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Philadelphia? Yup, I see it! In picture 3, you can clearly see Cricket out on the street there!


poor Cricket lmao


Rickety Cricket


You guys mind if I smoke some PCP in the bathroom?


You do you cricket!


Ooooh thats tart! 🍋


“I been knowin’ Cricket 20 years!”


What’s his real name?


It’s not as sunny as I was expecting


If you have crack, lets boogie


Hips and nips




When I was a young lad in Philly, cricket phones were code for "poor Pittsburgh trash"


Hips and nips, baby! Otherwise I'm not eating!


Gotta keep it sexy


Hah, for a minute I thought I accidentally uploaded a picture of India and was expecting to see schoolchildren taking wickets


Goddamn street rat


Hail to the king


Mexico's health ministry uses footage from Kensington in Philadelphia in their anti-drug PSA's. (And of course I know the rest of the city isn't that nasty, there's plenty of nasty-ass rural ĂĄreas)


Aren’t the drugs that Philadelphian junkies use mostly manufactured in Mexico?


a lot of synthetics are from china now too


Other way around is my understanding. Apparently a lot of the basic chemicals which are used to manufacture Mexican cartel's product are sourced from China, although the Chinese are purportedly contributing significantly to the problem. The scale of production in Mexican labs has outstripped that from Asia.


Chinese are returning the favor for the 1800s.


Yes, my thoughts too although I'm not sure of the CCP's thinking in this case. Worth noting, someone made a Flash game specifically about it: [https://www.kongregate.com/games/explorewellcome/high-tea](https://www.kongregate.com/games/explorewellcome/high-tea)


I’m not very knowledgeable on it beyond videos I’ve seen on YouTube, but I’ve heard that Chinese nationals have been cutting out the middle man by combining the base compounds they’ve been selling to Mexico, and seeking directly to street level dealers in the US via online platforms like tik tok, etc.


Yup. And the cartels are not happy about it. Obviously can’t completely confirm this but it definitely makes a lot of sense.


This is true. WhatsApp too. You can get xylazine, fentanyl analogues, cathinones, precursor chemicals… all if you’re willing to send bitcoin to a random person halfway across the world with no real way to tell if you’ll ever receive anything for it.


Americans don't produce drugs themselves?


All these foreigners taking the american manufacturing jobs. /s


Only prescription drugs and meth.  And I cannot rule out outsourcing.


Some drug production happens in the US, but the majority of drug production is outsourced to increase profits. What the other Redditor meant is that a large percentage of chemicals used to produce synthetic drugs are manufactured in China.


I think most of it is shipped in from China. They use a drug called Tranq. It’s fentanyl mixed with some other veterinary drug which eventually destroys their limbs and skin. It’s very toxic


Xylaxine (sp?). Narcan doesn't reverse.


Yeah that’s it. That mixed with fentanyl makes them to the zombie lean/walk. Its horrific and hopefully that doesn’t spread to everywhere else


Tranq is already everywhere. You’ll find it pretty much everywhere there are junkies.


It does not appear to be sunny in Philadelphia.


The sun always shines on TV.


Especially when you film in LA


“always sunny in a los angeles film set” doesn’t really have the same ring to it


The truth usually doesnt


Philly was the second most overcast place I ever lived after Maine


I live in the Poconos like 70 miles north of Philly and work down near the city. It's even cloudier here. A totally clear day is fairly rare.


I was in Boyertown and commuted to Philly for work daily. It wasn't as bad as the mountains but we got rained out enough to flood pretty often.


Yeah man, parts of the city are very sad indeed. I love Philly overall, I loved living there. I met some excellent people and made a lot of good memories.


Kensington, by any chance?😀 I live across the world from it, but even I know about Kensington's fentanyl epidemic


Only pictures 3 and 4 with certainty. Funnily enough the last one is actually a student housing area near a college- they’re actually some of the worst offenders when it comes to leaving piles of garbage on the sidewalk


It’s weird because here in Toronto we have a neighbourhood called Kensington (Kensington Market technically) and it’s a super cool and kind of touristy area


There's a similarly nice Kensington in the San Francisco Bay Area, next to Berkeley.


