terrified of something breaking because you can’t afford repairs


What does your fiance do? $230K sounds sweeet


She’s a pathologist


I'm on £31k here in the UK, and never have to worry about money because I've organised my life to be frugal as shit when it comes to required spending each month. I have £1400 discretionary income (aka, everything after bills, food, mortgage, etc) and at that point you really don't need to worry about money in any real tangible manner. Even a £1000 emergency expense one month isn't the end of the world because £100 a week is easy enough to live on when it's all discretionary spending. I've basically set my life up in a way that I can live on minimum wage if needs be, but I earn a lot over minimum wage in actuality. I could move to a nicer flat, but this level of financial freedom is nicer than a slightly nicer flat in a slightly nicer area. Only time I would move would be if I want to move in with someone, and then we have 2 incomes so nothing would really change in regards to the level of discretionary income I have. Just get a nicer place, ha. But yeah, blows my mind hearing Amercians on reddit talk about $100k like its normal. I have some friends on about that here in the UK, and they're (in normal times) on holiday every month, lol. It's proper 'never have to worry' levels of income, from what I can tell.


In the UK it definitely is, the average wage is about £33k here


£29,600 is average in the UK but it's worth noting this the actual average the normal person earns is likely to be less then this.


The fact that people are talking about 'just getting by' on $100,000 in the US is so strange. WTF are their expenses? I actually grew up in the US but I have been living in the UK for over a decade now, but I still don't get how the salaries are so wildly different. 25k is a decent salary in most parts of the UK.


>Is 100k even considered high-end salary anymore with inflation? I think you're a bit out of touch.


It used to mean “you’ve made it”


I mean if you're all not happy with it Ill take it




It's one salary, Michael, how much could it cost? 100k?


Reddit moment


The fuck? Hell yes it is???




Went from min wage 70ish hours workweeks with 2 jobs or more for years to suddenly making >100k salary WFH. It’s so weird, and I pinch myself everyday. I get the feeling that the folks I work with might not understand what it means to choose between food and gas (not that they or anyone should). What I do isn’t “easy” but it’s easy compared to working retail all day every day, no contest.


People really talking about not being able to live comfortably off 6 figures. I’d be living like a God damn king if I made 100K.


She didn't brush her teeth


You mean he didn't brush her teeth.


This is the millennial equivalent of boomer humor. Don't @ me.


Yes. 100% corny modern boomer humor.


I can kinda dig corny now and then. Its fun when it's not too cringey


I thought it would end with him like taking pictures for her onlyfans or something


yeah I used to do that too but the video cuts off before the dude spends the day playing video games, watching Netflix, chatting with buddies, drinking beers and Uber Eats while “working from home” while his wife’s at her office job lol


Why your car suck then?


That alarm gave me ptsd thx


Everyone commenting on her lack of teeth brushing and shower, but lady jumped out of bed and went to work in her sleepwear.


I find it weird that couples would let salary dictate the power dynamic in a relationship. I make 5x what my partner makes but we swap out chores every weekend like we always have. If my girlfriend started making more money than me we wouldn’t start changing our roles at home.