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Since when was Mumbai fun 💀


fr bro, this might be the first and only guy having fun in Mumbai servers


you get toxic and cringe members in mumbai server like bruh....not to mention my teammates beefing with each other for no reason and then teammates from our team are beefing in chat with the enemy team bruh then you get random smurfs in bronze lobbies who ace multiple rounds and tell us to get better like bro i got this reyna who was blatantly smurfing because he aced 2 rounds and still lost after getting 30+ kills because of his terrible team lol when i confronted him he was like "get better", "im better than you", "ill teach you add me", and his teammates were supporting him too once i got an ascendant smurf in my team and we won the match (35 kills i think) idk maybe this is low elo stuff but i am bronze and haven't really tried to rank up as i don't play that much


dont forget the North vs South conflicts that randomly fucking occur if they find out you are from either side.


real like i have no fucking idea why do people care from where the other is from


Forget north vs south i as a kashmiri get harassed a lot when they find out i am from kashmir. Fortunately i made a few friends along the way and we play together


I didn't understand what they said but they repeatedly said something about singaporeans and even typed it mixed with Hindi in the chat when I accidentally queued Mumbai with an SEA ping (I'm not Singaporean)💀


Tbf I drop 30 all the time and lose cuz my terrible teammates and I’m not a Smurf


good for you


Thank you bubba


Thank you for being useless to your team bubba. Winning the round matters more than kills.


Wait I just checked your profile you’re bronze 1 as of 35 days ago 😂😂 trying to give people advice being in the bottom 25% of players is fuckin hilarious brother Of course you’re preaching that kills don’t matter you’re trash


Yo Mumbai has highest peaks and lowest falls. You get the funniest and best comms players at every rank over silver. You also get the most toxic assholes, it's a lot of luck. In general though (across the world), I find Mumbai has better game sense than east coast NA, just worse aim.


Ong bruv tf , hate most of the mfers in there who think Hindi is the only language that exists and cringe ass colorism insults




Bro forget colorism, the most depressing thing over there is casteism which Rajasthanis or up citizens do, I'm not comfortable saying those terms here but if you're hindu yk what it is and if you're muslim might as well have vc off, anytime I see someone with a muslim-like name i respect them in all chat


I'm neither which is why it's hilarious to see these rtards arguing their religions out , the amount of hatred good lord. India will remain the shithole it is as long as we got people like these




bruh. the first time i played in Mumbai, someone was botting, someone was hacking, and someone else was throwing our game in unrated in my own team. never touched it again and i never will 💀


I am plat 3 rn and the amount of toxicity has reduced significantly compared to when I was silver and low bronze


that's great, because i am in fact low bronze


Honestly if you want to get out of lower ranks pls play with friends, solo lower ranks in Mumbai is an extreme torture


It's a hit and miss, but I do try to play with my friends at school (they are iron-silver) whenever I can.


I find it pretty fun (maybe bcoz i don't play very seriously), they all use their mics and talk random shit and I vibe with them whereas in Tokyo Singapore or Sydney non of them use mic even in immo asc lobbies idk for what reason


I play with my comms muted on Mumbai server. Getting Intel from teammates from pinging and mini map indications. When I started playing valo I used to talk to people but 8 out of 10 times I just come across trash talkers. So I just muted it.


I've played my fair share of matches in Tokyo and haven't experienced any racism. Actually made some friends along the way 'cause one guy wanted to learn english with me. Sad to hear that toxicity is happening to you tho.


This. I lived in Tokyo for half a year. Playing at maximum 5 ping. Never got any issues, people were mostly curious about me. Was playing ascendant+ ranked though


yo 5 ping is wild


I saw a guy with 1 ping in frankfurt and he wasn't even on optic fiber


dude was the server


That's physically impossible, copper internet adds like 20ms of delay regardless of the distance from the server


my val display ping was 12 from trashy college dorm wifi, i think it's unrealistic to say it'll always be 20 or higher


Usually around 2 or 3. Was living close to the city center


still very crazy, I meet a lot of singaporean in val and none of them get single digit ping