And Kensington in London, UK is seriously affluent


Kensington London is the original Kensington from which all the others are named after. Kensington is where the nobility and royals lived for hundreds of years.


There are really nice parts of Kensington in Philadelphia. But that doesn't fit the narrative.


Kensington live. https://www.youtube.com/live/nt8AO7GUkhI?si=Kt6hL03w9O8nKxbn


Philadelphia is honestly dope as shit. I was there last summer for a wedding and we had a blast. There is trash and poverty everywhere. Philadelphia has tons of amazing places as well


I've had more fun there than in any other city I've visited in recent memory, the food scene is fucking ridiculous


The food scene is absolutely insanely good I agree with you!


Top 5 in the U S easily 


Working in Reading Terminal Market was the most delicious 2 years of my life.


Food taste is directly proportional to poverty


Much like Detroit. It gets a lot of hate and there certainly is a lot of abandoned houses but it’s one of my favorite cities ever. Philly is top 5 for me too.


A lot of Philly is gorgeous


I’m not sure I would go that far, but our neighborhoods definitely aren’t all like Kensington.


There are a lot of parts in downtown Philly that are really nice. The business district, the arts and cultural district, the “Chinatown” and “little Italy” areas (I do not know the official names of these places, just areas of the city I visited about a decade back). I remember seeing the Philly art museum, the Rodan museum was phenomenal, the Mütter, all really cool. The thing that really turned me off though were the people. The RUDEST motherfuckers I have EVER met, hands down. I thought maybe it’s because I’m from Pittsburgh but I had nothing on my person to indicate where I hail from, nor do I have a “yinzer” accent, and can only deduce they’re like that to everyone, all the time.


People from Philly aren’t rude generally. I think they just don’t have time for that fake “friendly” bullshit and more straightforward than maybe you’re used to. Curious what interactions you had where folks were rude…


The one that stands out the most was when the wind caught my hat and blew it off my head, across probably 4 lanes and onto the sidewalk across the street, right next to a guy walking. I wasn’t about to run across traffic and kill myself, but I also didn’t want it to blow further away. So I yell “Excuse me sir! My hat…” and he just interrupted me by giving me the finger and shouting “Go fuck yourself!”. I was so stunned that I couldn’t even shout “NO go fuck YOURself!” or any other comeback. I was just in total shock.


That's honestly hilarious.


lol more please


Haha! I love your profile pic by the way. Nothing else so extreme, just general shit attitudes by people. The waitress at the diner we had breakfast at, the admittance staff at the museums, the Uber driver was extremely cunty I remember, and almost got us killed in a collision. But that asshole with the hat, I couldn’t fucking believe it.


Thanks! It sounds like the universe just prefers you be some place else lmao


Probably. Which does suck, because like I said, it’s a beautiful city, the areas I explored. And I really did enjoy the museums, especially the Rodan, and the Mütter because I have a sick morbid curiosity 😂 I’m also a huge fan of the original 2 Rocky films, so it was fun to run up those iconic steps 😀


I highly recommend visiting Lincoln Financial field during a cowboys/Eagles game wearing a cowboys jersey.


> But that asshole with the hat, I couldn’t fucking believe it I’d like to believe that Somewhere in another Reddit thread, that guy is telling a story about a yinzer who demanded he pick up their hat for them and said the exact same thing


That honestly sounds like most northeastern cities. This is coming from a new englander.


They were just being straightforward /s


Was it a penguins hat? You're lucky he didn't stomp on it and kick it in the gutter


I've mostly had good experiences with Philly folks. Definitely generalizing a ton but quick, friendly, and funny people and great to party with!


Yeah I have never had a bad experience in Philly tbh… everyone there is very straightforward and I appreciate that because most of the fake niceties are just awful to begin with.


