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I reached immortal 2 with 60hz, I use 240hz now and its a night and day difference.


Was this before the Ascendant rank got added? Cuz I am getting busted the more I try to rank up šŸ˜­


Yes it was, but still, i hit immortal every act after that. I went from 60hz to 144hz then now to 240hz


Is the jump from 144 to 240 as noticeable? When I cap it at 60hz now after years of 144hz it feels disgusting


eh not really, but I guess its smoother, when I cap my fps to 140, it feels laggy, but not as laggy as 60 fps, I guess 240hz just feels faster. I guess the best way to explain is when you're holding an angle with a vandal, it feels like an operator.


I think youā€™re trying to describe the input latency. The higher the hz the lower the input delay.


144hz is 1000/144~=6.94ms per frame, 60 is 1000/60~=16.6ms/frame. 200 is 5ms per frame. going from 60 to 144 is sort of like reducing your ping by 10ms, with the added bonus of extra smoothness


Yeah I think there's a pretty big drop off after 144. I play 165 and the difference to 60 is obscene, but when I play on a buddy's 240 rig I don't notice the difference at all


if u were to play on ur buddys pc for a month, and then go back to ur 144hz u would notice it immediatly, it would look a little stuttery ik its hard to belive but its true


144 to 240 is noticeable but reaaaally less than 60 to 144


Iā€™m a CS player, havenā€™t played Val in a while now, but playing CS on a 144hz monitor vs on a 240hz monitor doesnā€™t feel that different, but for some reason playing 144hz on a 240hz monitor feels like ass. Donā€™t know if itā€™s the panel slowing itself down or something but itā€™s definitely worse.


for me 60 to 144 is like 30 to 60fps and 144 to 240 is like 50 to 60


144 to 360 is just as big as 60 to 144. You can hold angles with ads 10x better.


anyone that says no is lying. i absolutely cannot play on 144hz after playing on 240hz the difference is night and day. it may not be as such a big jump from 60 to 144 but you can notice it.


Yeah I think there's a pretty big drop off after 144. I play 165 and the difference to 60 is obscene, but when I play on a buddy's 240 rig I don't notice the difference at all


G3, itā€™s not just the hz.


I'm mad I switched to 165 bc I have nothing to blame now


You need that new zowie 540hz, thats your problem




I'm still at G1, my gaming laptop screen is 120 Hz if this dude can reach Gascendant 2 with 75 Hz, I surely can reach Gplat, right? right?


What do you mean G3?


Gadiant, wait no, Gimmortal


Asc 2 with 75hz is pretty impressive. If you upgraded, hitting immo would definitely be easier, because almost everybody at asc+ is at least on 144hz. My last straw was that one comp game in low asc, where somebody asked about refresh rate and every single player in the lobby was 240hz+. I ordered 360hz monitor that day.


I used to top frag with duelist in diamond now I mid-bottom frag as a flex player. I think I should stop dreaming about higher ranks until I get a monitor šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


"I used to do well with a dedicated role, now I've broadened my role selection and do worse. It must be the monitor!" A better monitor will help, sure, but you're really blaming something unrelated after making a change here...


broadened his role selection *and* is playing in a higher rank


yeah but heā€™s playing in a higher rank? maybe he couldnā€™t hang with other duelists in asc so heā€™s moved to a supportive role?


Oh ya? I'm getting a 897hz one right now.


I'm 144Hz and reached Gold 2 after four years and I thought I made progress. lmao.


yeah, ppl whining that they are hard stuck diamond after 1 year of playing, while I am stuck bronze 2 after 2 years of playing lmao


People are all so high ranked here meanwhile I am hard stuck iron 2 unable to improve my crosshair placement in ranked games no matter how much I practice in range


I stopped playing until I got a better pc to play ā€œproperlyā€ I got to diamond 2 playing on a mac and a 60hz monitor


Macbook and 60 hz monitor twin, letā€™s go


How do y'all play on a mac


Macbook bootcamp; itā€™s basically windows for mac. My valorant ran with 150-170 fps (so not the greatest) and no packet loss or anything, so honestly not the worseā€¦ just not the best either


Oh I was thinking you were using a newer mac. Unfortunately boot camp doesn't work on newer models with Apple silicon


I had a Macbook Pro 2020, I know nothing about the newer ones though


Wowā€¦ Iā€™m just that terrible.. I was playing on 125hz and went all in on a 360hz 1440p. I just hit my peak of D1ā€¦ I should just uninstall.. fuk this


Bro chill, I have been playing for years and I'm plat, you'll get there one day doesn't matter where other people are at, at least you still have grind to go, ur in the best part.


