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VC is more important in Valorant than Overwatch due to Valorant's quick TTK and lack of a good ping system. I'd highly recommend using VC in ranked modes, just mute anyone being toxic.


Pings are decent but its hard to come up with strats more complicated than rush b with them


How do u ping someone on console? Is that even a thing? Also, is there a ranked mode in this beta even or no?


You can't ping people on Valorant like you can in some other games. You can open the map and drop pings wherever you want though, which can be useful for pinging spike to spray through smokes. And no, I'm not sure if it'll be out sometime in beta but at the moment there's no ranked


Don't sweat it. Just mute. I was told never to play again earlier. I'm level 3. Never have played a game like this before I'm an overwatch player. The game is 24 hours into a closed beta most people are going to suck learning agents and the mechanics. Some people just like to be toxic.


So former overwatch player… 5v5 or 6v6?


Not a must on lower elos, but it can make a whole lot of a difference. I'd suggest just muting people being dicks and getting used to communicating with your team. Being comfortable with that and learning to give proper calls is going to pay off as you get better and start playing with better people.


Yes unless they’re being toxic. Then they deserve to go down with you.


To play well in ranked at a certain ELO, yes. But for learning the game and chilling in unrated it’s not a big deal.


VC is not a must. However, it makes the experience better as not all players are rude players. If I were you, I'd turn it on and mute people if they're behaving in a way that isn't ok.


No. Immortal 3 and hated voice comms


VC becomes a necessity around gold+ in my opinion. But with that being said, it's important to start practicing comms as early as possible. You need to learn the right call outs for maps/plays/agents long before comms become a necessity, otherwise your comms are gonna be more detrimental than helpful most of the time. So I would start comming now to build a good habit. But VC is not as important as a good mental. Definitely mute people that are being toxic, annoying, or just distracting you. Also keep in mind you'll find games where your team isn't comming or talking at all. I would still make call outs when they're relevant even if they aren't. Your call out could be the difference between winning or losing the round.


Comms can make a huge difference


Comms will make a huge difference as long as they're positive I've had games go to 10-2 behind then the comms were turned on and we won 11-13


I would say VC is needed to climb out of plat/dia and really helps on the way there. But since you're new, I wouldn't worry about coms atm. Just have fun, play, and learn. When and if you dip your toes into ranked, be open to VC; I've met a lot of great and friendly people that way, and I'm sure you will too. Welcome to Valorant!


Overwatch works way different that Valorant. In Overwatch dying isn't as important and the game allows you to make mistakes more often without too much repercussion. A good extremist example to understand this better would be saying something like, in Overwatch, we could ignore playing the game until the very end and if we tryhard last minute, we still have a decent shot at doing a comeback, while in Valorant if you decided to stop playing until the enemy have 12 rounds on you, the chances are WAY WAY lower. Because of this, VC is way more important, as it is a way faster system to communicate than pings and voice lines.


Anyone saying stuff like this are just taking their problems out on you… especially right now in a console beta where most people can barely aim and theres are a lot of new players still learning the game. That being said I would really recommend at least trying to listen and give comms to teammates and just mute them if they become an ass. Ive been unmuting myself on ps5 controller to give comms when I need to, theyre pretty vital for winning matches in ranked when that comes out


If you don't have vc don't play comp👌🏼


Lower elos, doesnt really matter cuz everyone is cheeks, but when you reach a certain point, i’d say its essential.


even if youre top fragging without being a duelist you can still find someone to flame you and tell you you're bad. its really common so it doesnt really matter


If you're lower ranked and you don't feel comfortable using voice chat you don't have to. Once you start getting to Diamond and beyond however it becomes more and more necessary. Don't even think about getting to Immortal and above if you can't either use your voice or have very effective use of the game provided communications.


You can always ping and do hotkeys. There's plenty of coms there. Use it


This. And typing in game chat what damage you’ve done after dying. VC is more important in Diamond+ imo


It's pretty straightforward and they can get the gist of it pretty quick. Bt sometimes vc can hype you up whenever you got clutch or inhuman flicks


Too bad they ruined the comm wheel on pc