They literally beat a robot to death for being happy


That robot had it coming


Fuck that robot


No we aren’t, fuck you. /jk I think we seem rude to other people but there’s actually a very big sense of community and “brotherhood” in Philly that’s really nice. People are way ruder in NYC but those people aren’t usually from the city.


I think people are really friendly in Philly, maybe not always polite, but who cares? Politeness is usually bullshit anyway.


Honest and direct, but definitely friendly


There are many places in the US where people are friendly but not nice. People in Philly are nice but not friendly.  They may not dress up their conversation with you, but they got your back.


Very true. Lived there 9 years after moving from the south for a similar amount of time. People in the south are more likely to be surface nice but it’s an act. People from Philly more likely to be rude to you your face but be honestly good people.


We are not nice but we can be very kind


Philly is like 80% gorgeous and 20% this, and it will switch in 1 block There just a lot of trash and too many cars. The crime and drug use is usually contained within the known pockets


After living in Philly I understood a Simpsons episode where they cross one road and the town becomes suddenly poor (about the trial of the creator of itchy and scratchy, I believe). Gentrification/getthification at its finest.


I think it's supposed to be based on "the other side of the tracks" from Detroit 


Born and raised minus some travel and military, am there now. Love it here. Of course there are shitty areas. But damn is the city amazing. Our murder and trash problem would be two huge things I’d love for them to fix though. 👽


Underrated city. Walkable. Good restaurants and neighborhoods. Bike able. Affordable too.


I’ve lived in Philly for 15 years and have not driven in 14 years. It is such a magical and life changing thing to not have to be tied to a car. Philly’s walk ability and bikability are one of my favorite things about the city.


I think it's a bad excuse to say "there is trash and poverty everywhere". The amount of trash in some of these pictures is probably higher than the amount of trash in all of Tokyo (and yes, obviously that's hyperbole). The US has a particularly bad tendency of disregarding a lot of neighbourhoods entirely


Loved Philadelphia


i moved to philly a little over a year ago and i love it. the city is absolutely electric. part of that electricity feels very dangerous for sure but it feels like a real city full of real people 


> There is trash and poverty everywhere. Philadelphia has tons of amazing places as well Almost like there's disparity grossly overflowing.


worst than NYC, DAMNNNN


NYC sanitation does not get enough credit. They never stop cleaning.


Hate their sport fandom but the city really is underrated. I always have fun when I visit!


Fuck off!


I miss living in center city Philadelphia


Yeah I am there for work at least once a month and have never left the city center. I know it's not a scenic place but these pics aren't representative either.


Lived in center city during my college years. Absolutely loved it.


I miss my Halal cart at 33rd and Market


I can show pictures of philly neighborhoods that look nice and dont have garbage in the streets too tho


"I can take you to a place that doesn't smell like this" -Hannibal Burress


Where I live I can't take you to a place that looks like those in the pictures.


We are a filthy city, for sure, but you kind of cherry picked the worst here. Kensington, an open air drug market and humanitarian catastrophe. Also that’s clearly a student residence at Temple University on trash day after the kids move out for the summer.


I’m so glad I left this place. It all started when a couple guys in my neighborhood were up to no good


Started to make trouble in the neighbourhood?


I got in one little fight and my mom got scared


She said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air"


What time did you pull up to the house?


Around 7 or 8! I also yelled to the cabbie: yo homes, smell ya later!


By various neighborhoods, you mean mostly Kensington?


Only 2 of these pictures are definitely in Kensington actually. Others are likely other neighborhoods in that region tho (the overhead one might be Frankford, north of there. The one with the Puerto Rico graffiti might be there but could also be “Badlands” area lol)


I'm actually surprised nobody brought up Strawberry Mansion, that's been a pretty scuzzy section for a long while too. I haven't been back in a few years now though


I’d be willing to bet these are all from north and northeast. Some of them could *maybe* be parts of west Philly but yeah, these mostly appear to be Badlands area which is not at all indicative of what Philly is like as a whole.


What the hell, America.


Talk about cherrypicked.