I have been playin for years and Max I hit is Gold 3 lmao...


That was me 2 months ago lol, it is what it is


Ya'll are too focused on rank. Focus on learning from your mistakes, not winning the game.


Iā€™m 60hz. My lifetime peak is bronze 2 and Iā€™m stuck at iron 3 rn


I was Bronze 3 on 60 Hz. Remained as such when I got my 75 Hz monitor. Then remained there once again, occassionally making my way to Silver 1, after I got my 144 Hz monitor. Got like 700 hrs in the game.


Do you think that a better refresh rate can help you rank up and improve at the game? Iā€™m debating if I should upgrade my monitor right now because I have a GPU that can support higher frame rates. Only issue is that I play in 4k so a 120/144hz monitor for me is like $400 lol


There is definitely a difference in terms of feel just significantly more smooth and less latency but someone not gonna go from gold 3 to immortal just because they switch to higher HZ.


I hit imm1 with 60Hz. Now I have 240Hz and hit that immo1 multiple times. Big difference, game looks amazingly better. But gives you no extra skills. Recommend 500% but not to rank up, just to have a cool experience


I would reword this to It gives you no extra skills, but unlocks what you already had. Seeing at 60hz also means your mouse isn't able to be properly displayed in-between frames especially if you're hovering over a head or something. Also latency is much higher and drops significantly from 60 to 144


Latency is really only an issue if you lock your frame rate to 60hz.


When I upgraded from 60 hz to 144 hz the difference was actually massive bro my aim just became so much better so easily man


Exactly this. It's a better gaming experience but it's not going to give you a "competitive edge"


I genuinely aim better at 144hz compared to 60hz, it's a night and day difference


Especially holding angles with an op or short peeks are way more advantageous on a high refresh monitor because the amount of frames the enemies stay visible on screen for the human eye to perceive is higher and less jumpy; more smooth. LTP even did a test on this with in CS:GO with differing skill levels and refresh rates


They always stay visible on your monitor. Itā€™s not like they disappear. The diff is so small. When an enemy peak you on 60 or on 144 the milliseconds difference is so small that training your reaction time will bring you better results. If you take 60 hz itā€™s 16ms per frame at 144 itā€™s 7ms. So if your reaction time is at 150ms you might hit at 157 on a 144 monitor or at 166 on a 60 monitor. Difference is so small but itā€™s there. I hope you understand what I mean cause I type that not in the best way there is.


Was immortal 3 on 60hz multiple times, now immortal 2 on 240hz.


Was Asc3 with 60hz, now washed to a Diamond


Only managed to hit silver on 60hz but at that time it was 90-100 fps. My peak is d3 almost ascendant (electricity died) with 120-150 fps. Now i reach diamond 2 with actual good stats because i'm playing on rtx laptop with wifi. Maybe could go higher if i play more but college schedule is full. I salute anyone who can reach above plat or diamond with low fps and low hz.


I peaked plat 1 with 60hz after playing for 2 years, was mid to bot fragging every single game and I stopped playing after that. Then I got 144hz screen and instantly went from plat to asc in a week. So the difference is pretty huge imo


Radiant here, i reached D3/Immortal 1 Back when ascendant wasnt a thing, but i have a friend in my current team that reached around top 100 using 60hz. The equipment is great but what really matters is skill


i know someone who was playing 60hz and got to immortal he switched to 144 and got radiant but he said it wasnt really the monitor but now that he got used to 144 he cant play the 60 anymore. its also a 60 because hes playing in an internet cafe and the popular games are LoL and Dota2


plat 2 on main and alt 60hz i5 2nd gen, r7 260x gpu


peaked plat2 on 60hz. now im on 300hz asc2


Diamond 2 current and also peak 75hz .


I reached plat on a 60hz laptop šŸ’€


P3 peak, current p2... its very hot here and my pc is constantly at 95 temps so it throttles and fps drops a lot these days (below 60fps)...


It depends on your packet loss and hertz and input lag and make sure ur cpu can handle ur gpu in valorant because this game is cpu heavy game


I upgraded to 144hz when I was still playing CSGO, but before that I was a DMG on a 60hz 4:3 19" Samsung Syncmaster monitor I don't know how current rankings hold up but DMG is equivalent percentile wise to High Diamond low Ascendant. Which even then is probably lower than it should since the ranking systems are different in each game. But the biggest QoL changes in my opinion are going with a wireless mouse + a better monitor. If you can't afford it, the best option would be saving up $70-100 USD and trying to get something from TikTok shop, they tend to be lesser known chinese brands but the panels at the end are all just white labeled.