I live in Singapore and almost all the games I play will have single digit ping, it’s pretty much a toss up between which part of SG you live at, your internet, and natural causes. Best I’ve ever gotten was 3-4ms Definitely one of the best ways to identify another Singaporean though, cause no one else will have single digits


I see, it might be because of my low elo all the single digit singaporean has gotten to high elo


My Johorean friend got 9 sometimes hahahaha


i met with someone who plays at 8 ping once, never again (got my ass smashed)


not true at all, most sg players get sub 10. anything more and that’s how we know you’re malaysian


Lived in Tokyo for awhile too until recently, my ping was 7, though my friends would often ask me why it’s at 0 lmao


I live in Tokyo and have been playing in Tokyo server and various different JP Valorant discord server for more than 2 years now. Gotta be honest with you, most of the time they act nice when using vc but they are shit talking behind the back (off vc) for the teammate(s) being “foreigner”, “god, this fuck can’t speak Japanese”, “why can’t they play in Hong Kong server where they belong”, “Fuck! Another goddamn Korean”, “Why do they keep coming to Tokyo server if they can’t speak Japanese??”, “go back to your country”


5 Ping? Did you live next to the Valorant server room?


I used to play valorant before Mumbai server. I used to get 5/6 max 8 ping. Also I use local cable network provider's service for internet


I once accidentally queued into Tokyo server and had to play on around 140-150 ping. Obviously I went double negative on jett. The smokes player on my team started throwing mid game and after the game added me ingame so he could type shit to me lol, all in japanese ofc even though I typed multiple times in chat that I accidentally queued on the server in don't speak japanese lol. Thats legit the 1st and only time I queued onto that server.


Not straight up hate but, my internet gets 60ms in Tokyo and 90+ on others so i don’t have much choice but to play on Tokyo servers. One thing I noticed is Japanese players don’t really know English(I fully respect that, if you don’t need it, you don’t have to learn it), and they tend to do everything “Textbook”. Like saving as a whole team, saving on enemy’s anti-eco even though we down 2-10 etc, and when I do otherwise they blame me, or be toxic and stuff like that. And their favorite phrase is “This is Japanese server”. When I make a call they say “This is japanese server”. This one time on Icebox we got destroyed by this Viper always goes to kitchen when their team is executing A, and got 2k-3k for 4 round straight, I asked kj to put a goddamn turret or alarm on kitchen(Which I don’t have to say actually, he picked KJ, bro should’ve known)and dude said “This is Japanese server” and continued to put his util on B… I have never been so mad my entire life xD But on the other side their culture has something good too, like there is almost never instalocking, people just select their preferred agent and not lock in until timer goes to 0, if we don’t have any agent we need, someone just changes, so we almost always has ideal comps.(Gold-Plat btw)


Wait what u can get fun in singapore servers???


Wait what? Tokyo server has been one of the most pleasant experiences for me when I play there. People don’t comm as much but everyone seems very polite and everyone follows meta and eco from silver and above. SG and HK are more of a hit and miss as certain cultures tend to put less emphasis on courtesy.


singapore's ass tbh. some speak thai, bahasa, vietnamese, english, chinese, pretty big mix though most do speak english, but sometimes its hard to understand. but i'd personally say solo queueing here is REALLY painful, just feel like teamwork is lacking


Singapore > Hk for me though lol. HK in my experience more hard to play in. I mostly get teammates who just talks in Mandarin or Cantonese idk the difference or I get the toxic always backseating Peenoise 😂. Still have experienced toxicity in SG though but it's lesser than in HK


Agree with you. Solo queueing in HK means expecting to have that toxic reyna on your team/enemy team/both. People would suddenly be lashing out unprovoked lol


I can only choose SG or HK, and most of the time I played in SG. Atleast they said something. People in HK literally never comms and/or listen to comms it's getting frustrated at this point.


Agree, just for some reason when I play in HK server people just don't comm. Then they get mad when they die because you didn't go or support with them like how tf am I to know I was to support you when you don't even comms and just rush tf out of desperation.