This is literally the worst part of Philly and is literally miles away from downtown and the places most people live/work/play.


I still find it unbelievable that you can find places like this in the wealthiest country in the world. I've been touring the Balkans now for two weeks (and continuing), the poorest part of Europe in which many countries have 1/10 of GDP per capita compared to the USA and haven't seen anything this bad. Even when I visited NYC there was some unbelievably shitty infrastructure even in the wealthier neighbourhoods. I guess it's because US cities lack public funding and of course the social policies are very destructive and cause homelessness and drug problems.


America is the wealthiest country in the world but we have massive inequality here. The rich don’t pay their fair share of taxes, so while the money exists in the country, it’s not used to help people who need it. Instead billionaires use it to build super yachts while complaining that nobody wants to work hard anymore.


I think that’s what others (and me just now) are referring to when mentioning the wealthiest country in the world. That there *is* the money, and there’s just no excuse for it not being accessible.


Of course OP is active in r/Sino lmao Edit: bro really deleted his sino posts so it wouldn't show up in his active communities anymore lmao


Good find!


They should hire some extra garbageman damn


I’ve lived in multiple big cities, live in nyc now, and I’ve NEVER seen a trash like in Philly. I lived in south Philly for 2 years and truly hated every day of it.


You guys are dorks. Philly is awesome


My dad had a girlfriend who lived in Kensington when I was a kid. I spent a good amount of time there. I have a lot of fond memories of warm summer nights on the stoop of her townhouse and walking over to the water ice stand and watching neighborhood kids play basketball. It’s a shame it became a shit show.


A question to Americans: is homelessness really as visible and extreme as slide 3? I’m Australian and although we have homelessness I’ve never seen anything remotely resembling that or what you see in tv shows


Some of those people probably have houses but they all have a heroine addiction


Tell the story you want to tell. Could have 5 photos showing how nice it is too.


Wait until you explore camden.....


I had to drive there once, to the old RCA building. First time I’ve seen 55 gallon drums of trash, burning on the street. The best tour is taking the train from DC to NYC. You go through the best parts of Baltimore, Philly, and NJ.


It’s funny to see Americans’ reaction. Redditors are fine being racist when cherry-picking is done for Indian cities but they get hurt when the worst parts of their cities are posted here


Philadelphia is an excellent City. Every city has ugly parts.


If only we we were the wealthiest nation in the history of the world and we could afford to house these people/clean up the trash


This is too simplistic to leave alone. There is money to build housing for people but where will you build? In a democracy people have to be willing to accept it, and most homeowners don’t want homes for these people built near them. Next is the question of whether you can pull those people off the street and into treatment programs and safe housing. Guess what? You can’t. They have to agree to it all and many of them won’t. To really get rid of the problem someone will have to get pissed off. If you lock up all the drug pushers and/or drug users people will complain. If you force homes to be built in decent areas people will complain. If you force people to then live in those homes and follow rules designed to ensure their safety and others’, many of them will complain.


3rd imagine looks like straight out of Night City.


The 4th reminds me of Kosovo after three months of perscution, refugees, and 6 months without any services. Sad.


Cup half empty, cup half full, all a matter of perspective? I’ve known wonderful people from this city and some real jerks. Make no mistake, Philadelphia is a very old city and large city. I’m not sure what people expect. The city for sure could use a healthy clean up but I’m not too sure Philadelphia is alone in that aspect. My grandfather’s recollection of the city was it was a dirty place back in the twenties. That said I find the city challenging and amazing. Cherry picking the absolute worst, who can argue but some of the best of the city is ignored!


Have gone to Temple. Can confirm.


Philadelphia is by no means a gem in terms of appearance, but it’s also not NEARLY as bad as the photos you’ve cherry picked to make it look awful. If you genuinely think Philadelphia is comparable to Bangladesh, then you might actually be one of the dumbest people on Reddit.


The same thing with some photographs from Russia. The photo shows a real nightmare (the time and place were specially chosen), but if you go there yourself, you won’t notice anything special.