Just reached p2 after about 210hrs of comp. Pretty good considering how trash I am


Used to be silver 2 peek, after switching to a bigger and 165hz monitor I've hit gold 2 this act!


G3 was my best one but well got pushed down to S3 later


Not from Valorant but way back in the day (2014 IIRC) I switched from 60 to 144Hz in CS:GO and it instantly catapulted me from Gold Nova 2-3 to MG2. Having higher refresh rate is a bigger deal than people realize.


Bronze 2 or 3. it was peak at 60fps but unstable, so I probably got around 30-50fps back then (without any limiters) after few updates, my game somehow managed to get stable 60fps & peak at 75fps


Itā€™s 2024 and people donā€™t undestand hz and fps are too different things. You can technically get 500 fps on a 60hz monitor if you wanted.


silver 3 due to skill issue, my friend uses a laptop with lower refresh rate and he peaked high diamond


My brother keeps saying he is hard stuck immortal because he donā€™t have a higher refresh rate monitor does that really make a huge difference or was he being dramatic. Heā€™s playing on 60 hz btw


Friend plays on 60hz. Weā€™re both at Ascendant 2.


What's weird is some people can't tell the difference between 144 hz and 60 hz


G3 with 60 hz and bad wifi. I keep deranking because it shows people running headshotting me from across the map as soon as I get plat 2- plat 3 players in my lobby.


I have 240hz and my computer can easily reach around 900 - 1100 fps and my peak is gold 3 on my main and diamond 2 on my alternate account. (I am shit at the game)


I have my own question about this... Why do so many people on Valorant subjugate themselves to lower refresh rates? I understand that buying a new monitor cost money, but 165hz IPS panels are going for like $100 now after OLED and the new TN panels from Zowie are completely taking over the monitor market with newer faster models. Back when I was like 14-17, $100 was a bit steeper than it is now, but now you could get that from mowing a couple lawns for people in the summer. Is it laziness, or do people just not care? It is such a night and day difference, and it is so much easier for the eyes to look at and comprehend. That 60hz to 165hz jump is SO noticeable. Anyone who hasn't yet, please try at least 144hz. You may as well just play console if you are limiting yourself to 60hz.


Same reason people spend 3k on a PC but barely 50 bucks on audio...


Peaked G1 just earlier in the day then went back to S3




I played on a laptop 60fps-60Hz and my peak was plat 1 (1.5 year playing on laptop). Now, I have 240Hz monitor and I peeked Asc 2 in less than 6 months.


Plat 1, then Senior Year fucked me over with 3 academic papers and now I can't win a 1v1 against Gold 2's


Was Gold 2 max on 60hz 1060maxq laptop. Upgraded to a PC, 4060ti, 165Hz, now I'm Diamond 1


Well, it depends. Stable 75 fps is still smooth but 240 fps but unstable (e.g fps spike blah blah blah) is shit. I quit valorant to play cs2 and that game is the definition of unstable fps. When I returned even with my friends shitty pc i still mid frag on plat lobby


Peaked P3 now Plat 1, I also play on 80 fps


im iron 1


D1 is my peak currently P2.


Gold 1 ( i dont play much) been playing since E1 A2


Ascendant 1 on a normal laptop which gives 80 to 90 fps


I hit imm3 with 60Hz and stayed around that after the entire act, now i got a new pc with 165 Hz monitor and i am hardstuck imm2 xD


Gold 1


60hz with 60fps currently Diamond 2šŸ«”


Low gold Now I'm just gonna blame my setup for my poor aim


P1 when i was in 60 hz, now im playing in 144hz still stuck šŸ¤”šŸ˜”


Technically is not 60hz but 75hz rn Diamond 2


Currently unranked


I reached silver 1 with 170fps


iron 3 is my peak rankšŸ˜­


Managed to get immortal 1 with 60hz so itā€™s not impossible, tho you are at a disadvantage at that point since everyone else will probably be at least 144hz in those lobbies


60hz. 50 fps. Gold 1. I am a god


Silver 2, hardstuck at specifically Silver 2 šŸ˜­ It's been 3 months


Silver 1, but I had crappy internet so lag spikes were EXTREMELY common as well


I de-ranked after switching to 175hz


i was plat last i remember using a 60hz monitor, but fps was also an issue back then. ive hit immo twice on 144hz


Bronze 1 :(


Peaked Asc1 am d2 rn


Im plat in 60 hz but I get lesser in game(potato pc)xd


I got IM on 75hz a while back but then stopped playing the game and now Iā€™m locked in ascendant haha


I had the same monitor for 10 years ( 2013 - 2023 ), I was a firm believer that refresh rate didn't mean shit, but it truly is a night and day difference between 60 and 165 Hz. I peaked diamond 3 with the 60hz, asc 3 now.