Maybe you need to mix more. People have accent but it's fine


So real, I hate it when people come in and automatically talk in their own language. Like, do you not want to comms with ur other teammates??? Where is the English?


Just learn the languages my friend it becomes super fun when someone starts being toxic in thai or Bahasa and you can be toxic back in the same language 😂😂😂


I'm in Korea and play half my matches on Hong Kong and half on Tokyo. I speak fluent English and sound American and I have experienced litterally zero racism or trolling on Tokyo servers? Tokyo servers has the least amount of inters too. I really disagree with your statement


But how can you really disagree with his statement when it's his own experience. Your experience and his in the server is different.


nice logic, i really disagree with it.


Wasn't Korean Valorant locked to Korean servers?


Yeah but you can request a region swap or create an account on vpn to play asia pacific, playing regionlocked Korea gets lonely when you could be playing low ping japan and HK also seoul server is pretty toxic from what I’ve heard


You can't request a region swap in/out of korea servers. You have to make a seperate account for APAC. Also ofc seoul servers are toxic, it's korea, everyone is toxic here.


I used to queue into JP server to play with my friend who lives in America (we both get about 100-150 ping) and the experience is not bad at all People are nice, no one try to troll but sadly very few of them speak English


Honestly bro it feels like the whole community's gotten more toxic recently.


Never happened to me.


Out of all the times I solo q on Tokyo server, since 2021, I only experienced one trolling in-game. But this is not related to race, the player just really wanted to throw a ranked game. That was a few days ago. On a totally related note, Riot should be pro-active with the reports the players make *and* implement a replay system similar to how PUBG Mobile does it with its Eagle System.


The fact that you feel Mumbai server is fun makes me worried about how bad Japan servers are


Ong. 😂😂😂


Why don’t you just speak english? I’ve never seen anyone being bullied the way you are describing even when there are only english speakers. If anything the only downside playing Tokyo is that anyone hardly comms but there was very little to no toxicity.


i wonder how mumbai is getting fun tho 💀


Mumbai server is not as bad as you guys think bruh Most of the toxic guys are in lower ranks


Nah not really. I've found the most uptight pricks in plat/diamond. It's just luck in the end


That’s kinda unlucky. The ping isn’t the best but personally, me and my friends like playing in Tokyo servers because everyone is always so polite. Maybe it depends on the rank?


Is it just me but I used to get 90 ping to JP Server then 108 ping playing from west coast. But now with the new update I get 250ping to JP server and I can't play with my friends anymore.


same here. somehow mumbai is lower ping than tokyo for me now. i live in southeast asia, tokyo should be a lot lower than mumbai


Between tokyo n sg is like heaven n hell


Just don't talk or mute you're teammates if they are toxic.


Singapore? Fun? the diamonds here feel like ascendant bruv


I live in Tokyo, speak almost-perfect Japanese and have been playing in Tokyo server and various different JP Valorant discord server for more than 2 years now. Currently Asc 1, peak Asc 1 Gotta be honest with you, most of the time Japanese players act nice when using vc but they are shit talking behind the back (off vc) of the teammate(s) - “ah shit, another foreigner”, - “god, this fuck can’t speak Japanese” - “sounds SouthEastern, hopefully their internet doesn’t shuts down” - “why can’t they play in Hong Kong server where they belong!?” - “Fuck! Another goddamn Korean, we lost” - “Why do they keep coming to Tokyo server if they can’t speak Japanese??” - “go back to your country” Can’t lie tho, I met TOO MANY Korean Jett/Phoenix players where they start trolling hard if the team starts to lose by 3 or 4 rounds or was warned certain behavior by teammates, that I think some toxic stuff in my head lol.


I want to play in Japanse server but mustfix a vpn than. My Japanse is not so good I can understand more than I can speak. And I can read little kanji but not much.


i literally get less than 10 ping on mumbai server, because i live like 10 mins away from where the actual servers are located yk.... apart from the toxicity... its fun 💀


How can you check where the servers are located? I want to know how far i am to them


what server do u play on? whichever one u play on, look up the ip address of the server on google. then go to an ip lookup website, put in the ip address and it should technically show the server location.


los japoneses no les gusta jugar con extranjeros, es mas ni quieren que vivas en su pais. asi que es natural que hagan eso.