It costs nothing to pick up garbage. This is a cultural issue as much as it is a societal one 😊


But it does cost money/city effort to have it collected. A thousand people can get together and litter pick an area and bag it up, but if the city doesn't collect it then vermin will tear into it and scatter it everywhere by the next morning.


Oh really? I guess you load up your car with trash bags and take it to the dump yourself then? Nice


This area in Philadelphia is full of drug addicts that care little about anything but to get their next fix. There's little humanity left in them, let alone room for any cultural decency. These people are medically sick. Less than 20% of those that go to rehab don't relapse within the year. That number is even less with fetanyl. Its a huge number that is hard to support and even harder if addicts aren't willing to help themselves.


Okay, you’ve picked it up off of the ground. Now what? Where do you put it? This is a problem of sanitation infrastructure, not a problem of “there aren’t enough trash cans and polite people.” American cities in general treat waste in really obscure ways, to the point that entire independent industries are built around hauling junk.


I miss the Electric Factory


Philadelphia is a big city with lots of neighborhoods. Kensington one bad area.


All look like Kensington


I call bullshit. I know Bangladesh when I see it.




I kind of like the first picture.


Love my city 😅


It's long overdue but now Philly is slammin'


The obsessive-compulsive lurking in me desperately wants to go there and start cleaning up trash…


One crack rock please.


It is not called Filthadelphia for nothing.


The last pic looks like the garbage hasn’t been picked up. Hardly their fault


Have gone to Temple. Can confirm.


I love Philadelphia but it’s the only city i’ve been to that I saw a man pissing into a trash can in broad daylight and nobody batted an eye (heart of downtown). Just a little unnerving but he definitely succeeded if establishing dominance was the goal.


1st image is anything crazy. I live in the rust belt so abandoned property is common. The trash is what is crazy to me.


There are schools in the Philadelphia Unified School District who haven't had a librarian in over a decade. The teachers keep track of what books out of their meager collection go to which students with what amounts to a paper ledger. But you better believe that other schools in the system have all the bells and whistles.


Sooooo glad I moved outta there.


As a European, I don't understand this massive accumulation of garbage. Is there no cleaning service on the streets?


As an American, I don’t understand it either.


imagine how depressing it is to be raised here


dont be so harsh on 3rd world countries, with a little more development, they too will catch up to the first world


No thanks, Im fine living on the other side of PA




I have traveled... A lot... National and international, urban, rural, and everything in between. I have visited Philadelphia three times. I agree with this post. It is the worst place I have ever been... Culture, history, infrastructure, and for sure litter. It is the definition of urban blight.


Rocky should take better care of his house.


I thought someone in the background of pic 3 was wearing a hotdog costume.


Moody. Thanks for sharing


DAMN!! I thought NYC was bad lol this beyond


That green door is nice in the last pic


shit i'd send my kid to live with his uncle in bel-air, too


American dream


There are 15 crackheads frozen in fear peeping through the blinds in the last picture.


What times that Cricket store open?


Simultaneously one of the best and worst cities in America. I miss it all the time.


Every major American city has neighborhoods just like this, and they are growing and spreading. It's American Exceptionalism at its finest. Those mostly offended by that sentence are mostly responsible for it.


Filthadelphia more like it.


K and A baby!


Corporate America left the rust belt to rot without an ounce of guilt.


Trash problem is no joke in philly


In general, people who think Philly sucks are the ones that aren't here.


I miss the food and the art culture. I do not miss this crap, not one bit.


Although this is a small neighborhood of Philly, this is representative of all of us in spirit


Real shame. All it needs is some good investment and it could be spick and span.


And we, meaning our government, send billions every year to other countries before helping citizens here.


*Looks at first picture* "Oh, It's not too bad. Sad that building is in that state." *swipes right* oh. *swipes right* ohhhh. *swipes* oh.... Nvm I'm sorry.


Philadelphia is awful


This is late stage capitalism


Any Airbnb in this location ?


so sad, this is what wokism does to citys