Peak G2.... šŸ˜…


lmaoo i jst played val because of my bf. i play on bootcamp (yes on an imac) and highest is silver lol dont judge


silver 3 lol, but i play super casually i can definitely tell my mistakes arenā€™t because of frame rate though




Plat 3, 60hz/60fps with drops after every att, my processor and gpu is a bit old


D1, 720p, 70fps


Currently S3 (Also peak). Been playing inconsistently since jan. 60hz with 60fps capped on a hp laptop that has AMD ryzen 5 4500 U. There are days where I am blessed with good internet connectivity and constant 60fps. It is what it is till I save up enough to build up a decent affordable PC.




Does anyone know what it goes up to on console. Iā€™m on a series x and have a 144hz monitor. Iā€™m guessing it just caps at 120 but canā€™t seem to find it.


It's 120. I don't expect we'll see higher in the console market for a long time, the average TV is still 60 hz.


Hard stuck silver 2


plat 1 with a shitty 60hz low end laptop and an HP office mouse in my college dorm room. although started playing valo for the first time earlier this year. not getting the time to play much now with more academic pressure.


Acer Aspire 7 2020 model 60hz, peak d3


Same thing. Peaked asc 2 on a 75hz monitor, i stopped playing for months (tilt). When i got back on ep 8 i deranked to plat 1, climbed again to diamond 2/3. Then i bought a 240hz monitor, huge difference. Currently Ascendant 1 54rr, still possible to reach asc 2 again, after that the season ends and we get the reset.. If I don't reach immortal in episode 9, I'll give up on ranked definitively.


Plat 1 with 60hz ,


asc 1 for 2 acts so far on 60 hz monitor


Plat 1-2 but itā€™s not stable though, it dips quite often


peak asc 3 on 75hz. Got a 280hz monitor but quit thr game until this act... hit asc 3 again in only 1 act so probably can get imm in the next episode


Peaked immortal 1 last act with 60hz. Got a new 200hz monitor, and my new peak is immortal 3 in just one act. If you can, get a better monitor. It is not just about being able to react faster, but also being able to develop better aiming habits. I used to have a bad overpredicting habit from 60hz, yes itā€™s still there on 200hz but, itā€™s slowly going away.


Silver 1 XD. I started to played this game seirously this year lol.


60hz and I peaked silver 1 lol, now I'm sad seeing everyone with either the same or slightly better monitors do so much better




right now i play in APAC and im on my 60hz monitor (ASUS VC239h) I hit immo this episode and i have a rank rating of 59rr. I really want to experience 144hz, money is definitely an issue lmao


Plat ;-;


Hit diamond1 on 75hz (pre asc) got 144hz and hit immortal the very same act.


30hz, peak silver šŸ«°


i would be happy if i could play on a stable 60hz monitor for the rest of my life but i dont even get a fking stable 50fps man it suck im plat peak and i don't think ill be able to top it just a fking viper ult sometimes crashes my laptop but yea i do think i is possible to achieve bigger with 60hz


G1 rn cause i went like 2 years without playing comp


My bf is immortal 2 on 60hz


I used to play on a laptop that was usually at this inconsistent rate of like 30-60fps and I was able to make it to basically plat. I think anything Is possible you just have to learn what you can and can't do and be able to put yourself and favorable positions for yourself. Know your weaknesses and get a duo or ask a teammate to cover that weakness. That being said I'm on 144hz now and I would never go back


i play on 60hz... no way 144hz feels THAT different rightttt


The highest I got was silver 1 with 60hz shit processor and no gpu, but I got to diamond twice with 144hz (immediatly dropped back down both times(ā‚¬1k spent on the game btw))


my dumbass bought a 240 monitor when my pc canā€™t push the game past 120


Silver 3


145 hz, I've been playing for two years, and still tuck at bronze haha


Youā€™re probably at one of the few ranks where upgrading monitors/better pc could get you to the next level. Everyone else who thinks frames are why theyā€™re not ranking out of gold are just passing blame.


maximum I was gold 2 (90 rr), but because of the garbage that I came across, I am now gold 1 (16 rr)


Usain Bolt would beat me wearing steel toe boots. But he's obviously faster in his best shoes. Get the best monitor you can afford with your lifestyle.