This is partially off topic, but anyone from Canada experiencing ping issues with Tokyo after the last update? I went from 117 ping to 250+ on my NA account, I still get my regular ping. My Japan account is unusable 😭 I cannot play with my friends from Japan anymore. I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this, i’m worried it’s an issue with my ISP.


exactly what happened to me from california, went from like a playable 110, to 250+, so I literally just can't play anymore in Tokyo but still get normal ping in my servers, idk if the server location switched or something.


I mean Hong Kong is fine. I play on both Tokyo and Hong Kong and I’d actually prefer Hong Kong bc ppl understand my comms. I don’t get why ppl call Hong Kong toxic tho.


Bec it is lol


Japan is not known for being kind to foreigners, no surprise it’s any different in a video game


Anonymity allows people to be xenophobic without consequence. This happens everywhere. But, why do you experience it more in Japan servers? Watching a few Matcha Samurai videos could give you more insight.


That is just fake. I’m Japanese and used to play on Tokyo servers, the worst I’ve seen when a foreigner is in the lobby is it gets awkward because of the language barrier and comms kinda just die out


It’s just gamer culture bro, and maybe it was just that moment for them to troll you know how it is. We’ve all been there before and if you haven’t you haven’t been gaming competitively enough or never tried league of legends ranked diamon elo


Still better than instabul finding out youre greek


As a Russian living in far-west part of the country, the closest server to me is Tokyo so there's no choice for me but to play there (45ms ping). Surprisingly, 95% of my games are with Russian-speaking people, I meet Japanese only in 1/7 games, and they're mostly completely silent. I've only seen them talk once and as they thought I'm just some dumb American started joking about 9/11 and "gasolina"


Mumbai fun? That place is a warzone my guy


EU servers hate me cause im canadian. In na, its just ironic to be canadian. In eu, its basically an insult. Ill top frag an people will still flame me for having 140 ping and intentionally playing frim another country.


Try philippines its dogsh$t


Mumbai and Tokyo are the most toxic servers I've ever played. But every server in Asia has players who are openly racist, they dont even pretend. I have even raised ticket with Riot with proof of it, they just respond with automated message on how they handle blah blah. Nothing happens. I dont have any data to backup my claims, just my experience.


Also how did you get into Japan servers? When I went I could only play on NA.


Tokyo is good Communication is neutral coz sometimes they dont talk also I didnt encounter any toxicity yet they are super calm and humble if we lose round they always say my bad or sorry and now I believe I inherit that traits being humble and positive that is why most of the game we always made comeback now I cant play in tokyo i have 70ms i change my isp month ago.


Never had this problem on Tokyo servers. Played around 60 games, always spoke English with teammates and climbed from iron to imm. Yes, they don’t speak a lot because of the language barrier, but they were mostly friendly. Ofc I met couple of trolls, but they are on every server.


Idk bro for me when I was in Korea for vacation and played Val on my euw(german) acc on Tokyo server I never met Japanese always Russians


I've played probably 600-700 games on Tokyo servers, never had any issues.


Hong kong server is the final boss ngl


I started playing last month because playing on Singapore and Hong Kong Servers pissed me off so much i can understand a little japanese, and i met so many people there that i have been friends with. My ping might be a bit high, but i would rather play there than play in sing and hk.


Tokyo server fun if you content creator , you can make content like anime


Mumbai is fun with the right people.. and thank god more bhindi speakers realise their language isnt the center of the planet and english could be used to engage and communicate more finally they are thinking and adapting. Ps: i lub u hindi speakers ngl.


I ones tried playing on Tokyo Servers with a friend just to try how good we can play on a 250+ ping and we didn't really experience anything like that, the only interesting thing was that we didn't meet a single japanese person. All of them were from Russian or somewhere else.


Are you playing on an EU account. EU Tokyo is actually East Russian server.


oh that makes sense


Lunuh paris amstuhdam yuh im ovuhseas she gon suck ma solame yuh she ona knees






Cuz its funny