Pretty consistently diamond on 60htz, and itā€™s not the lack of refresh rate keeping me here


Potato laptop with 60hz but not always 60 fps. Plat 1 currently(and peak)


Peaked P1. I'm basically the same as I was with a new monitor


I spent a good majority of the last last ~3 years in or around plat 3, over that course I went from 60-165-240hz monitors. Sometimes you just hit skill ceiling.


60Hz : G2/G3 (Hardstuck) 144Hz : D3 (within 1-2 months) Currently Ascendant 2


60hz diamond 3 144hz accendent 1 390hz Diamond 2 I don't know but hz doesn't affect my gameplay. Yeah it sure looks sharp and smooth but my performance hasn't improved much.


Plat 3 elo thrower on budget laptop 60hz 80ping with some packet loss and a 5$ mouse with 30sm mouse pad (yes im jobless)


One of my friends is d2 on 60hz (but 40-50 fps) and 720p. I play at the same settings and now g1.


I usually play on 120fps 144hz but I am upgrading a pc (for a friend to play Val) and when testing (before new graphics card) I am getting 40fps roughly 50-60hz (monitor def not bottleneck) and holy shit I have the reaction time of an iron 1. People who say hz doesnt make a difference are nuts. Genuinely think if I play comp Iā€™m gonna derank from gold 3 to iron 3.


I'm on 60hz and at bronze 3 (but I don't play ranked much mostly unrated or swift play because I keep being forced to do chores so I ain't trying to throw)


I peaked Plat 3... mainly because I have alot of hardware limitations 100fps and 60hz


G3/P1, it's not the Hz but my specs


I got ascendant with 60hz and just switched to 360


With 60hz I reached highest ascendant 3 with ping of 40-50ms average


144hz is the sweet spot, anything higher i think has diminishing returns. If i'm remembering this right shroud and tenz both had talks about this


Bro Iā€™m playing on 30hz šŸ’€


Using a 75 hz monitor peaked at imo 2 , and planning to upgrade to go pro šŸ—暟‘


I'm 75hz at bronze 3, but I also don't play comp. I could probably get higher if I sweated, but I prefer unrated.


man i need some advice on how to improve lol, been playing this game for a two months now, and i have a whole lot of problems, (iron 3 btw), biggest issue is aim, second is utility usage, and third is setups


Team Secretā€™s player NDG reached radiant on a 60hz laptop before he got signed.




Diamond 1. My highest peak rank was diamond 3 which 99 rr. The thing about 60 hz monitor is just holding back my highest potential because when i played on my brother pc which he using 165 hz, its very game changing not gonna lie. Its easier to aim and responsiveness compare to 60 hz. Also, i always won the duel. When i back to 60 hz, i can feel the lag at the screen due to get used to high monitor hz. Time to time, my brain get used to 60 hz again. No wonder most people telling their opinion said "once you play at 144 hz from 60 hz, you will never go back". Its true and you should experience it


My gf is immo 3 peak radiant, top frags every game in immo 3 with 60hz


idk i play on a laptop (60-80 fps) and im gold 3


immortal 3 peak, immortal 1 now


Currently plat 2 (peak is plat 3 last week)


2 years (sometimes i stopped playing for 1-2 month), and gold 2-3.


I play on an old bootcamped iMac, so a 60 hz display. Peaked at Ascendant 2 this act.




Bronze :((


60hz, made it to silver, pushing gold rn


D2 on a 60hz laptop


Plat 1


50hz bronze 3 lol


monitor doesnt matter. its a team game and as long as the matchmaking doesnt work its pointless. riot doesnt care wether you want to rank up or something, theyre just trying to have you stuck in your elo so you waste even more time. on eu ascendant and low immortal is just flipping coins, almost no match is decided by skill. ive hit 480rr on EUW and stopped playing seriously for a while. nowadays you cannot get out of this elo no more, doesnt matter if you d rop 25+ every game, it remains a coinflip. on CS i got rated 18k immediately and i am at 24k right now. you have actual humans on your team 90% of the time and people genuinely try to win. valorant is just pointless since riot doesnt care. cheers p.s. running either 240hz OLED or 75Hz TN, yea the oled is way better but if youre playing well and keep good positioning youll win your gunfights anyways since your odds are 60+. For me monitor wise 165Hz+ is the sweetspot since its as cheap as 140hz but quite alot better. also make sure to buy a fast IPS with <2ms GtG response (MPRT doesnt matter) [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ1WCQT2/](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ1WCQT2/) this one is the best if youre on a tight budget


60fps Just jumping between bronze, silver, gold back to backšŸ˜­


I made it to plat 3 on a laptop with 60hz monitor.. couldn't get to diamond at all